public int Compare(Object obj, int[] qty, int[] discount)
            int counter = 0;

            MarketingProduct otherProduct = (MarketingProduct)obj;

            foreach (int quantity in qty)
                if (otherProduct.getQty() > quantity)
        // method matches marketing product type to the use helper method with respective quality type discount
        public static void determineQuality(Item item, int[] q1, int[] d1, int[] q2, int[] d2, int[] q3, int[] d3)
            double volumeDiscount;
            double costAfterVolumeDiscount;
            int    volumeDiscountRate;
            double cartDiscount;
            double costAfterCartDiscount;

            MarketingProduct product = (MarketingProduct)item;

            switch (product.getQuality())
            case "expensive":
                printMarketingDiscounts(q1, d1);
                volumeDiscountRate = getDiscountRate(q1, d1, product.getQty());

                // straight cost
                WriteLine($"\nCost with no discount: {product.straightCost():C}");

                // volume discount
                volumeDiscount = product.discountAmount(volumeDiscountRate);
                WriteLine($"Volume rate: {volumeDiscountRate:0.00} %, discount: {volumeDiscount:C}");
                costAfterVolumeDiscount = product.straightCost() - volumeDiscount;
                WriteLine($"Cost after Volume discount {costAfterVolumeDiscount:C}");

                // whole cart discount
                cartDiscount = wholeCartDiscount(product.straightCost());
                WriteLine($"Whole cart discount: {cartDiscount:C}");
                costAfterCartDiscount = product.straightCost() - cartDiscount;
                WriteLine($"Cost after cart discount {costAfterCartDiscount:C}");

                // totals
                totalStraightCost   += product.straightCost();
                totalVolumeDiscount += costAfterVolumeDiscount;
                totalCartDiscount   += costAfterCartDiscount;

            case "medium":
                printMarketingDiscounts(q2, d2);
                volumeDiscountRate = getDiscountRate(q2, d2, product.getQty());

                // straight cost
                WriteLine($"\nCost with no discount: {product.straightCost():C}");

                // volume discount
                volumeDiscount = product.discountAmount(volumeDiscountRate);
                WriteLine($"Volume rate: {volumeDiscountRate:0.00} %, discount: {volumeDiscount:C}");
                costAfterVolumeDiscount = product.straightCost() - volumeDiscount;
                WriteLine($"Cost after Volume discount {costAfterVolumeDiscount:C}");

                // whole cart discount
                cartDiscount = wholeCartDiscount(product.straightCost());
                WriteLine($"Whole cart discount: {cartDiscount:C}");
                costAfterCartDiscount = product.straightCost() - cartDiscount;
                WriteLine($"Cost after cart discount {costAfterCartDiscount:C}");

                // totals
                totalStraightCost   += product.straightCost();
                totalVolumeDiscount += costAfterVolumeDiscount;
                totalCartDiscount   += costAfterCartDiscount;

            case "cheap":
                printMarketingDiscounts(q3, d3);
                volumeDiscountRate = getDiscountRate(q3, d3, product.getQty());

                // straight cost
                WriteLine($"\nCost with no discount: {product.straightCost():C}");

                // volume discount
                volumeDiscount = product.discountAmount(volumeDiscountRate);
                WriteLine($"Volume rate: {volumeDiscountRate:0.00} %, discount: {volumeDiscount:C}");
                costAfterVolumeDiscount = product.straightCost() - volumeDiscount;
                WriteLine($"Cost after Volume discount {costAfterVolumeDiscount:C}");

                // whole cart discount
                cartDiscount = wholeCartDiscount(product.straightCost());
                WriteLine($"Whole cart discount: {cartDiscount:C}");
                costAfterCartDiscount = product.straightCost() - cartDiscount;
                WriteLine($"Cost after cart discount {costAfterCartDiscount:C}");

                // totals
                totalStraightCost   += product.straightCost();
                totalVolumeDiscount += costAfterVolumeDiscount;
                totalCartDiscount   += costAfterCartDiscount;

                WriteLine("Quality type doesn't match");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // hardcode marketing products
            Item[] items = new Item[4];
            //items[0] = new MarketingProduct("P123", "coffee mug", 12.29, 100, "expensive");
            //items[1] = new MarketingProduct("P987", "magnet, large", 3.29, 100, "expensive");
            //items[2] = new MarketingProduct("P547", "stuffed bear", 11.99, 30, "medium");
            //items[3] = new MarketingProduct("P879", "note cube", 2.50, 100, "cheap");

            items[0] = new MarketingProduct("P123", "coffee mug", 12.29, 40, "expensive");
            items[1] = new MarketingProduct("P987", "magnet, large", 3.29, 10, "expensive");
            items[2] = new MarketingProduct("P547", "stuffed bear", 11.99, 8, "medium");
            items[3] = new MarketingProduct("P879", "note cube", 2.50, 90, "cheap");

            // MARKETING Product Bulk Pricing
            // Expensive items
            int[] expensiveQty = new int[3] {
                50, 30, 15
            int[] expensiveDiscount = new int[3] {
                20, 10, 5

            // Medium
            int[] medQty = new int[3] {
                20, 10, 5
            int[] medDiscount = new int[3] {
                12, 8, 3

            // Cheap items
            int[] cheapQty = new int[3] {
                150, 100, 50
            int[] cheapDiscount = new int[3] {
                20, 10, 5

            // SHIPPING zone shipping discount
            int[] distance = new int[3] {
                1000, 500, 100
            };                                              // miles
            int[] pricing = new int[3] {
                50, 35, 20
            };                                              // per box

            WriteLine("SDEV 2410 Final Project by Kristoffer Keene\n");

            WriteLine("First Part: Purchasing Products");

            foreach (Item item in items)
                determineQuality(item, expensiveQty, expensiveDiscount, medQty, medDiscount, cheapQty, cheapDiscount);

            WriteLine($"   Straight Cost: {totalStraightCost:C}");
            WriteLine($"Volume Discounts: {totalVolumeDiscount:C}");
            WriteLine($"   Cart Discount: {totalCartDiscount:C}");

            WriteLine("\nPart B: Shipping\n");

            // hardcode shipping boxes
            Item[] boxes = new Item[4];
            //boxes[0] = new ShippingBox("S678", "Miami FL", 10, 2000, 11.5, 8.5, 4, 5.2);
            //boxes[1] = new ShippingBox("S449", "Chicago IL", 25, 800, 5, 5, 5, 12.3);
            //boxes[2] = new ShippingBox("S721", "Denver CO", 30, 150, 6.5, 6.5, 3, 2.5);
            //boxes[3] = new ShippingBox("S678", "SLC UT", 50, 30, 14, 8, 1, 1.5);

            boxes[0] = new ShippingBox("S678", "Miami FL", 10, 9000, 11.5, 8.5, 4, 5.2);
            boxes[1] = new ShippingBox("S449", "Chicago IL", 25, 400, 5, 5, 5, 12.3);
            boxes[2] = new ShippingBox("S721", "Denver CO", 30, 150, 6.5, 6.5, 3, 2.5);
            boxes[3] = new ShippingBox("S678", "SLC UT", 50, 30, 14, 8, 1, 1.5);

            foreach (Item item in boxes)
                printShippingDiscounts(distance, pricing);
                determineShipping(item, distance, pricing);

            WriteLine($"Zone shipping costs: {totalZoneShipping:C}");
            WriteLine($"     Flat rate cost: {totalFlatRate:C}");

            WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue");