Esempio n. 1
 public static void ItemUse(Player player, string noun)
     if (noun != "")
         if (player.Inventory.Find(x => x.Name == FirstLetterToCap.MakeFirstLetterCap(noun)).Name == noun)
             Console.WriteLine($"Do you wish to use {noun}");
             if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "yes")
                 if (player.HP < player.PlayerMaxHP)
                     player.HP += GameAttributes.PlayerPotionByName(FirstLetterToCap.MakeFirstLetterCap(noun)).HPRecovery;
                     if (player.PlayerMaxHP < player.HP)
                         player.HP = player.PlayerMaxHP;
                     Console.WriteLine("You are already at max hp.");
             Console.WriteLine($"You do not have {noun}");
         Console.WriteLine("Please enter an iteme");
Esempio n. 2
        public static Player CreatePlayer(Player newPlayer)
            // variables and objects for validation and player creation.
            string password   = null;
            string name       = null;
            bool   validName  = false;
            bool   validClass = false;
            bool   validRace  = false;

            // Continues to run until the user has made a user name that is not in use. To keep previous users data safe.
            #region User Name Creation
            while (validName == false)
                Console.Write("\nPlease create a User Name! > ");
                name = Console.ReadLine();

                // After the user enters their name the if statement checks to see if the file name exits. If it doesn't then the program will continue.
                if (!File.Exists($"{name}.csv"))
                    newPlayer.PlayerName = name;
                    validName            = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nUser Name already Exists!\n");


            // Continues to run until the user meets all requirements allocated for a password.
            #region Password Creation
            while (password == null || !password.Any(char.IsLower) || !password.Any(char.IsUpper) || !password.Any(x => char.IsLetterOrDigit(x)))
                Console.WriteLine("\nMake a Password. Must have 1 captical letter, 1 lowercase letter, and 1 special character.");
                Console.Write("Please create a Password! > ");

                // Takes users Entry and passes it to a method for validation. Method will only return once user has a valid password, which will then exit the loop.
                password = PasswordValidator(Console.ReadLine());
            newPlayer.Password = password;
            #endregion Password Creation

            // Continues to run until the user chooses a class that we have allocated in our enums.
            #region Class Options
            while (validClass == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Pick Class. Choose Warrior, Mage, Rogue, Paladin");
                Console.Write("Choose a class!  > ");
                // Created the class method to make sure that the users entry matches our enum.
                string playerClass = FirstLetterToCap.MakeFirstLetterCap(Console.ReadLine());

                // This accesses our enum class and converts data inside to a string so that we can use our enums as comparision to user's entry.
                if (playerClass == Classes.Warrior.ToString() || playerClass == Classes.Mage.ToString() || playerClass == Classes.Rogue.ToString() || playerClass == Classes.Paladin.ToString())
                    // After the class is chosen, the player gets stats based off class chosen.
                    newPlayer.PlayerClass = playerClass;
                    switch (playerClass)
                    case "Warrior":
                        newPlayer.PlayerLevel = 1;
                        newPlayer.CurrentRoom = GameAttributes.rooms[0];
                        newPlayer.Equipment   = GameAttributes.PlayerWeaponByID(201);
                        newPlayer.PlayerMaxHP = 100;
                        newPlayer.HP          = 30;
                        newPlayer.AC          = 13;
                        newPlayer.Gold        = 50;
                        newPlayer.XP          = 125;
                        newPlayer.IsDead      = false;

                    case "Mage":
                        newPlayer.PlayerLevel = 1;
                        newPlayer.CurrentRoom = GameAttributes.rooms[0];
                        newPlayer.Equipment   = GameAttributes.PlayerWeaponByID(202);
                        newPlayer.PlayerMaxHP = 90;
                        newPlayer.HP          = 30;
                        newPlayer.AC          = 14;
                        newPlayer.Gold        = 100;
                        newPlayer.XP          = 175;
                        newPlayer.IsDead      = false;

                    case "Rogue":
                        newPlayer.PlayerLevel = 1;
                        newPlayer.CurrentRoom = GameAttributes.rooms[0];
                        newPlayer.Equipment   = GameAttributes.PlayerWeaponByID(203);
                        newPlayer.PlayerMaxHP = 80;
                        newPlayer.HP          = 30;
                        newPlayer.AC          = 15;
                        newPlayer.Gold        = 75;
                        newPlayer.XP          = 150;
                        newPlayer.IsDead      = false;

                    case "Paladin":
                        newPlayer.PlayerLevel = 1;
                        newPlayer.CurrentRoom = GameAttributes.rooms[0];
                        newPlayer.Equipment   = GameAttributes.PlayerWeaponByID(204);
                        newPlayer.PlayerMaxHP = 110;
                        newPlayer.HP          = 30;
                        newPlayer.AC          = 13;
                        newPlayer.Gold        = 25;
                        newPlayer.XP          = 100;
                        newPlayer.IsDead      = false;

                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid input");
                    validClass = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nNot a valid Class!\n");
            #endregion Class Options

            // Continues to run until the user chooses a race that we have allocated in our enums.
            #region Race Options
            while (validRace == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Pick Race. Choose Elf, Human, Dwarf, Orc");
                Console.Write("Choose a Race!  > ");
                // Created the class method to make sure that the users entry matches our enum.
                string playerRace = FirstLetterToCap.MakeFirstLetterCap(Console.ReadLine());

                // This accesses our enum race and converts data inside to a string so that we can use our enums as comparision to user's entry.
                if (playerRace == Race.Elf.ToString() || playerRace == Race.Human.ToString() || playerRace == Race.Dwarf.ToString() || playerRace == Race.Orc.ToString())
                    newPlayer.PlayerRace = playerRace;
                    validRace            = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nNot a valid Class!\n");
            #endregion Race Options

            // After all player creations requirements are met the object is passed to another class to save the data to a CSV file.
            // Them the player must login to their new account.
            Console.Write("\nPlease enter your User Name to start: > ");
            return(newPlayer = LoadPlayerFromFile.LoadPlayer(Console.ReadLine()));