Esempio n. 1
        public async Task invite()
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Sent you a DM's :smile:");

            Discord.IDMChannel gencom = await Context.Message.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder();

            embed.Description += $"Invite the bot to your server by [this link]({Program.invite_link})";
            embed.WithColor(new Color(125, 164, 120));
            var topgg = new EmbedFieldBuilder();

            topgg.IsInline = true;
            topgg.Name     = "We on";
            topgg.Value    = $"[vote!]({topgg_link})";

            var dbotlist = new EmbedFieldBuilder();

            dbotlist.IsInline = true;
            dbotlist.Name     = "We on discordbotlist";
            dbotlist.Value    = $"[vote!]({discordbotlist_link})";
            await gencom.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build());

            await gencom.CloseAsync();
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task help(string isLocal = null)
            var privateEmbed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();
            var publicEmbed  = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            privateEmbed.WithTitle("Lista komend:")
            .AddInlineField("!komeny", "!orbit \n!orbit2 \n!orbit3 \n!orbitmax\n!Wojownicy \n!szogun \n!pikna \n!notak \n!mioush \n!jordan_cry \n!heh \n!Gontta \n!damnwhat \n!by_the_pope \n!biiiicz \n!ALKUS")
            .AddField("usefullShiet", "!help // wysyla sms o tresci pomagam \n (-p jesli chcesz na publiczny kanal help) \n !del x //usówa x ostatnich wiadomości ");
            publicEmbed.WithTitle("Lista komend:")
            .AddInlineField("!komendy", "!orbit \n!orbit2 \n!orbit3 \n!orbitmax\n!Wojownicy \n!szogun \n!pikna \n!notak \n!mioush \n!jordan_cry \n!heh \n!Gontta \n!damnwhat \n!by_the_pope \n!biiiicz \n!ALKUS")
            .AddInlineField("Emotki", "\n\n\n :Wojownicy: \n :szogun: \n :pikna: \n <:notak:403267331264086016> \n <:mioush:425310386292523008> \n :jordan_cry: \n <:heh:333585033204072458> \n <:Gontta:417747336287223828> \n <:damnwhat:413093188178411520> \n <:by_the_pope:493411746002894864> \n :biiiicz: \n <:ALKUS:334775515263270912>")
            .AddField("usefullShiet", "!help // wysyla sms o tresci pomagam \n (-p jesli chcesz na publiczny kanal help) \n !del x //usówa x ostatnich wiadomości ");
            if (isLocal != "-p")
                Discord.IDMChannel gencom = await Context.Message.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                await gencom.SendMessageAsync("", false, privateEmbed);

                await gencom.CloseAsync();
                for (int helpChannelID = 0; helpChannelID < Context.Guild.TextChannels.Count; helpChannelID++)
                    var helpChannel = Context.Guild.TextChannels.ElementAt(helpChannelID);
                    if (helpChannel.Name == "help")
                        await helpChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, publicEmbed);
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task invite()
            Discord.IDMChannel gencom = await Context.Message.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

            await gencom.SendMessageAsync($"Here is my link invite : \n{Program.invite_link}", false);

            await gencom.CloseAsync();
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task Help()
            var a = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            a.WithDescription("General Commands\n-- .help // Gives list of commands to use");
            Discord.IDMChannel gencom = await Context.Message.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

            await gencom.CloseAsync();
Esempio n. 5
    public async Task help()
        var a = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

        a.WithDescription("General Commands\n!help // Gives list of commands to use");
        a.WithColor(new Discord.Color(0, 170, 255));
        Discord.IDMChannel gencom = await Context.Message.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

        await gencom.SendMessageAsync("", false, a);

        await gencom.CloseAsync();
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task help()
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Check your DM for a list of commands!");

            var a = new EmbedBuilder();

            a.WithDescription(string.Join('\n', Service.GetAllCommands().Select(x => $"`{x.Name}` - {x.Description}")));
            Discord.IDMChannel gencom = await Context.Message.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

            await gencom.SendMessageAsync("", false, a.Build());

            await gencom.CloseAsync();
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task AdHelp()
            EmbedBuilder b = new EmbedBuilder();

            b.WithTitle("Owner Commands");

            b.AddInlineField("/kick + User + ReasonForKickHere", "Kicks the inputted user with an explanation.").WithColor(25, 25, 112);

            b.AddInlineField("/leave", "Makes the bot leave the current server.");

            b.AddInlineField("/playing + WhateverYouWantItToPlayHere", "Sets the bot's playing status to whatever is input.");

            b.AddInlineField("/message + channelID + YourMessageHere", "Sends a message to the inputted channel id.");

            b.AddInlineField("/updateguildcount + channelID + YourMessageHere", "Updates the basic Guild Count and such in the Playing Property.");

            Discord.IDMChannel augur = await Context.Message.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

            await augur.SendMessageAsync("", false, b);

            await augur.CloseAsync();