Use the Capture class to capture audio and video to AVI files.
This is the core class of the Capture Class Library. The following sections introduce the Capture class and how to use this library.

Basic Usage

The Capture class only requires a video device and/or audio device to begin capturing. The Filters class provides lists of the installed video and audio devices.

// Remember to add a reference to DirectX.Capture.dll using DirectX.Capture ... Capture capture = new Capture( Filters.VideoInputDevices[0], Filters.AudioInputDevices[0] ); capture.Start(); ... capture.Stop();

This will capture video and audio using the first video and audio devices installed on the system. To capture video only, pass a null as the second parameter of the constructor.

The class is initialized to a valid temporary file in the Windows temp folder. To capture to a different file, set the Capture.Filename property before you begin capturing. Remember to add DirectX.Capture.dll to your project references.

Setting Common Properties

The example below shows how to change video and audio settings. Properties such as Capture.FrameRate and AudioSampleSize allow you to programmatically adjust the capture. Use Capture.VideoCaps and Capture.AudioCaps to determine valid values for these properties.

Capture capture = new Capture( Filters.VideoInputDevices[0], Filters.AudioInputDevices[1] ); capture.VideoCompressor = Filters.VideoCompressors[0]; capture.AudioCompressor = Filters.AudioCompressors[0]; capture.FrameRate = 29.997; capture.FrameSize = new Size( 640, 480 ); capture.AudioSamplingRate = 44100; capture.AudioSampleSize = 16; capture.Filename = "C:\MyVideo.avi"; capture.Start(); ... capture.Stop();

The example above also shows the use of video and audio compressors. In most cases you will want to use compressors. Uncompressed video can easily consume over a 1GB of disk space per minute. Whenever possible, set the Capture.VideoCompressor and Capture.AudioCompressor properties as early as possible. Changing them requires the internal filter graph to be rebuilt which often causes most of the other properties to be reset to default values.

Listing Devices

Use the Filters.VideoInputDevices collection to list video capture devices installed on the system.

foreach ( Filter f in Filters.VideoInputDevices ) { Debug.WriteLine( f.Name ); }
The Filters class also provides collections for audio capture devices, video compressors and audio compressors.


Video preview is controled with the Capture.PreviewWindow property. Setting this property to a visible control will immediately begin preview. Set to null to stop the preview.

// Enable preview capture.PreviewWindow = myPanel; // Disable preview capture.PreviewWindow = null;

The control used must have a window handle (HWND), good controls to use are the Panel or the form itself.

Retrieving or changing video/audio settings such as FrameRate, FrameSize, AudioSamplingRate, and AudioSampleSize will cause the preview window to flash. This is beacuse the preview must be temporarily stopped. Disable the preview if you need to access several properties at the same time.

Property Pages

Property pages exposed by the devices and compressors are available through the Capture.PropertyPages collection.

// Display the first property page capture.PropertyPages[0].Show();

The property pages will often expose more settings than the Capture class does directly. Some examples are brightness, color space, audio balance and bass boost. The disadvantage to using the property pages is the user's choices cannot be saved and later restored. The exception to this is the video and audio compressor property pages. Most compressors support the saving and restoring state, see the PropertyPage.State property for more information.

Changes made in the property page will be reflected immediately in the Capture class properties (e.g. Capture.FrameSize). However, the reverse is not always true. A change made directly to FrameSize, for example, may not be reflected in the associated property page. Fortunately, the filter will use requested FrameSize even though the property page shows otherwise.

Saving and Restoring Settings

To save the user's choice of devices and compressors, save Filter.MonikerString and user it later to recreate the Filter object.

To save a user's choices from a property page use PropertyPage.State. However, only the audio and video compressor property pages support this.

The last items to save are the video and audio settings such as FrameSize and AudioSamplingRate. When restoring, remember to restore these properties after setting the video and audio compressors.

// Disable preview capture.PreviewWindow = null; // Save settings string videoDevice = capture.VideoDevice.MonikerString; string audioDevice = capture.AudioDevice.MonikerString; string videoCompressor = capture.VideoCompressor.MonikerString; string audioCompressor = capture.AudioCompressor.MonikerString; double frameRate = capture.FrameRate; Size frameSize = capture.FrameSize; short audioChannels = capture.AudioChannels; short audioSampleSize = capture.AudioSampleSize; int audioSamplingRate = capture.AudioSamplingRate; ArrayList pages = new ArrayList(); foreach ( PropertyPage p in capture.PropertyPages ) { if ( p.SupportsPersisting ) pages.Add( p.State ); } // Restore settings Capture capture = new Capture( new Filter( videoDevice), new Filter( audioDevice) ); capture.VideoCompressor = new Filter( videoCompressor ); capture.AudioCompressor = new Filter( audioCompressor ); capture.FrameRate = frameRate; capture.FrameSize = frameSize; capture.AudioChannels = audioChannels; capture.AudioSampleSize = audioSampleSize; capture.AudioSamplingRate = audioSamplingRate; foreach ( PropertyPage p in capture.PropertyPages ) { if ( p.SupportsPersisting ) { p.State = (byte[]) pages[0] pages.RemoveAt( 0 ); } } // Enable preview capture.PreviewWindow = myPanel;

TV Tuner

To access the TV Tuner, use the Capture.Tuner property. If the device does not have a TV tuner, this property will be null. See DirectX.Capture.Tuner.Channel, DirectX.Capture.Tuner.InputType and DirectX.Capture.Tuner.SignalPresent for more information.

// Change to channel 5 capture.Tuner.Channel = 5;


This class library uses COM Interop to access the full capabilities of DirectShow, so if there is another application that can successfully use a hardware device then it should be possible to modify this class library to use the device.

Try the AMCap sample from the DirectX SDK (DX9\Samples\C++\DirectShow\Bin\AMCap.exe) or Virtual VCR from


This class library would not be possible without the DShowNET project by NETMaster:

Documentation is generated by nDoc available at


Feel free to send comments and questions to me at [email protected]. If the the topic may be of interest to others, post your question on the page for DirectX.Capture.
Inheritance: ISampleGrabberCB
Esempio n. 1
        private void btnLigarCamera_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CamContainer = new DirectX.Capture.Filters();

                int no_of_cam = CamContainer.VideoInputDevices.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < no_of_cam; i++)
                        // obtém o dispositivo de entrada do vídeo
                        Camera = CamContainer.VideoInputDevices[i];
                        // inicializa a Captura usando o dispositivo
                        CaptureInfo = new DirectX.Capture.Capture(Camera, null);
                        // Define a janela de visualização do vídeo
                        CaptureInfo.PreviewWindow = pcCamera;
                        // Capturando o tratamento de evento
                        CaptureInfo.FrameCaptureComplete += AtualizaImagem;
                        // Captura o frame do dispositivo
                        // Se o dispositivo foi encontrado e inicializado então sai sem checar o resto
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message);
Esempio n. 2
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            capture = new Capture(cameraFilters.VideoInputDevices[0], cameraFilters.AudioInputDevices[0]);

            VideoCapabilities vc = capture.VideoCaps;
            capture.FrameSize = new Size(640, 480);
            capture.PreviewWindow = cam;

            var referenceCards = sql.GetCards();

            capture.FrameEvent2 += new Capture.HeFrame((Bitmap bitmap) => {
                var magicCards = Utilities.DetectCardArt(bitmap);
                foreach (var card in magicCards)
                    camWindow.Image = bitmap;
                    image_output.Image = card.GetDrawnCorners();
                    cardArtImage.Image = card.CardArtBitmap;

                    var bestMatch = Utilities.MatchCard(card, referenceCards);
                    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
                    g.DrawString(, new Font("Tahoma", 25), Brushes.Black, new PointF(card.Corners[0].X - 29, card.Corners[0].Y - 39));
                    g.DrawString(, new Font("Tahoma", 25), Brushes.Yellow, new PointF(card.Corners[0].X - 30, card.Corners[0].Y - 40));
                    image_output.Image = bitmap;

        /// <summary>
        /// Preview et enregistrement des videos
        /// </summary>
        public void saveVideo()
            capture = new Capture(filters.VideoInputDevices[0], null);
            Filter f = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < filters.VideoCompressors.Count; i++)
                if (capture == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Pas de périphériques audios ou vidéos détectés.\n\n");

                if (!capture.Cued)
                    f = filters.VideoCompressors[7];
                    capture.VideoCompressor = f;
                    capture.FrameSize = new System.Drawing.Size(640, 480);
                    capture.Filename = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Videos/savedVideo.wmv";
                    capture.PreviewWindow = panelVideo;
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Erreur :" + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.ToString());
Esempio n. 4
 void Eyeform_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     cap = new Capture(filter.VideoInputDevices[0], filter.AudioInputDevices[0]);
     cap.PreviewWindow = pnpreview;
     cap.FrameRate = 60;
     cap.FrameCaptureComplete += cap_FrameCaptureComplete;
     KeyPreview = true;
Esempio n. 5
        void InitCapture(string Quality, int videoIndex)
                if (capture != null)

                capture = new DirectX.Capture.Capture(filters.VideoInputDevices[videoIndex], null);

                #region make these lines comment for using professional cam
                if (Quality == "High")
                    capture.FrameSize = new System.Drawing.Size(capture.VideoCaps.MaxFrameSize.Width, capture.VideoCaps.MaxFrameSize.Height);
                else if (Quality == "Low")
                    capture.FrameSize = new System.Drawing.Size(160, 120);
                capture.FrameRate = 30;

                double dblPicWidth = 0.0, dblPicHeight = 0.0;

                this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate(Object state)
                    dblPicWidth  = picUserVideo.ActualWidth;
                    dblPicHeight = picUserVideo.ActualHeight;
                }), null);

                Point pt = picUserVideo.TranslatePoint(new Point(), Application.Current.MainWindow);
                picUserVideo.Tag = pt;

                capture.PreviewWindow = cnvUserVideo;

                disptgetVideoWind.Start();   //timer of getting video window is start

                if (VMuktiAPI.VMuktiInfo.CurrentPeer.CurrPeerType == PeerType.BootStrap || VMuktiAPI.VMuktiInfo.CurrentPeer.CurrPeerType == PeerType.SuperNode || VMuktiInfo.CurrentPeer.CurrPeerType == PeerType.NodeWithNetP2P)
                    capture.FrameEvent2 += new DirectX.Capture.Capture.HeFrame(capture_FrameEventNetP2P);
                    capture.FrameEvent2 += new DirectX.Capture.Capture.HeFrame(capture_FrameEventHttp);
            catch (Exception ex)
                VMuktiAPI.VMuktiHelper.ExceptionHandler(ex, "InitCapture", "ctlUserVideo.xaml.cs");
Esempio n. 6
        private void LoadCamera()
            _capturer = new Capture(_cameraFilters.VideoInputDevices[0], _cameraFilters.AudioInputDevices[0])
                FrameSize = new System.Drawing.Size(640, 480),
                PreviewWindow = _cam
            _capturer.FrameEvent2 += CaptureDone;

Esempio n. 7
        private SieuAmManager()
                filters = new Filters();
                MessageBox.Show("Không nhận diện được bất kỳ card video! Xin kiểm tra lại");

            capture = new Capture(filters.VideoInputDevices[0], null);
Esempio n. 8
        public SpotRecorder(string fileDirectory, Filter recordingDevice)
            if (!fileDirectory.Substring(fileDirectory.Length - 1, 1).Equals(@"\"))
                this.FileDirectory = fileDirectory + @"\";
                this.FileDirectory = fileDirectory;

            this.RecordingDevice = recordingDevice;
            this.recorder = null;

            spotHandler = new SpotHandler(processName);
            spotHandler.TrackChanged += new SpotHandlerBase.TrackChangedEventHandler(spotHandler_TrackChanged);
Esempio n. 9
		public CaptureTest()
			// Required for Windows Form Designer support

			// Start with the first video/audio devices
			// Don't do this in the Release build in case the
			// first devices cause problems.
			capture = new Capture(filters.VideoInputDevices[0], filters.AudioInputDevices[0]);
			Load += new EventHandler(CaptureTest_Load);
			FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(CaptureTest_FormClosing);

			// Update the main menu
			// Much of the interesting work of this sample occurs here
			try { updateMenu(); }
			catch { }
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Tworzy nową instancję klienta streamingu przez udp.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="video_window">Picturebox, w którym będzie wyświetlany obraz z kamery/streamu.</param>
        /// <param name="remote_ip">Zdalne IP serwera lub innego klienta.</param>
        public UdpStreamClient(PictureBox video_window, string remote_ip)
            videoCapture = null;
            filters = new Filters();
            microphone = null;
            speaker = null;
            streaming = false;
            recieving = false;
            inColor = true;
            timeInterval = 1000;
            framesCount = 0;
            videoWindow = video_window;
            audioCodec = new PCMU();

            #region Wstępne ustawienia kompresji
            encoderParams = new EncoderParameters(2);

            // Ustawiamy format kompresji na JPEG
            jpegEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            // Ustawiamy jakość obrazu

            // Ustawiamy głębię kolorów
            #endregion // Wstępne ustawienia kompresji

            // Ustalanie lokalnego ip.
            strHostName = Dns.GetHostName();
            this.ipHostEntry = Dns.GetHostByName(strHostName);
            this.localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipHostEntry.AddressList[0], localUdpPort);

            // Ustawianie zdalnego ip.
                this.remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(remote_ip), remoteUdpPort);
            catch(FormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Streaming"); }
Esempio n. 11
        private void Form3_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CamContainer = new DirectX.Capture.Filters();
                int no_of_cam = CamContainer.VideoInputDevices.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < no_of_cam; i++)
                        // get the video input device
                        Camera = CamContainer.VideoInputDevices[i];

                        // initialize the Capture using the video input device
                        CaptureInfo = new DirectX.Capture.Capture(Camera, null);

                        // set the input video preview window
                        CaptureInfo.PreviewWindow = this.pictureBox1;

                        // Capturing complete event handler
                        CaptureInfo.FrameCaptureComplete += RefreshImage;

                        // Capture the frame from input device

                        // if device found and initialize properly then exit without
                        // checking rest of input device
                    catch (Exception ex) { }
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message);
Esempio n. 12
        public CaptureTest()
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            // Start with the first video/audio devices
            // Don't do this in the Release build in case the
            // first devices cause problems.
            #if DEBUG
            capture = new Capture( filters.VideoInputDevices[0], null);
            capture.CaptureComplete += new EventHandler( OnCaptureComplete );

            // Update the main menu
            // Much of the interesting work of this sample occurs here
            try { updateMenu(); } catch {}
        void InitCapture(string Quality, int videoIndex)
                if (capture != null)

                capture = new DirectX.Capture.Capture(filters.VideoInputDevices[videoIndex], null);
                #region make these lines comment for using professional cam
                if (Quality == "High")
                    capture.FrameSize = new System.Drawing.Size(capture.VideoCaps.MaxFrameSize.Width, capture.VideoCaps.MaxFrameSize.Height);
                else if (Quality == "Low")
                    capture.FrameSize = new System.Drawing.Size(160, 120);
                capture.FrameRate = 30;

                double dblPicWidth = 0.0, dblPicHeight = 0.0;
                this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate(Object state)
                    dblPicWidth = picUserVideo.ActualWidth;
                    dblPicHeight = picUserVideo.ActualHeight;
                    return null;
                }), null);

                Point pt = picUserVideo.TranslatePoint(new Point(), Application.Current.MainWindow);
                picUserVideo.Tag = pt;

                capture.PreviewWindow = cnvUserVideo;
                disptgetVideoWind.Start();   //timer of getting video window is start

                if (VMuktiAPI.VMuktiInfo.CurrentPeer.CurrPeerType == PeerType.BootStrap || VMuktiAPI.VMuktiInfo.CurrentPeer.CurrPeerType == PeerType.SuperNode || VMuktiInfo.CurrentPeer.CurrPeerType == PeerType.NodeWithNetP2P)
                    capture.FrameEvent2 += new DirectX.Capture.Capture.HeFrame(capture_FrameEventNetP2P);
                    capture.FrameEvent2 += new DirectX.Capture.Capture.HeFrame(capture_FrameEventHttp);
            catch (Exception ex)
                VMuktiAPI.VMuktiHelper.ExceptionHandler(ex, "InitCapture", "ctlUserVideo.xaml.cs");             
Esempio n. 14
        public void InitVideoCapture(int videoDeviceID, FrameRate framerate, Resolution resolution, 
            ImageFormat format, bool grayscale)
            if (cameraInitialized)

            this.resolution = resolution;
            this.grayscale = grayscale;
            this.frameRate = framerate;
            this.videoDeviceID = videoDeviceID;
            this.format = format;

            switch (resolution)
                case Resolution._160x120:
                    cameraWidth = 160;
                    cameraHeight = 120;
                case Resolution._320x240:
                    cameraWidth = 320;
                    cameraHeight = 240;
                case Resolution._640x480:
                    cameraWidth = 640;
                    cameraHeight = 480;
                case Resolution._800x600:
                    cameraWidth = 800;
                    cameraHeight = 600;
                case Resolution._1024x768:
                    cameraWidth = 1024;
                    cameraHeight = 768;
                case Resolution._1280x1024:
                    cameraWidth = 1280;
                    cameraHeight = 1024;
                case Resolution._1600x1200:
                    cameraWidth = 1600;
                    cameraHeight = 1200;

            Filters filters = null;
            Filter videoDevice, audioDevice = null;
                filters = new Filters();
            catch (Exception exp)
                throw new GoblinException("No video capturing devices are found");

                videoDevice = (videoDeviceID >= 0) ? filters.VideoInputDevices[videoDeviceID] : null;
            catch (Exception exp)
                String suggestion = "Try the following device IDs:";
                for(int i = 0; i < filters.VideoInputDevices.Count; i++)
                    suggestion += " " + i + ":" + filters.VideoInputDevices[i].Name + ", ";
                throw new GoblinException("VideoDeviceID " + videoDeviceID + " is out of the range. "
                    + suggestion);

            selectedVideoDeviceName = filters.VideoInputDevices[videoDeviceID].Name;
            capture = new DCapture(videoDevice, audioDevice);

            double frame_rate = 0;
            switch (frameRate)
                case FrameRate._15Hz: frame_rate = 15; break;
                case FrameRate._30Hz: frame_rate = 30; break;
                case FrameRate._50Hz: frame_rate = 50; break;
                case FrameRate._60Hz: frame_rate = 60; break;
                case FrameRate._120Hz: frame_rate = 120; break;
                case FrameRate._240Hz: frame_rate = 240; break;

            if (videoDevice != null)
                // Using MPEG compressor
                //capture.VideoCompressor = filters.VideoCompressors[2]; 
                capture.FrameRate = frame_rate;
                    capture.FrameSize = new Size(cameraWidth, cameraHeight);
                catch(Exception exp)
                    throw new GoblinException("Resolution._" + cameraWidth + "x" + cameraHeight +
                        " is not supported for " + selectedVideoDeviceName + 
                        ". Maximum resolution supported is " + 

            if (capture.FrameSize.Width != cameraWidth || capture.FrameSize.Height != cameraHeight)
                throw new GoblinException("Failed to set the resolution to " + cameraWidth + "x" + cameraHeight);

            tmpPanel = new Panel();
            tmpPanel.Size = new Size(cameraWidth, cameraHeight);

                capture.PreviewWindow = tmpPanel;
            catch (Exception exp)
                throw new GoblinException("Specified framerate or/and resolution is/are not supported " +
                    "for " + selectedVideoDeviceName);

            capture.FrameEvent2 += new DCapture.HeFrame(CaptureDone);

            cameraInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 15
        private void InitCapture()
            Filters filters=null;
                filters = new Filters();
            catch (Exception)

            if (filters != null && filters.VideoInputDevices.Count > 0)
                foreach (Filter f in filters.VideoInputDevices)
                    if (f.Name.Equals(me.videoCaptureStr))
                        capture = new Capture(f, null, false);
                //capture = new Capture(filters.VideoInputDevices[0], null, false);
                if (capture != null)
                    if (me.videosystem == Singleton.VideoSystem.PAL)
                        capture.dxUtils.VideoStandard = DShowNET.AnalogVideoStandard.PAL_B;
                            capture.FrameSize = new Size(720, 576);
                            capture.PreviewFrameSize = new Size(720, 576);
                        catch (Exception) { }
                        capture.dxUtils.VideoStandard = DShowNET.AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M;
                            capture.FrameSize = new Size(720, 480);
                        catch (Exception) { }
                    capture.AllowSampleGrabber = true;

                    //capture.PreviewWindow = pictureBox1;
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Stops the recorder and destroys it
 /// </summary>
 protected void stopRecording()
     if (recorder != null)
         if (!recorder.Stopped)
         recorder = null;
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Uruchamia przechwytywanie obrazu za pomocą pierwszego dostępnego urządzenia.
        /// </summary>
        private void StartVideoCapture()
            if (this.filters.VideoInputDevices.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Brak urządzeń do przechwytywania obrazu!");

            videoCapture = new Capture(filters.VideoInputDevices[0], null);
            videoCapture.FrameSize = new Size(320, 240);
            videoCapture.FrameRate = 30.0;
            videoCapture.PreviewWindow = videoWindow;
            videoCapture.FrameEvent2 += new Capture.HeFrame(CapturedFrame);

            // pauza pozwalająca na kompletne zainicjowanie kamery
Esempio n. 18
        private int SelectVideoDevice(int Index)
                // Get current devices and dispose of capture object
                // because the video and audio device can only be changed
                // by creating a new Capture object.
                Filter videoDevice = null;
                Filter audioDevice = null;
                if (capture != null)
                    videoDevice = capture.VideoDevice;
                    audioDevice = capture.AudioDevice;
                    capture = null;

                // Get new video device
                if (filters.VideoInputDevices.Count <= Index) return 1;

                videoDevice = filters.VideoInputDevices[Index];

                // Create capture object
                if ((videoDevice != null) || (audioDevice != null))
                    capture = new Capture(videoDevice, audioDevice, false);
                    capture.AllowSampleGrabber = true;
                    capture.CaptureComplete += new EventHandler(OnCaptureComplete);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Video device not supported.\n\n" + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.ToString());
                return 1;
            return 0;
Esempio n. 19
 private void InitVideo()
     this.filters = new Filters();
     if (this.filters.VideoInputDevices.Count > 0)
         LoggingService.DebugFormatted("共检测到系统有{0}个视频设备...", new object[] { this.filters.VideoInputDevices.Count });
         this.videoDevice = this.filters.VideoInputDevices[this.filters.VideoInputDevices.Count - 1];
         this.capture = new DirectX.Capture.Capture(this.videoDevice, null);
         this.capture.FrameSize = new Size(640, 480);
         this.capture.PreviewWindow = this.pictureBox1;
     else if (this.toolStripStatusLabel2 != null)
         this.toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "系统没有找到摄像头设备,你只能查看已经拍好的照片";
Esempio n. 20
 private void LiveShow_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
     if (this.capture != null)
         this.capture = null;
Esempio n. 21
        public void InitVideoCapture(int videoDeviceID, FrameRate framerate, Resolution resolution, 
            ImageFormat format, bool grayscale)
            if (cameraInitialized)

            this.resolution = resolution;
            this.grayscale = grayscale;
            this.frameRate = framerate;
            this.videoDeviceID = videoDeviceID;
            this.format = format;

            switch (resolution)
                case Resolution._160x120:
                    cameraWidth = 160;
                    cameraHeight = 120;
                case Resolution._320x240:
                    cameraWidth = 320;
                    cameraHeight = 240;
                case Resolution._640x480:
                    cameraWidth = 640;
                    cameraHeight = 480;
                case Resolution._800x600:
                    cameraWidth = 800;
                    cameraHeight = 600;
                case Resolution._1024x768:
                    cameraWidth = 1024;
                    cameraHeight = 768;
                case Resolution._1280x1024:
                    cameraWidth = 1280;
                    cameraHeight = 1024;
                case Resolution._1600x1200:
                    cameraWidth = 1600;
                    cameraHeight = 1200;

            Filters filters = null;
            Filter videoDevice, audioDevice = null;
                filters = new Filters();
            catch (Exception exp)
                throw new GoblinException("No video capturing devices are found");

                videoDevice = (videoDeviceID >= 0) ? filters.VideoInputDevices[videoDeviceID] : null;
            catch (Exception exp)
                String suggestion = "Try the following device IDs:";
                for(int i = 0; i < filters.VideoInputDevices.Count; i++)
                    suggestion += " " + i + ":" + filters.VideoInputDevices[i].Name + ", ";
                throw new GoblinException("VideoDeviceID " + videoDeviceID + " is out of the range. "
                    + suggestion);

            selectedVideoDeviceName = filters.VideoInputDevices[videoDeviceID].Name;
            capture = new DCapture(videoDevice, audioDevice);

            double frame_rate = 0;
            switch (frameRate)
                case FrameRate._15Hz: frame_rate = 15; break;
                case FrameRate._30Hz: frame_rate = 30; break;
                case FrameRate._50Hz: frame_rate = 50; break;
                case FrameRate._60Hz: frame_rate = 60; break;
                case FrameRate._120Hz: frame_rate = 120; break;
                case FrameRate._240Hz: frame_rate = 240; break;

            if (videoDevice != null)
                // Using MPEG compressor
                //capture.VideoCompressor = filters.VideoCompressors[2]; 
                capture.FrameRate = frame_rate;
                    capture.FrameSize = new Size(cameraWidth, cameraHeight);
                catch(Exception exp)
                    throw new GoblinException("Resolution._" + cameraWidth + "x" + cameraHeight +
                        " is not supported for " + selectedVideoDeviceName + 
                        ". Maximum resolution supported is " + 

            if (capture.FrameSize.Width != cameraWidth || capture.FrameSize.Height != cameraHeight)
                throw new GoblinException("Failed to set the resolution to " + cameraWidth + "x" + cameraHeight);

            tmpPanel = new Panel();
            tmpPanel.Size = new Size(cameraWidth, cameraHeight);

                capture.PreviewWindow = tmpPanel;
            catch (Exception exp)
                throw new GoblinException("Specified framerate or/and resolution is/are not supported " +
                    "for " + selectedVideoDeviceName);

            capture.FrameEvent2 += new DCapture.HeFrame(CaptureDone);

            cameraInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 22
 protected void Preview()
     if (capture == null)
         filters = new Filters();
         if (filters.VideoInputDevices != null)
             capture = new Capture(filters.VideoInputDevices[_settings.VideoInputDeviceIndex], null);
     #if DEBUG
             Console.WriteLine("****************\nPREVIEW FUNCTION\n****************");
             Console.WriteLine("****************\nUSING VIDEO INPUT DEVICE: " + filters.VideoInputDevices[_settings.VideoInputDeviceIndex].Name +
             capture.PreviewWindow = _panel;
             MessageBox.Show("No video device connected to your PC!");
         capture.PreviewWindow = _panel;
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Zatrzymuje przechwytywanie obrazu.
 /// </summary>
 private void StopVideoCapture()
     videoCapture.FrameEvent2 -= new Capture.HeFrame(CapturedFrame);
     videoCapture.PreviewWindow = null;
     videoCapture = null;
Esempio n. 24
 protected void StartCompressorCapture(Capture capture)
         capture.VideoCompressor = filters.VideoCompressors[_settings.VideoCompressorIndex];
     #if DEBUG
         Console.WriteLine("****************\nUSING COMPRESSOR: " + filters.VideoCompressors[_settings.VideoCompressorIndex].Name +
         capture.PreviewWindow = _panel;
     catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Records a track to the specified directory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="track">Track which should be saved</param>
        protected void recordTrack(SpotTrack track)

            if (recorder == null)
                Filters f = new Filters();
                recorder = new Capture(null, RecordingDevice);
                recorder.CaptureComplete += new EventHandler(recorder_CaptureComplete);

            recorder.Filename = FileDirectory + string.Format("{0} - {1}", track.Artist, track.Title) + ".wav";

            track.Path = recorder.Filename;

            lastRecordedTrack = track;
Esempio n. 26
 protected void tryCapture()
     if (filters.VideoInputDevices != null)
             capture = new Capture(filters.VideoInputDevices[_settings.VideoInputDeviceIndex], null);
         catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show("No video device connected to you PC!");
Esempio n. 27
 private void InitVideo()
     this.filters = new Filters();
     if (this.filters.VideoInputDevices.Count > 0)
         this.videoDevice = this.filters.VideoInputDevices[0];
     if (this.filters.AudioInputDevices.Count > 0)
         this.audioDevice = this.filters.AudioInputDevices[0];
     this.capture = new DirectX.Capture.Capture(this.videoDevice, this.audioDevice);
     if (this.filters.VideoCompressors.Count > 0)
         this.videoComprossor = this.filters.VideoCompressors[0];
         this.capture.VideoCompressor = this.videoComprossor;
     this.capture.PreviewWindow = this.pictureBox1;
Esempio n. 28
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            cameraBitmap = new Bitmap(640, 480);
            capture = new Capture(cameraFilters.VideoInputDevices[0], cameraFilters.AudioInputDevices[0]);
            VideoCapabilities vc = capture.VideoCaps;
            capture.FrameSize = new Size(640, 480);
            capture.PreviewWindow = cam;
            capture.FrameEvent2 += new Capture.HeFrame(CaptureDone);

Esempio n. 29
        public FormIkarusMain()


            if (me.SistemaMetrico == (int)Singleton.SistemasMetricos.Metrico)
                instrumento_Altimeter1.Calibration = me.HomeAlt;
                instrumento_Altimeter1.Calibration = me.HomeAlt * 3.28f;

            this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
            debug_values = new float[5, 5]{{me.uplink_pid_ele_P, me.uplink_pid_ele_I, me.uplink_pid_ele_D, me.uplink_pid_ele_IL, me.uplink_pid_ele_DL},
                {me.uplink_pid_ail_P , me.uplink_pid_ail_I, me.uplink_pid_ail_D, me.uplink_pid_ail_IL, me.uplink_pid_ail_DL},
                {me.uplink_pid_tail_P, me.uplink_pid_tail_I, me.uplink_pid_tail_D, me.uplink_pid_tail_IL, me.uplink_pid_tail_DL},
                {me.uplink_pid_thr_P, me.uplink_pid_thr_I, me.uplink_pid_thr_D, me.uplink_pid_thr_IL, me.uplink_pid_thr_DL },
                {me.uplink_IR_offX, me.uplink_IR_offY, me.uplink_IR_gain, me.uplink_rumbo_ail, me.uplink_altura_ele}};

            comboBox3.SelectedIndex = 0;
            comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0;
            comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0;
            this.planeWpt = new WayPoint("Avion", me.HomeLon, me.HomeLat, global::UAVConsole.Properties.Resources.plane3);
            this.planeWpt.heading = 0;
            this.targetWpt = new WayPoint("Avion", me.HomeLon, me.HomeLat);
            this.homeWpt = new WayPoint("Home", me.HomeLon, me.HomeLat);

            mapControl1.plane = this.planeWpt;
   = this.targetWpt;
            mapControl1.ruta = me.Ruta;

            medidorBaterias1.num_cells = me.cells1;
            medidorBaterias2.num_cells = me.cells2;

                filters = new Filters();
            catch (Exception)

            if (filters != null && filters.VideoInputDevices.Count > 0)
                foreach (Filter f in filters.VideoInputDevices)
                    if (f.Name.Equals(me.videoCaptureStr))
                        capture = new Capture(f, null, false);

                if (capture != null)
                    foreach (Source vs in capture.VideoSources)
                        if (vs.ToString().Contains("omposi")) // Video Composite
                            capture.VideoSource = vs;
                    if (me.videosystem == Singleton.VideoSystem.PAL)
                        capture.dxUtils.VideoStandard = DShowNET.AnalogVideoStandard.PAL_B;
                            capture.FrameRate = 25; 
                            capture.FrameSize = new Size(720, 576);
                            capture.PreviewFrameSize = new Size(720, 576);

                        catch (Exception) { }
                        capture.dxUtils.VideoStandard = DShowNET.AnalogVideoStandard.NTSC_M;
                            capture.FrameRate = 30;
                            capture.FrameSize = new Size(720, 480);
                        catch (Exception) { }
                    capture.AllowSampleGrabber = true;
                    capture.PreviewWindow = panel1;
                    capture.FrameEvent2 += new Capture.HeFrame(CaptureDone);
                    //capture.ShowPropertyPage(1, this);

            if (me.enableAntTrack)
                antTracker = new AntTracker();
                medidorBaterias3.Enabled = true;
                medidorBaterias3.AutoCalculate = false;
                label6.Enabled = true;
                knob_anttracker.Visible = true;
                knob_anttracker.Manual = false;
                medidorRSSI.Height = 97;
                knob_anttracker.Visible = false;
                medidorRSSI.Height = 137;

            if (me.telemetria == Singleton.Telemetria.Video)
                modem = new ModemVideo();
            else if (me.telemetria == Singleton.Telemetria.XBEE)
                modem = new ModemXbee(me.commPort, me.commBps);
            else if (me.telemetria == Singleton.Telemetria.AntTracker)
                modem = new ModemAntTracker(antTracker);

            if (me.telemetria != Singleton.Telemetria.None)
                modem.listeners += RefreshInstruments;

            if (me.moduloTX == Singleton.ModuloControl.Uplink)
                if (jthread == null)
                    jthread = new JoystickThread(this);

                decimal altura = (decimal)(me.HomeAlt + 100);

                if (altura < numericUpDown1.Minimum)
                    altura = numericUpDown1.Minimum;
                else if (altura > numericUpDown1.Maximum)
                    altura = numericUpDown1.Maximum;

                numericUpDown1.Value = altura;

                label7.Enabled = true;
                medidorBaterias4.Enabled = true;
                medidorBaterias4.volts_max = me.uplinkVmax;
                medidorBaterias4.volts_min = me.uplinkVmin;
                panel5.Location = panel4.Location;
                panel6.Location = new Point(panel6.Location.X, panel5.Location.Y);
                panel4.Visible = false;

            if (me.enableUDPinout)
                if (this.sender == null)
                    this.sender = new SenderUDP(me.portUDPinout);
                this.sender.listeners += TeamRefresh;
                comboBoxTeam.Visible = false;
                button6.Visible = false;
                button7.Visible = false;
                //panel8.Width -= 56;

            if (me.enableWebServer)
                this.KmlWebServer = new MyWebServer(me.portWebServer);

            timer1.Enabled = true;
Esempio n. 30
        private void mnuVideoDevices_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                // Get current devices and dispose of capture object
                // because the video and audio device can only be changed
                // by creating a new Capture object.
                Filter videoDevice = null;
                Filter audioDevice = null;
                if ( capture != null )
                    videoDevice = capture.VideoDevice;
                    audioDevice = capture.AudioDevice;
                    capture = null;

                // Get new video device
                MenuItem m = sender as MenuItem;
                videoDevice = ( m.Index>0 ? filters.VideoInputDevices[m.Index-1] : null );

                // Create capture object
                if ( ( videoDevice != null ) || ( audioDevice != null ) )
                    capture = new Capture( videoDevice, audioDevice );
                    capture.CaptureComplete += new EventHandler( OnCaptureComplete );

                // Update the menu
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show( "Video device not supported.\n\n" + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.ToString() );
Esempio n. 31
 void LblCaptureLinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
     if (!hasDevice ) return;
     if (cboSelectDevide.Items.Count==0) return;
     if (cboSelectDevide.SelectedIndex<0) return;
     if (isStarted)
         if (captureDevice!=null)
             if (captureDevice.Capturing) captureDevice.Stop();
         this.lblCaptureStart.Text = MSG_START;
         isStarted =false;
     {//start device
         captureDevice = new Capture(filters.VideoInputDevices[cboSelectDevide.SelectedIndex], null);
         captureDevice.FrameSize = new Size(640, 480);
         captureDevice.FrameRate = 30; //20frame/sec
         captureDevice.FrameEvent2+= new Capture.HeFrame(captureDevice_FrameEvent2);
         captureDevice.PreviewWindow = picPreview;
         isStarted =true;
         this.lblCaptureStart.Text = MSG_STOP;
Esempio n. 32
        public VideoRecorder(Filter camera, Filter microphone)
            previewControl = new VideoPreview();
            filters = new Filters();

            capture = new Capture(camera, microphone);
            capture.VideoCompressor = filters.VideoCompressors[0];
            capture.AudioCompressor = filters.AudioCompressors[0];
            capture.FrameRate = NTSC; // NTSC
            capture.FrameSize = new Size(640, 480); // 640x480
            capture.AudioSamplingRate = 44100; // 44.1 kHz
            capture.AudioSampleSize = 16; // 16-bit
            capture.AudioChannels = 2; // Stereo