Esempio n. 1
        private Permissions GetPermission(User u, Channel c)
            if (u.IsBot)

            if (_config.Staff.Contains(u.Id))

            if (!c.IsPrivate)
                if (u == c.Server.Owner)

                if (u.ServerPermissions.Administrator)

                if (u.GetPermissions(c).ManageChannel)

Esempio n. 2
        internal void Update(APIMessage model)
            var channel = Channel;
            var server  = channel.Server;

            if (model.Attachments != null)
                Attachments = model.Attachments
                              .Select(x => new Attachment()
                    Id       = x.Id,
                    Url      = x.Url,
                    ProxyUrl = x.ProxyUrl,
                    Width    = x.Width,
                    Height   = x.Height,
                    Size     = x.Size,
                    Filename = x.Filename
            if (model.Embeds != null)
                Embeds = model.Embeds.Select(x =>
                    EmbedLink author = null, provider = null;
                    File thumbnail   = null, video = null;

                    if (x.Author != null)
                        author = new EmbedLink {
                            Url = x.Author.Url, Name = x.Author.Name
                    if (x.Provider != null)
                        provider = new EmbedLink {
                            Url = x.Provider.Url, Name = x.Provider.Name
                    if (x.Thumbnail != null)
                        thumbnail = new File {
                            Url = x.Thumbnail.Url, ProxyUrl = x.Thumbnail.ProxyUrl, Width = x.Thumbnail.Width, Height = x.Thumbnail.Height
                    if (x.Video != null)
                        video = new File {
                            Url = x.Video.Url, ProxyUrl = null, Width = x.Video.Width, Height = x.Video.Height

                    return(new Embed
                        Url = x.Url,
                        Type = x.Type,
                        Title = x.Title,
                        Description = x.Description,
                        Author = author,
                        Provider = provider,
                        Thumbnail = thumbnail,
                        Video = video

            if (model.IsTextToSpeech != null)
                IsTTS = model.IsTextToSpeech.Value;
            if (model.Timestamp != null)
                Timestamp = model.Timestamp.Value;
            if (model.EditedTimestamp != null)
                EditedTimestamp = model.EditedTimestamp;
            if (model.Mentions != null)
                MentionedUsers = model.Mentions
                                 .Select(x => Channel.GetUserFast(x.Id))
                                 .Where(x => x != null)
            if (model.IsMentioningEveryone != null)
                if (model.IsMentioningEveryone.Value && User != null && User.GetPermissions(channel).MentionEveryone)
                    MentionedRoles = new Role[] { Server.EveryoneRole }
                    MentionedRoles = new Role[0];
            if (model.Content != null)
                string text = model.Content;
                RawText = text;

                //var mentionedUsers = new List<User>();
                var mentionedChannels = new List <Channel>();
                //var mentionedRoles = new List<Role>();
                text = CleanUserMentions(Channel, text /*, mentionedUsers*/);
                if (server != null)
                    text = CleanChannelMentions(Channel, text, mentionedChannels);
                    //text = CleanRoleMentions(_client, User, channel, text, mentionedRoles);
                Text = text;

                //MentionedUsers = mentionedUsers;
                MentionedChannels = mentionedChannels;
                //MentionedRoles = mentionedRoles;
Esempio n. 3
        public static AccessLevel GetPermission(User user, Channel channel)
            if (user.IsBot)                                     // Prevent other bots from executing commands
                return AccessLevel.Blocked;

            if (_config.Owners.Contains(user.Id))               // Create a specific permission for bot owners
                return AccessLevel.BotOwner;

            if (!channel.IsPrivate)                             // Make sure the command isn't executed in a PM.
                if (user == channel.Server.Owner)               // Server owner permission for the server owner.
                    return AccessLevel.ServerOwner;

                if (user.ServerPermissions.Administrator)       // Server admin permission for server admins.
                    return AccessLevel.ServerAdmin;

                if (user.GetPermissions(channel).ManageChannel) // Channel admin permission for channel admins.
                    return AccessLevel.ChannelAdmin;

            return AccessLevel.User;                            // If nothing else fits return a default permission.
Esempio n. 4
        private int PermissionResolver(User user, Channel channel)
            if (user.Id == GlobalSettings.Users.DevId)
                return (int)PermissionLevel.BotOwner;
            if (user.Server != null)
                if (user == channel.Server.Owner)
                    return (int)PermissionLevel.ServerOwner;

                var serverPerms = user.ServerPermissions;
                if (serverPerms.ManageRoles)
                    return (int)PermissionLevel.ServerAdmin;
                if (serverPerms.ManageMessages && serverPerms.KickMembers && serverPerms.BanMembers)
                    return (int)PermissionLevel.ServerModerator;

                var channelPerms = user.GetPermissions(channel);
                if (channelPerms.ManagePermissions)
                    return (int)PermissionLevel.ChannelAdmin;
                if (channelPerms.ManageMessages)
                    return (int)PermissionLevel.ChannelModerator;
            return (int)PermissionLevel.User;
Esempio n. 5
 public static bool CanJoinChannel(this Channel voiceChannel, User user)
     if (voiceChannel.Type != ChannelType.Voice) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(voiceChannel));
     return user.GetPermissions(voiceChannel).Connect;