Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Is this generic parameter the same as the given other?
 /// </summary>
 public bool IsSame(XGenericInstanceType other)
     if (!ElementType.IsSame(other.ElementType) || (GenericArguments.Count != other.GenericArguments.Count))
     return(!GenericArguments.Where((t, i) => !t.IsSame(other.GenericArguments[i])).Any());
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Is this generic parameter the same as the given other?
 /// </summary>
 public bool IsSame(XGenericInstanceType other)
     if (!ElementType.IsSame(other.ElementType) || (GenericArguments.Count != other.GenericArguments.Count))
         return false;
     return !GenericArguments.Where((t, i) => !t.IsSame(other.GenericArguments[i])).Any();
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an expression that loads the given type at runtime.
        /// </summary>
        private static AstExpression LoadTypeForGenericInstance(ISourceLocation seqp, MethodSource currentMethod, 
                    XTypeReference type, AssemblyCompiler compiler, XTypeDefinition typeHelperType, XTypeSystem typeSystem, 
                    TypeConversion typeConversion, XGenericInstanceType typeGenericArguments=null)
            if (type.IsArray)
                // Array type
                var arrayType = (XArrayType)type;
                // Load element type
                var prefix = LoadTypeForGenericInstance(seqp, currentMethod, ((XArrayType)type).ElementType, compiler, typeHelperType, typeSystem, typeConversion);
                // Convert to array type
                if (arrayType.Dimensions.Count() == 1)
                    var giCreateArray = typeHelperType.Methods.Single(x => (x.Name == "Array") && (x.Parameters.Count == 1));
                    return new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.Call, giCreateArray, prefix) { ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type };
                    var giCreateArray = typeHelperType.Methods.Single(x => (x.Name == "Array") && (x.Parameters.Count == 2));
                    var dimensionsExpr = new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.Ldc_I4, arrayType.Dimensions.Count()) { ExpectedType = typeSystem.Int };
                    return new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.Call, giCreateArray, prefix, dimensionsExpr) { ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type };

            var gp = type as XGenericParameter;
            if (gp != null)
                AstExpression loadExpr;
                if (gp.Owner is XTypeReference)
                    // Class type parameter
                    var owner = (XTypeReference)gp.Owner;
                    if (owner.GetElementType().Resolve().HasDexImportAttribute())
                        // Imported type
                        return new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.TypeOf, typeSystem.Object) { ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type };
                    if (currentMethod.IsClassCtor)
                        // Class ctor's cannot have type information.
                        // Return Object instead
                        if(currentMethod.IsDotNet && !currentMethod.ILMethod.DeclaringType.HasSuppressMessageAttribute("StaticConstructorUsesGenericParameter"))
                            var msg = "Class (static) constructor of '{0}' tries to use generic parameter. This will always yield Object. " +
                                      "You can suppress this warning with a [SuppressMessage(\"dot42\", \"StaticConstructorUsesGenericParameter\")] " +
                                      "attribute on the class.";

                            if(seqp != null && seqp.Document != null)
                                DLog.Warning(DContext.CompilerCodeGenerator, seqp.Document, seqp.StartColumn,seqp.StartLine, msg, currentMethod.DeclaringTypeFullName);
                                DLog.Warning(DContext.CompilerCodeGenerator, msg, currentMethod.DeclaringTypeFullName);
                        return new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.TypeOf, typeSystem.Object) { ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type };
                    loadExpr = currentMethod.IsStatic ?
                        LoadStaticClassGenericArgument(seqp, typeSystem, currentMethod.Method, gp.Position) :
                        LoadInstanceClassGenericArgument(seqp, typeSystem, currentMethod.Method.DeclaringType, gp.Position);
                    // Method type parameter
                    var owner = (XMethodReference)gp.Owner;
                    if (owner.GetElementMethod().Resolve().DeclaringType.HasDexImportAttribute())
                        // Imported type
                        return LoadTypeForGenericInstance(seqp, currentMethod, type.Module.TypeSystem.Object, compiler, typeHelperType, typeSystem, typeConversion);
                    loadExpr = LoadMethodGenericArgument(seqp, typeSystem, currentMethod.Method, gp.Position);

                if (typeConversion == TypeConversion.EnsureRuntimeType)
                    return EnsureGenericRuntimeType(loadExpr, typeSystem, typeHelperType);
                    return loadExpr;

            if (type is XTypeSpecification)
                var typeSpec = (XTypeSpecification)type;
                var git = type as XGenericInstanceType;
                var baseType = LoadTypeForGenericInstance(seqp, currentMethod, typeSpec.ElementType, compiler, typeHelperType, typeSystem, typeConversion, git);

                if (typeConversion != TypeConversion.EnsureTrueOrMarkerType || typeSpec.GetElementType().IsNullableT())
                    return baseType;

                // Use the element type and make a generic proxy with the generic arguments.
                var parameters = CreateGenericInstanceCallArguments(seqp, git, currentMethod, compiler);
                if (parameters.Count == 1 && parameters[0].GetResultType().IsArray)
                    // array type call.
                    var method = typeHelperType.Methods.Single(m => m.Name == "GetGenericInstanceType" && m.Parameters.Count == 2 && m.Parameters[1].ParameterType.IsArray);
                    return new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.Call, method, baseType, parameters[0]);
                    parameters.Insert(0, baseType);
                    var method = typeHelperType.Methods.Single(m => m.Name == "GetGenericInstanceType" && m.Parameters.Count == parameters.Count && !m.Parameters[1].ParameterType.IsArray);
                    return new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.Call, method, parameters.ToArray());

            if (typeConversion == TypeConversion.EnsureTrueOrMarkerType && type.GetElementType().IsNullableT())
                if (typeGenericArguments != null)
                    var underlying = typeGenericArguments.GenericArguments[0];
                    var code = underlying.IsPrimitive ? AstCode.BoxedTypeOf : AstCode.NullableTypeOf;
                    return new AstExpression(seqp, code, underlying) { ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type };
                // if typeGenericArguments is null, this is a generic definition, e.g. typeof(Nullable<>).

            // Plain type reference or definition
            return new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.TypeOf, type) { ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type };