Esempio n. 1
        void Select(RingView view)
            foreach (var v in RingViews)
                if (v.Selected)
                    v.Selected = false;
                v.FannedOut = false;

            view.Selected = true;
            selectedView  = view;
Esempio n. 2
        void SetupRings(int itemCount)
            // Define some nice colors.
            var borderColorSelected = UIColor.FromHSBA(0.07f, 0.81f, 0.98f, 1).CGColor;
            var borderColorNormal   = UIColor.DarkGray.CGColor;
            var fillColorSelected   = UIColor.FromHSBA(0.07f, 0.21f, 0.98f, 1);
            var fillColorNormal     = UIColor.White;

            // We define generators to return closures which we use to define
            // the different states of our item ring views.
            Func <RingView, Action> selectedGenerator = (view) => () => {
                view.Layer.BorderColor = borderColorSelected;
                view.BackgroundColor   = fillColorSelected;

            Func <RingView, Action> normalGenerator = (view) => () => {
                view.Layer.BorderColor = borderColorNormal;
                view.BackgroundColor   = fillColorNormal;

            CGPoint startPosition = Bounds.GetCenter();
            Func <RingView, Action> locationNormalGenerator = (view) => () => {
                view.Center = startPosition;
                if (!view.Selected)
                    view.Alpha = 0;

            Func <RingView, CGVector, Action> locationFanGenerator = (view, offset) => () => {
                view.Center = startPosition.Add(offset);
                view.Alpha  = 1;

            // tau is a full circle in radians
            var tau = NMath.PI * 2;
            var absoluteRingSegment        = tau / 4;
            var requiredLengthPerRing      = RingRadius * 2 + 5;
            var totalRequiredCirlceSegment = requiredLengthPerRing * (itemCount - 1);
            var fannedControlRadius        = NMath.Max(requiredLengthPerRing, totalRequiredCirlceSegment / absoluteRingSegment);
            var normalDistance             = new CGVector(0, -fannedControlRadius);

            var scale = UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale;

            // Setup our item views.
            for (int index = 0; index < itemCount; index++)
                var view = new RingView(Bounds);
                view.StateClosures [Selected] = selectedGenerator(view);
                view.StateClosures [Normal]   = normalGenerator(view);

                nfloat angle = index / (nfloat)(itemCount - 1) * absoluteRingSegment;
                var    fan   = normalDistance.Apply(MakeRotation(angle)).RoundTo(scale);
                view.StateClosures [LocationFan] = locationFanGenerator(view, fan);

                view.StateClosures [LocationOrigin] = locationNormalGenerator(view);

                var gr = new UITapGestureRecognizer(Tap);

            // Setup the initial selection state.
            var rv = RingViews [0];

            rv.Selected  = true;
            selectedView = rv;

            UpdateViews(animated: false);