Esempio n. 1
 public MigratedArgs(SyncContext context, SyncSet schema, SyncSetup setup, MigrationResults migration, DbConnection connection = null, DbTransaction transaction = null) : base(context, connection, transaction)
     this.Schema    = schema;
     this.Setup     = setup;
     this.Migration = migration;
Esempio n. 2
        public MigrationResults Compare()
            MigrationResults migrationSetup = new MigrationResults();

            if (newSetup == oldSetup)

            var sc = SyncGlobalization.DataSourceStringComparison;

            // if we change the prefix / suffix, we should recreate all stored procedures
            if (!string.Equals(newSetup.StoredProceduresPrefix, oldSetup.StoredProceduresPrefix, sc) || !string.Equals(newSetup.StoredProceduresSuffix, oldSetup.StoredProceduresSuffix, sc))
                migrationSetup.AllStoredProcedures = MigrationAction.CreateOrRecreate;

            // if we change the prefix / suffix, we should recreate all triggers
            if (!string.Equals(newSetup.TriggersPrefix, oldSetup.TriggersPrefix, sc) || !string.Equals(newSetup.TriggersSuffix, oldSetup.TriggersSuffix, sc))
                migrationSetup.AllTriggers = MigrationAction.CreateOrRecreate;

            // If we change tracking tables prefix and suffix, we should:
            // - RENAME the tracking tables (and keep the rows)
            // - RECREATE the stored procedure
            // - RECREATE the triggers
            if (!string.Equals(newSetup.TrackingTablesPrefix, oldSetup.TrackingTablesPrefix, sc) || !string.Equals(newSetup.TrackingTablesSuffix, oldSetup.TrackingTablesSuffix, sc))
                migrationSetup.AllStoredProcedures = MigrationAction.CreateOrRecreate;
                migrationSetup.AllTriggers         = MigrationAction.CreateOrRecreate;
                migrationSetup.AllTrackingTables   = MigrationAction.Rename;

            // Search for deleted tables
            var deletedTables = oldSetup.Tables.Where(oldt => newSetup.Tables[oldt.TableName, oldt.SchemaName] == null);

            // We found some tables present in the old setup, but not in the new setup
            // So, we are removing all the sync elements from the table, but we do not remote the table itself
            foreach (var deletedTable in deletedTables)
                var migrationDeletedSetupTable = new MigrationSetupTable(deletedTable);
                migrationDeletedSetupTable.StoredProcedures = MigrationAction.Drop;
                migrationDeletedSetupTable.TrackingTable    = MigrationAction.Drop;
                migrationDeletedSetupTable.Triggers         = MigrationAction.Drop;
                migrationDeletedSetupTable.Table            = MigrationAction.Drop;


            // For all new tables, a classic ensure schema will be enough

            // Compare existing tables
            foreach (var newTable in newSetup.Tables)
                // Getting corresponding table in old setup
                var oldTable = oldSetup.Tables[newTable.TableName, newTable.SchemaName];

                // We do not found the old setup table, we can conclude this "newTable" is a new table included in the new setup
                // And therefore will be setup during the last call the EnsureSchema()
                if (oldTable == null)

                // SyncDirection has no impact if different form old and new setup table.

                var migrationSetupTable = new MigrationSetupTable(newTable);

                // Then compare all columns
                if (oldTable.Columns.Count != newTable.Columns.Count || !oldTable.Columns.All(item1 => newTable.Columns.Any(item2 => string.Equals(item1, item2, sc))))
                    migrationSetupTable.StoredProcedures = MigrationAction.CreateOrRecreate;
                    migrationSetupTable.TrackingTable    = MigrationAction.CreateOrRecreate;
                    migrationSetupTable.Triggers         = MigrationAction.CreateOrRecreate;
                    migrationSetupTable.Table            = MigrationAction.CreateOrRecreate;
                    migrationSetupTable.StoredProcedures = migrationSetup.AllStoredProcedures;
                    migrationSetupTable.TrackingTable    = migrationSetup.AllTrackingTables;
                    migrationSetupTable.Triggers         = migrationSetup.AllTriggers;
Esempio n. 3
 public MigratingArgs(SyncContext context, SyncSet newSchema, SyncSetup oldSetup, SyncSetup newSetup, MigrationResults migrationResults, DbConnection connection, DbTransaction transaction) : base(context, connection, transaction)
     this.NewSchema        = newSchema;
     this.OldSetup         = oldSetup;
     this.NewSetup         = newSetup;
     this.MigrationResults = migrationResults;