Esempio n. 1
 public static TypeDefinition TypeDefinition(Navigator nav, AdviceSpec spec) {
     TypeDefinition result = nav.Current as TypeDefinition;
     if (result == null)
         throw new AdviceException
             ("Expected a type definition, but got " + nav.Current + " : " + nav.Current.GetType(), spec);
     return result;
Esempio n. 2
        public void Test()
            Person p = new Person("Gil","Tom",29);
            Navigator root = new Navigator(p);

            Navigator nav = (Navigator) root.Clone();
            AssertEqual(XPathNodeType.Root, nav.NodeType);

            AssertFalse(nav.MoveToNext()); // Only one root
            AssertEqual(XPathNodeType.Root, nav.NodeType);

            AssertTrue(nav.MoveToFirstChild()); // Now points to a Person
            AssertFalse(nav.MoveToFirstChild()); // Person has no child
            AssertEqual(XPathNodeType.Element, nav.NodeType);
            AssertEqual("Person", nav.LocalName);
            AssertEqual(typeof(Person).FullName, nav.Value);
            AssertSame(p, nav.RealObject);

            AssertEqual("Gil", nav.GetAttribute("Name", string.Empty));

            AssertTrue(nav.MoveToAttribute("Name",string.Empty)); // Now points to the Name property
            AssertEqual(XPathNodeType.Attribute, nav.NodeType);
            AssertEqual("Name", nav.LocalName);
            AssertEqual("Gil", nav.Value);

            AssertEqual(XPathNodeType.Element, nav.NodeType);
            AssertEqual("Age", nav.LocalName);
            AssertEqual("29", nav.Value);

            AssertEqual("FirstName", nav.LocalName);
            AssertEqual("Tom", nav.Value);
Esempio n. 3
 public static TypeDefinition InterfaceDefinition(Navigator nav, AdviceSpec spec)
     TypeDefinition result = TypeDefinition(nav, spec);
     if (!result.IsInterface) throw new AdviceException
        ("Expected an interface definition, but got " + nav.Current, spec);
     return result;
Esempio n. 4
 // Navigate across attributes
 public bool MoveToFirstAttribute(Navigator n)
     bool result = m_NbAttributes > 0;
     if (result)
         n.AttributesIndex = 0;
     return result;
Esempio n. 5
 public static Instruction Instruction(Navigator nav, AdviceSpec spec) {
     Instruction result = nav.Current as Instruction;
     if (result == null)
         throw new AdviceException
             ("Expected an instruction, but got " + nav.Current + ":" + nav.Current.GetType(), spec);
     return result;
Esempio n. 6
 public static Instruction CallInstruction(Navigator nav, AdviceSpec spec) {
     Instruction result = Instruction(nav, spec);
     string name = result.OpCode.Name;
     if (!name.StartsWith("call") && !name.StartsWith("newobj"))
         throw new AdviceException("Expected a call instruction, but got " + nav.Current, spec);
     return result;
Esempio n. 7
 public override string Value(Navigator n) {
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1:
         case 0: return Cast(n).Constructor.ToString();
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 8
 public override string Name(Navigator n) {
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: return AttributeName;
         case 0: return "Constructor";
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 9
 public static MethodDefinition ConcreteMethod(Navigator nav, AdviceSpec spec)
     MethodDefinition result = Method(nav, spec);
     if (result.IsAbstract) throw new AdviceException
         ("Expected a concrete method, but got " + result, spec);
     return result;
Esempio n. 10
 public override string Value(Navigator n)
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: case 0: return Cast(n).Name.Name;
         case 1: return Cast(n).Name.FullName;
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 11
 public override string Value(Navigator n)
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: case 0: return Cast(n).VariableType.ToString();
         case 1: return Cast(n).Name;
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 12
 public override string Name(Navigator n)
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: return VariableName;
         case 0: return "Type";
         case 1: return "Name";
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 13
 public override string Name(Navigator n)
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: return AssemblyName;
         case 0: return "Name";
         case 1: return "FullName";
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 14
 public override string Value(Navigator n) {
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: case 0: return Cast(n).ToString();
         case 1: return Cast(n).PropertyType.ToString();
         case 2: return Cast(n).Name;
         case 3: return Cast(n).Attributes.ToString();
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 15
 public static MethodDefinition ConcreteMethodMatching(Navigator nav, string regex, AdviceSpec spec) {
     MethodDefinition result = Method(nav, spec);
     if (!SimpleRegex.IsMatch(result, regex)) {
         string errorMsg = string.Format
             ("Expected to match signature {0}, but got {1}",
             SimpleRegex.EscapePseudoRegex(regex), result);
         throw new AdviceException(errorMsg, spec);
     return result;
Esempio n. 16
        public override void Remove(Navigator n)
            TypeDefinition type = (TypeDefinition)n.Current;
            TypeDefinition declaringType = (TypeDefinition)type.DeclaringType;

            if (declaringType != null)
Esempio n. 17
 public override bool MoveToNext(Navigator n)
     bool result = false;
     InstructionDefinition instruction = Cast(n);
     if (instruction.Next != null) {
         n.Current = instruction.Next;
         result = true;
     return result;
Esempio n. 18
 public override string Name(Navigator n) {
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: return PropertyName;
         case 0: return "Signature";
         case 1: return "Type";
         case 2: return "Name";
         case 3: return "Attributes";
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 19
 public override string Name(Navigator n)
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: return ConstructorName;
         case 0: return "Signature";
         case 1: return "Name";
         case 2: return "IsStatic";
         case 3: return "Attributes";
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 20
 public override string Value(Navigator n)
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: case 0: return Cast(n).ToString();
         case 1: return Cast(n).Name;
         case 2: return Cast(n).ReturnType.ReturnType.FullName;
         case 3: return Cast(n).IsStatic.ToString();
         case 4: return Cast(n).IsAbstract.ToString();
         case 5: return Cast(n).Attributes.ToString();
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 21
 public override string Name(Navigator n)
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: return TypeName;
         case 0: return "Namespace";
         case 1: return "Name";
         case 2: return "FullName";
         case 3: return "BaseType";
         case 4: return "Attributes";
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 22
 public override string Value(Navigator n)
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: return n.Current.ToString();
         case 0: return Cast(n).Namespace;
         case 1: return Cast(n).Name;
         case 2: return Cast(n).FullName;
         case 3: return Cast(n).BaseType != null ? Cast(n).BaseType.ToString() : string.Empty;
         case 4: return Cast(n).Attributes.ToString();
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 23
 public override string Name(Navigator n)
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: return MethodName;
         case 0: return "Signature";
         case 1: return "Name";
         case 2: return "ReturnType";
         case 3: return "IsStatic";
         case 4: return "IsAbstract";
         case 5: return "Attributes";
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 24
 public override bool MoveToNext(Navigator n) {
     bool result = false;
     object parent = n.Parent;
     if (parent is FieldDefinition) { // Next attribute in field 
         FieldDefinition field = (FieldDefinition)parent;
         result = GoToNext(n, field.CustomAttributes);
     } else if (parent is PropertyDefinition) { // Next attribute in property
         PropertyDefinition property = (PropertyDefinition)parent;
         result = GoToNext(n, property.CustomAttributes);
     } else if (parent is AssemblyDefinition) { // Next attribute in assembly or first type
         AssemblyDefinition assembly = (AssemblyDefinition)parent;
         result = GoToNext(n, assembly.CustomAttributes, assembly.MainModule.Types);
     } else if (parent is TypeDefinition) {// Next attribute in type or first field / property / constructor / method
         TypeDefinition type = (TypeDefinition)parent;
         result = GoToNext(n, type.CustomAttributes, type.Fields, type.Properties, type.Constructors, type.Methods);
     } else if (parent is MethodDefinition) { // Next attribute in operation or first variable / instruction
         MethodDefinition operation = (MethodDefinition)parent;
         result = (operation.Body == null) ? GoToNext(n, operation.CustomAttributes) :
             GoToNext(n, operation.CustomAttributes, operation.Body.Variables, operation.Body.Instructions);
     } else throw new NotSupportedException("this kind of parent should not occur here");
     return result;
Esempio n. 25
 public override string Name(Navigator n)
     InstructionDefinition instruction = Cast(n);
     string name;
     if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Call || instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Callvirt ||
         instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Newobj || instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Calli)
         name = CallName;
     //else if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldfld)
     //    name = LdFldName;
     //else if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Stfld)
     //    name = StFldName;
     else if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldfld || instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldsfld)
         name = LdFldName;
     else if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Stfld || instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Stsfld)
         name = StFldName;
         name = InstructionName;
     switch (n.AttributesIndex) {
         case -1: return name;
         case 0: return "OpCode";
         case 1: return "Operand";
         default: return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 26
 private static MethodDefinition Cast(Navigator n)
     return (MethodDefinition)n.Current;
Esempio n. 27
 public override void Remove(Navigator n)
Esempio n. 28
 public override bool MoveToNext(Navigator n)
     TypeDefinition type = Cast(n).DeclaringType as TypeDefinition;
     return GoToNext(n, type.Methods);
Esempio n. 29
 public override bool MoveToFirstChild(Navigator n)
     return Cast(n).Body == null ? GoToFirstChild(n, Cast(n).CustomAttributes)
         : GoToFirstChild(n, Cast(n).CustomAttributes, Cast(n).Body.Variables, Cast(n).Body.Instructions);
Esempio n. 30
        public static void TestSuite()

            Navigator nav = new Navigator(AssemblyFactory.GetAssembly(typeof(AutoTest).Assembly.Location));

            AssertEqual("/", nav.Name);

            AssertEqual("Assembly", nav.Name);

            AssertEqual("Name", nav.Name);
            AssertEqual("aspectdng", nav.Value);

            AssertEqual("FullName", nav.Name);
            AssertFalse(nav.MoveToNextAttribute(), "only be 2 attributes on an assembly");
            AssertFalse(nav.MoveToFirstChild(), "attributes don't have firstChild");

            nav.MoveToParent(); // To assembly
            AssertEqual("Assembly", nav.Name);

            AssertEqual("Attribute", nav.Name);
            AssertEqual("Attribute", nav.Name);

            while (nav.Name != "Type") nav.MoveToNext();
            nav.MoveToNext(); // Second type
            AssertEqual(1, nav.ChildIndex);

            Navigator otherNav = (Navigator) nav.Clone();

            AssertTrue(nav.MoveToFirstChild()); // Type children
            while (nav.Name != "Method") nav.MoveToNext(); // First Method
            nav.MoveToNext(); // Second Method
            AssertEqual(1, nav.ChildIndex);

            AssertTrue(nav.MoveToFirstChild()); // Method children
            AssertTrue(nav.MoveToParent()); // Back to method children
            AssertTrue(nav.MoveToParent()); // Back to Method
            AssertTrue(nav.MoveToParent()); // Back to Type


            AssertEqual(1, nav.SelectList("/").Count);
            AssertEqual(1, nav.SelectList("/Assembly").Count);

            AssertFalse(nav.SelectList("//Type").Count == 0);
            AssertFalse(nav.SelectList("//Type[starts-with(@Name, 'A')]").Count == 0);
            AssertTrue(nav.SelectList("//Type/*/*/*").Count == 0);
            AssertTrue(nav.SelectList("//Type").Count > nav.SelectList("//Type[starts-with(@Name, 'A')]").Count);
            AssertTrue(nav.SelectList("//Type").Count > nav.SelectList("//Type[.//Attribute]").Count);

            AssertFalse(nav.SelectList("//Type[.//Attribute]").Count == 0);

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            int nb = nav.SelectList("//*[name(following::*[1]) = 'Type']").Count;
            Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed : " + (DateTime.Now - start).Milliseconds);