void myConnection_PDURecieved(Pdu pdu)
            byte[] pdu_bt = pdu.ToBytes();
            byte[] data = new byte[pdu_bt.Length + 3]; //+3 Bytes (COTP)
            Array.Copy(pdu_bt, 0, data, 3, pdu_bt.Length);

            data[0] = 2;
            data[1] = 0xf0;
            data[2] = 0x80;

                (MethodInvoker) delegate() { listBox1.Items.Add("Send (TCP): " + ByteExtensions.ToHexString(data)); });
        private Pdu ExchangePdu(Pdu myPdu)
            ushort pduNrInt;
            byte[] ret;
            lock (lockpdu)
                if (pduNr >= ushort.MaxValue)
                    pduNr = 1;

                pduNrInt = pduNr;

                myPdu.header.number = pduNr;

                //int res;
                //*(dc->msgOut + 6) = 0x80;
                //*(dc->msgOut + 5) = 0xf0;
                //*(dc->msgOut + 4) = 0x02;
                //_daveSendISOPacket(dc, 3 + p->hlen + p->plen + p->dlen);
                byte[] pdu_b = myPdu.ToBytes();
                byte[] _message = new byte[pdu_b.Length + 3];
                _message[0] = 0x02;
                _message[1] = 0xf0;
                _message[2] = 0x80;
                Array.Copy(pdu_b, 0, _message, 3, pdu_b.Length);
                ret = ReceiveData();
                if (ret != null && ret.Length == 7)
                    //if (daveDebug & daveDebugByte)
                    //    LOG1("CPU sends funny 7 byte packets.\n");
                    ret = ReceiveData();
                if (ret == null) return new Pdu(); //daveResTimeout;
                /*if (daveDebug & daveDebugExchange)
                    LOG3("%s _daveExchangeTCP res from read %d\n", dc->iface->name, res);
                if (ret.Length <= daveConst.ISOTCPminPacketLength) return new Pdu(); //daveResShortPacket; 

                //Interface.ExchangePdu(myPdu, this);

            //Todo: maybe implement a Timeout here!
            //while (RecievedPdus[pduNrInt] == null)
            //{ }
            byte[] res = new byte[ret.Length - 7];
            Array.Copy(ret, 7, res, 0, ret.Length - 7);
            Pdu retVal = new Pdu(res);
            return retVal;
        public void SendPdu(Pdu pdu, Connection connection)
            if (!Disposed)
                byte[] pdubytes = pdu.ToBytes();

                S7OexchangeBlock fdr = new S7OexchangeBlock();

                fdr.user = (ushort) connection.ConnectionNumber;
                fdr.subsystem = 64;
                fdr.opcode = 6;
                fdr.response = 255;
                fdr.fill_length_1 = (byte) pdubytes.Length;
                fdr.seg_length_1 = (byte) pdubytes.Length;
                fdr.application_block_opcode = connection.application_block_opcode;
                //if (!connection.ConnectionConfig.ConnectionToEthernet)
                fdr.application_block_subsystem = connection.application_block_subsystem;

                fdr.headerlength = 80; //Length of the Header (always 80)  (but the 4 first unkown bytes are not count)
                fdr.rb_type = 2; //rb_type is always 2
                fdr.offset_1 = 80; //Offset of the Begin of userdata (but the 4 first unkown bytes are not count)

                fdr.user_data_1 = new byte[260];
                Array.Copy(pdubytes, fdr.user_data_1, pdubytes.Length);

                int len = Marshal.SizeOf(fdr);
                byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
                IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(len);
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(fdr, ptr, true);
                Marshal.Copy(ptr, buffer, 0, len);

                int ret = SCP_send(_connectionHandle, (ushort)(fdr.seg_length_1 + fdr.headerlength), buffer);
                if (ret < 0)
                    throw new S7OnlineException(SCP_get_errno());
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.ToString());