/// <summary>
        /// Creates color from HSB color space with random hue and saturation and brighness equal to 1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Color CreateColorWithRandomHue()
            double   hue      = random.NextDouble() * 360;
            HsbColor hsbColor = new HsbColor(hue, 1, 1);

        public static SolidColorBrush ChangeSaturation(this SolidColorBrush brush, double saturationFactor)
            Color    color    = brush.Color;
            HsbColor hsbColor = HsbColor.FromArgbColor(color);

            hsbColor.Saturation *= saturationFactor;

            if (hsbColor.Saturation > 1.0)
                hsbColor.Saturation = 1.0;

            SolidColorBrush result = new SolidColorBrush(hsbColor.ToArgbColor());

        public static SolidColorBrush ChangeLightness(this SolidColorBrush brush, double lightnessFactor)
            Color    color    = brush.Color;
            HsbColor hsbColor = HsbColor.FromArgbColor(color);

            hsbColor.Brightness *= lightnessFactor;

            if (hsbColor.Brightness > 1.0)
                hsbColor.Brightness = 1.0;

            SolidColorBrush result = new SolidColorBrush(hsbColor.ToArgbColor());
