Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Default ctor
 /// </summary>
 public AssemblyCompiler(CompilationMode mode, List<AssemblyDefinition> assemblies, List<AssemblyDefinition> references, Table resources, NameConverter nameConverter, bool generateDebugInfo, AssemblyClassLoader assemblyClassLoader,
     HashSet<string> rootClassNames, XModule module)
     this.mode = mode;
     this.assemblies = assemblies;
     this.references = references;
     this.resources = resources;
     this.generateDebugInfo = generateDebugInfo;
     this.assemblyClassLoader = assemblyClassLoader;
     this.rootClassNames = rootClassNames;
     this.module = module;
     targetPackage = new Target.Dex.DexTargetPackage(nameConverter, this);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile an assembly into a dex file.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CompileAssembly(CommandLineOptions options, NameConverter nsConverter)
            // Load resource type usage info file
            var usedTypeNames = LoadResourceTypeUsageInformation(options);

            // Load assemblies
            var assemblies = new List<AssemblyDefinition>();
            var module = new XModule();
            var classLoader = new AssemblyClassLoader(module.OnClassLoaded);
            var resolver = new AssemblyResolver(options.ReferenceFolders, classLoader, module.OnAssemblyLoaded);
            var readerParameters = new ReaderParameters(ReadingMode.Immediate)
                AssemblyResolver = resolver,
                SymbolReaderProvider = new SafeSymbolReaderProvider(),
                ReadSymbols = true
            foreach (var asmPath in options.Assemblies)
                var asm = resolver.Load(asmPath, readerParameters);
            // Load references
            var references = new List<AssemblyDefinition>();
            foreach (var refPath in options.References)
                var asm = resolver.Load(refPath, readerParameters);

            // Load resources
            Table table;
            using (var stream = new FileStream(options.InputResources, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                table = new Table(stream);

            // Create compiler
            var compiler = new AssemblyCompiler(options.CompilationMode, assemblies, references, table, nsConverter, options.DebugInfo, classLoader, usedTypeNames, module);
            compiler.Save(options.OutputFolder, options.FreeAppsKeyPath);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Program main code
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true on success, false on usage due to invalid options</returns>
        internal static bool MainCode(CommandLineOptions options)
            if (options.ShowHelp)
                return false;

            // Detect target
            var target = Locations.SetTarget(options.Target);

            // Build APK/BAR?
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.PackagePath))

                // Build APK first
                var apkPath = options.PackagePath;
                if (target == Targets.BlackBerry)
                    // Put APK in TEMP folder
                    apkPath = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".apk";

                var apkBuilder = new ApkBuilder.ApkBuilder(apkPath);
                apkBuilder.MapFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(options.PackagePath, ".d42map");
                apkBuilder.ManifestPath = options.ManifestFile;
                if (options.Assemblies.Any())
                apkBuilder.ResourcesFolder = options.ResourcesFolder;
                apkBuilder.PfxFile = options.PfxFile;
                apkBuilder.PfxPassword = options.PfxPassword;
                apkBuilder.CertificateThumbprint = options.CertificateThumbprint;
                apkBuilder.FreeAppsKeyPath = options.FreeAppsKeyPath;
                apkBuilder.PackageName = options.PackageName;

                if (target == Targets.BlackBerry)
                    // Now build BAR
                    var barBuilder = new BarBuilder.BarBuilder(options.PackagePath);
                    barBuilder.ApkPath = apkPath;
                    barBuilder.DebugTokenPath = options.DebugToken;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.JarFile)) // Import jar file?
                var module = new XModule();
                var resolver = new AssemblyResolver(options.ReferenceFolders, new AssemblyClassLoader(module.OnClassLoaded), module.OnAssemblyLoaded);
                var jarImporter = new JarImporter(options.JarFile, options.LibName, options.ImportStubsOnly, false/*true*/, options.GeneratedCodeFolder, resolver, options.ExcludedPackages, options.UseAutoExcludedPackages);
                foreach (var path in options.References)
            else if (options.WcfProxyInputAssemblies.Any()) // Generate WCF Proxy
                var resolver = new AssemblyResolver(options.ReferenceFolders, null, null);
                var readerParameters = new ReaderParameters(ReadingMode.Immediate) {
                    AssemblyResolver = resolver,
                    SymbolReaderProvider = new SafeSymbolReaderProvider(),
                    ReadSymbols = true
                var assemblies = options.WcfProxyInputAssemblies.Select(x => AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(x, readerParameters)).ToList();
                var proxyTool = new ProxyBuilderTool(assemblies, options.GeneratedProxySourcePath);
                // Create namespace converter
                var nsConverter = new NameConverter(options.PackageName, options.RootNamespace);

                // Create manifest file?
                if (options.CreateManifest)
                    ManifestBuilder.CreateManifest(target, options.Assemblies.First(), options.ReferenceFolders, options.PackageName, nsConverter, 
                        options.DebugInfo, options.AppWidgetProviders, options.TargetSdkVersion, options.OutputFolder);
                    // Code compilation?
                    if (options.Assemblies.Any())

                        CompileAssembly(options, nsConverter);

                // Xml compilation
                if (options.CompileResources)
                    if (!CompileResources(options))
                        return false;
            return true;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// TODO: the list of parameters has gotten way to long.
 /// </summary>
 public AssemblyCompiler(CompilationMode mode, List <AssemblyDefinition> assemblies,
                         List <AssemblyDefinition> references, Table resources, NameConverter nameConverter,
                         bool generateDebugInfo, AssemblyClassLoader assemblyClassLoader,
                         Func <AssemblyDefinition, string> assemblyToFilename, DexMethodBodyCompilerCache ccache,
                         HashSet <string> rootClassNames, XModule module, bool generateSetNextInstructionCode)
     this.mode                           = mode;
     this.assemblies                     = assemblies;
     this.references                     = references;
     this.resources                      = resources;
     this.generateDebugInfo              = generateDebugInfo;
     this.assemblyClassLoader            = assemblyClassLoader;
     this.assemblyToFilename             = assemblyToFilename;
     this.rootClassNames                 = rootClassNames;
     this.module                         = module;
     this.generateSetNextInstructionCode = generateDebugInfo && generateSetNextInstructionCode;
     targetPackage                       = new Target.Dex.DexTargetPackage(nameConverter, this);
     methodBodyCompilerCache             = ccache;
     StopAtFirstError                    = true;
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Default ctor
 /// </summary>
 public AssemblyCompiler(CompilationMode mode, List <AssemblyDefinition> assemblies, List <AssemblyDefinition> references, Table resources, NameConverter nameConverter, bool generateDebugInfo, AssemblyClassLoader assemblyClassLoader,
                         HashSet <string> rootClassNames, XModule module)
     this.mode                = mode;
     this.assemblies          = assemblies;
     this.references          = references;
     this.resources           = resources;
     this.generateDebugInfo   = generateDebugInfo;
     this.assemblyClassLoader = assemblyClassLoader;
     this.rootClassNames      = rootClassNames;
     this.module              = module;
     targetPackage            = new Target.Dex.DexTargetPackage(nameConverter, this);
 /// <summary>
 /// Default ctor
 /// </summary>
 public LayoutResourceProcessor(NameConverter nameConverter)
     this.nameConverter = nameConverter;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile an assembly into a dex file.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CompileAssembly(CommandLineOptions options, NameConverter nsConverter)
            // Load resource type usage info file
            var usedTypeNames = LoadResourceTypeUsageInformation(options);

            // Load assemblies
            List<AssemblyDefinition> assemblies = new List<AssemblyDefinition>();
            List<AssemblyDefinition> references= new List<AssemblyDefinition>();

            var dxJarCompiler = options.EnableDxJarCompilation
                ? new DxClassfileMethodBodyCompiler(options.OutputFolder, options.DebugInfo)
                : null;
            Action<ClassSource> jarLoaded = dxJarCompiler != null ? dxJarCompiler.PreloadJar : (Action<ClassSource>)null;

            var module = new XModule();
            var classLoader = new AssemblyClassLoader(module.OnClassLoaded);
            var resolver = new AssemblyResolver(options.ReferenceFolders, classLoader, module.OnAssemblyLoaded);

            // initialize compiler cache in background.
            var ccache = options.EnableCompilerCache ? new DexMethodBodyCompilerCache(options.OutputFolder, resolver.GetFileName)
                                                     : new DexMethodBodyCompilerCache();

            var readerParameters = new ReaderParameters
                AssemblyResolver = resolver,
                SymbolReaderProvider = new SafeSymbolReaderProvider(),
                ReadSymbols = true,
                ReadingMode = ReadingMode.Immediate

            // load assemblies
            var toLoad = options.Assemblies.Select(path => new {path, target = assemblies})
                 .Concat(options.References.Select(path => new {path, target = references}))
                 // Some micro optimizations... 
                 // Our startup is IO bound until we have loaded first assembly from disk.
                 // So just load from smallest to largest.
                 .Select(load => new { load.path,, length = new FileInfo(resolver.ResolvePath(load.path)).Length})

            using (AssemblyCompiler.Profile("for loading assemblies"))
                    load =>
                        var assm = resolver.Load(load.path, readerParameters);
                        lock (;

            // Load resources
            Table table;
            using (var stream = new FileStream(options.InputResources, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                table = new Table(stream);

            // Create compiler
            var compiler = new AssemblyCompiler(options.CompilationMode, assemblies, references, table, nsConverter,
                                                options.DebugInfo, classLoader, resolver.GetFileName, ccache, 
                                                usedTypeNames, module, options.GenerateSetNextInstructionCode);
            compiler.DxClassfileMethodBodyCompiler = dxJarCompiler;
            using (AssemblyCompiler.Profile("total compilation time", true))


            using (AssemblyCompiler.Profile("saving results"))
                compiler.Save(options.OutputFolder, options.FreeAppsKeyPath);

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile an assembly into a dex file.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CompileAssembly(CommandLineOptions options, NameConverter nsConverter)
            // Load resource type usage info file
            var usedTypeNames = LoadResourceTypeUsageInformation(options);

            // Load assemblies
            List <AssemblyDefinition> assemblies = new List <AssemblyDefinition>();
            List <AssemblyDefinition> references = new List <AssemblyDefinition>();

            var dxJarCompiler = options.EnableDxJarCompilation
                ? new DxClassfileMethodBodyCompiler(options.OutputFolder, options.DebugInfo)
                : null;
            Action <ClassSource> jarLoaded = dxJarCompiler != null ? dxJarCompiler.PreloadJar : (Action <ClassSource>)null;

            var module      = new XModule();
            var classLoader = new AssemblyClassLoader(module.OnClassLoaded);
            var resolver    = new AssemblyResolver(options.ReferenceFolders, classLoader, module.OnAssemblyLoaded);

            // initialize compiler cache in background.
            var ccache = options.EnableCompilerCache ? new DexMethodBodyCompilerCache(options.OutputFolder, resolver.GetFileName)
                                                     : new DexMethodBodyCompilerCache();

            var readerParameters = new ReaderParameters
                AssemblyResolver     = resolver,
                SymbolReaderProvider = new SafeSymbolReaderProvider(),
                ReadSymbols          = true,
                ReadingMode          = ReadingMode.Immediate

            // load assemblies
            var toLoad = options.Assemblies.Select(path => new { path, target = assemblies })
                         .Concat(options.References.Select(path => new { path, target = references }))
                         // Some micro optimizations...
                         // Our startup is IO bound until we have loaded first assembly from disk.
                         // So just load from smallest to largest.
                         .Select(load => new { load.path,, length = new FileInfo(resolver.ResolvePath(load.path)).Length })
                         .OrderBy(load => load.length)

            using (AssemblyCompiler.Profile("for loading assemblies"))
                    load =>
                    var assm = resolver.Load(load.path, readerParameters);
                    lock (;

            // Load resources
            Table table;

            using (var stream = new FileStream(options.InputResources, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                table = new Table(stream);

            // Create compiler
            var compiler = new AssemblyCompiler(options.CompilationMode, assemblies, references, table, nsConverter,
                                                options.DebugInfo, classLoader, resolver.GetFileName, ccache,
                                                usedTypeNames, module, options.GenerateSetNextInstructionCode);

            compiler.DxClassfileMethodBodyCompiler = dxJarCompiler;
            using (AssemblyCompiler.Profile("total compilation time", true))


            using (AssemblyCompiler.Profile("saving results"))
                compiler.Save(options.OutputFolder, options.FreeAppsKeyPath);