//Adds effects to the UI appropriate to the current scores private static void AddUIParticles() { if (Multiplier > 1) { VertexBag v = new VertexBag(UIPositions.Multiplier + UIPositions.MultiplierOffset, Color.White, Color.Yellow, 1, (int)((Multiplier / 5) * 50), (int)Multiplier + 4); UILayer.AddParticleEffect(v); } if (Points > 0) { VertexBag v = new VertexBag(UIPositions.Power + UIPositions.PowerOffset, Color.CadetBlue, Color.Cyan, 1, (int)((float)(Points / (float)stats.MaxPower) * 80), (int)((float)Points / (float)stats.MaxPower) * 5 + 3); UILayer.AddParticleEffect(v); } }
public virtual void Die() { Player.Points += pointValue; float pointsToAdd = (float)pointValue * Player.Multiplier; Player.Score += pointsToAdd; float txtScale = 0.9f; float grav = 0.1f; if (pointsToAdd > 100) { txtScale = 1.5f; grav = 0.04f; } if (LevelManager.Current.UIStats.PowerShown) { if (pointValue != 0) { UIEffect e = new UIEffect(position, RandUnitVector2(), 0.1f, "+" + pointValue.ToString(), Color.Turquoise, 0.9f); UILayer.AddUIEffect(e); } } if (pointValue != 0) { VertexBag v = new VertexBag(UIPositions.Score + UIPositions.ScoreOffset, Color.GreenYellow, Color.LawnGreen, 1, Math.Min((int)(50 * pointsToAdd), 1000), 10); UILayer.AddParticleEffect(v); UIEffect b = new UIEffect(position, RandUnitVector2(), grav, "+" + Math.Round(pointsToAdd, 1).ToString(), Color.Yellow, txtScale); UILayer.AddUIEffect(b); } NormalMap.AddBlast2(position, Size / 10, Size / 8); }
public static void AddParticleEffect(VertexBag effect) { pEffects.Add(effect); }