public int? GetResponseValue(Guid pguidResponseID)
            int? intReturn = null;
            bool blnFound = false;
            SurveyQuestionResponse sqrThis = new SurveyQuestionResponse();

            if (QuestionData != null)

                blnFound = TryGetQuestionResponseFromGuid(QuestionData, pguidResponseID, out sqrThis);

            if (!blnFound)
                foreach (SurveyGroup grp in Groups)
                    blnFound = TryGetQuestionResponseFromGuid(grp.Questions, pguidResponseID, out sqrThis);
                    if (blnFound)

            if (blnFound)
                intReturn = sqrThis.Value;

            return intReturn;
Esempio n. 2
        public int?GetResponseValue(Guid pguidResponseID)
            int? intReturn = null;
            bool blnFound  = false;
            SurveyQuestionResponse sqrThis = new SurveyQuestionResponse();

            if (QuestionData != null)
                blnFound = TryGetQuestionResponseFromGuid(QuestionData, pguidResponseID, out sqrThis);

            if (!blnFound)
                foreach (SurveyGroup grp in Groups)
                    blnFound = TryGetQuestionResponseFromGuid(grp.Questions, pguidResponseID, out sqrThis);
                    if (blnFound)

            if (blnFound)
                intReturn = sqrThis.Value;

Esempio n. 3
        private bool TryGetQuestionResponseFromGuid(List <SurveyQuestion> plstThis, Guid pguidResponseID, out SurveyQuestionResponse psvrThis)
            bool blnFound = false;

            psvrThis = new SurveyQuestionResponse();

            foreach (SurveyQuestion quest in plstThis)
                if (quest.GetType() == typeof(QDropDownList))
                    QDropDownList qddl = quest as QDropDownList;

                    foreach (SurveyQuestionResponse rspThis in qddl.Responses)
                        if (rspThis.ID == pguidResponseID)
                            psvrThis = rspThis;
                            blnFound = true;
                else if (quest.GetType() == typeof(QRadio))
                    QRadio qrad = quest as QRadio;

                    foreach (SurveyQuestionResponse rspThis in qrad.Responses)
                        if (rspThis.ID == pguidResponseID)
                            psvrThis = rspThis;
                            blnFound = true;

        private SurveyTemplate CreateTestTemplate(string strTitle, Guid guidID)
            //JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            SurveyTemplate stThis = new SurveyTemplate();

            stThis.Title      = strTitle;
            stThis.TemplateID = guidID;

            List <SurveyQuestionResponse> resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            SurveyQuestionResponse rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 10


            rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0


            rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "N/A"


            List <SurveyQuestion> lstQ = new List <SurveyQuestion>();

            QText qt = new QText {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Lines = 1, Width = InputWidth.Small, Type = QuestionType.Text, Number = "Q1", Order = 0, Text = "Value of Damages", ToolTip = "This is interlinked with the sliding scale"


            qt = new QText {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Lines = 1, Width = InputWidth.Small, Type = QuestionType.Text, Number = "Q2", Order = 0, Text = "Sliding Scale", ToolTip = "Indicator of how much responsibility to admit"


            List <SurveyQuestionResponse> respToC = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Motor", Value = 1


            rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Employer's Liability", Value = 2


            rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Public Liability", Value = 3


            QRadio qr = new QRadio {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Inline = true, Number = "Q3", Order = 1, Text = "Type of Claim", Type = QuestionType.Radio, ToolTip = "Type of Claim", Responses = respToC


            qt = new QText {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Lines = 1, Width = InputWidth.Small, Type = QuestionType.Text, Number = "Q4", Order = 0, Text = "Date of Event", ToolTip = "Date of Event"


            qt = new QText {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Lines = 1, Width = InputWidth.Small, Type = QuestionType.Text, Number = "Q5", Order = 0, Text = "Date of Claim", ToolTip = "Date of Claim"


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0

            QDropDownList qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q6", Order = 2, Text = "Is there a London uplift?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Is there a London uplift?", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "CFA", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Non-CFA", Value = 0

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q7", Order = 2, Text = "Type of Funding", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Type of Funding", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q8", Order = 2, Text = "Is there an ATE premium", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Is there an ATE premium", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Case Litigated", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Pre-Litigated", Value = 0

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q9", Order = 2, Text = "Is the Case Litigated or Pre-Litigated", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Is the Case Litigated or Pre-Litigated", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q10", Order = 2, Text = "Did the claim start in the portal?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Did the claim start in the portal?", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Pre-allocation", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Post-allocation/Pre-listing", Value = 2
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Post-listing/Pre-trial", Value = 3

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q11", Order = 2, Text = "State of Litigation?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "State of Litigation?", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q12", Order = 2, Text = "Is the case going through to trial?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Is the case going through to trial?", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q13", Order = 2, Text = "Admitted failure to wear a seatbelt?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Admitted failure to wear a seatbelt?", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q14", Order = 2, Text = "Date of settlement > 01/04/2013?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Date of settlement > 01/04/2013?", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q15", Order = 2, Text = "Was the ATE purchased < 01/04/2013?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Was the ATE purchased < 01/04/2013?", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q16", Order = 2, Text = "Date of CFA < 01/04/2013?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Date of CFA < 01/04/2013?", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q17", Order = 2, Text = "Has the case settled within stages 1&2?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Has the case settled within stages 1&2?", Responses = resp


            resp = new List <SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0

            qd = new QDropDownList {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q18", Order = 2, Text = "Does the user want to stay within the portal?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Does the user want to stay within the portal?", Responses = resp


            qt = new QText {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Lines = 1, Width = InputWidth.Small, Type = QuestionType.Text, Number = "Q19", Order = 0, Text = "Disbursements including VAT", ToolTip = "Disbursements including VAT"


            List <SurveyGroup> grps = new List <SurveyGroup>();

            grps.Add(new SurveyGroup {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "IDTheRegime", Order = 0, Questions = lstQ, ToolTip = "ID The Regime"

            stThis.Groups = grps;

        private SurveyTemplate CreateTestTemplate(string strTitle, Guid guidID)
            //JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            SurveyTemplate stThis = new SurveyTemplate();
            stThis.Title = strTitle;
            stThis.TemplateID = guidID;

            List<SurveyQuestionResponse> resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            SurveyQuestionResponse rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 10 };


            rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0 };


            rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "N/A" };


            List<SurveyQuestion> lstQ = new List<SurveyQuestion>();

            QText qt = new QText { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Lines = 1, Width = InputWidth.Small, Type = QuestionType.Text, Number = "Q1", Order = 0, Text = "Value of Damages", ToolTip = "This is interlinked with the sliding scale" };


            qt = new QText { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Lines = 1, Width = InputWidth.Small, Type = QuestionType.Text, Number = "Q2", Order = 0, Text = "Sliding Scale", ToolTip = "Indicator of how much responsibility to admit" };


            List<SurveyQuestionResponse> respToC = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Motor", Value = 1 };


            rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Employer's Liability", Value = 2 };


            rs = new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Public Liability", Value = 3 };


            QRadio qr = new QRadio { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Inline = true, Number = "Q3", Order = 1, Text = "Type of Claim", Type = QuestionType.Radio, ToolTip = "Type of Claim", Responses = respToC };


            qt = new QText { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Lines = 1, Width = InputWidth.Small, Type = QuestionType.Text, Number = "Q4", Order = 0, Text = "Date of Event", ToolTip = "Date of Event" };


            qt = new QText { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Lines = 1, Width = InputWidth.Small, Type = QuestionType.Text, Number = "Q5", Order = 0, Text = "Date of Claim", ToolTip = "Date of Claim" };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0 });

            QDropDownList qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q6", Order = 2, Text = "Is there a London uplift?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Is there a London uplift?", Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "CFA", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Non-CFA", Value = 0 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q7", Order = 2, Text = "Type of Funding", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Type of Funding", Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q8", Order = 2, Text = "Is there an ATE premium", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Is there an ATE premium", Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Case Litigated", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Pre-Litigated", Value = 0 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q9", Order = 2, Text = "Is the Case Litigated or Pre-Litigated", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Is the Case Litigated or Pre-Litigated", Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q10", Order = 2, Text = "Did the claim start in the portal?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Did the claim start in the portal?", Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Pre-allocation", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Post-allocation/Pre-listing", Value = 2 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Post-listing/Pre-trial", Value = 3 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q11", Order = 2, Text = "State of Litigation?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "State of Litigation?" , Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q12", Order = 2, Text = "Is the case going through to trial?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Is the case going through to trial?", Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q13", Order = 2, Text = "Admitted failure to wear a seatbelt?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Admitted failure to wear a seatbelt?", Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q14", Order = 2, Text = "Date of settlement > 01/04/2013?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Date of settlement > 01/04/2013?", Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q15", Order = 2, Text = "Was the ATE purchased < 01/04/2013?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Was the ATE purchased < 01/04/2013?", Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q16", Order = 2, Text = "Date of CFA < 01/04/2013?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Date of CFA < 01/04/2013?", Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q17", Order = 2, Text = "Has the case settled within stages 1&2?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Has the case settled within stages 1&2?", Responses = resp };


            resp = new List<SurveyQuestionResponse>();

            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "Yes", Value = 1 });
            resp.Add(new SurveyQuestionResponse { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Text = "No", Value = 0 });

            qd = new QDropDownList { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = InputWidth.Small, Number = "Q18", Order = 2, Text = "Does the user want to stay within the portal?", Type = QuestionType.DropDown, ToolTip = "Does the user want to stay within the portal?", Responses = resp };


            qt = new QText { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Lines = 1, Width = InputWidth.Small, Type = QuestionType.Text, Number = "Q19", Order = 0, Text = "Disbursements including VAT", ToolTip = "Disbursements including VAT" };

            List<SurveyGroup> grps = new List<SurveyGroup>();

            grps.Add(new SurveyGroup { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "IDTheRegime", Order = 0, Questions = lstQ, ToolTip = "ID The Regime"});
            stThis.Groups = grps;

            return stThis;

        private bool TryGetQuestionResponseFromGuid(List<SurveyQuestion> plstThis, Guid pguidResponseID, out SurveyQuestionResponse psvrThis)
            bool blnFound = false;
            psvrThis = new SurveyQuestionResponse();

            foreach (SurveyQuestion quest in plstThis)
                if (quest.GetType() == typeof(QDropDownList))
                        QDropDownList qddl = quest as QDropDownList;

                        foreach (SurveyQuestionResponse rspThis in qddl.Responses)
                            if (rspThis.ID == pguidResponseID)
                                psvrThis = rspThis;
                                blnFound = true;
                    else if (quest.GetType() == typeof(QRadio))
                        QRadio qrad = quest as QRadio;

                        foreach (SurveyQuestionResponse rspThis in qrad.Responses)
                            if (rspThis.ID == pguidResponseID)
                                psvrThis = rspThis;
                                blnFound = true;


            return blnFound;