Esempio n. 1
        /* public void simpleWriteTest()
            IChunkManager cm = currentWorld.GetChunkManager();


            int cropWidth = 40;
            int cropHeight = 40;

            Settings.Default.borderWest = 40;
            Settings.Default.borderEast = Settings.Default.borderWest + cropWidth;

            Settings.Default.borderNorth = 40;
            Settings.Default.borderSouth = Settings.Default.borderNorth + cropHeight;

            //FIXME get rid of this junk
            Settings.Default.mapCenterX = (Settings.Default.borderWest + Settings.Default.borderEast) / 2;
            Settings.Default.mapCenterY = (Settings.Default.borderNorth + Settings.Default.borderSouth) / 2;

            Console.WriteLine("Starting conversion now.");
            Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            for (int xi = getChunkStartX(); xi < getChunkFinishX(); xi++)
                for (int zi = getChunkStartY(); zi < getChunkFinishY(); zi++)
                    // This line will create a default empty chunk, and create a
                    // backing region file if necessary (which will immediately be
                    // written to disk)
                    ChunkRef chunk = cm.CreateChunk(xi, zi);

                    // This will make sure all the necessary things like trees and
                    // ores are generated for us.
                    chunk.IsTerrainPopulated = false;

                    // Auto light recalculation is horrifically bad for creating
                    // chunks from scratch, because we're placing thousands
                    // of blocks.  Turn it off.
                    chunk.Blocks.AutoLight = false;

                    double xMin = ((xi * 16.0 / (double)Settings.Default.blocksPerEmbarkTile) + Settings.Default.mapCenterX);
                    double xMax = (((xi + 1) * 16.0 / (double)Settings.Default.blocksPerEmbarkTile) + Settings.Default.mapCenterX);
                    double yMin = ((zi * 16.0 / (double)Settings.Default.blocksPerEmbarkTile) + Settings.Default.mapCenterY);
                    double yMax = (((zi + 1) * 16.0 / (double)Settings.Default.blocksPerEmbarkTile) + Settings.Default.mapCenterY);

                    // Make the terrain
                    HeightMapChunk(chunk, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax);

                    // Reset and rebuild the lighting for the entire chunk at once
                    if (Settings.Default.lightGenerationEnable)

                    // Save the chunk to disk so it doesn't hang around in RAM
                //TimeSpan elapsedTime = watch.Elapsed;
                //int finished = xi - chunkStartX + 1;
                //int left = chunkFinishX - xi - 1;
                //TimeSpan remainingTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(elapsedTime.Ticks / finished * left);
                //Console.WriteLine("Built Chunk Row {0} of {1}. {2}:{3}:{4} elapsed, {5}:{6}:{7} remaining.",
                //    finished, chunkFinishX - chunkStartX,
                //    elapsedTime.Hours, elapsedTime.Minutes, elapsedTime.Seconds,
                //    remainingTime.Hours, remainingTime.Minutes, remainingTime.Seconds);
                maxHeight = int.MinValue;
                minHeight = int.MaxValue;


        public internalData generateInternalMapChunk(bounds bound)
            return new internalData(
                 (int)currentDwarfMap.getElevation(bound.mux, bound.muy) + shift,
                 currentDwarfMap.getBiome(bound.MuxInt(), bound.MuyInt()),
                 currentDwarfMap.getRiverType(bound.MuxInt(), bound.MuyInt()),
                 currentDwarfMap.getRiverLevel(bound.MuxInt(), bound.MuyInt()) + shift,
                 currentDwarfMap.getWaterbodyLevel(bound.MuxInt(), bound.MuyInt()) + shift,
                 currentDwarfMap.getStructureMap(bound.MuxInt(), bound.MuyInt())
Esempio n. 2
        void HeightMapChunk(ChunkRef chunk, double mapXMin, double mapXMax, double mapYMin, double mapYMax)
            for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                    double mux        = (mapXMax - mapXMin) * x / 16.0 + mapXMin;
                    double muy        = (mapYMax - mapYMin) * z / 16.0 + mapYMin;
                    int    height     = (int)currentDwarfMap.getElevation(mux, muy) + shift;
                    int    waterLevel = currentDwarfMap.getWaterbodyLevel((int)Math.Floor(mux + 0.5), (int)Math.Floor(muy + 0.5)) + shift;
                    int    riverLevel = currentDwarfMap.getRiverLevel((int)Math.Floor(mux + 0.5), (int)Math.Floor(muy + 0.5)) + shift;
                    if (height > maxHeight)
                        maxHeight = height;
                    if (height < minHeight)
                        minHeight = height;
                    int biomeIndex = currentDwarfMap.getBiome((int)Math.Floor(mux + 0.5), (int)Math.Floor(muy + 0.5));
                    chunk.Biomes.SetBiome(x, z, BiomeList.biomes[biomeIndex].mineCraftBiome);
                    //create bedrock
                    for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                        chunk.Blocks.SetID(x, y, z, BlockType.BEDROCK);
                    ////deal with rivers
                    //if (riverLevel >= 0)
                    //    chunk.Biomes.SetBiome(x, z, BiomeType.River);
                    //    height = riverLevel;
                    //    for (int y = 0; y < height - 2; y++)
                    //    {
                    //        chunk.Blocks.SetID(x, y, z, BlockType.STONE);
                    //    }
                    //    for (int y = height - 2; y < height - 1; y++)
                    //    {
                    //        chunk.Blocks.SetID(x, y, z, BlockType.GRAVEL);
                    //    }
                    //    for (int y = height - 1; y < height; y++)
                    //    {
                    //        chunk.Blocks.SetID(x, y, z, BlockType.WATER);
                    //    }
                    //else if (BiomeList.biomes[biomeIndex].mineCraftBiome == BiomeID.DeepOcean && waterLevel <= height)
                    //    //make beaches
                    //    chunk.Biomes.SetBiome(x, z, BiomeType.Beach);
                    //    height = 98 + shift;
                    //    for (int y = 0; y < height - 4; y++)
                    //    {
                    //        chunk.Blocks.SetID(x, y, z, BlockType.STONE);
                    //    }
                    //    for (int y = height - 4; y < height - 3; y++)
                    //    {
                    //        chunk.Blocks.SetID(x, y, z, BlockType.SANDSTONE);
                    //    }
                    //    for (int y = height - 3; y < height; y++)
                    //    {
                    //        chunk.Blocks.SetID(x, y, z, BlockType.SAND);
                    //    }

                    //    // Create the rest, according to biome
                    //    for (int y = 2; y < height; y++)
                    //    {
                    //        if (y >= chunk.Blocks.YDim) break;
                    //        chunk.Blocks.SetID(x, y, z, BiomeList.biomes[biomeIndex].getBlockID(height - y, x + (chunk.X * 16), z + (chunk.Z * 16)));
                    //    }
                    //// Create Oceans and lakes
                    //for (int y = height; y < waterLevel; y++)
                    //    if (y < 2) continue;
                    //    if (y >= chunk.Blocks.YDim) break;
                    //    chunk.Blocks.SetID(x, y, z, BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER);

                    // Fill caves
                    for (int y = 2; y < height; y++)
                        if (y >= chunk.Blocks.YDim)
                        int caveID = currentCaveMap.getCaveBlock(mux, y - shift, muy);
                        if (caveID == -2)
                        if (caveID >= 0)
                            chunk.Blocks.SetID(x, y, z, caveID);