Esempio n. 1
 //CTOR with picture
 public Monster(string name, int hitChance, int block, int maxLife, int life, string description, int maxDamage, int minDamage, int xp, bool isArmored, Item monsterItem, string monsterPic, QuestItems questItem)
     : base(name, hitChance, block, maxLife, life, xp)
     MaxDamage   = maxDamage;
     MinDamage   = minDamage;
     Description = description;
     XP          = xp;
     IsArmored   = isArmored;
     MonsterItem = monsterItem;
     MonsterPic  = monsterPic;
     QuestItem   = questItem;
Esempio n. 2
 public TrollKing(string name, int hitChance, int block, int maxLife, int life, string description, int xp, int maxDamage, int minDamage, bool isArmored, Item monsterItem, string monsterPic, QuestItems questItem)
     : base(name, hitChance, block, maxLife, life, description, xp, maxDamage, minDamage, isArmored, monsterItem, monsterPic, questItem)
Esempio n. 3
        public static List<Monster> MakeBosses(List<Monster> bosses)
            //Instantiating Quest Items you need to win the game
            #region QuestItems
            QuestItems goldenRing = new QuestItems("Golden Ring", "A plain, golden ring", 1);
            QuestItems silverStein = new QuestItems("Silver Stein", "A magnificent drinking vessel", 2);
            QuestItems blacksmithHammer = new QuestItems("Blacksmith's Hammer", "An old, well-worn smithing hammer", 3);
            QuestItems townCrest = new QuestItems("Town Crest", "a banner displaying the crest of the town", 4);
            QuestItems daughter = new QuestItems("The Mayor's Daughter", "A beautiful young woman", 5);
            //Instantiating Boss Monsters
            #region Vampire Boss
            Vampire v1 = new Vampire("Vampire", 60, 30, 300, 300, "A half-bat-half-man with glistening fangs.",500, 40, 10, false, null, @"
                    .^         _.-'=. \\
                  .'  )    .-._.-=-..' \'.
               .'   .'   _.--._-='.'   |  `.  ^.
             .'   .'    _`.-.`=-./'.-. / .-.\ `. `.
           .'    /      _.-=-=-/ | '._)`(_.'|   \  `.
          /    /|       _.--=.'  `. (.-v-.)/    |\   \
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      '      |    |   /   )        \  /   \   \    \    `.
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    /      /    /  .'  .'\ `.        .'     \   |   \      \
   /      /    /  /   /   \  `- -' .`.    .  \    \     |
  |      /    / .''\.'    | `.      .'   `.   \  |    |    |
 .'     /    / /   |      |      .' /       `.- `./    /    |
 |     /    .-|   / --.    / `.    | _.- ''\   |     |    \
.'    /  .-' |  /    `-.|       .'\_.'      `. |`.   |    |
|    |.- '     / /       /           \          \ \ `. \     \
|    /       /  |      /             \         |  `. `.|    |
|   |       /   `.     |      `   .'  \        /    \  \    /
|   |      ///.-'.\    |       \ /    `\      / /-.  \ |    |
|   /      \\\\    `    \.-     |    `-.\     |/   \\\\'.   |
 \ |        \\\|        |      / \      |          //// |  /
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 \ |                    |.-  |     \  .-| '' |  /
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             LGB |/ / /  `'  `  |/|/
", daughter);

            #region Minotaur
            Minotaur mt1 = new Minotaur("Minotaur", 50, 50, 200, 200, "A hulking beast with the body of a giant and the head of a bull", 50, 20, 500, false, null, @"
 .      .
                            \ 0  0 /
                             |    |
                         /     --       \
                        /  \         /   \
                       |    \___/___/(   |
                       \   /|  }{   | \  )
                        \  ||__}{__|  |  |
                         \  |;;;;;;;\  \ / \_______
                          \ /;;;;;;;;| [,,[|======'
                            |;;;;;;/ |     /
                            ||;;|\   |
                       snd  ||;;/|   /
                             \ ;||  /
                             |= || =|
                             |= /\ =|
                             /_/  \_\
", blacksmithHammer);


            #region TrollKing

            TrollKing t1 = new TrollKing("Troll King", 80, 50, 150, 150, "A towering, disgusting troll with the biggest axe you've ever seen!", 30, 500, 5, true, null, @"

", townCrest);


            #region Golem
            Golem g1 = new Golem("Giant Golem", 50, 30, 150, 150, "A powerful, animated sculpture", 25, 10, 500, false, null, true, @"
         / ,_\    _____
        /  _)/   /o    \
        |  \    /_ `    \__________
        |   \____ >__,_  \         |
        |                  ____,   |
        \,___________     |    \   |
                   \      (     \  |__
                    \    \ \     \   _)_
           __________\/     \     \____/
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          |    )       |    \         
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          |  /         |   /            
          /_/          |  (_            
                       |    )      
                       \   /       
                       |  /         
                  ____ /_/_____     
", silverStein);

            #region AncientRedDragon
            Dragon d3 = new Dragon("Ancient Red Dragon", 70, 45, 100, 20, "A giant, powerful Red Dragon", 25, 8, 500, true, null,
            ___, ____--'
                         _,-.'_,-'      (
                      ,-' _.-''....____(
            ,))_     /  ,'\ `'-.     (          /\
    __ ,+..a`  \(_   ) /   \    `'-..(         /  \
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       `=;; (    (/_')-- -'^^`      ^^-.`_.-` >-'
       `=\\ (                             _,./
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            / /               / /``'`; /
           / /          ,-=='-`=-'  / /
     ,-=='-`=-.               ,-=='-`=-.
               , goldenRing, true);

            List<Monster> bigMonsters = new List<Monster> { d3, g1, t1, mt1, v1 };
            for (int i = 0; i < bigMonsters.Count; i++)
            return bosses;

        }//end BossScene()
Esempio n. 4
 //ctor with picture
 public Dragon(string name, int hitChance, int block, int maxLife, int life, string description, int maxDamage, int minDamage, int xp, bool isArmored, Item monsterItem, string monsterPic, QuestItems questItem, bool isFlying)
     : base(name, hitChance, block, maxLife, life, description, maxDamage, minDamage, xp, isArmored, monsterItem, monsterPic, questItem)
     IsFlying = isFlying;
Esempio n. 5
 public Golem(string name, int hitChance, int block, int maxLife, int life, string description, int maxDamage, int minDamage, int xp, bool isArmored, Item monsterItem, bool isStone, string monsterPic, QuestItems questItem)
     : base(name, hitChance, block, maxLife, life, description, maxDamage, minDamage, xp, isArmored, monsterItem, monsterPic, questItem)
     IsStone = isStone;