static void DictMethodSample()
            Person p = new Person() {

                LastName  = "TORRES",
                FirstName = "Frederic",
                BirthDay  = new DateTime(1964,12, 11)

            foreach(var k in p.Dict()){
                Console.WriteLine("{0}='{1}'", k.Key, k.Value);
        static void FormatMethodSample()
            var firstName = "Fred";
            var age       = 45;

            var s1 = String.Format("firstName:{0}, age:{1}", firstName, age);

            // Dynamic Sugar Syntax
            var s2 = "firstName:{firstName}, age:{age}".Template(new { firstName, age });


            Person p = new Person() {

                LastName        = "TORRES"  ,
                FirstName       = "Frederic",
                BirthDay        = new DateTime(1964,12, 11),
                DrivingLicenses = DS.List("Car", "Moto Bike")
            //DrivingLicenses = new List<string>() { "Car", "Moto Bike" }
            Console.WriteLine( // Call 3 properties in the FormatString
                p.Format("FullName:'{LastName},{FirstName}', BirthDay:{BirthDay:MM/dd/yyyy}, DrivingLicenses:{DrivingLicenses}")
            Console.WriteLine( // Call a method in the FormatString
                p.Format("LoadInformation:{LoadInformation()} ")
        static void In()
            int i = 1;



            List<int> l = DS.List(1,2,3);



            var state = "good";



            var customerType = CustomerType.Good;
            if(customerType.In(CustomerType.Good, CustomerType.SoSo)){


            var people = DS.List(
                new Person() { LastName = "Descartes",   FirstName = "Rene", BirthDay = new DateTime(1596,3,31)},
                new Person() { LastName = "Montesquieu", FirstName = "Charles-Louis", BirthDay = new DateTime(1689,1,18)},
                new Person() { LastName = "Rousseau",    FirstName = "JJ", BirthDay = new DateTime(1712,3,31)}
            var Descartes = new Person() { LastName = "Descartes",   FirstName = "Rene", BirthDay = new DateTime(1596,3,31)};


                Console.WriteLine("In the list people");
                Console.WriteLine("Not in the list people");