protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate (bundle); var baseDir = Path.Combine (Application.ApplicationInfo.DataDir, "image_cache"); if (!Directory.Exists (baseDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory (baseDir); var data = new List<IDictionary<string,object>> (); var hr = new HttpWebRequest (new Uri ("")); #if REACTIVE var req = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<WebResponse> (hr.BeginGetResponse, hr.EndGetResponse); Observable.Defer (req).Subscribe (v => { #else { var v = hr.GetResponse (); #endif var urls = new Dictionary<Uri,string> (); var json = (IEnumerable<JsonValue>)JsonValue.Load (v.GetResponseStream ()); #if REACTIVE json.ToObservable ().Select (j => j.AsDynamic ()).Subscribe (jitem => { #else var items = from item in json select item.AsDynamic (); foreach (dynamic jitem in items) { #endif var dic = new Dictionary<string,object> (); dic ["Text"] = (string) jitem.text; dic ["Name"] = (string); var uri = new Uri ((string) jitem.user.profile_image_url); var file = Path.Combine (baseDir, (string) + new FileInfo (uri.LocalPath).Extension); urls.Add (uri, file); dic ["Icon"] = Path.Combine (baseDir, file); data.Add (dic); #if REACTIVE }); #else } #endif urls.ToList ().ForEach (p => new WebClient ().DownloadFileAsync (p.Key, p.Value)); var from = new string [] {"Text", "Name", "Icon"}; var to = new int [] { Resource.Id.textMessage, Resource.Id.textName, Resource.Id.iconView}; this.RunOnUiThread (() => { ListAdapter = new SimpleAdapter (this, data, Resource.Layout.ListItem, from, to); }); #if REACTIVE }); #else } #endif }
static void Main(string[] args) { var stringList = new List<string>(); Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { stringList.Add(random.NextDouble().ToString()); } string[] strvec = stringList.ToArray(); doDynamic(strvec); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate (bundle); var baseDir = Path.Combine (Application.ApplicationInfo.DataDir, "image_cache"); if (!Directory.Exists (baseDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory (baseDir); var from = new string [] {"Text", "Name", "Icon"}; var to = new int [] { Resource.Id.textMessage, Resource.Id.textName, Resource.Id.iconView}; var data = new List<IDictionary<string,object>> (); data.Add (new JavaDictionary<string,object> () { {"Text", "loading"}, {"Name", ""} }); var urls = new Dictionary<Uri,List<string>> (); var getUrl = new Uri (""); #if REACTIVE var hr = new HttpWebRequest (getUrl); var req = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<WebResponse> (hr.BeginGetResponse, hr.EndGetResponse); Observable.Defer (req).Subscribe (v => { var v = hr.GetResponse (); var json = (IEnumerable<JsonValue>) JsonValue.Load (v.GetResponseStream ()); #else var wc = new WebClient (); wc.Headers ["USER-AGENT"] = "Xamarin Android sample HTTP client"; wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, e) => { data.Clear (); var v = e.Result; var json = (IEnumerable<JsonValue>) JsonValue.Parse (v); #endif #if REACTIVE json.ToObservable ().Select (j => j.AsDynamic ()).Subscribe (jitem => { #else foreach (var item in json.Select (j => j.AsDynamic ())) { #endif var uri = new Uri ((string); var file = Path.Combine (baseDir, (string) + new FileInfo (uri.LocalPath).Extension); if (!urls.ContainsKey (uri)) urls.Add (uri, new List<string> () {file}); else urls [uri].Add (file); data.Add (new JavaDictionary<string,object> () { {"Text", item.commit.message}, {"Name",}, {"Icon", Path.Combine (baseDir, file) }}); #if REACTIVE }); #else } #endif urls.ToList ().ForEach (p => { var iwc = new WebClient (); iwc.DownloadDataCompleted += (isender, ie) => p.Value.ForEach (s => { using (var fs = File.Create (s)) fs.Write (ie.Result, 0, ie.Result.Length); }); iwc.DownloadDataAsync (p.Key); }); this.RunOnUiThread (() => { ListAdapter = new SimpleAdapter (this, data, Resource.Layout.ListItem, from, to); }); #if REACTIVE }); #else }; wc.DownloadStringAsync (getUrl); #endif ListAdapter = new SimpleAdapter (this, data, Resource.Layout.ListItem, from, to); }
public static int G(int[] values) { int n = 10; List list = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) list.InsertToEnd(values[i]); return list.Get(3); }