Esempio n. 1
        public bool CollidesWithChunks(ChunkManager chunks, Vector3 pos, bool applyForce, bool allowInvisible, float size = 0.5f, float height = 2.0f)
            var  box          = new BoundingBox(pos - new Vector3(size, height * 0.5f, size), pos + new Vector3(size, height * 0.5f, size));
            bool gotCollision = false;

            foreach (var v in VoxelHelpers.EnumerateCube(GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(pos))
                     .Select(n => new VoxelHandle(chunks, n)))
                if (!v.IsValid)
                if (v.IsEmpty)
                if (!allowInvisible && !v.IsVisible)

                var voxAABB = v.GetBoundingBox();
                if (box.Intersects(voxAABB))
                    gotCollision = true;
                    if (applyForce)
                        Collide(v, box, voxAABB);

Esempio n. 2
        // Inverts GetMoveActions. So, returns the list of move actions whose target is the current voxel.
        // Very, very slow.
        public IEnumerable <MoveAction> GetInverseMoveActions(MoveState currentstate, OctTreeNode OctTree)
            if (Parent == null)
                yield break;

            var creature = Creature;

            if (creature == null)
                yield break;
            var current = currentstate.Voxel;

            if (Can(MoveType.Teleport))
                var teleportObjects = Parent.Faction.OwnedObjects.Where(obj => obj.Active && obj.Tags.Contains("Teleporter"));
                foreach (var obj in teleportObjects)
                    if ((obj.Position - current.WorldPosition).LengthSquared() > 2)

                    for (int dx = -TeleportDistance; dx <= TeleportDistance; dx++)
                        for (int dz = -TeleportDistance; dz <= TeleportDistance; dz++)
                            for (int dy = -TeleportDistance; dy <= TeleportDistance; dy++)
                                if (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz > TeleportDistanceSquared)
                                VoxelHandle teleportNeighbor = new VoxelHandle(Parent.World.ChunkManager.ChunkData, current.Coordinate + new GlobalVoxelOffset(dx, dy, dz));

                                if (teleportNeighbor.IsValid && teleportNeighbor.IsEmpty && !VoxelHelpers.GetNeighbor(teleportNeighbor, new GlobalVoxelOffset(0, -1, 0)).IsEmpty)
                                    yield return(new MoveAction()
                                        InteractObject = obj,
                                        Diff = new Vector3(dx, dx, dz),
                                        SourceVoxel = teleportNeighbor,
                                        DestinationState = currentstate,
                                        MoveType = MoveType.Teleport
            foreach (var v in VoxelHelpers.EnumerateCube(current.Coordinate)
                     .Select(n => new VoxelHandle(current.Chunk.Manager.ChunkData, n))
                     .Where(h => h.IsValid && h.IsEmpty))
                foreach (var a in GetMoveActions(new MoveState()
                    Voxel = v
                }, OctTree).Where(a => a.DestinationState == currentstate))
                    yield return(a);

                if (!Can(MoveType.RideVehicle))
                // Now that dwarfs can ride vehicles, the inverse of the move actions becomes extremely complicated. We must now
                // iterate through all rails intersecting every neighbor and see if we can find a connection from that rail to this one.
                // Further, we must iterate through the entire rail network and enumerate all possible directions in and out of that rail.
                // Yay!
                var bodies = new HashSet <Body>();
                OctTree.EnumerateItems(v.GetBoundingBox(), bodies);
                var rails = bodies.OfType <Rail.RailEntity>().Where(r => r.Active);
                foreach (var rail in rails)
                    if (rail.GetContainingVoxel() != v)

                     * if (!DwarfGame.IsMainThread)
                     * {
                     *  for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                     *  {
                     *      Drawer3D.DrawBox(rail.GetBoundingBox(), Color.Purple, 0.1f, false);
                     *      System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1);
                     *  }
                     * }
                    foreach (var neighborRail in rail.NeighborRails.Select(neighbor => creature.Manager.FindComponent(neighbor.NeighborID) as Rail.RailEntity))
                        var actions = GetMoveActions(new MoveState()
                            Voxel = v, VehicleState = new VehicleState()
                                Rail = rail, PrevRail = neighborRail
                        }, OctTree);
                        foreach (var a in actions.Where(a => a.DestinationState == currentstate))
                            yield return(a);

                             * if (!DwarfGame.IsMainThread && a.MoveType == MoveType.RideVehicle)
                             * {
                             *  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                             *  {
                             *      Drawer3D.DrawBox(rail.GetBoundingBox(), Color.Red, 0.1f, false);
                             *      System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1);
                             *  }
                             * }

                    foreach (var a in GetMoveActions(new MoveState()
                        Voxel = v, VehicleState = new VehicleState()
                            Rail = rail, PrevRail = null
                    }, OctTree).Where(a => a.DestinationState == currentstate))
                        yield return(a);
Esempio n. 3
        // Find a path from the start to the goal by computing an inverse path from goal to the start. Should only be used
        // if the forward path fails.
        private static PlanResult InversePath(CreatureMovement mover, VoxelHandle startVoxel, GoalRegion goal, ChunkManager chunks,
                                              int maxExpansions, ref List <MoveAction> toReturn, float weight, Func <bool> continueFunc)
            // Create a local clone of the octree, using only the objects belonging to the player.
            var         octree        = new OctTreeNode(mover.Creature.World.ChunkManager.Bounds.Min, mover.Creature.World.ChunkManager.Bounds.Max);
            List <Body> playerObjects = new List <Body>(mover.Creature.World.PlayerFaction.OwnedObjects);

            foreach (var obj in playerObjects)
                octree.Add(obj, obj.GetBoundingBox());

            MoveState start = new MoveState()
                Voxel = startVoxel

            var startTime = DwarfTime.Tick();

            if (mover.IsSessile)
                return(new PlanResult()
                    Result = PlanResultCode.Invalid,
                    Expansions = 0,
                    TimeSeconds = 0

            if (!start.IsValid)
                return(new PlanResult()
                    Result = PlanResultCode.Invalid,
                    Expansions = 0,
                    TimeSeconds = 0

            // Sometimes a goal may not even be achievable a.priori. If this is true, we know there can't be a path
            // which satisifies that goal.
            // It only makes sense to do inverse plans for goals that have an associated voxel.
            if (!goal.IsPossible() || !goal.GetVoxel().IsValid)
                toReturn = null;
                return(new PlanResult()
                    Result = PlanResultCode.Invalid,
                    Expansions = 0,
                    TimeSeconds = 0

            if (goal.IsInGoalRegion(start.Voxel))
                toReturn = new List <MoveAction>();
                return(new PlanResult()
                    Result = PlanResultCode.Success,
                    Expansions = 0,
                    TimeSeconds = 0

            // Voxels that have already been explored.
            var closedSet = new HashSet <MoveState>();

            // Voxels which should be explored.
            var openSet = new HashSet <MoveState>();

            // Dictionary of voxels to the optimal action that got the mover to that voxel.
            var cameFrom = new Dictionary <MoveState, MoveAction>();

            // Optimal score of a voxel based on the path it took to get there.
            var gScore = new Dictionary <MoveState, float>();

            // Expansion priority of voxels.
            var fScore = new PriorityQueue <MoveState>();

            var goalVoxels = new List <VoxelHandle>();

            // Starting conditions of the search.

            foreach (var goalVoxel in VoxelHelpers.EnumerateCube(goal.GetVoxel().Coordinate)
                     .Select(c => new VoxelHandle(start.Voxel.Chunk.Manager.ChunkData, c)))
                if (!goalVoxel.IsValid)
                var goalState = new MoveState()
                    Voxel = goalVoxel
                if (goal.IsInGoalRegion(goalVoxel))
                    gScore[goalState] = 0.0f;
                                   gScore[goalState] + weight * (goalVoxel.WorldPosition - start.Voxel.WorldPosition).LengthSquared());

            // Keep count of the number of expansions we've taken to get to the goal.
            int numExpansions = 0;

            // Loop until we've either checked every possible voxel, or we've exceeded the maximum number of
            // expansions.
            while (openSet.Count > 0 && numExpansions < maxExpansions)
                if (numExpansions % 10 == 0 && !continueFunc())
                    return new PlanResult
                               Result      = PlanResultCode.Cancelled,
                               Expansions  = numExpansions,
                               TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime)

                // Check the next voxel to explore.
                var current = GetStateWithMinimumFScore(fScore);
                if (!current.IsValid)
                //Drawer3D.DrawBox(current.GetBoundingBox(), Color.Blue, 0.1f);

                // If we've reached the goal already, reconstruct the path from the start to the
                // goal.
                if (current.Equals(start))
                    toReturn = ReconstructInversePath(goal, cameFrom, cameFrom[start]);
                    return(new PlanResult()
                        Result = PlanResultCode.Success,
                        Expansions = numExpansions,
                        TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime)

                // We've already considered the voxel, so add it to the closed set.

                IEnumerable <MoveAction> neighbors = null;

                // Get the voxels that can be moved to from the current voxel.
                neighbors = mover.GetInverseMoveActions(current, octree);

                // Otherwise, consider all of the neighbors of the current voxel that can be moved to,
                // and determine how to add them to the list of expansions.
                foreach (MoveAction n in neighbors)
                    //Drawer3D.DrawBox(n.SourceVoxel.GetBoundingBox(), Color.Red, 0.1f);
                    // If we've already explored that voxel, don't explore it again.
                    if (closedSet.Contains(n.SourceState))

                    // Otherwise, consider the case of moving to that neighbor.
                    float tenativeGScore = gScore[current] + GetDistance(current.Voxel, n.SourceState.Voxel, n.MoveType, mover);

                    // IF the neighbor can already be reached more efficiently, ignore it.
                    if (openSet.Contains(n.SourceState) && gScore.ContainsKey(n.SourceState) && !(tenativeGScore < gScore[n.SourceState]))

                    // Otherwise, add it to the list of voxels for consideration.

                    // Add an edge to the voxel from the current voxel.
                    var cameAction = n;
                    cameFrom[n.SourceState] = cameAction;

                    // Update the expansion scores for the next voxel.
                    gScore[n.SourceState] = tenativeGScore;
                    fScore.Enqueue(n.SourceState, gScore[n.SourceState] + weight * ((n.SourceState.Voxel.WorldPosition - start.Voxel.WorldPosition).LengthSquared() + (!n.SourceState.VehicleState.IsRidingVehicle ? 100.0f : 0.0f)));

                // If we've expanded too many voxels, just give up.
                if (numExpansions >= maxExpansions)
                    return(new PlanResult()
                        Result = PlanResultCode.MaxExpansionsReached,
                        Expansions = numExpansions,
                        TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime)

            // Somehow we've reached this code without having found a path. Return false.
            toReturn = null;
            return(new PlanResult()
                Result = PlanResultCode.NoSolution,
                Expansions = numExpansions,
                TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime)
Esempio n. 4
        // Inverts GetMoveActions. So, returns the list of move actions whose target is the current voxel.
        // Very, very slow.
        public IEnumerable <MoveAction> GetInverseMoveActions(MoveState currentstate, OctTreeNode OctTree, List <Body> teleportObjects)
            if (Parent == null)
                yield break;

            if (Creature == null)
                yield break;

            var current = currentstate.Voxel;

            if (Can(MoveType.Teleport))
                foreach (var obj in teleportObjects)
                    if ((obj.Position - current.WorldPosition).LengthSquared() > 2)

                    for (int dx = -TeleportDistance; dx <= TeleportDistance; dx++)
                        for (int dz = -TeleportDistance; dz <= TeleportDistance; dz++)
                            for (int dy = -TeleportDistance; dy <= TeleportDistance; dy++)
                                if (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz > TeleportDistanceSquared)
                                VoxelHandle teleportNeighbor = new VoxelHandle(Parent.World.ChunkManager.ChunkData, current.Coordinate + new GlobalVoxelOffset(dx, dy, dz));

                                if (teleportNeighbor.IsValid && teleportNeighbor.IsEmpty && !VoxelHelpers.GetNeighbor(teleportNeighbor, new GlobalVoxelOffset(0, -1, 0)).IsEmpty)
                                    yield return(new MoveAction()
                                        InteractObject = obj,
                                        Diff = new Vector3(dx, dx, dz),
                                        SourceVoxel = teleportNeighbor,
                                        DestinationState = currentstate,
                                        MoveType = MoveType.Teleport

            var storage = new MoveActionTempStorage();

            foreach (var v in VoxelHelpers.EnumerateCube(current.Coordinate)
                     .Select(n => new VoxelHandle(current.Chunk.Manager.ChunkData, n))
                     .Where(h => h.IsValid))
                foreach (var a in GetMoveActions(new MoveState()
                    Voxel = v
                }, OctTree, teleportObjects, storage).Where(a => a.DestinationState == currentstate))
                    yield return(a);

                if (!Can(MoveType.RideVehicle))

                // Now that dwarfs can ride vehicles, the inverse of the move actions becomes extremely complicated. We must now
                // iterate through all rails intersecting every neighbor and see if we can find a connection from that rail to this one.
                // Further, we must iterate through the entire rail network and enumerate all possible directions in and out of that rail.
                // Yay!

                // Actually - why not just not bother with rails when inverse pathing, since it should only be invoked when forward pathing fails anyway?
                var bodies = new HashSet <Body>();
                OctTree.EnumerateItems(v.GetBoundingBox(), bodies);
                var rails = bodies.OfType <Rail.RailEntity>().Where(r => r.Active);
                foreach (var rail in rails)
                    if (rail.GetContainingVoxel() != v)

                    foreach (var neighborRail in rail.NeighborRails.Select(neighbor => Creature.Manager.FindComponent(neighbor.NeighborID) as Rail.RailEntity))
                        var actions = GetMoveActions(new MoveState()
                            Voxel = v, VehicleState = new VehicleState()
                                Rail = rail, PrevRail = neighborRail
                        }, OctTree, teleportObjects, storage);
                        foreach (var a in actions.Where(a => a.DestinationState == currentstate))
                            yield return(a);

                    foreach (var a in GetMoveActions(new MoveState()
                        Voxel = v, VehicleState = new VehicleState()
                            Rail = rail, PrevRail = null
                    }, OctTree, teleportObjects, storage).Where(a => a.DestinationState == currentstate))
                        yield return(a);