public virtual void Drop(DropInfo dropInfo) { int insertIndex = dropInfo.InsertIndex; IList destinationList = GetList(dropInfo.TargetCollection); IEnumerable data = ExtractData(dropInfo.Data); if (dropInfo.DragInfo.VisualSource == dropInfo.VisualTarget) { IList sourceList = GetList(dropInfo.DragInfo.SourceCollection); foreach (object o in data) { int index = sourceList.IndexOf(o); if (index != -1) { sourceList.RemoveAt(index); if (sourceList == destinationList && index < insertIndex) { --insertIndex; } } } } foreach (object o in data) { destinationList.Insert(insertIndex++, o); } }
public virtual void DragOver(DropInfo dropInfo) { if (CanAcceptData(dropInfo)) { dropInfo.Effects = DragDropEffects.Copy; dropInfo.DropTargetAdorner = DropTargetAdorners.Insert; } }
void IDropTarget.Drop(DropInfo drop_info) { log.Trace("Drop"); default_drop_handler.Drop(drop_info); if (drop_info.Data is Post) { var posts_view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Posts); posts_view.MoveCurrentTo(drop_info.Data); } }
protected static bool CanAcceptData(DropInfo dropInfo) { if (dropInfo.DragInfo.SourceCollection == dropInfo.TargetCollection) { return GetList(dropInfo.TargetCollection) != null; } else if (dropInfo.DragInfo.SourceCollection is ItemCollection) { return false; } else { if (TestCompatibleTypes(dropInfo.TargetCollection, dropInfo.Data)) { return !IsChildOf(dropInfo.VisualTargetItem, dropInfo.DragInfo.VisualSourceItem); } else { return false; } } }
void IDropTarget.Drop(DropInfo drop_info) { if (drop_info.TargetItem == null) log.Trace("Dropping on " + drop_info.TargetCollection.ToString()); else { if (drop_info.TargetItem is Account) log.Trace("Dropping on " + (drop_info.TargetItem as Account).Name); else log.Trace("Dropping on " + (drop_info.TargetItem as Post).Text); } default_drop_handler.Drop(drop_info); if (drop_info.Data is Account) { var accounts_view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Accounts); accounts_view.MoveCurrentTo(drop_info.Data); } else if (drop_info.Data is Post) { var accounts_view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Accounts); Account current_account = accounts_view.CurrentItem as Account; if (current_account == null) return; // Get selected post var posts_view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(current_account.Posts); posts_view.MoveCurrentTo(drop_info.Data); } }
void IDropTarget.DragOver(DropInfo drop_info) { default_drop_handler.DragOver(drop_info); }
void IDropTarget.DragOver(DropInfo drop_info) { log.Trace("DragOver"); default_drop_handler.DragOver(drop_info); }
static void DropTarget_PreviewDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { DropInfo dropInfo = new DropInfo(sender, e, m_DragInfo, m_Format.Name); IDropTarget dropHandler = GetDropHandler((UIElement)sender); DragAdorner = null; DropTargetAdorner = null; if (dropHandler != null) { dropHandler.Drop(dropInfo); } else { DefaultDropHandler.Drop(dropInfo); } e.Handled = true; }
static void DropTarget_PreviewDragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { DropInfo dropInfo = new DropInfo(sender, e, m_DragInfo, m_Format.Name); IDropTarget dropHandler = GetDropHandler((UIElement)sender); if (dropHandler != null) { dropHandler.DragOver(dropInfo); } else { DefaultDropHandler.DragOver(dropInfo); } // Update the drag adorner. if (dropInfo.Effects != DragDropEffects.None) { if (DragAdorner == null && m_DragInfo != null) { CreateDragAdorner(); } if (DragAdorner != null) { DragAdorner.MousePosition = e.GetPosition(DragAdorner.AdornedElement); DragAdorner.InvalidateVisual(); } } else { DragAdorner = null; } // If the target is an ItemsControl then update the drop target adorner. if (sender is ItemsControl) { UIElement adornedElement = ((ItemsControl)sender).GetVisualDescendent<ItemsPresenter>(); if (dropInfo.DropTargetAdorner == null) { DropTargetAdorner = null; } else if (!dropInfo.DropTargetAdorner.IsInstanceOfType(DropTargetAdorner)) { DropTargetAdorner = DropTargetAdorner.Create(dropInfo.DropTargetAdorner, adornedElement); } if (DropTargetAdorner != null) { DropTargetAdorner.DropInfo = dropInfo; DropTargetAdorner.InvalidateVisual(); } } e.Effects = dropInfo.Effects; e.Handled = true; Scroll((DependencyObject)sender, e); }
public override void OnDragOver(DropInfo dropInfo) { //default is to accept our data types dropInfo.Effects = DragDropEffects.All; }