Esempio n. 1
        public string EmitHtml(string className)
            var shortClassName = "";

            if (IsStatic)
                shortClassName = className;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(className))
                shortClassName = className[0].ToString().ToLower();

            var id  = "method";
            var img = PageEmitter.GetImg("method");

            switch (FunctionType)
            case ScriptFunctionType.Getter:
                id  = "get";
                img = PageEmitter.GetImg("getter", "Getter");

            case ScriptFunctionType.Setter:
                id  = "set";
                img = PageEmitter.GetImg("setter", "Setter");

            case ScriptFunctionType.IndexerGet:
                id  = "index-get";
                img = PageEmitter.GetImg("indexer-get", "Indexer");

            case ScriptFunctionType.IndexerSet:
                id  = "index-set";
                img = PageEmitter.GetImg("indexer-set", "Indexer");

            case ScriptFunctionType.Constructor:
                img = PageEmitter.GetImg("ctor", "Constructor");

            if (IsStatic)
                img += PageEmitter.GetImg("static", "Static Method");

            var prefix = "";

            if (IsAccessor)
                prefix = "(" + id + ") ";

            var methodName = Name;

            if (FunctionType == ScriptFunctionType.IndexerGet)
                methodName = "(get) indexer";
            else if (FunctionType == ScriptFunctionType.IndexerSet)
                methodName = "(set) indexer";

            var html = $"<span class=\"method-title\">{img}</span> <b id=\"{id}-{Name}\">{prefix}{methodName}</b><br />";

            if (IsStatic)
                html += "<i>Static</i><br />";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description))
                html += $"<i>{Description}</i><br />";

            if (FunctionType == ScriptFunctionType.Getter)
                if (Signatures.Length == 1)
                    var usageText = $"<span class=\"arg-type\">var</span> {Name} = {shortClassName}.<b>{Name}</b>;";
                    html += $"<br /><div><code>Type: <span class=\"arg-type\">" +
                            string.Join("</span> or <span class=\"arg-type\">", Signatures[0].ReturnTypes
                                        .Select(t => TypeHelper.LinkType(t))) +
                            $"</span></code><code>Usage: {usageText}</code></div>";
            else if (FunctionType == ScriptFunctionType.Setter)
                if (Signatures.Length == 1)
                    var usageText = $"{shortClassName}.<b>{Name}</b> = {Name};";
                    html += $"<br /><div><code>Type: <span class=\"arg-type\">" +
                            string.Join("</span> or <span class=\"arg-type\">", Signatures[0].ReturnTypes
                                        .Select(t => TypeHelper.LinkType(t))) +
                            $"</span></code><code>Usage: {usageText}</code></div>";
                if (Signatures.Length > 1)
                    html += "<br />Signatures:";
                foreach (var signature in Signatures)
                    html += $"<br /><div>";
                    if (FunctionType != ScriptFunctionType.Constructor && FunctionType != ScriptFunctionType.IndexerSet)
                        html += $"<code>Return: <span class=\"arg-type\">" +
                                string.Join("</span> or <span class=\"arg-type\">", signature.ReturnTypes
                                            .Select(t => TypeHelper.LinkType(t))) +

                    var paramArgs = new List <string>();
                    if (signature.ParamNames.Length > 0)
                        html += "<code>Arguments: ";
                        if (signature.OptionalNum > 0)
                            var requiredNum        = signature.ParamNames.Length - signature.OptionalNum;
                            var requiredParamNames = signature.ParamNames.Take(requiredNum).ToArray();
                            var requiredParamTypes = signature.ParamTypes.Take(requiredNum).ToArray();
                            var optionalParamNames = signature.ParamNames.Skip(requiredNum).ToArray();
                            var optionalParamTypes = signature.ParamTypes.Skip(requiredNum).ToArray();
                            for (int i = 0; i < requiredNum; i++)
                                if (i > 0)
                                    html += ", ";
                                html += "<span class=\"arg-type\">" + TypeHelper.LinkType(requiredParamTypes[i]) + "</span> " + requiredParamNames[i];
                            for (int i = 0; i < signature.OptionalNum; i++)
                                if (i > 0 || requiredNum > 0)
                                    html += ", ";
                                html += "[<span class=\"arg-type\">" + TypeHelper.LinkType(optionalParamTypes[i]) + "</span> " + optionalParamNames[i] + "]";
                                paramArgs.Add("[" + optionalParamNames[i] + "]");
                            for (int i = 0; i < signature.ParamNames.Length; i++)
                                if (i > 0)
                                    html += ", ";
                                html += "<span class=\"arg-type\">" + TypeHelper.LinkType(signature.ParamTypes[i]) + "</span> " + signature.ParamNames[i];
                        html += "</code>";

                    if (FunctionType == ScriptFunctionType.Constructor)
                        html += $"<code>Usage: <span class=\"arg-type\">var</span> {shortClassName} = <span class=\"arg-type\">new</span> <b>{className}</b>({string.Join(", ", paramArgs)});</code>";
                    else if (FunctionType == ScriptFunctionType.IndexerGet)
                        html += $"<code>Usage: <span class=\"arg-type\">var</span> result = {shortClassName}<b>[{string.Join(", ", paramArgs)}]</b>;</code>";
                    else if (FunctionType == ScriptFunctionType.IndexerSet)
                        html += $"<code>Usage: {shortClassName}<b>[{string.Join(", ", paramArgs)}]</b> = value;</code>";
                        var accessStr = $"{shortClassName}.<b>{Name}</b>";
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(className))
                            accessStr = $"<b>{Name}</b>";
                        if (signature.ReturnTypes.Length == 1 && signature.ReturnTypes[0] == "void")
                            html += $"<code>Usage: {accessStr}({string.Join(", ", paramArgs)});</code>";
                            html += $"<code>Usage: <span class=\"arg-type\">var</span> result = {accessStr}({string.Join(", ", paramArgs)});</code>";

                    html += "</div>";

            html += "<hr />";
 public static ApiPrototype[] GetBuiltInPrototypes()
         // array
         new ApiPrototype
             Name = "Array",
             Description = "Prototype for the primitve array[] type.",
             IsBuiltIn = true,
             Variables = new ApiPrototypeVariable[0],
             Methods = new[]
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "constructor",
                     Description = "Takes any number of arguments, types can be mixed.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Constructor,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "...args" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "any[]" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(NetUndefined), 1) },
                             OptionalNum = 1
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "IndexerGet",
                     Description = "Returns the item in the array at index position.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.IndexerGet,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "index" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any" }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "IndexerSet",
                     Description = "Overwrites the item in the array at index position.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.IndexerSet,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "index" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(NetUndefined), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "length",
                     Description = "Gets the amount of items in the array.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Getter,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "includes",
                     Description = "Determines whether the array includes an item.<br />" +
                                   "Comparer example: </i><code>a.includes(item, (a, b) => { ==; });</code><i>",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "item" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "any" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(bool), 1) }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "item", "comparer" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "any", "function" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(bool), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "any",
                     Description = "If the array contains any items matching the search.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new string[0],
                             ParamTypes = new string[0],
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(bool), 1) }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "comparer" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "function" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(bool), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "where",
                     Description = "Filters the array with the given search.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "filter" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "function" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any[]" }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "first",
                     Description = $"Returns the first item in the array that matches the search or <span class=\"arg-type\">{TypeHelper.LinkType("undefined")}</span> for no match.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new string[0],
                             ParamTypes = new string[0],
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any" }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "comparer" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "function" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any" }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "last",
                     Description = $"Returns the last item in the array that matches the search or <span class=\"arg-type\">{TypeHelper.LinkType("undefined")}</span> for no match.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new string[0],
                             ParamTypes = new string[0],
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any" }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "comparer" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "function" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any" }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "select",
                     Description = "Transforms all elements of the array with a transformation function.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "transformer" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "function" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any[]" }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "single",
                     Description = "Finds a single item within the array and returns it.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new string[0],
                             ParamTypes = new string[0],
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any" }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "comparer" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "function" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any" }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "count",
                     Description = "Returns the amount of items in the array that match the search.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new string[0],
                             ParamTypes = new string[0],
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int), 1) }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "comparer" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "function" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "all",
                     Description = "Returns whether all items in the array conform to a constraint.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "constraint" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "function" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(bool), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "push",
                     Description = "Adds items to the end of the array.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "...items" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { "any[]" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(NetUndefined), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "pop",
                     Description = "Removes the last item from the array and returns it.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new string[0],
                             ParamTypes = new string[0],
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any" }
         // boolean
         new ApiPrototype
             Name = "Boolean",
             Description = "Prototype for the primitive bool type.",
             IsBuiltIn = true,
             Variables = new ApiPrototypeVariable[0],
             Methods = new []
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "constructor",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Constructor,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "value" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(bool)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(NetUndefined), 1) }
         // number
         new ApiPrototype
             Name = "Number",
             Description = "Prototype for the primitive number type.",
             IsBuiltIn = true,
             Variables = new ApiPrototypeVariable[0],
             Methods = new []
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "constructor",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Constructor,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "value" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(double)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(NetUndefined), 1) }
         // object
         new ApiPrototype
             Name = "Object",
             Description = "The base prototype for all prototypes. Methods from this prototype are available to all prototypes.",
             IsBuiltIn = true,
             Variables = new ApiPrototypeVariable[0],
             Methods = new []
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "create",
                     Description = "Creates an instance of a prototype (either by name or reference to the prototype), \"args\" are the constructor arguments for the prototype.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     IsStatic = true,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "prototypeName", "...args" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)), "any[]" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any" }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "prototype", "...args" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(Object)), "any[]" },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { "any" }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "addMember",
                     Description = "Adds a member to a prototype and all new objects created from that prototype. Values for \"signatureConfig\" are \"readOnly\", \"static\", \"indexerGet\" and \"indexerSet\".",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     IsStatic = true,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "memberName", "defaultValue", "signatureConfig" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)), "any", TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string[])) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(NetUndefined), 1) },
                             OptionalNum = 2
         // string
         new ApiPrototype
             Name = "String",
             Description = "Prototype for the primitive string type.",
             IsBuiltIn = true,
             Variables = new ApiPrototypeVariable[0],
             Methods = new []
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "constructor",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Constructor,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "value" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(NetUndefined), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "length",
                     Description = "Gets the amount of characters in the string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Getter,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "empty",
                     Description = "Returns an empty string.",
                     IsStatic = true,
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Getter,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "charAt",
                     Description = "Returns a character within the string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "index" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "concat",
                     Description = "Concatenates multiple strings to this string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "...strings" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string[])) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "includes",
                     Description = "Returns whether the string contains another string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "needle" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(bool), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "endsWith",
                     Description = "Returns whether the string ends with another string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "needle" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(bool), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "startsWith",
                     Description = "Returns whether the string starts with another string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "needle" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(bool), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "indexOf",
                     Description = "Returns the index of the first occurrence of a string within this string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "needle" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "lastIndexOf",
                     Description = "Returns the index of the last occurrence of a string within this string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "needle" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "padEnd",
                     Description = "Pads the end of the string until the string reaches a certain length.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "targetLength" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "targetLength", "padStr" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)), TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "padStart",
                     Description = "Pads the start of the string until the string reaches a certain length.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "targetLength" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "targetLength", "padStr" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)), TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "repeat",
                     Description = "Repeats the string a number of times.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "amount" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "replace",
                     Description = "Replaces parts within the string with another string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "replace", "with" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)), TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "slice",
                     Description = "Returns a slice of the string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "startIndex" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "startIndex", "length" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)), TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "split",
                     Description = "Splits the string at a delimiter.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "delimiters", "limit" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string[])), TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string[]), 1) },
                             OptionalNum = 1
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "delimiter", "limit" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)), TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string[]), 1) },
                             OptionalNum = 1
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "toLower",
                     Description = "Converts all alphabetic characters in the string to their lower case counterparts.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new string[0],
                             ParamTypes = new string[0],
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "toUpper",
                     Description = "Converts all alphabetic characters in the string to their upper case counterparts.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new string[0],
                             ParamTypes = new string[0],
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "trim",
                     Description = "Trims characters from the start and end of the string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new string[0],
                             ParamTypes = new string[0],
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "trimChar" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) },
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "trimChars" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string[])) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) },
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "trimStart",
                     Description = "Trims characters from the start of the string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new string[0],
                             ParamTypes = new string[0],
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "trimChar" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) },
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "trimChars" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string[])) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) },
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "trimEnd",
                     Description = "Trims characters from the end of the string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new string[0],
                             ParamTypes = new string[0],
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) }
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "trimChar" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) },
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "trimChars" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string[])) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) },
                 new ApiMethod
                     Name = "remove",
                     Description = "Removes a set of characters from the string.",
                     FunctionType = ScriptFunctionType.Standard,
                     Signatures = new[]
                         new ApiMethodSignature
                             ParamNames = new[] { "startIndex", "length" },
                             ParamTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)), TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(int)) },
                             ReturnTypes = new[] { TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeof(string), 1) },
                             OptionalNum = 1