public override void OnSolidImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (this.pullOnImpact) { this.OnPressAction(); } base.OnSolidImpact(with, from); }
// Token: 0x06000CC8 RID: 3272 public override void OnSoftImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (this._wasLifted && this.owner == null && with is Block) { this.Shing(); this._framesSinceThrown = 15; } }
public CollisionIsland(MaterialThing own, QuadTreeObjectList lev) { this.radiusSquared = this.radius * this.radius; this.radiusCheckSquared = this.radiusCheck * this.radiusCheck; this.owner = own; this.level = lev; this.AddThing(own); }
public override void OnSolidImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (with is PhysicsObject) { (with as PhysicsObject).specialFrictionMod = 0.16f; (with as PhysicsObject).modFric = true; } base.OnSolidImpact(with, from); }
public void AddThing(MaterialThing thing) { if (thing.island != null && thing.island != this) { thing.island.RemoveThing(thing); } thing.island = this; this._things.Add(thing); }
public override void OnSoftImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (from == ImpactedFrom.Bottom && (double)this.hitWait == 0.0 && with.isServerForObject) { with.Fondle((Thing)this); } if (!this.isServerForObject || from != ImpactedFrom.Bottom || (double)this.hitWait != 0.0) { return; } this.hitWait = 1f; switch (with) { case Holdable holdable when holdable.lastThrownBy != null || holdable is RagdollPart && !Network.isActive: Duck lastThrownBy = holdable.lastThrownBy as Duck; if (holdable is RagdollPart) { break; } if (lastThrownBy != null) { PurpleBlock.StoreItem(lastThrownBy.profile, (Thing)with); } this.Bounce(); break; case Duck duck: StoredItem storedItem = PurpleBlock.GetStoredItem(duck.profile); if (storedItem.type != (System.Type)null && !this._served.Contains(duck.profile)) { this.contains = storedItem.type; this._contextThing = storedItem.thing; this.Pop(); this._hit = false; this._served.Add(duck.profile); } else { if (this._served.Contains(duck.profile)) { SFX.Play("scanFail"); } this.Bounce(); } if (duck.holdObject == null) { break; } Holdable holdObject = duck.holdObject; if (holdObject == null) { break; } PurpleBlock.StoreItem(duck.profile, (Thing)holdObject); break; } }
public void RemoveThing(MaterialThing thing) { this._things.Remove(thing); thing.island = (CollisionIsland)null; if (thing != this.owner) { return; } this.KillIsland(); }
// Token: 0x06002309 RID: 8969 public override void OnSoftImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (this.owner == null && with is Block) { this.Shing(with); if (base.totalImpactPower > 3f) { this._started = false; } } }
public override void OnSoftImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (!(with is IPlatform)) { return; } for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) { Level.Add((Thing)Spark.New(this.barrelPosition.x + Rando.Float(-6f, 6f), this.barrelPosition.y + Rando.Float(-3f, 3f), -MaterialThing.ImpactVector(from))); } }
public override void OnSoftImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (this._fade || with is Gun || (with is AutoPlatform || with is Nubber) && (double)this.vSpeed <= 0.0) { return; } if (with is PhysicsObject) { this._isVolatile = -1f; } if ((double)this._startWait <= 0.0 && !this._fade && ((double)this.totalImpactPower > 2.0 && ((double)this._isVolatile <= 0.0 || !(with is Block)) || this._blowUp)) { int num1 = 0; for (int index = 0; index < 1; ++index) { ExplosionPart explosionPart = new ExplosionPart(this.x - 8f + Rando.Float(16f), this.y - 8f + Rando.Float(16f)); explosionPart.xscale *= 0.7f; explosionPart.yscale *= 0.7f; Level.Add((Thing)explosionPart); ++num1; } SFX.Play("explode"); for (int index = 0; index < 12; ++index) { float num2 = (float)((double)index * 30.0 - 10.0) + Rando.Float(20f); ATShrapnel atShrapnel = new ATShrapnel(); atShrapnel.range = 25f + Rando.Float(10f); Level.Add((Thing) new Bullet(this.x + (float)(Math.Cos((double)Maths.DegToRad(num2)) * 8.0), this.y - (float)(Math.Sin((double)Maths.DegToRad(num2)) * 8.0), (AmmoType)atShrapnel, num2) { firedFrom = (Thing)this }); } this._fade = true; this.y += 10000f; } else { if (with is IPlatform) { return; } if (from == ImpactedFrom.Left || from == ImpactedFrom.Right) { this.BounceH(); } if (from != ImpactedFrom.Top && from != ImpactedFrom.Bottom) { return; } this.BounceV(); } }
public override void OnSolidImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { with.Fondle((Thing)this); if (from == ImpactedFrom.Top && (double)with.totalImpactPower + (double)this.totalImpactPower > 0.100000001490116 && this._sprite.currentAnimation == "idle") { this.activated = true; this._sprite.SetAnimation("activate"); SFX.Play("click"); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -8f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(16f, 15f); } base.OnSolidImpact(with, from); }
public override void OnImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (!this.isServerForObject || with == this._owner || (with is Gun || (double)with.weight < 5.0)) { return; } if (with is PhysicsObject) { with.hSpeed = this.hSpeed / 4f; --with.vSpeed; } this.Destroy((DestroyType) new DTImpact((Thing)null)); with.Burn(this.position, (Thing)this); }
public override void OnSoftImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (Network.isActive && this.connection != DuckNetwork.localConnection) { return; } switch (with) { case Duck duck when !duck.inNet && !duck.dead: duck.Netted(this); if (duck._trapped != null) { for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) { SmallSmoke smallSmoke = SmallSmoke.New(duck._trapped.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), duck._trapped.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f)); smallSmoke.hSpeed += duck._trapped.hSpeed * Rando.Float(0.3f, 0.5f); smallSmoke.vSpeed -= Rando.Float(0.1f, 0.2f); Level.Add((Thing)smallSmoke); } } if (Recorder.currentRecording == null) { break; } Recorder.currentRecording.LogBonus(); break; case RagdollPart ragdollPart when ragdollPart.doll.captureDuck != null && !ragdollPart.doll.captureDuck.dead: Duck captureDuck = ragdollPart.doll.captureDuck; this.Fondle((Thing)ragdollPart.doll); ragdollPart.doll.Unragdoll(); captureDuck.Netted(this); if (captureDuck._trapped != null) { for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) { SmallSmoke smallSmoke = SmallSmoke.New(captureDuck._trapped.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), captureDuck._trapped.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f)); smallSmoke.hSpeed += captureDuck._trapped.hSpeed * Rando.Float(0.3f, 0.5f); smallSmoke.vSpeed -= Rando.Float(0.1f, 0.2f); Level.Add((Thing)smallSmoke); } } if (Recorder.currentRecording == null) { break; } Recorder.currentRecording.LogBonus(); break; } }
public override void OnSoftImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (this._isMace && with is Duck) { if (with == this.collar.owner || (double)this.totalImpactPower <= 8.0) { return; } with.Destroy((DestroyType) new DTCrush((PhysicsObject)this)); } else { base.OnSoftImpact(with, from); } }
public override void Touch(MaterialThing with) { if (with.isServerForObject) { if ((double)with.vSpeed > -22.0 * (double)this._mult) { with.vSpeed = -22f * this._mult; } if (with is RagdollPart) { if ((double)Math.Abs(with.hSpeed) < 0.100000001490116) { with.hSpeed = (double)Rando.Float(1f) >= 0.5 ? 1.3f : -1.3f; } else { with.hSpeed *= Rando.Float(1.1f, 1.4f); } } if (with is Mine) { if ((double)Math.Abs(with.hSpeed) < 0.100000001490116) { with.hSpeed = (double)Rando.Float(1f) >= 0.5 ? 1.2f : -1.2f; } else { with.hSpeed *= Rando.Float(1.1f, 1.2f); } } with.lastHSpeed = with._hSpeed; with.lastVSpeed = with._vSpeed; if (with is Duck) { (with as Duck).jumping = false; } if (with is Gun) { (with as Gun).PressAction(); } } this.SpringUp(); }
public override void OnSoftImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (!(with is Gun gun)) { return; } switch (gun) { case Sword _: break; case SledgeHammer _: break; default: gun.PressAction(); break; } }
public override void OnSoftImpact(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) { if (this.flipVertical) { if ((double)with.vSpeed < -1.0 && (this.offDir > (sbyte)0 && (double)with.hSpeed < 1.0 || this.offDir < (sbyte)0 && (double)with.hSpeed >= -1.0)) { with.hSpeed = (float)(-(double)with.vSpeed * 1.5) * (float)this.offDir; } else if ((this.offDir < (sbyte)0 && (double)with.right > (double)this.left + 4.0 || this.offDir > (sbyte)0 && (double)with.left < (double)this.right - 4.0) && (this.offDir > (sbyte)0 && (double)with.hSpeed < -1.0 || this.offDir < (sbyte)0 && (double)with.hSpeed > 1.0) && (double)with.vSpeed < 0.5) { with.vSpeed = Math.Abs(with.hSpeed * 1.6f); } } else if ((double)with.vSpeed > 1.0 && (this.offDir > (sbyte)0 && (double)with.hSpeed < 1.0 || this.offDir < (sbyte)0 && (double)with.hSpeed >= -1.0)) { with.hSpeed = with.vSpeed * 1.5f * (float)this.offDir; } else if ((this.offDir < (sbyte)0 && (double)with.right > (double)this.left + 4.0 || this.offDir > (sbyte)0 && (double)with.left < (double)this.right - 4.0) && (this.offDir > (sbyte)0 && (double)with.hSpeed < -1.0 || this.offDir < (sbyte)0 && (double)with.hSpeed > 1.0) && (double)with.vSpeed > -0.5) { with.vSpeed = -Math.Abs(with.hSpeed * 1.6f); } base.OnSoftImpact(with, from); }
public void RemoveIsland(CollisionIsland i) { if (i.things.Count != 0) { i.owner = i.things.First <MaterialThing>(); for (int index = 0; index < i.things.Count; ++index) { MaterialThing materialThing = i.things.ElementAt <MaterialThing>(index); if (materialThing != i.owner) { int count = i.things.Count; materialThing.UpdateIsland(); if (i.things.Count != count) { --index; } } } } else { i.willDie = true; } }
protected override float CalculatePersonalImpactPower(MaterialThing with, ImpactedFrom from) => base.CalculatePersonalImpactPower(with, from) - 1.5f;
public void AddIsland(MaterialThing t) => this._islands.Add(new CollisionIsland(t, this));
// Token: 0x06000CCA RID: 3274 public override void Update() { base.Update(); if (this._swordSwing.finished) { this._swordSwing.speed = 0f; } if (this._hitWait > 0) { this._hitWait--; } this._framesExisting++; if (this._framesExisting > 100) { this._framesExisting = 100; } if (Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + Math.Abs(this.vSpeed) > 4f && this._framesExisting > 10) { this._wasLifted = true; } if (this.owner != null) { this._hold = -0.4f; this._wasLifted = true; = new Vec2(4f, 21f); this._framesSinceThrown = 0; } else { if (this._framesSinceThrown == 1) { this._throwSpin = Maths.RadToDeg(this.angle) - 90f; this._hold = 0f; this._swing = 0f; } if (this._wasLifted) { base.angleDegrees = 90f + this._throwSpin; = new Vec2(4f, 11f); } this._volatile = false; bool spinning = false; bool againstWall = false; if (Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + Math.Abs(this.vSpeed) > 2f || !base.grounded) { if (!base.grounded && Level.CheckRect <Block>(this.position + new Vec2(-6f, -6f), this.position + new Vec2(6f, -2f), null) != null) { againstWall = true; if (this.vSpeed > 4f) { this._volatile = true; } } if (!againstWall && !this._grounded && Level.CheckPoint <IPlatform>(this.position + new Vec2(0f, 8f), null, null) == null) { if (this.hSpeed > 0f) { this._throwSpin += (Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + Math.Abs(this.vSpeed)) * 2f + 4f; } else { this._throwSpin -= (Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + Math.Abs(this.vSpeed)) * 2f + 4f; } spinning = true; } } if (this._framesExisting > 15 && Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + Math.Abs(this.vSpeed) > 3f) { this._volatile = true; } if (!spinning || againstWall) { this._throwSpin %= 360f; if (againstWall) { if (Math.Abs(this._throwSpin - 90f) < Math.Abs(this._throwSpin + 90f)) { this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(this._throwSpin, 90f, 16f); } else { this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(-90f, 0f, 16f); } } else if (this._throwSpin > 90f && this._throwSpin < 270f) { this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(this._throwSpin, 180f, 14f); } else { if (this._throwSpin > 180f) { this._throwSpin -= 360f; } else if (this._throwSpin < -180f) { this._throwSpin += 360f; } this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(this._throwSpin, 0f, 14f); } } if (this._volatile && this._hitWait == 0) { (this.Offset(base.barrelOffset) - this.position).Normalize(); this.Offset(base.barrelOffset); bool rebound = false; foreach (Thing thing in Level.current.things[typeof(Sword)]) { Sword s = (Sword)thing; if (s != this && s.owner != null && s._crouchStance && !s._jabStance && !s._jabStance && ((this.hSpeed > 0f && s.x > base.x - 4f) || (this.hSpeed < 0f && s.x < base.x + 4f)) && Collision.LineIntersect(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, s.barrelStartPos, s.barrelPosition)) { this.Shing(); s.Shing(); s.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 1f; s.owner.vSpeed -= 1f; rebound = true; this._hitWait = 4; this.hSpeed = -this.hSpeed * 0.6f; } } int waitFrames = 12; if (!rebound) { foreach (Thing thing2 in Level.current.things[typeof(Chainsaw)]) { Chainsaw s2 = (Chainsaw)thing2; if (s2.owner != null && s2.throttle && Collision.LineIntersect(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, s2.barrelStartPos, s2.barrelPosition)) { this.Shing(); s2.Shing(this); s2.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 1f; s2.owner.vSpeed -= 1f; rebound = true; this.hSpeed = -this.hSpeed * 0.6f; this._hitWait = 4; if (Recorder.currentRecording != null) { Recorder.currentRecording.LogBonus(); } } } if (!rebound) { Helmet helmetHit = Level.CheckLine <Helmet>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, null); if (helmetHit != null && helmetHit.equippedDuck != null && (helmetHit.owner != base.prevOwner || (int)this._framesSinceThrown > waitFrames)) { this.hSpeed = -this.hSpeed * 0.6f; this.Shing(); rebound = true; this._hitWait = 4; } else { ChestPlate chestHit = Level.CheckLine <ChestPlate>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, null); if (chestHit != null && chestHit.equippedDuck != null && (chestHit.owner != base.prevOwner || (int)this._framesSinceThrown > waitFrames)) { this.hSpeed = -this.hSpeed * 0.6f; this.Shing(); rebound = true; this._hitWait = 4; } } } } if (!rebound && base.isServerForObject) { foreach (IAmADuck d in Level.CheckLineAll <IAmADuck>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition)) { if (d != { MaterialThing realThing = d as MaterialThing; if (realThing != null && (realThing != base.prevOwner || (int)this._framesSinceThrown > waitFrames)) { realThing.Destroy(new DTImpale(this)); if (Recorder.currentRecording != null) { Recorder.currentRecording.LogBonus(); } } } } } } } if (this.owner == null) { this._swinging = false; this._jabStance = false; this._crouchStance = false; this._pullBack = false; this._swung = false; this._shing = false; this._swing = 0f; this._swingPress = false; this._slamStance = false; this._unslam = 0; } if (base.isServerForObject) { if (this._unslam > 1) { this._unslam--; this._slamStance = true; } else if (this._unslam == 1) { this._unslam = 0; this._slamStance = false; } if (this._pullBack) { if ( != null) { if (this._jabStance) { this._pullBack = false; this._swinging = true; } else { this._swinging = true; this._pullBack = false; } } } else if (this._swinging) { if (this._jabStance) { this._addOffsetX = MathHelper.Lerp(this._addOffsetX, 3f, 0.4f); if (this._addOffsetX > 2f && !this.action) { this._swinging = false; } } else if (base.raised) { this._swing = MathHelper.Lerp(this._swing, -2.8f, 0.2f); if (this._swing < -2.4f && !this.action) { this._swinging = false; this._swing = 1.8f; } } else { this._swing = MathHelper.Lerp(this._swing, 2.1f, 0.4f); if (this._swing > 1.8f && !this.action) { this._swinging = false; this._swing = 1.8f; } } } else { if (!this._swinging && (!this._swingPress || this._shing || (this._jabStance && this._addOffsetX < 1f) || (!this._jabStance && this._swing < 1.6f))) { if (this._jabStance) { this._swing = MathHelper.Lerp(this._swing, 1.75f, 0.4f); if (this._swing > 1.55f) { this._swing = 1.55f; this._shing = false; this._swung = false; } this._addOffsetX = MathHelper.Lerp(this._addOffsetX, -12f, 0.45f); if (this._addOffsetX < -12f) { this._addOffsetX = -12f; } this._addOffsetY = MathHelper.Lerp(this._addOffsetY, -4f, 0.35f); if (this._addOffsetX < -3f) { this._addOffsetY = -3f; } } else if (this._slamStance) { this._swing = MathHelper.Lerp(this._swing, 3.14f, 0.8f); if (this._swing > 3.1f && this._unslam == 0) { this._swing = 3.14f; this._shing = false; this._swung = true; } this._addOffsetX = MathHelper.Lerp(this._addOffsetX, -5f, 0.45f); if (this._addOffsetX < -4.6f) { this._addOffsetX = -5f; } this._addOffsetY = MathHelper.Lerp(this._addOffsetY, -6f, 0.35f); if (this._addOffsetX < -5.5f) { this._addOffsetY = -6f; } } else { this._swing = MathHelper.Lerp(this._swing, -0.22f, 0.36f); this._addOffsetX = MathHelper.Lerp(this._addOffsetX, 1f, 0.2f); if (this._addOffsetX > 0f) { this._addOffsetX = 0f; } this._addOffsetY = MathHelper.Lerp(this._addOffsetY, 1f, 0.2f); if (this._addOffsetY > 0f) { this._addOffsetY = 0f; } } } if ((this._swing < 0f || this._jabStance) && this._swing < 0f) { this._swing = 0f; this._shing = false; this._swung = false; } } } if ( != null) { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-4f, 0f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(4f, 4f); if (this._crouchStance && !this._jabStance) { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-2f, -19f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(4f, 16f); this.thickness = 3f; } this._swingPress = false; if (!this._pullBack && !this._swinging) { this._crouchStance = false; this._jabStance = false; if ( { if (!this._pullBack && !this._swinging && > 0) ? "LEFT" : "RIGHT")) { this._jabStance = true; } this._crouchStance = true; } if (!this._crouchStance || this._jabStance) { this._slamStance = false; } } if (!this._crouchStance) { this._hold = -0.4f; this.handOffset = new Vec2(this._addOffsetX, this._addOffsetY); this._holdOffset = new Vec2(-4f + this._addOffsetX, 4f + this._addOffsetY); } else { this._hold = 0f; this._holdOffset = new Vec2(0f + this._addOffsetX, 4f + this._addOffsetY); this.handOffset = new Vec2(3f + this._addOffsetX, this._addOffsetY); } } else { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-2f, -16f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(4f, 18f); if (this._wasLifted) { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-4f, -2f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(8f, 4f); } this.thickness = 0f; } if ((this._swung || this._swinging) && !this._shing) { (this.Offset(base.barrelOffset) - this.position).Normalize(); this.Offset(base.barrelOffset); IEnumerable <IAmADuck> hit2 = Level.CheckLineAll <IAmADuck>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition); Block wallHit = Level.CheckLine <Block>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, null); if (wallHit != null && !this._slamStance) { if (this.offDir < 0 && wallHit.x > base.x) { wallHit = null; } else if (this.offDir > 0 && wallHit.x < base.x) { wallHit = null; } } bool clashed = false; if (wallHit != null) { this.Shing(); if (this._slamStance) { this._swung = false; this._unslam = 20; this.owner.vSpeed = -5f; } if (wallHit is Window) { wallHit.Destroy(new DTImpact(this)); } } else if (!this._jabStance && !this._slamStance) { Thing ignore = null; if ( != null) { ignore =; } Vec2 barrel = base.barrelPosition + base.barrelVector * 3f; Vec2 p3 = new Vec2((this.position.x < barrel.x) ? this.position.x : barrel.x, (this.position.y < barrel.y) ? this.position.y : barrel.y); Vec2 p2 = new Vec2((this.position.x > barrel.x) ? this.position.x : barrel.x, (this.position.y > barrel.y) ? this.position.y : barrel.y); QuadLaserBullet laserHit = Level.CheckRect <QuadLaserBullet>(p3, p2, null); if (laserHit != null) { this.Shing(); base.Fondle(laserHit); laserHit.safeFrames = 8; laserHit.safeDuck =; Vec2 travel =; float mag = travel.length; float mul = 1f; if (this.offDir > 0 && travel.x < 0f) { mul = 1.5f; } else if (this.offDir < 0 && travel.x > 0f) { mul = 1.5f; } if (this.offDir > 0) { travel = new Vec2(mag * mul, 0f); } else { travel = new Vec2(-mag * mul, 0f); } = travel; } else { Helmet helmetHit2 = Level.CheckLine <Helmet>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, ignore); if (helmetHit2 != null && helmetHit2.equippedDuck != null) { this.Shing(); helmetHit2.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 3f; helmetHit2.owner.vSpeed -= 2f; = 1f; helmetHit2.Hurt(0.53f); clashed = true; } else { if ( != null) { ignore =; } ChestPlate chestHit2 = Level.CheckLine <ChestPlate>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, ignore); if (chestHit2 != null && chestHit2.equippedDuck != null) { this.Shing(); chestHit2.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 3f; chestHit2.owner.vSpeed -= 2f; = 1f; chestHit2.Hurt(0.53f); clashed = true; } } } } if (!clashed) { foreach (Thing thing3 in Level.current.things[typeof(Sword)]) { Sword s3 = (Sword)thing3; if (s3 != this && != null && !this._jabStance && !s3._jabStance && != null && Collision.LineIntersect(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, s3.barrelStartPos, s3.barrelPosition)) { this.Shing(); s3.Shing(); s3.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 3f; s3.owner.vSpeed -= 2f; += -(float)this.offDir * 3f; -= 2f; = 1f; = 1f; clashed = true; } } } if (clashed) { return; } using (IEnumerator <IAmADuck> enumerator5 = hit2.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator5.MoveNext()) { IAmADuck d2 = enumerator5.Current; if (d2 != { MaterialThing realThing2 = d2 as MaterialThing; if (realThing2 != null) { realThing2.Destroy(new DTImpale(this)); } } } return; } } if (this._crouchStance && != null) { foreach (IAmADuck d3 in Level.CheckLineAll <IAmADuck>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition)) { if (d3 != { MaterialThing realThing3 = d3 as MaterialThing; if (realThing3 != null) { if (realThing3.vSpeed > 0.5f && realThing3.bottom < this.position.y - 8f && realThing3.left < base.barrelPosition.x && realThing3.right > base.barrelPosition.x) { realThing3.Destroy(new DTImpale(this)); } else if (!this._jabStance && !realThing3.destroyed && ((this.offDir > 0 && realThing3.x > || (this.offDir < 0 && realThing3.x < { if (realThing3 is Duck) { (realThing3 as Duck).crippleTimer = 1f; } else if (( > realThing3.x && realThing3.hSpeed > 1.5f) || ( < realThing3.x && realThing3.hSpeed < -1.5f)) { realThing3.Destroy(new DTImpale(this)); } base.Fondle(realThing3); realThing3.hSpeed = (float)this.offDir * 3f; realThing3.vSpeed = -2f; } } } } } }
// Token: 0x0600230C RID: 8972 public override void Update() { base.Update(); float num = 1f; if (this.souped) { num = 1.3f; } if (this._swordSwing.finished) { this._swordSwing.speed = 0f; } if (this._hitWait > 0) { this._hitWait--; } if (this._gas < 0.01f) { this.ammo = 0; } this._framesExisting++; if (this._framesExisting > 100) { this._framesExisting = 100; } float pitch = this.souped ? 0.3f : 0f; this._sound.lerpVolume = ((this._started && !this._throttle) ? 0.6f : 0f); this._sound.pitch = pitch; if (this._started) { this._warmUp += 0.001f; if (this._warmUp > 1f) { this._warmUp = 1f; } if (!this._puffClick && this._idleWave > 0.9f) { this._skipSmoke = !this._skipSmoke; if (this._throttle || !this._skipSmoke) { Level.Add(SmallSmoke.New(base.x + (float)(this.offDir * 4), base.y + 5f, this._smokeFlipper ? -0.1f : 0.8f, 0.7f)); this._smokeFlipper = !this._smokeFlipper; this._puffClick = true; } } else if (this._puffClick && this._idleWave < 0f) { this._puffClick = false; } if (this._pullState < 0) { float num2 = 1f + Maths.NormalizeSection(this._engineSpin, 1f, 2f) * 2f; float num3 = this._idleWave; if (num2 > 1f) { num3 = this._spinWave; } this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(0f, 2f + num3 * num2), 0.23f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f + num3 * num2), 0.23f); float num4 = Maths.NormalizeSection(this._engineSpin, 1f, 2f) * 3f; this._rotSway = this._idleWave.normalized * num4 * 0.03f; } else { this._rotSway = 0f; } this._gas -= 3E-05f; if (this._throttle) { this._gas -= 0.0002f; } if (this._gas < 0f) { this._gas = 0f; this._started = false; this._throttle = false; } if (this._triggerHeld) { if (this._releasedSincePull) { if (!this._throttle) { this._throttle = true; SFX.Play("chainsawBladeRevUp", 0.5f, pitch, 0f, false); } this._engineSpin = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._engineSpin, 4f, 0.1f, 1f); } } else { if (this._throttle) { this._throttle = false; if (this._engineSpin > 1.7f) { SFX.Play("chainsawBladeRevDown", 0.5f, pitch, 0f, false); } } this._engineSpin = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._engineSpin, 0f, 0.1f, 1f); this._releasedSincePull = true; } } else { this._warmUp -= 0.001f; if (this._warmUp < 0f) { this._warmUp = 0f; } this._releasedSincePull = false; this._throttle = false; } this._bladeSound.lerpSpeed = 0.1f; this._throttleWait = Lerp.Float(this._throttleWait, this._throttle ? 1f : 0f, 0.07f); this._bladeSound.lerpVolume = ((this._throttleWait > 0.96f) ? 0.6f : 0f); if (this._struggling) { this._bladeSound.lerpVolume = 0f; } this._bladeSoundLow.lerpVolume = ((this._throttleWait > 0.96f && this._struggling) ? 0.6f : 0f); this._bladeSound.pitch = pitch; this._bladeSoundLow.pitch = pitch; if (this.owner == null) { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -6f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(13f, 11f); } else if ( != null && ( || { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -6f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(6f, 11f); } else { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -6f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(10f, 11f); } if (this.owner != null) { this._resetDuck = false; if (this._pullState == -1) { if (!this._started) { this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(0f, 2f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f), 0.23f); } this._upWait = 0f; } else if (this._pullState == 0) { this._animRot = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._animRot, -0.4f, 0.15f, 1f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(-2f, -2f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(-4f, 4f), 0.23f); if (this._animRot <= -0.35f) { this._animRot = -0.4f; this._pullState = 1; this.PullEngine(); } this._upWait = 0f; } else if (this._pullState == 1) { this._releasePull = false; this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(2f, 3f), 0.23f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(-4f, -2f), 0.23f); this._animRot = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._animRot, -0.5f, 0.07f, 1f); if (this._animRot < -0.45f) { this._animRot = -0.5f; this._pullState = 2; } this._upWait = 0f; } else if (this._pullState == 2) { if (this._releasePull || !this._triggerHeld) { this._releasePull = true; if (this._started) { this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(0f, 2f + this._idleWave.normalized), 0.23f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f + this._idleWave.normalized), 0.23f); this._animRot = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._animRot, 0f, 0.1f, 1f); if (this._animRot > -0.07f) { this._animRot = 0f; this._pullState = -1; } } else { this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(-4f, 4f), 0.24f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(-2f, -2f), 0.24f); this._animRot = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._animRot, -0.4f, 0.12f, 1f); if (this._animRot > -0.44f) { this._releasePull = false; this._animRot = -0.4f; this._pullState = 3; this._holdOffset = new Vec2(-4f, 4f); this.handOffset = new Vec2(-2f, -2f); } } } this._upWait = 0f; } else if (this._pullState == 3) { this._releasePull = false; this._upWait += 0.1f; if (this._upWait > 6f) { this._pullState = -1; } } this._bladeSpin += this._engineSpin; while (this._bladeSpin >= 1f) { this._bladeSpin -= 1f; int num5 = this._sprite.frame + 1; if (num5 > 15) { num5 = 0; } this._sprite.frame = num5; } this._engineSpin = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._engineSpin, 0f, 0.1f, 1f); this._engineResistance = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._engineResistance, 1f, 0.01f, 1f); this._hold = -0.4f; = new Vec2(8f, 7f); this._framesSinceThrown = 0; } else { this._rotSway = 0f; this._shing = false; this._animRot = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._animRot, 0f, 0.18f, 1f); if (this._framesSinceThrown == 1) { this._throwSpin = base.angleDegrees; } this._hold = 0f; base.angleDegrees = this._throwSpin; = new Vec2(8f, 7f); bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; if ((Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + Math.Abs(this.vSpeed) > 2f || !base.grounded) && this.gravMultiplier > 0f) { if (!base.grounded && Level.CheckRect <Block>(this.position + new Vec2(-8f, -6f), this.position + new Vec2(8f, -2f), null) != null) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2 && !this._grounded && Level.CheckPoint <IPlatform>(this.position + new Vec2(0f, 8f), null, null) == null) { if (this.offDir > 0) { this._throwSpin += (Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + Math.Abs(this.vSpeed)) * 1f + 5f; } else { this._throwSpin -= (Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + Math.Abs(this.vSpeed)) * 1f + 5f; } flag = true; } } if (!flag || flag2) { this._throwSpin %= 360f; if (this._throwSpin < 0f) { this._throwSpin += 360f; } if (flag2) { if (Math.Abs(this._throwSpin - 90f) < Math.Abs(this._throwSpin + 90f)) { this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(this._throwSpin, 90f, 16f); } else { this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(-90f, 0f, 16f); } } else if (this._throwSpin > 90f && this._throwSpin < 270f) { this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(this._throwSpin, 180f, 14f); } else { if (this._throwSpin > 180f) { this._throwSpin -= 360f; } else if (this._throwSpin < -180f) { this._throwSpin += 360f; } this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(this._throwSpin, 0f, 14f); } } } if (Math.Abs(this._angle) > 1f) { this._flood += 0.005f; if (this._flood > 1f) { this._flooded = true; this._started = false; } this._gasDripFrames++; if (this._gas > 0f && this._flooded && this._gasDripFrames > 2) { FluidData gas = Fluid.Gas; gas.amount = 0.003f; this._gas -= 0.005f; if (this._gas < 0f) { this._gas = 0f; } Level.Add(new Fluid(base.x, base.y, Vec2.Zero, gas, null, 1f)); this._gasDripFrames = 0; } if (this._gas <= 0f) { this._started = false; } } else { this._flood -= 0.008f; if (this._flood < 0f) { this._flood = 0f; } } if ( != null) { = 1f; if (this._skipSpark > 0) { this._skipSpark++; if (this._skipSpark > 2) { this._skipSpark = 0; } } if ( && this._throttle && this._skipSpark == 0) { if (Level.CheckLine <Block>(this.barrelStartPos + new Vec2(0f, 8f), base.barrelPosition + new Vec2(0f, 8f), null) != null) { this._skipSpark = 1; Vec2 value = this.position + base.barrelVector * 5f; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Level.Add(Spark.New(value.x, value.y, new Vec2((float)this.offDir * Rando.Float(0f, 2f), Rando.Float(0.5f, 1.5f)), 0.02f)); value += base.barrelVector * 2f; this._fireTrailWait -= 0.5f; if (this.souped && this._fireTrailWait <= 0f) { this._fireTrailWait = 1f; SmallFire smallFire = SmallFire.New(value.x, value.y, (float)this.offDir * Rando.Float(0f, 2f), Rando.Float(0.5f, 1.5f), false, null, true, null, false); smallFire.waitToHurt = Rando.Float(1f, 2f); smallFire.whoWait = (this.owner as Duck); Level.Add(smallFire); } } if (this.offDir > 0 && this.owner.hSpeed < (float)(this.offDir * 6) * num) { this.owner.hSpeed = (float)(this.offDir * 6) * num; } else if (this.offDir < 0 && this.owner.hSpeed > (float)(this.offDir * 6) * num) { this.owner.hSpeed = (float)(this.offDir * 6) * num; } } else if (this.offDir > 0 && this.owner.hSpeed < (float)(this.offDir * 3) * num) { this.owner.hSpeed = (float)(this.offDir * 3) * num; } else if (this.offDir < 0 && this.owner.hSpeed > (float)(this.offDir * 3) * num) { this.owner.hSpeed = (float)(this.offDir * 3) * num; } } if (this._pullState == -1) { if (!this._throttle) { this._animRot = MathHelper.Lerp(this._animRot, 0.3f, 0.2f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(-2f, 2f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(-3f, 4f), 0.23f); } else if (this._shing) { this._animRot = MathHelper.Lerp(this._animRot, -1.8f, 0.4f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(1f, 0f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f), 0.23f); if (this._animRot < -1.5f) { this._shing = false; } } else if ( { this._animRot = MathHelper.Lerp(this._animRot, 0.4f, 0.2f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(1f, 0f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f), 0.23f); } else if ("UP")) { this._animRot = MathHelper.Lerp(this._animRot, -0.9f, 0.2f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(1f, 0f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f), 0.23f); } else { this._animRot = MathHelper.Lerp(this._animRot, 0f, 0.2f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(1f, 0f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f), 0.23f); } } } else if (!this._resetDuck && base.prevOwner != null) { PhysicsObject physicsObject = base.prevOwner as PhysicsObject; if (physicsObject != null) { physicsObject.frictionMult = 1f; } this._resetDuck = true; } if (this._skipDebris > 0) { this._skipDebris++; } if (this._skipDebris > 3) { this._skipDebris = 0; } this._struggling = false; if (this.owner != null && this._started && this._throttle && !this._shing) { (this.Offset(base.barrelOffset) - this.position).Normalize(); this.Offset(base.barrelOffset); IEnumerable <IAmADuck> enumerable = Level.CheckLineAll <IAmADuck>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition); Block block3 = Level.CheckLine <Block>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, null); if (this.owner != null) { foreach (MaterialThing materialThing in Level.CheckLineAll <MaterialThing>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition)) { if (materialThing.Hurt((materialThing is Door) ? 1.8f : 0.5f)) { if ( != null && && materialThing is Door && (materialThing as Door)._jammed) { materialThing.Destroy(new DTImpale(this)); } else { this._struggling = true; if ( != null) { = 4f; } if (this._skipDebris == 0) { this._skipDebris = 1; Vec2 value2 = Collision.LinePoint(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, materialThing.rectangle); if (value2 != Vec2.Zero) { value2 += base.barrelVector * Rando.Float(0f, 3f); Vec2 vec = -base.barrelVector.Rotate(Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f), Vec2.Zero); if (materialThing.physicsMaterial == PhysicsMaterial.Wood) { WoodDebris woodDebris = WoodDebris.New(value2.x, value2.y); woodDebris.hSpeed = vec.x * 3f; woodDebris.vSpeed = vec.y * 3f; Level.Add(woodDebris); } else if (materialThing.physicsMaterial == PhysicsMaterial.Metal) { Spark spark = Spark.New(value2.x, value2.y, Vec2.Zero, 0.02f); spark.hSpeed = vec.x * 3f; spark.vSpeed = vec.y * 3f; Level.Add(spark); } } } } } } } bool flag3 = false; if (block3 != null && !(block3 is Door)) { this.Shing(block3); if (block3 is Window) { block3.Destroy(new DTImpact(this)); } } else { foreach (Thing thing in Level.current.things[typeof(Sword)]) { Sword sword = (Sword)thing; if (sword.owner != null && sword.crouchStance && !sword.jabStance && Collision.LineIntersect(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, sword.barrelStartPos, sword.barrelPosition)) { this.Shing(sword); sword.Shing(); sword.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 3f; sword.owner.vSpeed -= 2f; += -(float)this.offDir * 3f; -= 2f; = 1f; = 1f; flag3 = true; } } if (!flag3) { Thing ignore = null; if ( != null) { ignore =; } QuadLaserBullet quadLaserBullet = Level.CheckLine <QuadLaserBullet>(this.position, base.barrelPosition, null); if (quadLaserBullet != null) { this.Shing(quadLaserBullet); Vec2 travel =; float length = travel.length; float num6 = 1f; if (this.offDir > 0 && travel.x < 0f) { num6 = 1.5f; } else if (this.offDir < 0 && travel.x > 0f) { num6 = 1.5f; } if (this.offDir > 0) { travel = new Vec2(length * num6, 0f); } else { travel = new Vec2(-length * num6, 0f); } = travel; } else { Helmet helmet = Level.CheckLine <Helmet>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, ignore); if (helmet != null && helmet.equippedDuck != null) { this.Shing(helmet); helmet.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 3f; helmet.owner.vSpeed -= 2f; = 1f; helmet.Hurt(0.53f); flag3 = true; } else { if ( != null) { ignore =; } ChestPlate chestPlate = Level.CheckLine <ChestPlate>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, ignore); if (chestPlate != null && chestPlate.equippedDuck != null) { this.Shing(chestPlate); chestPlate.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 3f; chestPlate.owner.vSpeed -= 2f; = 1f; chestPlate.Hurt(0.53f); flag3 = true; } } } } } if (!flag3) { foreach (Thing thing2 in Level.current.things[typeof(Chainsaw)]) { Chainsaw chainsaw = (Chainsaw)thing2; if (chainsaw != this && chainsaw.owner != null && Collision.LineIntersect(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, chainsaw.barrelStartPos, chainsaw.barrelPosition)) { this.Shing(chainsaw); chainsaw.Shing(this); chainsaw.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 2f; chainsaw.owner.vSpeed -= 1.5f; += -(float)this.offDir * 2f; -= 1.5f; = 1f; = 1f; flag3 = true; if (Recorder.currentRecording != null) { Recorder.currentRecording.LogBonus(); } } } } if (!flag3) { foreach (IAmADuck amADuck in enumerable) { if (amADuck != { MaterialThing materialThing2 = amADuck as MaterialThing; if (materialThing2 != null) { materialThing2.velocity += new Vec2((float)this.offDir * 0.8f, -0.8f); materialThing2.Destroy(new DTImpale(this)); if ( != null) { = 0; } } } } } } }