/// <summary>
        /// Send init data to client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">Client</param>
        /// <param name="port">Client port</param>
        /// <param name="src">Code to send</param>
        public static void initClient(Client client,int port, string src)
            /*Send initilisation packet*/
            if (!client.initialised)
                /*Connect to client*/
                Sender s = new Sender(client.ip, Convert.ToInt32(port));

                /*Create init packet*/
                DataInitClient dic = new DataInitClient(src);
                byte[] dicData = dic.ToByte();

                /*Create packet info data*/
                PacketInfo packetInfo = new PacketInfo(Command.ClientInit,0,"", dicData.Length,0,0);
                byte[] packetInfoData = packetInfo.ToByte();

                /*Assembly the packets*/
                List<byte[]> listPacket = new List<byte[]>();


                /*Send all packet*/
                byte[] dataToSend = PacketAssembler.Assemble(listPacket);
 /// <summary>
 /// Test own IP addresses on own computer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="port">Port to send</param>
 /// <returns>Finish?</returns>
 public bool GetIPAddress(int port)
     List<IPAddressInformation> listInfo = new List<IPAddressInformation>();
     foreach (NetworkInterface netif in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) //Each network interface
         IPInterfaceProperties properties = netif.GetIPProperties();
         foreach (IPAddressInformation unicast in properties.UnicastAddresses) //Each ip adress
             if (unicast.Address != IPAddress.Loopback) //No local host
                 Sender sender = new Sender(unicast.Address.ToString(), port); //Start tcp sender
                 PacketInfo packetInfo = new PacketInfo(Command.CorrectIP, 0, "",0,0,0);
                 sender.send(packetInfo.ToByte()); //Send own
     return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a work to a client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listClient">List of clients</param>
        /// <param name="listPacketSended">Packet already sended</param>
        /// <param name="ipAddress">Ip address of a client</param>
        /// <param name="port">Port of a client</param>
        /// <param name="nbrPackets">Number packet to send</param>
        /// <param name="issueNumber">Issu number</param>
        public void sendWork(ref SortedList<string, Client> listClient, ref SortedList<int, PacketInfo>listPacketSended, string ipAddress, int port, int nbrPackets,int issueNumber)
            List<byte[]> listWorksToSend = new List<byte[]>();
            /*Connect to client*/
            Sender s = new Sender(ipAddress, Convert.ToInt32(port));
            SortedList<int,byte[]> tempListTasks = new SortedList<int,byte[]>(tasks);
            for (int i = 0; i < nbrPackets; i++)
                if (tempListTasks.Count > 0)  //More tasks?
                    int firstKey = tempListTasks.Keys[0];
                    byte[] data = tempListTasks[firstKey];
                    tempListTasks.Remove(firstKey); //remove temporary data, if the sender doesn't work
                    /*Add info of data*/
                    PacketInfo packetInfo = new PacketInfo(Command.Work, firstKey, "", data.Length, SecondSince1970.Get(),issueNumber);
                        listPacketSended.Add(firstKey, packetInfo);
                    /*Add data*/
                    listClient[ipAddress].currentWork.Add(firstKey); //Add to current client work

            /*Assembly the packets*/
            byte[] dataToSend = PacketAssembler.Assemble(listWorksToSend);
             /*Send data to client*/
            int nbrPaquetsToRemove = nbrPackets;
            if (nbrPackets > tasks.Count) //More packet to remove than number of task?
                nbrPaquetsToRemove = tasks.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < nbrPaquetsToRemove; i++) //Remove real data
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Send work to all clients
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list">List of clients</param>
 /// <returns>New list of client if someone offline </returns>
 private SortedList<string, Client> sendFirstWorkAllClient(SortedList<string, Client> list)
     /*Send work work to all connected clients*/
     SortedList<string, Client> tmpListClient = new SortedList<string, Client>(list);
     foreach (string item in listClient.Keys)
         Sender s = new Sender(listClient[item].ip, sendPort);
         if (!s.testConnexion())
         if (dataWork != null && listClient[item].initialised == true && dataWork.tasks.Count != 0 && listClient[item].currentWork.Count == 0) //No more work?
             dataWork.sendWork(ref listClient, ref listPacketSended, listClient[item].ip, sendPort, nbrPacketToSend, issueNumber);
     return tmpListClient;