Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>Draws a circular shape.</summary>
        public void DrawEllipse(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate center, float radius)
            // Translate the coordinate to the center
            PointD centerPoint        = ToPointD(center);
            PointD controlCenterPoint = ToPointD(PolarCoordinate.Empty);

            // Calculate the bounding box for the ellipse
            double minX = controlCenterPoint.X;
            double minY = controlCenterPoint.Y;
            double maxX = controlCenterPoint.X;
            double maxY = controlCenterPoint.Y;

            for (int angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 10)
                PointD x = ToPointD(new PolarCoordinate(radius, new Angle(angle), Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));
                minX = Math.Min(minX, x.X);
                minY = Math.Min(minY, x.Y);
                maxX = Math.Max(maxX, x.X);
                maxY = Math.Max(maxY, x.Y);
            // Now translate the values by the center point
            double width  = Math.Abs(maxX - minX);
            double height = Math.Abs(maxY - minY);

#if PocketPC
//			gx.DrawEllipse(new PenX(pen.Color, pen.Width),
//				(float)(CenterPoint.X - (width * 0.5)), (float)(CenterPoint.Y - (height * 0.5)), (float)width, (float)height);

            g.DrawEllipse(pen, (int)(CenterPoint.X - (width * 0.5)), (int)(CenterPoint.Y - (height * 0.5)), (int)width, (int)height);
            _g.DrawEllipse(pen, (float)(centerPoint.X - (width * 0.5)), (float)(centerPoint.Y - (height * 0.5)), (float)width, (float)height);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw Centered String
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="font"></param>
        /// <param name="brush"></param>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <param name="format"></param>
        public void DrawCenteredString(string s, Font font, Brush brush, PolarCoordinate point, StringFormat format)
            PointD startPoint = ToPointD(point);
            SizeF  stringSize = _g.MeasureString(s, font);
            PointD newStart   = new PointD(startPoint.X - stringSize.Width * 0.5, startPoint.Y - stringSize.Height * 0.5);

            _g.DrawString(s, font, brush, ToPointF(newStart), format);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// To Polar coordinate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public PolarCoordinate ToPolarCoordinate(PointD point)
            //return point.Subtract(HalfWidth, HalfHeight).Divide(HorizontalScale, VerticalScale)
            //    .ToPolarCoordinate().Rotate(pRotation.DecimalDegrees).ToOrientation(pOrigin, pOrientation);
            PointD          value  = point.Subtract(_halfWidth, _halfHeight).Divide(_horizontalScale, _verticalScale);
            PolarCoordinate value2 = PointDToPolarCoordinate(value);

            return(value2.Rotate(_pRotation.DecimalDegrees).ToOrientation(_pOrigin, _pOrientation));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>Draws text rotated by the specified amount.</summary>
        public void DrawRotatedString(string s, Font font, Brush brush, PolarCoordinate point)
            PointF h = ToPointF(point);

            _g.RotateTransform(Convert.ToSingle(point.Theta.DecimalDegrees + _pOrigin.DecimalDegrees - _pRotation.DecimalDegrees), MatrixOrder.Append);
            _g.TranslateTransform(h.X, h.Y, MatrixOrder.Append);
            _g.DrawString(s, font, brush, PointF.Empty, _pStringFormat);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>Converts the current instance to a highly-precise Cartesian coordinate.</summary>
        public PointD ToCartesianPointD()
            // First, convert to the North/CW orientation
            PolarCoordinate adjustedValue = ToOrientation(Azimuth.East, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Counterclockwise);

            // Now convert to pixel  (same as Cartesian but -Y)
            return(new PointD(R * Math.Cos(adjustedValue.Theta.ToRadians().Value),
                              (R * Math.Sin(adjustedValue.Theta.ToRadians().Value))));
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>Draws a rounded line.</summary>
        public void DrawArc(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate pt1, PolarCoordinate pt2)
            // Calculate pixel coordinates
            PointF start = ToPointF(pt1);
            PointF end   = ToPointF(pt2);
            SizeF  size  = new SizeF(end.X - start.X, end.Y - start.Y);

            // Now draw the arc
            _g.DrawArc(pen, new RectangleF(start, size), (float)pt1.Theta, (float)pt2.Theta);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw String
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="font"></param>
        /// <param name="brush"></param>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        public void DrawString(string s, Font font, SolidBrush brush, PolarCoordinate point)
            PointD location = ToPointD(point);

#if PocketPC
            g.DrawString(s, font, brush, new RectangleF((float)Location.X, (float)Location.Y, 240.0f, 320.0f));
            _g.DrawString(s, font, brush, ToPointF(location));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>Draws a square or rectangular shape.</summary>
        public void DrawRectangle(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate upperLeft, PolarCoordinate lowerRight)
            PointD ul = ToPointD(upperLeft);
            PointD lr = ToPointD(lowerRight);

#if PocketPC
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, (int)UL.X, (int)UL.Y, (int)Math.Abs(LR.X - UL.X), (int)Math.Abs(LR.Y - UL.Y));
            _g.DrawRectangle(pen, (float)ul.X, (float)ul.Y, (float)Math.Abs(lr.X - ul.X), (float)Math.Abs(lr.Y - ul.Y));
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw Centered String
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="font"></param>
        /// <param name="brush"></param>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        public void DrawCenteredString(string s, Font font, SolidBrush brush, PolarCoordinate point)
            PointD startPoint = ToPointD(point);
            SizeF  stringSize = _g.MeasureString(s, font);
            PointD newStart   = new PointD(startPoint.X - stringSize.Width * 0.5, startPoint.Y - stringSize.Height * 0.5);

#if PocketPC
            g.DrawString(s, font, brush, (float)NewStart.X, (float)NewStart.Y); //, StringSize.Width, StringSize.Height));
            _g.DrawString(s, font, brush, ToPointF(newStart));
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>Draws a single straight line.</summary>
        public void DrawLine(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate pt1, PolarCoordinate pt2)
#if PocketPC
            // Convert to pixel coordinates
            PointD start = ToPointD(pt1);
            PointD end   = ToPointD(pt2);
            //gx.DrawLine(new PenX(pen.Color, pen.Width), (float)start.X, (float)start.Y, (float)end.X, (float)end.Y);
            g.DrawLine(pen, (int)start.X, (int)start.Y, (int)end.X, (int)end.Y);
            // Convert to pixel coordinates
            _g.DrawLine(pen, ToPointF(pt1), ToPointF(pt2));
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>Converts the current instance into a polar coordinate.</summary>
        private static PolarCoordinate PointDToPolarCoordinate(PointD value)
            //			double Value;
            //			double TempY = -pY;
            //			if (pX == 0)
            //				Value = 0;
            //			else
            //				Value = TempY / pX;
            // Calculate the coordinate using the default: 0° = East
            // and counter-clockwise movement
            Radian          result  = new Radian(Math.Atan2(-value.Y, value.X));
            PolarCoordinate result2 = new PolarCoordinate((float)Math.Sqrt(value.X * value.X + value.Y * value.Y), result.ToAngle(), Azimuth.East, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Counterclockwise);

            // And re-orient it at North and Clockwise
            return(result2.ToOrientation(Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>Converts a polar coordinate to a highly-precise pixel coordinate.</summary>
 public PointD ToPointD(PolarCoordinate coordinate)
     return(coordinate.ToOrientation(_pOrigin, _pOrientation).Rotate(-_pRotation.DecimalDegrees).ToPointD()
            .Multiply(_horizontalScale, _verticalScale).Add(_halfWidth, _halfHeight));
Esempio n. 13
        /// <inheritdocs/>
        protected override void OnPaintOffScreen(PaintEventArgs e)
            PolarGraphics f = CreatePolarGraphics(e.Graphics);

            // What altitude are we drawing?

            Distance altitudeToRender = new Distance(_valueInterpolator[_interpolationIndex], _altitude.Units);

            // There are 100 tick marks in 360 degrees.   3.6° per tick mark
            const double conversionFactor = 3.6;
            // Draw tick marks
            if (_minorTickPen != null)
                for (double alt = 0; alt < 100; alt += 1)
                    // Convert the speed to an angle
                    Angle angle = new Angle(alt * conversionFactor);
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(95, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    PolarCoordinate end = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, start, end);
            // Draw tick marks
            if (_majorTickPen != null)
                for (double alt = 0; alt < 100; alt += 10)
                    // Convert the speed to an angle
                    Angle angle = new Angle(alt * conversionFactor);
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(94, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    PolarCoordinate end = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, start, end);
                    // And also a string
                    string s = Convert.ToString(alt * 0.1, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    f.DrawCenteredString(s, _altitudeLabelFont, _altitudeLabelBrush,
                        new PolarCoordinate(85, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));
            // Calculate all needle values
            double pTensOfThousandsValue = altitudeToRender.Value / 1000.0;
            double pThousandsValue = altitudeToRender.Value / 100.0;
            double pValue = altitudeToRender.Value / 10.0;

            // Now draw the tens-of-thousands needle
            // Rotate the needle to the right place
            PolarCoordinate[] needle1 = new PolarCoordinate[_tensOfThousandsNeedle.Length];
            for (int index = 0; index < needle1.Length; index++)
                needle1[index] = _tensOfThousandsNeedle[index].Rotate(pTensOfThousandsValue * conversionFactor);

            // Now draw the tens-of-thousands needle
            // Rotate the needle to the right place
            PolarCoordinate[] needle2 = new PolarCoordinate[_thousandsNeedle.Length];
            for (int index = 0; index < needle2.Length; index++)
                needle2[index] = _thousandsNeedle[index].Rotate(pThousandsValue * conversionFactor);

            // Now draw the tens-of-Hundreds needle
            // Rotate the needle to the right place
            PolarCoordinate[] needle3 = new PolarCoordinate[_hundredsNeedle.Length];
            for (int index = 0; index < needle3.Length; index++)
                needle3[index] = _hundredsNeedle[index].Rotate(pValue * conversionFactor);

            string altitudeString = altitudeToRender.ToString(_valueFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            //SizeF FontSize = f.Graphics.MeasureString(AltitudeString, pValueFont);

            f.DrawRotatedString(altitudeString, _valueFont,
                _valueBrush, new PolarCoordinate(45.0f, Angle.Empty, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));

            // Draw an ellipse at the center
            f.DrawEllipse(_centerPen, PolarCoordinate.Empty, 10);

            f.Graphics.TranslateTransform(_needleShadowSize.Width, _needleShadowSize.Height, MatrixOrder.Append);

            f.FillPolygon(_needleShadowBrush, needle1);
            f.FillPolygon(_needleShadowBrush, needle2);
            f.FillPolygon(_needleShadowBrush, needle3);


            f.FillPolygon(_tensOfThousandsBrush, needle1);
            f.DrawPolygon(_tensOfThousandsPen, needle1);
            f.FillPolygon(_thousandsBrush, needle2);
            f.DrawPolygon(_thousandsPen, needle2);
            f.FillPolygon(_hundredsBrush, needle3);
            f.DrawPolygon(_hundredsPen, needle3);

            // Draw an ellipse at the center
            f.FillEllipse(_hundredsBrush, PolarCoordinate.Empty, 7);
            f.DrawEllipse(_hundredsPen, PolarCoordinate.Empty, 7);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>Converts a polar coordinate to a pixel coordinate.</summary>
        public Point ToPoint(PolarCoordinate coordinate)
            PointD point = ToPointD(coordinate);

            return(new Point((int)point.X, (int)point.Y));
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw String
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="font"></param>
        /// <param name="brush"></param>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        public void DrawString(string s, Font font, SolidBrush brush, PolarCoordinate point)
            PointD location = ToPointD(point);
#if PocketPC
            g.DrawString(s, font, brush, new RectangleF((float)Location.X, (float)Location.Y, 240.0f, 320.0f));
            _g.DrawString(s, font, brush, ToPointF(location));
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>Converts a polar coordinate to a pixel coordinate.</summary>
 public Point ToPoint(PolarCoordinate coordinate)
     PointD point = ToPointD(coordinate);
     return new Point((int)point.X, (int)point.Y);
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>Fills the interior of a closed shape.</summary>
        public void FillPolygon(Brush brush, PolarCoordinate[] points)
#if PocketPC
			//gx.FillPolygon(new SolidBrushX(brush.Color), ToPointArray(points));
            g.FillPolygon(brush, ToPointArray(points));
            _g.FillPolygon(brush, ToPointFArray(points));
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>Draws a square or rectangular shape.</summary>
        public void DrawRectangle(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate upperLeft, PolarCoordinate lowerRight)
            PointD ul = ToPointD(upperLeft);
            PointD lr = ToPointD(lowerRight);
#if PocketPC
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, (int)UL.X, (int)UL.Y, (int)Math.Abs(LR.X - UL.X), (int)Math.Abs(LR.Y - UL.Y));
            _g.DrawRectangle(pen, (float)ul.X, (float)ul.Y, (float)Math.Abs(lr.X - ul.X), (float)Math.Abs(lr.Y - ul.Y));
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>Draws a rounded line.</summary>
 public void DrawArc(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate pt1, PolarCoordinate pt2)
     // Calculate pixel coordinates
     PointF start = ToPointF(pt1);
     PointF end = ToPointF(pt2);
     SizeF size = new SizeF(end.X - start.X, end.Y - start.Y);
     // Now draw the arc
     _g.DrawArc(pen, new RectangleF(start, size), (float)pt1.Theta, (float)pt2.Theta);
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>Converts a polar coordinate to a precise pixel coordinate.</summary>
 public PointF ToPointF(PolarCoordinate coordinate)
     return(ToPointF(ToPointD(coordinate))); //fixes problems with DrawRotatedString
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>Draws text rotated by the specified amount.</summary>
        public void DrawRotatedString(string s, Font font, Brush brush, PolarCoordinate point)
            PointF h = ToPointF(point);

            _g.RotateTransform(Convert.ToSingle(point.Theta.DecimalDegrees + _pOrigin.DecimalDegrees - _pRotation.DecimalDegrees), MatrixOrder.Append);
            _g.TranslateTransform(h.X, h.Y, MatrixOrder.Append);
            _g.DrawString(s, font, brush, PointF.Empty, _pStringFormat);
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts an array of polar coordinates to an array of highly-precise pixel
 /// coordinates.
 /// </summary>
 public PointD[] ToPointDArray(PolarCoordinate[] points)
     // Convert to an array of PointF objects
     //int Count = points.Length;
     PointD[] result = new PointD[points.Length];
     for (int index = 0; index < points.Length; index++)
         result[index] = ToPointD(points[index]);
     return result;
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>Draws a closed shape.</summary>
        public void DrawPolygon(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate[] points)
#if PocketPC
			//gx.DrawPolygon(new PenX(pen.Color, pen.Width), ToPointArray(points));
            g.DrawPolygon(pen, ToPointArray(points));
            _g.DrawPolygon(pen, ToPointFArray(points));
            //            GraphicsPath Path = new GraphicsPath();
            //            Path.AddLines(ToPointFArray(points));
            //            g.DrawPath(pen, Path);
            //            Path.Dispose();
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>Fills and outlines a polygon using the specified style.</summary>
        public void DrawAndFillPolygon(Pen pen, Brush brush, PolarCoordinate[] points)
#if PocketPC
			Point[] ConvertedPoints = ToPointArray(points);
            PointF[] convertedPoints = ToPointFArray(points);
            if (brush != null)
                _g.FillPolygon(brush, convertedPoints);
            if (pen != null)
                _g.DrawPolygon(pen, convertedPoints);
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts an array of polar coordinates into a <strong>GraphicsPath</strong>
 /// object.
 /// </summary>
 public GraphicsPath ToGraphicsPath(PolarCoordinate[] points)
     GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
     return path;
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>Draws a single straight line.</summary>
        public void DrawLine(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate pt1, PolarCoordinate pt2)
#if PocketPC
            // Convert to pixel coordinates
            PointD start = ToPointD(pt1);
            PointD end = ToPointD(pt2);
			//gx.DrawLine(new PenX(pen.Color, pen.Width), (float)start.X, (float)start.Y, (float)end.X, (float)end.Y);
            g.DrawLine(pen, (int)start.X, (int)start.Y, (int)end.X, (int)end.Y);
            // Convert to pixel coordinates
            _g.DrawLine(pen, ToPointF(pt1), ToPointF(pt2));
Esempio n. 27
 /// <summary>
 /// DrawString
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s"></param>
 /// <param name="font"></param>
 /// <param name="brush"></param>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <param name="format"></param>
 public void DrawString(string s, Font font, Brush brush, PolarCoordinate point, StringFormat format)
     _g.DrawString(s, font, brush, ToPointF(point), format);
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>Converts a polar coordinate to a precise pixel coordinate.</summary>
 public PointF ToPointF(PolarCoordinate coordinate)
     return ToPointF(ToPointD(coordinate)); //fixes problems with DrawRotatedString
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>Draws a circular shape.</summary>
        public void DrawEllipse(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate center, float radius)
            // Translate the coordinate to the center
            PointD centerPoint = ToPointD(center);
            PointD controlCenterPoint = ToPointD(PolarCoordinate.Empty);

            // Calculate the bounding box for the ellipse
            double minX = controlCenterPoint.X;
            double minY = controlCenterPoint.Y;
            double maxX = controlCenterPoint.X;
            double maxY = controlCenterPoint.Y;
            for (int angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 10)
                PointD x = ToPointD(new PolarCoordinate(radius, new Angle(angle), Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));
                minX = Math.Min(minX, x.X);
                minY = Math.Min(minY, x.Y);
                maxX = Math.Max(maxX, x.X);
                maxY = Math.Max(maxY, x.Y);
            // Now translate the values by the center point
            double width = Math.Abs(maxX - minX);
            double height = Math.Abs(maxY - minY);

#if PocketPC
//			gx.DrawEllipse(new PenX(pen.Color, pen.Width),
//				(float)(CenterPoint.X - (width * 0.5)), (float)(CenterPoint.Y - (height * 0.5)), (float)width, (float)height);

            g.DrawEllipse(pen, (int)(CenterPoint.X - (width * 0.5)), (int)(CenterPoint.Y - (height * 0.5)), (int)width, (int)height);
            _g.DrawEllipse(pen, (float)(centerPoint.X - (width * 0.5)), (float)(centerPoint.Y - (height * 0.5)), (float)width, (float)height);
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw Centered String
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s"></param>
 /// <param name="font"></param>
 /// <param name="brush"></param>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <param name="format"></param>
 public void DrawCenteredString(string s, Font font, Brush brush, PolarCoordinate point, StringFormat format)
     PointD startPoint = ToPointD(point);
     SizeF stringSize = _g.MeasureString(s, font);
     PointD newStart = new PointD(startPoint.X - stringSize.Width * 0.5, startPoint.Y - stringSize.Height * 0.5);
     _g.DrawString(s, font, brush, ToPointF(newStart), format);
Esempio n. 31
 /// <summary>Converts a polar coordinate to a highly-precise pixel coordinate.</summary>
 public PointD ToPointD(PolarCoordinate coordinate)
     return coordinate.ToOrientation(_pOrigin, _pOrientation).Rotate(-_pRotation.DecimalDegrees).ToPointD()
         .Multiply(_horizontalScale, _verticalScale).Add(_halfWidth, _halfHeight);
Esempio n. 32
 /// <summary>Draws a rounded line that travels through several points.</summary>
 public void DrawBezier(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate pt1, PolarCoordinate pt2, PolarCoordinate pt3, PolarCoordinate pt4)
     _g.DrawBezier(pen, ToPointF(pt1), ToPointF(pt2), ToPointF(pt3), ToPointF(pt4));
Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw Centered String
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="font"></param>
        /// <param name="brush"></param>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        public void DrawCenteredString(string s, Font font, SolidBrush brush, PolarCoordinate point)
            PointD startPoint = ToPointD(point);
            SizeF stringSize = _g.MeasureString(s, font);
            PointD newStart = new PointD(startPoint.X - stringSize.Width * 0.5, startPoint.Y - stringSize.Height * 0.5);
#if PocketPC
            g.DrawString(s, font, brush, (float)NewStart.X, (float)NewStart.Y); //, StringSize.Width, StringSize.Height));
            _g.DrawString(s, font, brush, ToPointF(newStart));
Esempio n. 34
        /// <inheritdocs/>
        protected override void OnPaintOffScreen(PaintEventArgs e)
            PolarGraphics f = CreatePolarGraphics(e.Graphics);

            // What bearing are we drawing?
#if PocketPC
            Azimuth BearingToRender = _Bearing;
            Azimuth bearingToRender = new Azimuth(_valueInterpolator[_interpolationIndex]);

            // Cache drawing options in order to prevent race conditions during
            // drawing!
            double minorInterval = _minorTickInterval.DecimalDegrees;
            double majorInterval = _majorTickInterval.DecimalDegrees;
            double directionInterval = _directionLabelInterval.DecimalDegrees;
            double angleInterval = _angleLabelInterval.DecimalDegrees;

            // Draw tick marks
            if (minorInterval > 0)
                for (double angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += minorInterval)
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, new PolarCoordinate(98, angle), new PolarCoordinate(100, angle));
            // Draw tick marks
            if (majorInterval > 0)
                for (double angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += majorInterval)
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, new PolarCoordinate(95, angle), new PolarCoordinate(100, angle));
            if (directionInterval > 0)
                for (double angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += directionInterval)
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(_directionTickPen, new PolarCoordinate(92, angle), new PolarCoordinate(100, angle));
            if (angleInterval > 0)
                for (double angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += angleInterval)
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(60, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
#if PocketPC
                    f.DrawCenteredString(((Angle)angle).ToString(_AngleLabelFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), _AngleLabelFont, _AngleLabelBrush, start);
                    f.DrawRotatedString(((Angle)angle).ToString(_angleLabelFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), _angleLabelFont, _angleLabelBrush, start);
            if (directionInterval > 0)
                for (double angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += directionInterval)
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(80, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
#if PocketPC
                    f.DrawCenteredString(((Azimuth)angle).ToString("c", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), _DirectionLabelFont, _DirectionLabelBrush, start);
                    f.DrawRotatedString(((Azimuth)angle).ToString("c", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), _directionLabelFont, _directionLabelBrush, start);

            // Draw an ellipse at the center
            f.DrawEllipse(_centerPen, PolarCoordinate.Empty, 10);

            // Now draw the needle shadow
            PolarCoordinate[] needleNorth = _needlePointsNorth.Clone() as PolarCoordinate[];
            PolarCoordinate[] needleSouth = _needlePointsSouth.Clone() as PolarCoordinate[];

            // Adjust the needle to the current bearing
            if (needleNorth != null)
                for (int index = 0; index < needleNorth.Length; index++)
                    needleNorth[index] = needleNorth[index].Rotate(bearingToRender.DecimalDegrees);
                    if (needleSouth != null) needleSouth[index] = needleSouth[index].Rotate(bearingToRender.DecimalDegrees);

#if !PocketPC
            // Now draw a shadow
            f.Graphics.TranslateTransform(_pNeedleShadowSize.Width, _pNeedleShadowSize.Height, MatrixOrder.Append);

            f.FillPolygon(_pNeedleShadowBrush, needleNorth);
            f.FillPolygon(_pNeedleShadowBrush, needleSouth);


            f.FillPolygon(_pNorthNeedleBrush, needleNorth);
            f.DrawPolygon(_pNorthNeedlePen, needleNorth);
            f.FillPolygon(_pSouthNeedleBrush, needleSouth);
            f.DrawPolygon(_pSouthNeedlePen, needleSouth);
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called whenever the control must be rendered.  All rendering takes
        /// place off-screen, which prevents flickering.  The "PolarControl" base class automatically
        /// handles tasks such as resizing and smoothing.  All you have to be concerned with is
        /// calculating the polar coordinates to draw.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnPaintOffScreen(PaintEventArgs e)
            /* The DotSpatial.Positioning comes with a special class named "PolarGraphics," which works
                * almost identically to the "Graphics" class, except that coordinates are given
                * in polar form instead of (X, Y).
                * Polar coordinates are given as an angle and a radius.  The angle is between 0°
                * and 360° clockwise from the top of the control.  The radius is zero (0) at the
                * center of the control, and 100 at the outer edge.  So, a polar coordinate of 90°
                * with a radius of 50 would mark a point straight to the right, half way to the
                * edge.  Mastering polar coordinates gives you the opportunity to create your
                * own controls.

            // Make a PolarGraphics class for easier drawing using polar coordinates
            PolarGraphics f = CreatePolarGraphics(e.Graphics);

            #region Drawing of Tick Marks

            // Draw sixty small tick marks around the control
            for (double value = 0; value < 60; value += 1)
                // There are 120 tick marks in 360°
                Angle angle = new Angle(value * (360 / 60));

                // Get the coordinate of the line's start and end
                PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(96, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                PolarCoordinate end = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);

                // And draw a line
                f.DrawLine(_pMinorTickPen, start, end);

            // Draw twelve tick marks
            for (double value = 1; value <= 12; value += 1)
                // Convert the value to an angle
                Angle angle = new Angle(value * (360 / 12));

                // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(93, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                PolarCoordinate end = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);

                // And draw the tick mark
                f.DrawLine(_pMajorTickPen, start, end);

                // Label the clock position around the circle
                if (_pHoursFont != null)
                    string s = Convert.ToString(value, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
                    f.DrawCenteredString(s, _pHoursFont, _pValueLabelBrush,
                        new PolarCoordinate(85, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));


            /* In order to make the control more appealing, we'll make the hours, minutes, and
				* seconds hand as accurate as possible.  For example, if the time is 5:30, the hours
				* hand should be halfway between 5 and 6, or 5.5.  To get these values, we'll
				* calculate "fractional" hours, minutes and seconds using the TimeSpan structure.
				* when you look at the control, you'll see that the minutes hand moves slowly but
				* smoothly as time progresses.  With smoothing enabled, you almost can't tell it's
				* actually moving.

            // Calculate the time elapsed since midnight
            DateTime midnight = new DateTime(_pValue.Year, _pValue.Month, _pValue.Day);
            TimeSpan timeSinceMidnight = _pValue.Subtract(midnight);

            #region Drawing of Hours

            // There are twelve hours in 360° of a circle
            Angle hourAngle = new Angle(timeSinceMidnight.TotalHours * (360 / 12));

            // Draw the hour "needle"
            f.DrawLine(_pHoursPen, PolarCoordinate.Center,
                new PolarCoordinate(30, hourAngle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));


            #region Drawing of Minutes

            // There are sixty minutes in 360° of a circle
            Angle minuteAngle = new Angle(timeSinceMidnight.TotalMinutes * (360 / 60));

            // Draw the Minute "needle"
            f.DrawLine(_pMinutesPen, PolarCoordinate.Center,
                new PolarCoordinate(80, minuteAngle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));


            #region Drawing of Seconds

            // There are sixty seconds in 360° of a circle
            Angle secondAngle = new Angle(timeSinceMidnight.TotalSeconds * (360 / 60));

            // Draw the Seconds "needle"
            f.DrawLine(_pSecondsPen, PolarCoordinate.Center,
                new PolarCoordinate(90, secondAngle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));

Esempio n. 36
 /// <summary>Converts the current instance into a polar coordinate.</summary>
 private static PolarCoordinate PointDToPolarCoordinate(PointD value)
     //			double Value;
     //			double TempY = -pY;
     //			if (pX == 0)
     //				Value = 0;
     //			else
     //				Value = TempY / pX;
     // Calculate the coordinate using the default: 0° = East
     // and counter-clockwise movement
     Radian result = new Radian(Math.Atan2(-value.Y, value.X));
     PolarCoordinate result2 = new PolarCoordinate((float)Math.Sqrt(value.X * value.X + value.Y * value.Y), result.ToAngle(), Azimuth.East, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Counterclockwise);
     // And re-orient it at North and Clockwise
     return result2.ToOrientation(Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
Esempio n. 37
        /// <inheritdocs/>
        protected override void OnPaintOffScreen(PaintEventArgs e)
            PolarGraphics f = CreatePolarGraphics(e.Graphics);

            // What altitude are we drawing?
#if PocketPC
            Speed SpeedToRender = pSpeed;
            Speed speedToRender = new Speed(_valueInterpolator[_interpolationIndex], _pSpeed.Units);

            // Cache drawing intervals and such to prevent a race condition
            double minorInterval            = _pMinorTickInterval.Value;
            double majorInterval            = _pMajorTickInterval.Value;
            double cachedSpeedLabelInterval = _pSpeedLabelInterval.ToUnitType(_pMaximumSpeed.Units).Value;
            Speed  maxSpeed  = _pMaximumSpeed.Clone();
            double minorStep = _pMinorTickInterval.ToUnitType(_pMaximumSpeed.Units).Value;
            double majorStep = _pMajorTickInterval.ToUnitType(_pMaximumSpeed.Units).Value;

            // Draw tick marks
            double          angle;
            PolarCoordinate start;
            PolarCoordinate end;

            #region Draw minor tick marks

            if (minorInterval > 0)
                for (double speed = 0; speed < maxSpeed.Value; speed += minorStep)
                    // Convert the speed to an angle
                    angle = speed * _conversionFactor + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees;
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    start = new PolarCoordinate(95, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    end   = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    // And draw a line
                    Pen p = new Pen(_minorTickPenColor);
                    f.DrawLine(p, start, end);


            #region Draw major tick marks

            if (majorInterval > 0)
                using (Pen majorPen = new Pen(_majorTickPenColor))
                    for (double speed = 0; speed < maxSpeed.Value; speed += majorStep)
                        // Convert the speed to an angle
                        angle = speed * _conversionFactor + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees;
                        // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                        start = new PolarCoordinate(90, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                        end   = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                        // And draw a line

                        f.DrawLine(majorPen, start, end);

                    #region Draw a major tick mark at the maximum speed

                    // Convert the speed to an angle
                    angle = maxSpeed.Value * _conversionFactor + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees;
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    start = new PolarCoordinate(90, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    end   = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(majorPen, start, end);



            using (SolidBrush fontBrush = new SolidBrush(_speedLabelBrushColor))
                if (cachedSpeedLabelInterval > 0)
                    for (double speed = 0; speed < maxSpeed.Value; speed += cachedSpeedLabelInterval)
                        // Convert the speed to an angle
                        angle = speed * _conversionFactor + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees;
                        // And draw a line
                        f.DrawCenteredString(new Speed(speed, maxSpeed.Units).ToString(_pSpeedLabelFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), Font, fontBrush,
                                             new PolarCoordinate(75, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));

                    // Convert the speed to an angle
                    angle = maxSpeed.Value * _conversionFactor + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees;

                    // And draw the speed label
                    f.DrawCenteredString(maxSpeed.ToString(_pSpeedLabelFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), Font, fontBrush,
                                         new PolarCoordinate(75, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));

                // Draw the units for the speedometer
                if (_pIsUnitLabelVisible)
                    f.DrawCenteredString(_pMaximumSpeed.ToString("u", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), Font, fontBrush,
                                         new PolarCoordinate(90, Angle.Empty, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));

            PolarCoordinate[] needle = new PolarCoordinate[_speedometerNeedle.Length];
            for (int index = 0; index < needle.Length; index++)
                needle[index] = _speedometerNeedle[index].Rotate((speedToRender.ToUnitType(_pMaximumSpeed.Units).Value *_conversionFactor) + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees);

            // Draw an ellipse at the center
            f.DrawEllipse(Pens.Gray, PolarCoordinate.Empty, 10);

#if !PocketPC
            // Now draw a shadow
            f.Graphics.TranslateTransform(_pNeedleShadowSize.Width, _pNeedleShadowSize.Height, MatrixOrder.Append);
            using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(_needleShadowBrushColor)) f.FillPolygon(b, needle);


            // Then draw the actual needle
            using (SolidBrush needleFill = new SolidBrush(_needleFillColor)) f.FillPolygon(needleFill, needle);
            using (Pen needlePen = new Pen(_needleOutlineColor)) f.DrawPolygon(needlePen, needle);
Esempio n. 38
 /// <summary>Draws a rounded line that travels through several points.</summary>
 public void DrawBezier(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate pt1, PolarCoordinate pt2, PolarCoordinate pt3, PolarCoordinate pt4)
     _g.DrawBezier(pen, ToPointF(pt1), ToPointF(pt2), ToPointF(pt3), ToPointF(pt4));
Esempio n. 39
 /// <summary>
 /// DrawString
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s"></param>
 /// <param name="font"></param>
 /// <param name="brush"></param>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <param name="format"></param>
 public void DrawString(string s, Font font, Brush brush, PolarCoordinate point, StringFormat format)
     _g.DrawString(s, font, brush, ToPointF(point), format);
Esempio n. 40
        /// <inheritdocs/>
        protected override void OnPaintOffScreen(PaintEventArgs e)
            PolarGraphics f = CreatePolarGraphics(e.Graphics);

            // What altitude are we drawing?

            Distance altitudeToRender = new Distance(_valueInterpolator[_interpolationIndex], _altitude.Units);

            // There are 100 tick marks in 360 degrees.   3.6° per tick mark
            const double conversionFactor = 3.6;

            // Draw tick marks
            if (_minorTickPen != null)
                for (double alt = 0; alt < 100; alt += 1)
                    // Convert the speed to an angle
                    Angle angle = new Angle(alt * conversionFactor);
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(95, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    PolarCoordinate end   = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, start, end);
            // Draw tick marks
            if (_majorTickPen != null)
                for (double alt = 0; alt < 100; alt += 10)
                    // Convert the speed to an angle
                    Angle angle = new Angle(alt * conversionFactor);
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(94, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    PolarCoordinate end   = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, start, end);
                    // And also a string
                    string s = Convert.ToString(alt * 0.1, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    f.DrawCenteredString(s, _altitudeLabelFont, _altitudeLabelBrush,
                                         new PolarCoordinate(85, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));
            // Calculate all needle values
            double pTensOfThousandsValue = altitudeToRender.Value / 1000.0;
            double pThousandsValue       = altitudeToRender.Value / 100.0;
            double pValue = altitudeToRender.Value / 10.0;

            // Now draw the tens-of-thousands needle
            // Rotate the needle to the right place
            PolarCoordinate[] needle1 = new PolarCoordinate[_tensOfThousandsNeedle.Length];
            for (int index = 0; index < needle1.Length; index++)
                needle1[index] = _tensOfThousandsNeedle[index].Rotate(pTensOfThousandsValue * conversionFactor);

            // Now draw the tens-of-thousands needle
            // Rotate the needle to the right place
            PolarCoordinate[] needle2 = new PolarCoordinate[_thousandsNeedle.Length];
            for (int index = 0; index < needle2.Length; index++)
                needle2[index] = _thousandsNeedle[index].Rotate(pThousandsValue * conversionFactor);

            // Now draw the tens-of-Hundreds needle
            // Rotate the needle to the right place
            PolarCoordinate[] needle3 = new PolarCoordinate[_hundredsNeedle.Length];
            for (int index = 0; index < needle3.Length; index++)
                needle3[index] = _hundredsNeedle[index].Rotate(pValue * conversionFactor);

            string altitudeString = altitudeToRender.ToString(_valueFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            //SizeF FontSize = f.Graphics.MeasureString(AltitudeString, pValueFont);

            f.DrawRotatedString(altitudeString, _valueFont,
                                _valueBrush, new PolarCoordinate(45.0f, Angle.Empty, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));

            // Draw an ellipse at the center
            f.DrawEllipse(_centerPen, PolarCoordinate.Empty, 10);

            f.Graphics.TranslateTransform(_needleShadowSize.Width, _needleShadowSize.Height, MatrixOrder.Append);

            f.FillPolygon(_needleShadowBrush, needle1);
            f.FillPolygon(_needleShadowBrush, needle2);
            f.FillPolygon(_needleShadowBrush, needle3);


            f.FillPolygon(_tensOfThousandsBrush, needle1);
            f.DrawPolygon(_tensOfThousandsPen, needle1);
            f.FillPolygon(_thousandsBrush, needle2);
            f.DrawPolygon(_thousandsPen, needle2);
            f.FillPolygon(_hundredsBrush, needle3);
            f.DrawPolygon(_hundredsPen, needle3);

            // Draw an ellipse at the center
            f.FillEllipse(_hundredsBrush, PolarCoordinate.Empty, 7);
            f.DrawEllipse(_hundredsPen, PolarCoordinate.Empty, 7);
Esempio n. 41
 /// <summary>Draws multiple rounded lines that travels through several points.</summary>
 public void DrawBeziers(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate[] points)
     _g.DrawBeziers(pen, ToPointFArray(points));
Esempio n. 42
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called whenever the control must be rendered.  All rendering takes
        /// place off-screen, which prevents flickering.  The "PolarControl" base class automatically
        /// handles tasks such as resizing and smoothing.  All you have to be concerned with is
        /// calculating the polar coordinates to draw.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnPaintOffScreen(PaintEventArgs e)
            /* The DotSpatial.Positioning comes with a special class named "PolarGraphics," which works
             * almost identically to the "Graphics" class, except that coordinates are given
             * in polar form instead of (X, Y).
             * Polar coordinates are given as an angle and a radius.  The angle is between 0°
             * and 360° clockwise from the top of the control.  The radius is zero (0) at the
             * center of the control, and 100 at the outer edge.  So, a polar coordinate of 90°
             * with a radius of 50 would mark a point straight to the right, half way to the
             * edge.  Mastering polar coordinates gives you the opportunity to create your
             * own controls.

            // Make a PolarGraphics class for easier drawing using polar coordinates
            PolarGraphics f = CreatePolarGraphics(e.Graphics);

            #region Drawing of Tick Marks

            // Draw sixty small tick marks around the control
            for (double value = 0; value < 60; value += 1)
                // There are 120 tick marks in 360°
                Angle angle = new Angle(value * (360 / 60));

                // Get the coordinate of the line's start and end
                PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(96, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                PolarCoordinate end   = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);

                // And draw a line
                f.DrawLine(_pMinorTickPen, start, end);

            // Draw twelve tick marks
            for (double value = 1; value <= 12; value += 1)
                // Convert the value to an angle
                Angle angle = new Angle(value * (360 / 12));

                // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(93, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                PolarCoordinate end   = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);

                // And draw the tick mark
                f.DrawLine(_pMajorTickPen, start, end);

                // Label the clock position around the circle
                if (_pHoursFont != null)
                    string s = Convert.ToString(value, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
                    f.DrawCenteredString(s, _pHoursFont, _pValueLabelBrush,
                                         new PolarCoordinate(85, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));


            /* In order to make the control more appealing, we'll make the hours, minutes, and
             * seconds hand as accurate as possible.  For example, if the time is 5:30, the hours
             * hand should be halfway between 5 and 6, or 5.5.  To get these values, we'll
             * calculate "fractional" hours, minutes and seconds using the TimeSpan structure.
             * when you look at the control, you'll see that the minutes hand moves slowly but
             * smoothly as time progresses.  With smoothing enabled, you almost can't tell it's
             * actually moving.

            // Calculate the time elapsed since midnight
            DateTime midnight          = new DateTime(_pValue.Year, _pValue.Month, _pValue.Day);
            TimeSpan timeSinceMidnight = _pValue.Subtract(midnight);

            #region Drawing of Hours

            // There are twelve hours in 360° of a circle
            Angle hourAngle = new Angle(timeSinceMidnight.TotalHours * (360 / 12));

            // Draw the hour "needle"
            f.DrawLine(_pHoursPen, PolarCoordinate.Center,
                       new PolarCoordinate(30, hourAngle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));


            #region Drawing of Minutes

            // There are sixty minutes in 360° of a circle
            Angle minuteAngle = new Angle(timeSinceMidnight.TotalMinutes * (360 / 60));

            // Draw the Minute "needle"
            f.DrawLine(_pMinutesPen, PolarCoordinate.Center,
                       new PolarCoordinate(80, minuteAngle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));


            #region Drawing of Seconds

            // There are sixty seconds in 360° of a circle
            Angle secondAngle = new Angle(timeSinceMidnight.TotalSeconds * (360 / 60));

            // Draw the Seconds "needle"
            f.DrawLine(_pSecondsPen, PolarCoordinate.Center,
                       new PolarCoordinate(90, secondAngle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));

Esempio n. 43
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw Closed Curve
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pen"></param>
 /// <param name="points"></param>
 /// <param name="tension"></param>
 /// <param name="fillMode"></param>
 public void DrawClosedCurve(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate[] points, float tension, FillMode fillMode)
     _g.DrawClosedCurve(pen, ToPointFArray(points), tension, fillMode);
Esempio n. 44
        /// <inheritdocs/>
        protected override void OnPaintOffScreen(PaintEventArgs e)
            PolarGraphics f = CreatePolarGraphics(e.Graphics);

            // What altitude are we drawing?
#if PocketPC
            Speed SpeedToRender = pSpeed;
            Speed speedToRender = new Speed(_valueInterpolator[_interpolationIndex], _pSpeed.Units);

            // Cache drawing intervals and such to prevent a race condition
            double minorInterval = _pMinorTickInterval.Value;
            double majorInterval = _pMajorTickInterval.Value;
            double cachedSpeedLabelInterval = _pSpeedLabelInterval.ToUnitType(_pMaximumSpeed.Units).Value;
            Speed maxSpeed = _pMaximumSpeed.Clone();
            double minorStep = _pMinorTickInterval.ToUnitType(_pMaximumSpeed.Units).Value;
            double majorStep = _pMajorTickInterval.ToUnitType(_pMaximumSpeed.Units).Value;

            // Draw tick marks
            double angle;
            PolarCoordinate start;
            PolarCoordinate end;

            #region Draw minor tick marks

            if (minorInterval > 0)
                for (double speed = 0; speed < maxSpeed.Value; speed += minorStep)
                    // Convert the speed to an angle
                    angle = speed * _conversionFactor + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees;
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    start = new PolarCoordinate(95, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    end = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    // And draw a line
                    Pen p = new Pen(_minorTickPenColor);
                    f.DrawLine(p, start, end);


            #region Draw major tick marks

            if (majorInterval > 0)
                using (Pen majorPen = new Pen(_majorTickPenColor))
                    for (double speed = 0; speed < maxSpeed.Value; speed += majorStep)
                        // Convert the speed to an angle
                        angle = speed * _conversionFactor + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees;
                        // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                        start = new PolarCoordinate(90, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                        end = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                        // And draw a line

                        f.DrawLine(majorPen, start, end);

                    #region Draw a major tick mark at the maximum speed

                    // Convert the speed to an angle
                    angle = maxSpeed.Value * _conversionFactor + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees;
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    start = new PolarCoordinate(90, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    end = new PolarCoordinate(100, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(majorPen, start, end);



            using (SolidBrush fontBrush = new SolidBrush(_speedLabelBrushColor))
                if (cachedSpeedLabelInterval > 0)
                    for (double speed = 0; speed < maxSpeed.Value; speed += cachedSpeedLabelInterval)
                        // Convert the speed to an angle
                        angle = speed * _conversionFactor + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees;
                        // And draw a line
                        f.DrawCenteredString(new Speed(speed, maxSpeed.Units).ToString(_pSpeedLabelFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), Font, fontBrush,
                            new PolarCoordinate(75, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));

                    // Convert the speed to an angle
                    angle = maxSpeed.Value * _conversionFactor + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees;

                    // And draw the speed label
                    f.DrawCenteredString(maxSpeed.ToString(_pSpeedLabelFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), Font, fontBrush,
                        new PolarCoordinate(75, angle, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));

                // Draw the units for the speedometer
                if (_pIsUnitLabelVisible)
                    f.DrawCenteredString(_pMaximumSpeed.ToString("u", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), Font, fontBrush,
                        new PolarCoordinate(90, Angle.Empty, Azimuth.South, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise));

            PolarCoordinate[] needle = new PolarCoordinate[_speedometerNeedle.Length];
            for (int index = 0; index < needle.Length; index++)
                needle[index] = _speedometerNeedle[index].Rotate((speedToRender.ToUnitType(_pMaximumSpeed.Units).Value * _conversionFactor) + _pMinimumAngle.DecimalDegrees);

            // Draw an ellipse at the center
            f.DrawEllipse(Pens.Gray, PolarCoordinate.Empty, 10);

#if !PocketPC
            // Now draw a shadow
            f.Graphics.TranslateTransform(_pNeedleShadowSize.Width, _pNeedleShadowSize.Height, MatrixOrder.Append);
            using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(_needleShadowBrushColor)) f.FillPolygon(b, needle);


            // Then draw the actual needle
            using (SolidBrush needleFill = new SolidBrush(_needleFillColor)) f.FillPolygon(needleFill, needle);
            using (Pen needlePen = new Pen(_needleOutlineColor)) f.DrawPolygon(needlePen, needle);
Esempio n. 45
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw Curve
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pen"></param>
 /// <param name="points"></param>
 public void DrawCurve(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate[] points)
     _g.DrawCurve(pen, ToPointFArray(points));
Esempio n. 46
        /// <inheritdocs/>
        protected override void OnPaintOffScreen(PaintEventArgs e)
            PolarGraphics f = CreatePolarGraphics(e.Graphics);

            // What bearing are we drawing?
#if PocketPC
            Azimuth BearingToRender = _Bearing;
            Azimuth bearingToRender = new Azimuth(_valueInterpolator[_interpolationIndex]);

            // Cache drawing options in order to prevent race conditions during
            // drawing!
            double minorInterval     = _minorTickInterval.DecimalDegrees;
            double majorInterval     = _majorTickInterval.DecimalDegrees;
            double directionInterval = _directionLabelInterval.DecimalDegrees;
            double angleInterval     = _angleLabelInterval.DecimalDegrees;

            // Draw tick marks
            if (minorInterval > 0)
                for (double angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += minorInterval)
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, new PolarCoordinate(98, angle), new PolarCoordinate(100, angle));
            // Draw tick marks
            if (majorInterval > 0)
                for (double angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += majorInterval)
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, new PolarCoordinate(95, angle), new PolarCoordinate(100, angle));
            if (directionInterval > 0)
                for (double angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += directionInterval)
                    // And draw a line
                    f.DrawLine(_directionTickPen, new PolarCoordinate(92, angle), new PolarCoordinate(100, angle));
            if (angleInterval > 0)
                for (double angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += angleInterval)
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(60, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
#if PocketPC
                    f.DrawCenteredString(((Angle)angle).ToString(_AngleLabelFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), _AngleLabelFont, _AngleLabelBrush, start);
                    f.DrawRotatedString(((Angle)angle).ToString(_angleLabelFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), _angleLabelFont, _angleLabelBrush, start);
            if (directionInterval > 0)
                for (double angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += directionInterval)
                    // Get the coordinate of the line's start
                    PolarCoordinate start = new PolarCoordinate(80, angle, Azimuth.North, PolarCoordinateOrientation.Clockwise);
#if PocketPC
                    f.DrawCenteredString(((Azimuth)angle).ToString("c", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), _DirectionLabelFont, _DirectionLabelBrush, start);
                    f.DrawRotatedString(((Azimuth)angle).ToString("c", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), _directionLabelFont, _directionLabelBrush, start);

            // Draw an ellipse at the center
            f.DrawEllipse(_centerPen, PolarCoordinate.Empty, 10);

            // Now draw the needle shadow
            PolarCoordinate[] needleNorth = _needlePointsNorth.Clone() as PolarCoordinate[];
            PolarCoordinate[] needleSouth = _needlePointsSouth.Clone() as PolarCoordinate[];

            // Adjust the needle to the current bearing
            if (needleNorth != null)
                for (int index = 0; index < needleNorth.Length; index++)
                    needleNorth[index] = needleNorth[index].Rotate(bearingToRender.DecimalDegrees);
                    if (needleSouth != null)
                        needleSouth[index] = needleSouth[index].Rotate(bearingToRender.DecimalDegrees);

#if !PocketPC
            // Now draw a shadow
            f.Graphics.TranslateTransform(_pNeedleShadowSize.Width, _pNeedleShadowSize.Height, MatrixOrder.Append);

            f.FillPolygon(_pNeedleShadowBrush, needleNorth);
            f.FillPolygon(_pNeedleShadowBrush, needleSouth);


            f.FillPolygon(_pNorthNeedleBrush, needleNorth);
            f.DrawPolygon(_pNorthNeedlePen, needleNorth);
            f.FillPolygon(_pSouthNeedleBrush, needleSouth);
            f.DrawPolygon(_pSouthNeedlePen, needleSouth);
Esempio n. 47
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw Curve
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pen"></param>
 /// <param name="points"></param>
 /// <param name="offset"></param>
 /// <param name="numberOfSegments"></param>
 /// <param name="tension"></param>
 public void DrawCurve(Pen pen, PolarCoordinate[] points, int offset, int numberOfSegments, float tension)
     _g.DrawCurve(pen, ToPointFArray(points), offset, numberOfSegments, tension);