public override void OnVoxelsSelected(List <VoxelHandle> voxels, InputManager.MouseButton button) { if (!Dragging) { } else { if (button == InputManager.MouseButton.Left) { if (CanPlace) { RailHelper.Place(World, PreviewBodies, GodModeSwitch); } else { foreach (var piece in PreviewBodies) { piece.GetRoot().Delete(); } } PreviewBodies.Clear(); PathVoxels.Clear(); Dragging = false; } } }
public static bool CanPlace(GameMaster Player, List <RailEntity> PreviewBodies) { for (var i = 0; i < PreviewBodies.Count; ++i) { if (!RailHelper.CanPlace(Player, PreviewBodies[i])) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool CanPlace(WorldManager World, List <RailEntity> PreviewBodies) { for (var i = 0; i < PreviewBodies.Count; ++i) { PreviewBodies[i].PropogateTransforms(); if (!RailHelper.CanPlace(World, PreviewBodies[i])) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public override void OnVoxelsSelected(List <VoxelHandle> voxels, InputManager.MouseButton button) { if (button == InputManager.MouseButton.Left) { if (RailHelper.CanPlace(Player, PreviewBodies)) { RailHelper.Place(Player, PreviewBodies, GodModeSwitch); PreviewBodies.Clear(); CreatePreviewBodies(Player.World.ComponentManager, Player.VoxSelector.VoxelUnderMouse); } } }
private void CreatePreviewBodies(ComponentManager ComponentManager, VoxelHandle Location) { foreach (var body in PreviewBodies) { body.GetRoot().Delete(); } PreviewBodies.Clear(); foreach (var piece in Pattern.Pieces) { PreviewBodies.Add(RailHelper.CreatePreviewBody(ComponentManager, Location, piece)); } }
private int AddDiagonal(int bodyCounter, CompassOrientation B, JunctionPiece newPiece, int CoordinateRotation, int PieceRotation) { var firstEdgeOffset = CompassOrientationHelper.GetOffset(CompassOrientationHelper.Rotate(B, CoordinateRotation)); var firstEdgePiece = new JunctionPiece { Offset = new Point(newPiece.Offset.X + firstEdgeOffset.X, newPiece.Offset.Y + firstEdgeOffset.Z), RailPiece = "diag-edge-1", Orientation = (PieceOrientation)((int)CompassOrientationHelper.Rotate(B, PieceRotation) / 2) }; if (PreviewBodies.Count <= bodyCounter) { PreviewBodies.Add(RailHelper.CreatePreviewBody(World.ComponentManager, DragStartVoxel, firstEdgePiece)); } else { PreviewBodies[bodyCounter].UpdatePiece(firstEdgePiece, DragStartVoxel); } bodyCounter += 1; return(bodyCounter); }
public override void Update(DwarfGame game, DwarfTime time) { if (Player.IsCameraRotationModeActive()) { Player.VoxSelector.Enabled = false; Player.World.SetMouse(null); Player.BodySelector.Enabled = false; return; } Player.VoxSelector.Enabled = true; Player.BodySelector.Enabled = false; Player.VoxSelector.DrawBox = false; Player.VoxSelector.DrawVoxel = false; Player.VoxSelector.SelectionType = VoxelSelectionType.SelectEmpty; if (Player.World.IsMouseOverGui) { Player.World.SetMouse(Player.World.MousePointer); } else { Player.World.SetMouse(new Gui.MousePointer("mouse", 1, 4)); } // Don't attempt any control if the user is trying to type into a focus item. if (Player.World.Gui.FocusItem != null && !Player.World.Gui.FocusItem.IsAnyParentTransparent() && !Player.World.Gui.FocusItem.IsAnyParentHidden()) { return; } KeyboardState state = Keyboard.GetState(); bool leftKey = state.IsKeyDown(ControlSettings.Mappings.RotateObjectLeft); bool rightKey = state.IsKeyDown(ControlSettings.Mappings.RotateObjectRight); if (LeftPressed && !leftKey) { Pattern = Pattern.Rotate(Rail.PieceOrientation.East); } if (RightPressed && !rightKey) { Pattern = Pattern.Rotate(Rail.PieceOrientation.West); } LeftPressed = leftKey; RightPressed = rightKey; var tint = Color.White; for (var i = 0; i < PreviewBodies.Count && i < Pattern.Pieces.Count; ++i) { PreviewBodies[i].UpdatePiece(Pattern.Pieces[i], Player.VoxSelector.VoxelUnderMouse); } if (RailHelper.CanPlace(Player, PreviewBodies)) { tint = GameSettings.Default.Colors.GetColor("Positive", Color.Green); } else { tint = GameSettings.Default.Colors.GetColor("Negative", Color.Red); } foreach (var body in PreviewBodies) { body.SetVertexColorRecursive(tint); } }
public override void Update(DwarfGame game, DwarfTime time) { if (World.UserInterface.IsCameraRotationModeActive()) { World.UserInterface.VoxSelector.Enabled = false; World.UserInterface.SetMouse(null); World.UserInterface.BodySelector.Enabled = false; return; } World.UserInterface.VoxSelector.Enabled = true; World.UserInterface.BodySelector.Enabled = false; World.UserInterface.VoxSelector.DrawBox = false; World.UserInterface.VoxSelector.DrawVoxel = true; World.UserInterface.VoxSelector.SelectionType = VoxelSelectionType.SelectEmpty; if (World.UserInterface.IsMouseOverGui) { World.UserInterface.SetMouse(World.UserInterface.MousePointer); } else { World.UserInterface.SetMouse(new Gui.MousePointer("mouse", 1, 4)); } // Don't attempt any camera control if the user is trying to type intoa focus item. if (World.UserInterface.Gui.FocusItem != null && !World.UserInterface.Gui.FocusItem.IsAnyParentTransparent() && !World.UserInterface.Gui.FocusItem.IsAnyParentHidden()) { return; } KeyboardState state = Keyboard.GetState(); bool leftKey = state.IsKeyDown(ControlSettings.Mappings.RotateObjectLeft); bool rightKey = state.IsKeyDown(ControlSettings.Mappings.RotateObjectRight); if (LeftPressed && !leftKey) { if (PathVoxels.Count > 1) { var matched = false; var firstDelta = CompassOrientationHelper.GetVoxelDelta(PathVoxels[0], PathVoxels[1]); var firstConnection = new CompassConnection(OverrideStartingOrientation ? StartingOppositeOrientation : CompassOrientationHelper.Opposite(firstDelta), firstDelta); var orientationDelta = 1; for (; orientationDelta < 8 && !matched; ++orientationDelta) { firstConnection.A = CompassOrientationHelper.Rotate(firstConnection.A, 1); foreach (var piece in Library.EnumerateRailPieces().Where(p => p.CompassConnections.Count != 0)) { for (int j = 0; j < 4 && !matched; ++j) { foreach (var compassConnection in piece.CompassConnections) { if (compassConnection.RotateToPiece((PieceOrientation)j) == firstConnection) { matched = true; } } } if (matched) { break; } } } if (matched) { StartingOppositeOrientation = firstConnection.A; } OverrideStartingOrientation = true; } } if (RightPressed && !rightKey) { if (PathVoxels.Count > 1) { var matched = false; var lastDelta = CompassOrientationHelper.GetVoxelDelta(PathVoxels[PathVoxels.Count - 1], PathVoxels[PathVoxels.Count - 2]); var lastConnection = new CompassConnection(lastDelta, OverrideEndingOrientation ? EndingOppositeOrientation : CompassOrientationHelper.Opposite(lastDelta)); var orientationDelta = 1; for (; orientationDelta < 8 && !matched; ++orientationDelta) { lastConnection.B = CompassOrientationHelper.Rotate(lastConnection.B, 1); foreach (var piece in Library.EnumerateRailPieces().Where(p => p.CompassConnections.Count != 0)) { for (int j = 0; j < 4 && !matched; ++j) { foreach (var compassConnection in piece.CompassConnections) { if (compassConnection.RotateToPiece((PieceOrientation)j) == lastConnection) { matched = true; } } } if (matched) { break; } } } if (matched) { EndingOppositeOrientation = lastConnection.B; } OverrideEndingOrientation = true; } } LeftPressed = leftKey; RightPressed = rightKey; var tint = Color.White; if (!Dragging) { } else { var voxelUnderMouse = World.UserInterface.VoxSelector.VoxelUnderMouse; if (voxelUnderMouse == DragStartVoxel) { // Create single straight preview piece } else { var destinationPoint = voxelUnderMouse.Coordinate; // Prevent path finding from attempting slopes - not supported yet. destinationPoint = new GlobalVoxelCoordinate(destinationPoint.X, DragStartVoxel.Coordinate.Y, destinationPoint.Z); var currentVoxel = DragStartVoxel.Coordinate; PathVoxels.Clear(); PathVoxels.Add(currentVoxel); while (true) { var closestDirection = 0; float closestDistance = float.PositiveInfinity; for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { var offsetPos = currentVoxel + CompassOrientationHelper.GetOffset((CompassOrientation)i); var distance = (destinationPoint.ToVector3() - offsetPos.ToVector3()).LengthSquared(); if (distance < closestDistance) { closestDistance = distance; closestDirection = i; } } var nextCoordinate = currentVoxel + CompassOrientationHelper.GetOffset((CompassOrientation)closestDirection); PathVoxels.Add(nextCoordinate); if (PathVoxels.Count >= 100) { break; } if (nextCoordinate == destinationPoint) { break; } currentVoxel = nextCoordinate; } // Iterate PathVoxels, determining deltas and using them to decide which piece to create. var pathCompassConnections = new List <CompassConnection>(); if (PathVoxels.Count > 1) { var firstDelta = CompassOrientationHelper.GetVoxelDelta(PathVoxels[0], PathVoxels[1]); pathCompassConnections.Add(new CompassConnection(OverrideStartingOrientation ? StartingOppositeOrientation : CompassOrientationHelper.Opposite(firstDelta), firstDelta)); for (var i = 1; i < PathVoxels.Count - 1; ++i) { pathCompassConnections.Add(new CompassConnection( CompassOrientationHelper.GetVoxelDelta(PathVoxels[i], PathVoxels[i - 1]), CompassOrientationHelper.GetVoxelDelta(PathVoxels[i], PathVoxels[i + 1]))); } var lastDelta = CompassOrientationHelper.GetVoxelDelta(PathVoxels[PathVoxels.Count - 1], PathVoxels[PathVoxels.Count - 2]); pathCompassConnections.Add(new CompassConnection(lastDelta, OverrideEndingOrientation ? EndingOppositeOrientation : CompassOrientationHelper.Opposite(lastDelta))); } var bodyCounter = 0; var previousPieceAddedTrailingDiagonals = false; for (var i = 0; i < pathCompassConnections.Count; ++i) { var pieceAdded = false; foreach (var piece in Library.EnumerateRailPieces().Where(p => p.CompassConnections.Count != 0)) { var matchedOrientation = PieceOrientation.North; CompassConnection matchedConnection = new CompassConnection(); bool matched = false; for (int j = 0; j < 4 && !matched; ++j) { foreach (var compassConnection in piece.CompassConnections) { var rotated = compassConnection.RotateToPiece((PieceOrientation)j); if (rotated == pathCompassConnections[i]) { matched = true; matchedOrientation = (PieceOrientation)j; matchedConnection = pathCompassConnections[i]; break; } } } if (matched) { var newPiece = new JunctionPiece { Offset = new Point(PathVoxels[i].X - DragStartVoxel.Coordinate.X, PathVoxels[i].Z - DragStartVoxel.Coordinate.Z), RailPiece = piece.Name, Orientation = matchedOrientation }; if (PreviewBodies.Count <= bodyCounter) { PreviewBodies.Add(RailHelper.CreatePreviewBody(World.ComponentManager, DragStartVoxel, newPiece)); } else { PreviewBodies[bodyCounter].UpdatePiece(newPiece, DragStartVoxel); } bodyCounter += 1; pieceAdded = true; if (!previousPieceAddedTrailingDiagonals && (matchedConnection.A == CompassOrientation.Northeast || matchedConnection.A == CompassOrientation.Southeast || matchedConnection.A == CompassOrientation.Southwest || matchedConnection.A == CompassOrientation.Northwest)) { bodyCounter = AddDiagonal(bodyCounter, matchedConnection.A, newPiece, 7, 5); bodyCounter = AddDiagonal(bodyCounter, matchedConnection.A, newPiece, 1, 1); } if (matchedConnection.B == CompassOrientation.Northeast || matchedConnection.B == CompassOrientation.Southeast || matchedConnection.B == CompassOrientation.Southwest || matchedConnection.B == CompassOrientation.Northwest) { previousPieceAddedTrailingDiagonals = true; bodyCounter = AddDiagonal(bodyCounter, matchedConnection.B, newPiece, 7, 5); bodyCounter = AddDiagonal(bodyCounter, matchedConnection.B, newPiece, 1, 1); } else { previousPieceAddedTrailingDiagonals = false; } break; } } if (!pieceAdded) { break; } } // Clean up any excess preview entities. var lineSize = bodyCounter; while (bodyCounter < PreviewBodies.Count) { PreviewBodies[bodyCounter].GetRoot().Delete(); bodyCounter += 1; } PreviewBodies = PreviewBodies.Take(lineSize).ToList(); } } CanPlace = RailHelper.CanPlace(World, PreviewBodies); if (CanPlace) { tint = GameSettings.Default.Colors.GetColor("Positive", Color.Green); } else { tint = GameSettings.Default.Colors.GetColor("Negative", Color.Red); } foreach (var body in PreviewBodies) { body.SetVertexColorRecursive(tint); } }