public void AddCustomer(Customer customer)
            // TODO: add security here..
            // TODO: add argument validation here..

            // Run within the context of a database transaction.
            // The Decorator Design Pattern.
            using (TransactionDecorator transaction = new TransactionDecorator())
        public void AddPatient(Patient patient)
            //string sql = string.Empty;
            // TODO: add security here..
            // TODO: add argument validation here..

            // Run within the context of a database transaction.
            // The Decorator Design Pattern.
            using (TransactionDecorator transaction = new TransactionDecorator())

        public void UpdateDoctorAppointment(Appointment appt, int dayID)
            //string sql = string.Empty;
            // TODO: add security here..
            // TODO: add argument validation here..

            // Run within the context of a database transaction.
            // The Decorator Design Pattern.
            using (TransactionDecorator transaction = new TransactionDecorator())

        public void AddStudentAppointment(int PatientID, int DoctorID, DateTime date, string[] strSet, int TimeID)
            //string sql = string.Empty;
            // TODO: add security here..
            // TODO: add argument validation here..

            // Run within the context of a database transaction.
            // The Decorator Design Pattern.
            using (TransactionDecorator transaction = new TransactionDecorator())
                AppointmentDAO.StudentSchedule(PatientID, DoctorID, date, strSet, TimeID);

        public void AddDoctor(Doctor doctor)
            //string sql = string.Empty;
            // TODO: add security here..
            // TODO: add argument validation here..

            // Run within the context of a database transaction.
            // The Decorator Design Pattern.
            using (TransactionDecorator transaction = new TransactionDecorator())

        public int DeleteCustomer(int customerId)
            // TODO: add access security here..
            // TODO: add argument validation here..

            Customer customer = customerDao.GetCustomer(customerId);
            customer.Orders = orderDao.GetOrders(customer);

            int rowsAffected = 0;

            // Business rule: cannot delete Customers that have Orders
            if (customer.Orders.Count == 0)
                // Run within the context of a database transaction
                // The Decorator Design Pattern.
                using (TransactionDecorator transaction = new TransactionDecorator())
                    rowsAffected = customerDao.DeleteCustomer(customer);

            return rowsAffected;