Esempio n. 1
 public static Value GetValueType(Interpreter interpreter, SourceRef location, Value[] args, int argCount)
Esempio n. 2
 public CompileException(string message, SourceRef location) : base(message)
     Location = location;
Esempio n. 3
 public MissingCommaException(SourceRef location) :
     base("Missing comma", location)
Esempio n. 4
 //Token.TokenType Type;
 public UnrecognizedTokenTypeException(Token.TokenType type, SourceRef location) :
     base("Unrecognized token \"" + type + "\"", location)
     //Type = type;
Esempio n. 5
 public UnmatchedTokenException(Token.TokenType type, SourceRef location) :
     base("Unmatched token \"" + type + "\"", location)
Esempio n. 6
 public ExpectedNodeException(ASTNode.NodeType expected, ASTNode.NodeType got, SourceRef location) :
     base("Expected \"" + expected + "\" but got \"" + got + "\"", location)
Esempio n. 7
 //string TokenString;
 public UnexpectedTokenException(string tokenString, SourceRef location) :
     base("Unexpected token \"" + tokenString + "\"", location)
     //TokenString = tokenString;
 public UnexpectedTypeException(
     Type type,
     SourceRef location
     ) : base("Unexpected .NET type \"" + type + "\"", location)
 public UnexpectedLeftTypeException(
     Value.ValueType type,
     SourceRef location
     ) : base("Unexpected left operand type \"" + type + "\"", location)
 public CannotSetIndexInTypeException(
     Value.ValueType type,
     SourceRef location
     ) : base("Cannot set a value for an index in type \"" + type + "\"", location)
 public CannotGetIndexInTypeException(
     Type type,
     SourceRef location
     ) : base("Cannot get a value from an index in type \"" + type + "\"", location)
 public CannotIndexTypeException(
     Type type,
     SourceRef location
     ) : base("Cannot index type \"" + type + "\"", location)
Esempio n. 13
 public static Value Create(Interpreter interpreter, SourceRef location, Value[] args, int argCount)
     return(interpreter.Context.CreateCoroutine(args[0].VerifyType(Value.ValueType.Function, location)));
Esempio n. 14
 public static Value ThrowException(Interpreter interpreter, SourceRef location, Value[] args, int argCount)
     throw new InterpreterException(args[0].VerifyType(Value.ValueType.String, location).String, location);
Esempio n. 15
 public NoInfoForNodeException(ASTNode.NodeType type, SourceRef location) :
     base("No information available for node \"" + type + "\"", location)
 public CannotCallTypeException(
     Value.ValueType type,
     SourceRef location
     ) : base("Cannot call a value of type " + type, location)
Esempio n. 17
 public NoCodeGenerationForNodeException(ASTNode.NodeType type, SourceRef location) :
     base("No code generation available for node type \"" + type + "\"", location)
 public UnexpectedRightTypeException(
     Type type,
     SourceRef location
     ) : base("Unexpected right operand .NET type \"" + type + "\"", location)
Esempio n. 19
 public InvalidConditionException(string statement, SourceRef location) :
     base("Invalid condition(s) for \"" + statement + "\" statement", location)
 public ExpectedCharacterException(
     SourceRef location
     ) : base("Expected a single character", location)
Esempio n. 21
 public ExpectedTokenException(string tokenString, SourceRef location) :
     base("Expected token \"" + tokenString + "\"", location)
 public CannotThreadTypeException(
     Value.ValueType type,
     SourceRef location
     ) : base("Cannot start a thread with a value of type " + type, location)
Esempio n. 23
 public StringNotTerminatedException(SourceRef location) :
     base("String not terminated", location)
 public NotEnoughArgumentsException(
     int expected, int got,
     SourceRef location
     ) : base("Function expected " + expected + " arguments but got " + got, location)
Esempio n. 25
 public MalformedNumberException(SourceRef location) :
     base("Malformed number", location)
 public NoCaseForInstructionException(
     Instruction.InstructionType type,
     SourceRef location
     ) : base("Interpreter does not have a case for instruction " + type, location)
Esempio n. 27
 public MissingSemicolonException(SourceRef location) :
     base("Missing semicolon", location)
 public InterpreterException(string message, SourceRef location) : base(message)
     Location = location;
Esempio n. 29
 public InvalidOperandsException(ASTNode.NodeType type, SourceRef location) :
     base("Invalid operand(s) for operator type \"" + type + "\"", location)
Esempio n. 30
 public static Value ConvToString(Interpreter interpreter, SourceRef location, Value[] args, int argCount)