protected override void OnStart() { Options.Initialize(); Global.Initialize(); Teams.Initialize(); DuckRig.Initialize(); Unlocks.Initialize(); ConnectionStatusUI.Initialize(); Unlocks.CalculateTreeValues(); Profiles.Initialize(); Dialogue.Initialize(); DuckTitle.Initialize(); News.Initialize(); Script.Initialize(); DuckNews.Initialize(); VirtualBackground.InitializeBack(); AmmoType.InitializeTypes(); DestroyType.InitializeTypes(); VirtualTransition.Initialize(); Unlockables.Initialize(); UIInviteMenu.Initialize(); LevelGenerator.Initialize(); DuckFile.CompleteSteamCloudInitializate(); Main.ResetMatchStuff(); foreach (Profile profile in { profile.RecordPreviousStats(); } Main.editor = new DuckGameEditor(); foreach (string file in DuckFile.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "*.hat")) { Team t = Team.Deserialize(file); if (t != null) { Teams.AddExtraTeam(t); } } Main.SetPurchaseDetails(9.99f, "USD"); if (Main.connectID != 0UL) { NCSteam.inviteLobbyID = Main.connectID; Level.current = (Level) new JoinServer(Main.connectID); } else { Level.current = !MonoMain.noIntro ? (Level) new BIOSScreen() : (!MonoMain.startInEditor ? (Level) new TitleScreen() : (Level)Main.editor); } this._font = new BitmapFont("biosFont", 8); Highlights.StartRound(); }
public void UpdateDefault() { if (Profiles.IsDefault([0])) { InputProfile inputProfile =[0].inputProfile; Team team =[0].team;[0].team = (Team)null; = team; Profiles.DefaultPlayer1.inputProfile = inputProfile; } if (Level.current == null) { return; } foreach (Door door in Level.current.things[typeof(Door)]) { if (door._lockDoor) { door.locked = !Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY",[0]); } } }
public static int GetTicketCount(Profile p) { int num = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ChallengeData> challenge in Challenges._challenges) { if (Challenges.challengesInArcade.Contains(challenge.Value)) { ChallengeSaveData saveData = Challenges.GetSaveData(challenge.Value.levelID, p, true); if (saveData != null) { if (saveData.trophy >= TrophyType.Bronze) { num += Challenges.valueBronze; } if (saveData.trophy >= TrophyType.Silver) { num += Challenges.valueSilver; } if (saveData.trophy >= TrophyType.Gold) { num += Challenges.valueGold; } if (saveData.trophy >= TrophyType.Platinum) { num += Challenges.valuePlatinum; } } } } foreach (UnlockData unlock in Unlocks.GetUnlocks(UnlockType.Any)) { if (unlock.ProfileUnlocked(p)) { num -= unlock.cost; } } return(num); }
public override void Activate() { TeamSelect2.GetMatchSetting("requiredwins").value = (object)(int)this.winsPerSet; TeamSelect2.GetMatchSetting("restsevery").value = (object)(int)this.roundsPerIntermission; TeamSelect2.GetMatchSetting("randommaps").value = (object)(int)this.randomPercent; TeamSelect2.GetMatchSetting("workshopmaps").value = (object)(int)this.workshopPercent; TeamSelect2.GetMatchSetting("normalmaps").value = (object)(int)this.normalPercent; TeamSelect2.GetMatchSetting("custommaps").value = (object)(int)this.customPercent; TeamSelect2.GetMatchSetting("wallmode").value = (object)this.wallmode; RockScoreboard.wallMode = this.wallmode; TeamSelect2.GetOnlineSetting("teams").value = (object)this.teams; TeamSelect2.prevCustomLevels = TeamSelect2.customLevels; TeamSelect2.customLevels = this.customLevels; foreach (UnlockData unlock in Unlocks.GetUnlocks(UnlockType.Modifier)) { unlock.enabled = this._enabledModifiers.Contains(Unlocks.modifierToByte[]); if (this.initialSettings) { unlock.prevEnabled = unlock.enabled; } } GameMode.roundsBetweenIntermission = (int)this.roundsPerIntermission; GameMode.winsPerSet = (int)this.winsPerSet; TeamSelect2.UpdateModifierStatus(); if (this.initialSettings) { foreach (MatchSetting matchSetting in TeamSelect2.matchSettings) { matchSetting.prevValue = matchSetting.value; } foreach (MatchSetting onlineSetting in TeamSelect2.onlineSettings) { onlineSetting.prevValue = onlineSetting.value; } } base.Activate(); }
public static void Initialize() { Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHats("hatpack1", new List <Team>() { Teams.GetTeam("BAWB"), Teams.GetTeam("Frank"), Teams.GetTeam("Meeee") }, (Func <bool>)(() => Unlocks.IsUnlocked("HATTY1")), "Hat Pack 1", "Check out these nifty cool hats.")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHats("hatpack2", new List <Team>() { Teams.GetTeam("Pulpy"), Teams.GetTeam("Joey"), Teams.GetTeam("Cowboys") }, (Func <bool>)(() => Unlocks.IsUnlocked("HATTY2")), "Hat Pack 2", "More cool hats! WOW!")); bool futz = false; Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableAchievement("gamerduck", (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 0 : 99)), "Duck Gamer", "Spawn 100 times.", "play100")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("chancyHat", Teams.GetTeam("Chancy"), (Func <bool>)(() => Unlocks.IsUnlocked("ULTIMATE")), "Chancy", "Got platinum on all challenges", "chancy")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableAchievement("ritual", (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 1 : 999)), "Ritual", "Spawn 1000 times.", "play1000")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("skully", Teams.GetTeam("SKULLY"), (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 3 : 999)), "SKULLY", "Kill 1000 Ducks", "kill1000")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableAchievement("endurance", (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 5 : 49)), "Endurance", "Play through a 50 point match", "endurance")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableAchievement("outgoing", (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 0 : 9)), "Outgoing", "Win 10 online matches", "online10")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableAchievement("basement", (Func <bool>)(() => Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY")), "Basement Dweller", "Unlock the basement", "basement")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableAchievement("poweruser", (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 0 : 9)), "Power User", "Play on 10 different custom maps", "editor")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableAchievement("drawbreaker", (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 0 : 9)), "Draw Breaker", "Break 10 draws", "drawbreaker")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableAchievement("hotstuff", (Func <bool>)(() => (double)Profiles.MostTimeOnFire() > (futz ? 2.0 : 899.0)), "Hot Stuff", "Spend 15 minutes on fire with any one profile", "fire")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableAchievement("myboy", (Func <bool>)(() => Profiles.experienceProfile != null && Profiles.experienceProfile.numLittleMen > 0), "That's My Boy", "Raise a little man.", "myboy")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableAchievement("jukebox", (Func <bool>)(() => Profiles.experienceProfile != null && Profiles.experienceProfile.numLittleMen > 7), "Jukebox Hero", "Raise eight little men.", "jukebox")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableAchievement("kingme", (Func <bool>)(() => Profiles.experienceProfile != null && Profiles.experienceProfile.xp >= DuckNetwork.GetLevel(999).xpRequired), "King Me", "Level up all the way.", "kingme")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("ballz", Teams.GetTeam("BALLZ"), (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 0 : 49)), "BALLZ", "Crush 50 Ducks", "crate")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("hearts", Teams.GetTeam("Hearts"), (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 0 : 49)), "<3", "Finish 50 whole matches.", "finish50")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("swackHat", Teams.GetTeam("SWACK"), (Func <bool>)(() => > 0), "SWACK", "Play through a match")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("BRODUCK", Teams.GetTeam("BRODUCK"), (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 0.25f : 10f)), "BRODUCK", "Strafe 10 Kilometers")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("astropal", Teams.GetTeam("astropal"), (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 5f : 200f)), "ASTROPAL", "Burn 200 gallons of rocket fuel.")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("eggpal", Teams.GetTeam("eggpal"), (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 0 : 4)), "EGGPAL", "Win 5 rounds as SWACK")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("brad", Teams.GetTeam("brad"), (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 0 : 99)), "BRAD DUNGEON", "Disarm 100 ducks.")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("brick", Teams.GetTeam("BRICK"), (Func <bool>)(() => > (futz ? 0 : 149)), "BRICK", "Fire 150 laser bullets.")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("ducks", Teams.GetTeam("DUCKS"), (Func <bool>)(() => > 999), "DUCK", "Quack 1000 times.")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("funnyman", Teams.GetTeam("FUNNYMAN"), (Func <bool>)(() => > 100), "FUNNYMAN", "Wear 100 different faces.")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("wizards", Teams.GetTeam("Wizards"), (Func <bool>)(() => > 25), "Wizard", "Make 25 angle trick shots.")); string str1 = "CYCLOPS"; if (Teams.GetTeam(str1) != null) { Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat(str1.ToLowerInvariant(), Teams.GetTeam(str1), (Func <bool>)(() =>"CYCLOPS")), str1, Teams.GetTeam(str1).description)); } string str2 = "MOTHERS"; if (Teams.GetTeam(str2) != null) { Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat(str2.ToLowerInvariant(), Teams.GetTeam(str2), (Func <bool>)(() =>"MOTHERS")), str2, Teams.GetTeam(str2).description)); } string str3 = "BIG ROBO"; if (Teams.GetTeam(str3) != null) { Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat(str3.ToLowerInvariant(), Teams.GetTeam(str3), (Func <bool>)(() =>"BIG ROBO")), str3, Teams.GetTeam(str3).description)); } string str4 = "TINCAN"; if (Teams.GetTeam(str4) != null) { Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat(str4.ToLowerInvariant(), Teams.GetTeam(str4), (Func <bool>)(() =>"TINCAN")), str4, Teams.GetTeam(str4).description)); } string str5 = "WELDERS"; if (Teams.GetTeam(str5) != null) { Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat(str5.ToLowerInvariant(), Teams.GetTeam(str5), (Func <bool>)(() =>"WELDERS")), str5, Teams.GetTeam(str5).description)); } string str6 = "PONYCAP"; if (Teams.GetTeam(str6) != null) { Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat(str6.ToLowerInvariant(), Teams.GetTeam(str6), (Func <bool>)(() =>"PONYCAP")), str6, Teams.GetTeam(str6).description)); } string str7 = "TRICORNE"; if (Teams.GetTeam(str7) != null) { Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat(str7.ToLowerInvariant(), Teams.GetTeam(str7), (Func <bool>)(() =>"TRICORNE")), str7, Teams.GetTeam(str7).description)); } string str8 = "TWINTAIL"; if (Teams.GetTeam(str8) != null) { Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat(str8.ToLowerInvariant(), Teams.GetTeam(str8), (Func <bool>)(() =>"TWINTAIL")), str8, Teams.GetTeam(str8).description)); } string str9 = "MAJESTY"; if (Teams.GetTeam(str9) != null) { Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat(str9.ToLowerInvariant(), Teams.GetTeam(str9), (Func <bool>)(() =>"MAJESTY")), str9, "Max out your level (holy crap!!)")); } string str10 = "MOONWALK"; if (Teams.GetTeam(str10) != null) { Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat(str10.ToLowerInvariant(), Teams.GetTeam(str10), (Func <bool>)(() =>"MOONWALK")), str10, "Raise 8 little men.")); } Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("devtimes", Teams.GetTeam("CAPTAIN"), (Func <bool>)(() => ((int)Profile.CalculateLocalFlippers() & 16) != 0), "UR THE BEST", "Thank you for playing Duck Game <3")); Unlockables._unlocks.Add((Unlockable) new UnlockableHat("eyebob", Teams.GetTeam("eyebob"), (Func <bool>)(() => > 24), "CHARGE SHOT", "Get 25 Kills With the Giant Death Laser")); foreach (Unlockable unlock in Unlockables._unlocks) { unlock.Initialize(); if (unlock.CheckCondition()) { unlock.DoUnlock(); } } }
public override void Update() { Options.openOnClose = this._pauseMenu; if (this.spawnKey) { if ((double)this.spawnKeyWait > 0.0) { this.spawnKeyWait -= Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } else { SFX.Play("ching"); this.spawnKey = false; Key key = new Key(this._prizeTable.x, this._prizeTable.y); key.vSpeed = -4f; key.depth = this._duck.depth + 50; Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)key); } } Chancy.Update(); if (this._pendingSpawns != null && this._pendingSpawns.Count > 0) { Duck pendingSpawn = this._pendingSpawns[0]; this.AddThing((Thing)pendingSpawn); this._pendingSpawns.RemoveAt(0); this._duck = pendingSpawn; this._arcade = this.things[typeof(ArcadeMode)].First <Thing>() as ArcadeMode; } Layer.Lighting.fade = Layer.Lighting2.fade = 1f - Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(0.0f, (float)((1.0 - (double)Layer.Game.fade) * 1.5))); this.backgroundColor = Color.Black; if ( || { foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = false; } this._prizeTable.visible = false; } else { foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = true; } this._prizeTable.visible = true; } if (this._state == this._desiredState && this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine && this._state != ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._quitting) { if (Input.Pressed("START")) { this._pauseGroup.Open(); this._pauseMenu.Open(); MonoMain.pauseMenu = this._pauseGroup; if (!this._paused) { Music.Pause(); SFX.Play("pause", 0.6f); this._paused = true; this._duck.immobilized = true; } this.simulatePhysics = false; return; } if (this._paused && MonoMain.pauseMenu == null) { this._paused = false; SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); if (this._quit.value) { this._quitting = true; } else { Music.Resume(); this._duck.immobilized = false; this.simulatePhysics = true; } } } else { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.02f); if ((double)Graphics.fade > 0.00999999977648258) { return; } Level.current = (Level) new TitleScreen(); return; } } if (this._paused) { return; } if (this._hud.launchChallenge) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge; } if (this._desiredState != this._state) { = false; bool flag = false; if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._hud.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.Normal) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._duck); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } if (Unlockables.HasPendingUnlocks()) { MonoMain.pauseMenu = (UIComponent) new UIUnlockBox(Unlockables.GetPendingUnlocks().ToList <Unlockable>(), / 2f, / 2f, 190f); } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge || this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList || this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._duck); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._flipState) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } Music.volume = Lerp.Float(Music.volume, 0.0f, 0.01f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.02f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0) { flag = true; } } if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._unlockScreen.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } this._flipState = true; if (this._launchedChallenge) { Layer.Background.fade = 0.0f; Layer.Game.fade = 0.0f; } if (!flag) { return; } this._flipState = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._state = this._desiredState; if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play("Arcade"); this._afterChallenge = false; } this._hud.MakeActive(); Level.Add((Thing)this._hud); = false; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { ArcadeLevel.currentArcade = this; foreach (Thing thing in this.things[typeof(ChallengeConfetti)]) { Level.Remove(thing); } Music.Stop(); Level.current = (Level) new ChallengeLevel(this._hud.selected.challenge.fileName); if (!this.launchSpecialChallenge) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._hud.launchChallenge = false; this._launchedChallenge = false; this._afterChallenge = true; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; this._hud.launchChallenge = false; this._launchedChallenge = false; this._afterChallenge = true; this.launchSpecialChallenge = false; } } else { if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { this._unlockMachines.Clear(); foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { if (challenge.CheckUnlocked()) { this._unlockMachines.Add(challenge); } } if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockMachine; } else { if (!this.basementWasUnlocked && Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY",[0])) { this.spawnKey = true; this.basementWasUnlocked = true; } = true; } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge) { = false; if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play("Arcade"); this._afterChallenge = false; HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.TopLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); Chancy.afterChallenge = true; Chancy.afterChallengeWait = 1f; } else { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "ACCEPT@SELECT@"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@QUACK@CANCEL"); HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.TopLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); } = false; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { = false; ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole == null) { return; } HUD.CloseAllCorners(); arcadeHatConsole.Open(); } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList) { = false; HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "ACCEPT@SELECT@"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@QUACK@BACK"); } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { return; } this.basementWasUnlocked = Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY",[0]); this._unlockScreen.MakeActive(); = false; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { object obj = (object)null; foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { double length = (double)(this._duck.position - challenge.position).length; if (challenge.hover) { obj = (object)challenge; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._hud.activeChallengeGroup =; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)challenge); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } if (this._prizeTable.hover) { obj = (object)this._prizeTable; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockScreen; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._prizeTable); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } } if (Chancy.hover && Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = true; Chancy.OpenChallengeView(); } else { ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole != null && Input.Pressed("SHOOT") && arcadeHatConsole.hover) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; } else { Chancy.hover = false; if (!Chancy.atCounter) { if ((double)(this._duck.position - Chancy.standingPosition).length < 22.0) { obj = (object)Chancy.context; Chancy.hover = true; } if ((double)Chancy.standingPosition.x < (double) - 16.0 || (double)Chancy.standingPosition.x > (double) + 16.0 || ((double)Chancy.standingPosition.y < (double) - 16.0 || (double)Chancy.standingPosition.y > (double) + 16.0)) { Chancy.atCounter = true; Chancy.activeChallenge = (ChallengeData)null; } } else if (this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { obj = (object)this._arcade; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); Chancy.OpenChallengeList(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = true; return; } } if (this._hoverThing == obj) { return; } HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverThing = obj; this._hoverMachine = !(this._hoverThing is ArcadeMachine) ? (ArcadeMachine)null : obj as ArcadeMachine; if (this._hoverMachine != null) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "PLAY@SHOOT@"); string text = + " "; foreach (string challenge1 in { ChallengeData challenge2 = Challenges.GetChallenge(challenge1); if (challenge2 != null) { ChallengeSaveData saveData = Challenges.GetSaveData(challenge2.levelID, this._duck.profile); if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Baseline) { text += "@BASELINE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Bronze) { text += "@BRONZE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Silver) { text += "@SILVER@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Gold) { text += "@GOLD@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Platinum) { text += "@PLATINUM@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Developer) { text += "@DEVELOPER@"; } } } HUD.AddCornerMessage(HUDCorner.TopLeft, text); } else if (this._prizeTable.hover) { if (this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@VIEW CHALLENGES"); } else { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@SPEND TICKETS"); HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); } } else { switch (obj) { case ArcadeMode _: if (!this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { break; } HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@VIEW CHALLENGES"); break; case Chancy _: HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "CHANCY@SHOOT@"); break; } } } } } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } this._unlockMachineWait -= 0.02f; Layer.Lighting2.targetFade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Lighting2.targetFade, 0.5f, 0.01f); if ((double)this._unlockMachineWait >= 0.0) { return; } if (this._unlockingMachine) { this._unlockingMachine = false; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; } else if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._unlockMachines[0].unlocked = true; this._unlockMachines.RemoveAt(0); this._unlockingMachine = this._unlockMachines.Count > 0; SFX.Play("lightTurnOn", pitch: Rando.Float(-0.1f, 0.1f)); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; Layer.Lighting2.targetFade = 1f; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.05f); if (!this._hud.quitOut) { return; } this._hud.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; if (Chancy.activeChallenge != null) { return; } List <ChallengeData> chancyChallenges = Challenges.GetEligibleIncompleteChancyChallenges([0]); if (chancyChallenges.Count <= 0) { return; } Vec2 position = this._duck.position; ArcadeMachine arcadeMachine = Level.Nearest <ArcadeMachine>(this._duck.x, this._duck.y); if (arcadeMachine != null) { position = arcadeMachine.position; } chancyChallenges.OrderBy <ChallengeData, int>((Func <ChallengeData, int>)(v => v.GetRequirementValue())); Chancy.AddProposition(chancyChallenges[chancyChallenges.Count - 1], position); } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { if (!this._unlockScreen.quitOut) { return; } this._unlockScreen.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge) { if (!this.launchSpecialChallenge) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { if (this.returnToChallengeList) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = true; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("consoleCancel"); } else { if (!Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { return; } this.launchSpecialChallenge = true; SFX.Play("consoleSelect"); } } else { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); if ((double)Graphics.fade >= 0.00999999977648258) { return; } this._hud.launchChallenge = true; this._hud.selected = new ChallengeCard(0.0f, 0.0f, Chancy.activeChallenge); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("consoleCancel"); } else { if (!Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { return; } Chancy.AddProposition(Chancy.selectedChallenge, Chancy.standingPosition); this.returnToChallengeList = true; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = true; Chancy.lookingAtList = false; Chancy.OpenChallengeView(); } } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { return; } Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole == null || arcadeHatConsole.IsOpen()) { return; } foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.unlocked = challenge.CheckUnlocked(false); } this._unlockMachines.Clear(); this.UpdateDefault(); this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } }
public override void Initialize() { TeamSelect2.DefaultSettings(); base.Initialize(); this.UpdateDefault(); bool flag = true; foreach (Profile prof in { if (flag) { flag = false; } else { if ( != null) {; } prof.inputProfile = (InputProfile)null; } } this._pendingSpawns = new Deathmatch((Level)this).SpawnPlayers(); this._pendingSpawns = this._pendingSpawns.OrderBy <Duck, float>((Func <Duck, float>)(sp => sp.x)).ToList <Duck>(); foreach (Duck pendingSpawn in this._pendingSpawns) { this.followCam.Add((Thing)pendingSpawn); ((ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>())?.MakeHatSelector(pendingSpawn); } this.followCam.Adjust(); foreach (ArcadeMachine arcadeMachine in this.things[typeof(ArcadeMachine)]) { this._challenges.Add(arcadeMachine); }[0].ticketCount = Challenges.GetTicketCount([0]); if ([0].ticketCount < 0) {[0].ticketCount = 0; } foreach (ArcadeFrame arcadeFrame in this.things[typeof(ArcadeFrame)]) { this._frames.Add(arcadeFrame); } foreach (ChallengeSaveData challengeSaveData in Challenges.GetAllSaveData()) { if (challengeSaveData.frameID != "") { ArcadeFrame frame = this.GetFrame(challengeSaveData.frameID); if (frame != null) { frame.saveData = challengeSaveData; } } } foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.unlocked = challenge.CheckUnlocked(false); } this._hud = new ArcadeHUD(); this._hud.alpha = 0.0f; Level.Add((Thing)this._hud); this._unlockScreen = new UnlockScreen(); this._unlockScreen.alpha = 0.0f; Level.Add((Thing)this._unlockScreen); this._pauseGroup = new UIComponent( / 2f, / 2f, 0.0f, 0.0f); this._pauseMenu = new UIMenu("@LWING@CHALLENGE MODE@RWING@", / 2f, / 2f, 160f, conString: "@DPAD@MOVE @SELECT@SELECT"); this._confirmMenu = new UIMenu("REALLY QUIT?", / 2f, / 2f, 160f, conString: "@SELECT@SELECT"); UIDivider uiDivider = new UIDivider(true, 0.8f); uiDivider.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("RESUME", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenu(this._pauseGroup), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("OPTIONS", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this._pauseMenu, (UIComponent)Options.optionsMenu), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("QUIT", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this._pauseMenu, (UIComponent)this._confirmMenu), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIImage("pauseIcons", UIAlign.Right), true); this._pauseMenu.Add((UIComponent)uiDivider, true); this._pauseMenu.Close(); this._pauseGroup.Add((UIComponent)this._pauseMenu, false); this._pauseGroup.Add((UIComponent)Options.optionsMenu, false); Options.openOnClose = this._pauseMenu; this._confirmMenu.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("NO!", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this._confirmMenu, (UIComponent)this._pauseMenu)), true); this._confirmMenu.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("YES!", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._pauseGroup, this._quit)), true); this._confirmMenu.Close(); this._pauseGroup.Add((UIComponent)this._confirmMenu, false); this._pauseGroup.Close(); Level.Add((Thing)this._pauseGroup); this._prizeTable = this.things[typeof(PrizeTable)].FirstOrDefault <Thing>() as PrizeTable; if (this._prizeTable == null) { this._prizeTable = new PrizeTable(730f, 124f); } Chancy.activeChallenge = (ChallengeData)null; Chancy.atCounter = true; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = false; Graphics.fade = 1f; this.basementWasUnlocked = Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY",[0]); Level.Add((Thing)this._prizeTable); Music.Play("Arcade"); }
public static void CalculateTreeValues() { ArcadeLevel arcadeLevel = new ArcadeLevel(Content.GetLevelID("arcade")); arcadeLevel.InitializeMachines(); int num1 = 0; foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in arcadeLevel._challenges) { num1 +=; } int num2 = num1 + Challenges.GetAllChancyChallenges().Count; int num3 = num2 * Challenges.valueBronze; int num4 = num2 * Challenges.valueSilver; int num5 = num2 * Challenges.valueGold; int num6 = num2 * Challenges.valuePlatinum; int num7 = num3; int num8 = num3 + num4; int num9 = num3 + num4 + num5; int num10 = num3 + num4 + num5 + num6; Unlocks.bronzeTotalTickets = num7; Unlocks.silverTotalTickets = num8; Unlocks.goldTotalTickets = num9; Unlocks.platinumTotalTickets = num10; int num11 = 0; int num12 = 0; int num13 = 0; int num14 = 0; foreach (UnlockData unlock in Unlocks.GetUnlocks(UnlockType.Any)) { if (unlock.priceTier == UnlockPrice.Cheap) { ++num11; } else if (unlock.priceTier == UnlockPrice.Normal) { ++num12; } else if (unlock.priceTier == UnlockPrice.High) { ++num13; } else if (unlock.priceTier == UnlockPrice.Ridiculous) { ++num14; } } int num15 = (int)Math.Round((double)num9 * 0.100000001490116); int num16 = (int)Math.Round((double)num9 * 0.300000011920929); int num17 = (int)Math.Round((double)num9 * 0.400000005960464); int num18 = (int)Math.Round((double)num9 * 0.200000002980232); int num19 = (int)Math.Round((double)num15 / (double)num11); int num20 = (int)Math.Round((double)num16 / (double)num12); int num21 = (int)Math.Round((double)num17 / (double)num13); int num22 = (int)Math.Round((double)num18 / (double)num14); while (num19 * num11 + num20 * num12 + num21 * num13 + num22 * num14 > num9) { --num22; } while (num19 * num11 + num20 * num12 + num21 * num13 + num22 * num14 < num9) { ++num22; } foreach (UnlockData unlock in Unlocks.GetUnlocks(UnlockType.Any)) { if (unlock.priceTier == UnlockPrice.Cheap) { unlock.cost = num19; } else if (unlock.priceTier == UnlockPrice.Normal) { unlock.cost = num20; } else if (unlock.priceTier == UnlockPrice.High) { unlock.cost = num21; } else if (unlock.priceTier == UnlockPrice.Ridiculous) { unlock.cost = num22; } else if (unlock.priceTier == UnlockPrice.Chancy) { unlock.cost = num6; } } }