public ResponserPlugin(DezClient client) : base(client, "ResponserPlugin") { Command = new Command[] { new Command("nsfw", "Allows/disables NSFW mode for responsed", this, (msg, args) => { if (!_rssccol.getByServer(msg.Server, true).nsfw) { _rssccol.getByServer(msg.Server).nsfw = true; return("NSFW ACTIVATED! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"); } else { _rssccol.getByServer(msg.Server).nsfw = false; return("NSFW disabled"); } }) }; Command[0].SetRequiredRole("P**n Summoner"); _rssccol = new ResponserServerSettingsCollection(); _trcol = new TriggerWordCollection(); _client.MessageReceived += async(s, e) => { if (!e.Message.IsAuthor && e.Message.Text != "" && e.Message.Text.ToCharArray()[0] != '?') { string ret = HandleMessage(e.Message); if (ret != null) { await e.Channel.SendMessage(ret); } } }; }
public void Start(string[] args) { _client = new DezClient(); ColoredConsole.WriteLine("Creating event handlers!", fgcolor: ConsoleColor.Green); _client.MessageReceived += async(s, e) => { if (!e.Message.IsAuthor && e.Message.Text != "" && e.Message.Text.ToCharArray()[0] == '?' && e.Message.Text != "?") { string rt = _client.PluginManager.SendCommand(e.Message); if (rt != null && rt != "") { await e.Channel.SendMessage(rt); } } }; ColoredConsole.WriteLine("Loading plugins!", fgcolor: ConsoleColor.Green); _client.PluginManager.AddPlugin(new BasicFunctionsPlugin(_client)); //BASIC FUNCTIONS PLUGIN _client.PluginManager.AddPlugin(new AudioPlugin.AudioPlugin(_client)); //AUDIO PLUGIN _client.PluginManager.AddPlugin(new UrbanDictionaryPlugin.UrbanDictionaryPlugin(_client)); //UD PLUGIN _client.PluginManager.AddPlugin(new ResponserPlugin(_client)); //RESPONSER PLUGIN _client.PluginManager.AddPlugin(new DebuggerPlugin.DebuggerPlugin(_client)); ColoredConsole.WriteLine("Loading Reponse Triggers", fgcolor: ConsoleColor.Green); string fld = (_client.PluginManager.GetPluginByClass <ResponserPlugin>().LoadTriggersFromFile("Resources/Triggers.xml")) ? "File Loaded" : "Created template file!"; ColoredConsole.WriteLine(fld, fgcolor: ConsoleColor.Green); ColoredConsole.WriteLine("Connecting!", fgcolor: ConsoleColor.Green); _client.Ready += (s, e) => { _client.SetGame(""); }; _client.DebugModeChanged += (s, e) => { string state = (e.DebugModeState) ? "activated" : "deactivated"; ColoredConsole.WriteLine("Debug mode " + state, fgcolor: ConsoleColor.Yellow); }; _client.ExceptionCaught += (s, e) => { ColoredConsole.WriteLine(e.e.ToString(), fgcolor: ConsoleColor.Red); }; _client.ExecuteAndWait(async() => { await _client.Connect(conneciton_token, Discord.TokenType.Bot); }); }
public Plugin(DezClient client, string Name) { this._client = client; this.Name = Name; }
public PluginManager(DezClient _client) { this._client = _client; _plcol = new PluginCollection(); RegisteredCommands = new CommandCollection(); }
public BasicFunctionsPlugin(DezClient client) : base(client, "BasicFunctionsPlugin") { Command = new Command[] { new Command("help", "List all availible commands", this, (m, args) => { string helpmsg = "Availible commands:\n"; foreach (Command cmd in _client.PluginManager.RegisteredCommands) { helpmsg += "**`?" + cmd.Name + " - " + cmd.Description + "`** "; } return(helpmsg); }), new Command("insult", "Insults user", this, (m, args) => { string user; string sender = m.User.Name; if (args.Length == 0) { user = sender; } else { user = args[0]; } if (user.ToLower().Contains("dezbot")) { return("Can't insult myself you dumb f**k!"); } if (user.ToLower().Contains("dezrodino")) { return("Who'd want to insult such an awesome person!?"); } return(Insulter.Insult(user, sender)); }), new Command("purge", "Clears bot's messages", this, (m, args) => { if (args.Length == 0) { return("Usage: ?purge [ammount]"); } int amm; if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out amm)) { return("Ammount has to be integer!"); } int rtr = 1; int fnds = 0; var msgs = m.Channel.Messages; int ct = msgs.Count(); if (ct < amm) { amm = ct; } while ((fnds < amm && rtr < ct)) { if (msgs.ElementAt(ct - rtr).IsAuthor) { msgs.ElementAt(ct - rtr).Delete(); fnds++; } rtr++; } return(null); }), new Command("clear", "Clears messages", this, (m, args) => { if (args.Length == 0) { return("Usage: ?clear [ammount] (user)..."); } int amm; if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out amm)) { return("Ammount has to be integer!"); } amm++; var tsk = m.Channel.DownloadMessages(); tsk.Wait(); var msgs = tsk.Result; int rtr = 0; int fnds = 0; int ct = msgs.Length; if (ct < amm) { amm = ct; } string user = null; if (args.Length >= 2) { user = args[1]; } while ((fnds < amm && rtr < ct - 1)) { if (user != null) { if (user == msgs.ElementAt(rtr).User.Name) { msgs.ElementAt(rtr).Delete(); fnds++; } } else { msgs.ElementAt(rtr).Delete(); fnds++; } rtr++; } return(null); } ) }; Command[2].SetRequiredRole("Bot Slaver"); Command[3].SetRequiredRole("Bot Slaver"); }