Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string pathfileA = @"C:\xcmpdata\trunk\lineTypeCodeListing.txt";
            string pathfileB = @"C:\xcmpdata\branch\lineTypeCodeListing.txt";

            FileInfo a = new FileInfo(pathfileA);
            FileInfo b = new FileInfo(pathfileB);

            //string s1 = "hello, world - parag,";
            //string s2 = "hello, WXld - parag.";
            StreamReader sra = null;
            StreamReader srb = null;

                //Open Text files for Reading
                sra = a.OpenText();
                string sa = sra.ReadToEnd();
                srb = b.OpenText();
                string sb = srb.ReadToEnd();

                //Pass the strings to be matched for Diff
                DiffMatchPatch.diff_match_patch xdiff = new diff_match_patch();
                List<DiffMatchPatch.Diff> diffs = xdiff.diff_main(sa, sb, true);

                //Print the Diff with content
                string html = xdiff.diff_prettyHtml(diffs);

                string diffFileURI = @"C:\xcmpdata\results\diff.html";
                StreamWriter diffFile = null;
                    diffFile = new StreamWriter(diffFileURI);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Write("Exception occurred: " + e.InnerException);
            catch (FileNotFoundException fnf)
                Console.WriteLine("File Not found at given location:" + fnf.Message);
            catch (DirectoryNotFoundException dnf)
                Console.WriteLine("Directory Not found at given location:" + dnf.Message);

            Console.WriteLine("xcmp completed finding differences in the given files, Results are available at designated location.");
Esempio n. 2
        public static void BaseSentencesCheck(List<Sentence> target, List<Sentence> sample, List<string> errors)
            if (target.Count != sample.Count)
                errors.Add("В файлах для сравнения содержится разное количество предложений");
                var diffEngine = new diff_match_patch();
                for (var i = 0; i < target.Count; ++i)
                    var targetSentece = target[i].Text.ToLower();
                    var sampleSentence = sample[i].Text.ToLower();

                    var diff = diffEngine.diff_main(targetSentece, sampleSentence);

                    if (_isDiffMatters(diff, sampleSentence))
                                "Расхождение в данных (существенное расхождение в {0}-ом по счету предложении). В целевых данных: '{1}', в эталонных данных '{2}'",
                                i, target[i].Text.ToLower(), sample[i].Text.ToLower()));
 private string DiffToHtml(string s1, string s2)
     var dmp = new diff_match_patch();
     var diffs = dmp.diff_main(s1 ?? string.Empty, s2 ?? string.Empty);
     return dmp.diff_prettyHtml(diffs);
Esempio n. 4
        public void Diff(string Text1, string Text2)
            this.Text1 = Text1;
            this.Text2 = Text2;

            var dmp = new diff_match_patch();
            var diffs = dmp.diff_main(Text1, Text2);
            Html = dmp.diff_prettyHtml(diffs);

            InsertCount = 0;
            InsertLength = 0;
            DeleteCount = 0;
            DeleteLength = 0;

            foreach (var d in diffs)
                if (d.operation == Operation.INSERT)
                    InsertLength += d.text.Length;
                if (d.operation == Operation.DELETE)
                    DeleteLength += d.text.Length;
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
    string text1 = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Speedtest1.txt");
    string text2 = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Speedtest2.txt");

    diff_match_patch dmp = new diff_match_patch();
    dmp.Diff_Timeout = 0;

    // Execute one reverse diff as a warmup.
    dmp.diff_main(text2, text1);

    DateTime ms_start = DateTime.Now;
    dmp.diff_main(text1, text2);
    DateTime ms_end = DateTime.Now;

    Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: " + (ms_end - ms_start));
Esempio n. 6
        static IEnumerable<Span> DiffInline(ILine originalLine, ILine modifiedLine)
            var dmp = new diff_match_patch();
            var diffs = dmp.diff_main(originalLine.Value, modifiedLine.Value);


            return diffs
                .Select(x => new Span(x.text, OperationToKind(x.operation)))
Esempio n. 7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var text1 = "In the demo they cross out the words that are different and that is what I am trying to achieve.";
            var text2 = "In the they demo cross out the words that are different and that is what I am trying to achieve.";

            var dmp = new diff_match_patch();
            var diffs = dmp.diff_main(text1, text2);
            var html = dmp.diff_prettyHtml(diffs);

            foreach (var d in diffs)
                Result.Text += d.operation.ToString() + ";" + d.text.ToString() + "</br>";

            //Result.Text = html;
        private void cmdCompare_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            List<DiffColor> diffColors=new List<DiffColor>();

            diff_match_patch comparer=new diff_match_patch();
            var result = comparer.diff_main(textEditorA.Text, textEditorB.Text);

            txtResult.Document.Text = "";
            foreach (var diff in result)
                if (diff.operation == Operation.INSERT)
                    diffColors.Add(new DiffColor() { Color = Brushes.Green, StartOffset = txtResult.Document.Text.Length, EndOffset = txtResult.Document.Text.Length + diff.text.Length });
                else if (diff.operation == Operation.DELETE)
                    diffColors.Add(new DiffColor() { Color = Brushes.Red, StartOffset = txtResult.Document.Text.Length, EndOffset = txtResult.Document.Text.Length + diff.text.Length });
                txtResult.Document.Text += diff.text;
            txtResult.TextArea.TextView.LineTransformers.Add(new DiffColorizer(diffColors));
Esempio n. 9
        public void ShowDifferenceBetweenTwoFile()
            diff_match_patch DIFF = new diff_match_patch();

            List<Chunk> chunklist1;
            List<Chunk> chunklist2;

            diffs = DIFF.diff_main(richTextBoxCurrentVersion.Text, richTextBoxLastVersion.Text);

            chunklist1 = collectChunks(richTextBoxCurrentVersion);
            chunklist2 = collectChunks(richTextBoxLastVersion);

            paintChunks(richTextBoxCurrentVersion, chunklist1);
            paintChunks(richTextBoxLastVersion, chunklist2);

            richTextBoxCurrentVersion.SelectionLength = 0;
            richTextBoxLastVersion.SelectionLength = 0;

Esempio n. 10
        private static void Go()
            using (var process = new Process {
                                         StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo {
                                                                            WorkingDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                                                                            UseShellExecute = false,
                                                                            WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
                                                                            FileName = _Runner,
                                                                            Arguments = string.Format("{0} /nologo /output={1} /run={2}", _Assembly, _Output, _Run)
                                       }) {
            Console.WriteLine("process.ExitCode: {0}", process.ExitCode);

            var xml = File.ReadAllText(_Output);
            var highest = XDocument
              .Where(n => n.Attribute("time") != null)
              .Select(n => new {
                             Name = n.Attribute("name").Value,
                             Time = (int)(decimal.Parse(n.Attribute("time").Value) * 1000)
              .OrderByDescending(i => i.Time)
              .Select(i => string.Format("{0} : {1}", i.Time, string.Join(".", i.Name.Split('.').Reverse().Take(2).Reverse().ToArray())))

            Array.ForEach(highest, Console.WriteLine);

            var times = XDocument
              .Where(n => n.Attribute("time") != null)
              .Select(n => decimal.Parse(n.Attribute("time").Value))
              .Select(n => (int)(n * 1000))
              .OrderBy(d => d)

            var buckets = new[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

            foreach (var t in times)
              if (t >= 1000)
              else if (t == 0)
              else if (t >= 100) {
            var idx = t / 100;
            ++buckets[idx + 9];
              } else {
            var idx = t / 10;

            var names = "0-9|10-19|20-29|30-39|40-49|50-59|60-69|70-79|80-89|90-99|100-199|200-299|300-399|400-499|500-599|600-699|700-799|800-899|900-999|1000+".Split('|');

            for (var x = 0; x < names.Length; x++)
              Console.WriteLine("{0,10}:  {1}", names[x], Enumerable.Range(0, buckets[x]).Aggregate("", (c, i) => c + "*"));

            var _CurCount = XDocument

            var delta = _CurCount - _PreviousCount;

            Console.ForegroundColor = delta == 0 ? ConsoleColor.Yellow : delta < 0 ? ConsoleColor.Red : ConsoleColor.Green;
            Console.WriteLine("Count Delta: {0}", delta);

            _PreviousCount = _CurCount;

            var counts = XDocument
              .Select(n => n.Attribute("result").Value)
              .GroupBy(s => s, s => s);

            foreach (var ctype in counts) {
              Console.ForegroundColor = ctype.Key == "Success" ? ConsoleColor.Green : ConsoleColor.Red;
              Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ctype.Key, ctype.Count());

            var messages = XDocument
              .Where(n => n.Attribute("result") != null)
              .Where(n => n.Attribute("result").Value == "Failure")
              .Select(n => n.XPathSelectElement("./failure/message").Value)
              .Where(s => s.Contains("\"actual\":") && s.Contains("\"expected\":"))
              .Select(s => new {
                             actual = s.Split(new[] {"\"expected\":"}, StringSplitOptions.None)[0],
                             expected = s.Split(new[] {"\"expected\":"}, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]
              .Select(i => new {
                             actual = i.actual.Split(new[] {"\"actual\":"}, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].TrimEnd(','),
                             expected = i.expected.Substring(0, i.expected.LastIndexOf('}'))

            var differ = new diff_match_patch();
            foreach (var msg in messages) {
              Console.WriteLine("------- ***** -------");
              var diffs = differ.diff_main(msg.actual, msg.expected);

              foreach (var diff in diffs) {
            switch (diff.operation) {
              case Operation.EQUAL:
              case Operation.INSERT:
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
              case Operation.DELETE:
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
              Console.WriteLine("------- ***** -------");

        private void lstBlocks_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (lstBlocks.SelectedItem != null)
                var blk1 = ((S7FunctionBlock)fld1.GetBlock(lstBlocks.SelectedItem.ToString())).ToString(false);
                var blk2 = ((S7FunctionBlock)fld2.GetBlock(lstBlocks.SelectedItem.ToString())).ToString(false);


                var txt = "";
                diff_match_patch comparer = new diff_match_patch();
                var result = comparer.diff_main(blk1, blk2);

                txtResult.Document.Text = "";
                foreach (var diff in result)
                    if (diff.operation == Operation.INSERT)
                        var st = txt.Length;
                        txt += diff.text;
                        var stp = txt.Length;

                        txtResult.TextArea.TextView.LineTransformers.Add(new TextColorizer(st, stp, Brushes.Green));
                    else if (diff.operation == Operation.DELETE)
                        var st = txt.Length;
                        txt += diff.text;
                        var stp = txt.Length;

                        txtResult.TextArea.TextView.LineTransformers.Add(new TextColorizer(st, stp, Brushes.Red));
                        txt += diff.text;

                txtResult.Document.Text = txt;

Esempio n. 12
        public double CalculatePercentChanged()
            string page1 = _cache;
            string page2 = Helpers.WebHelper.DownloadWebPage(_url);
            if (page2 == "")
                return -1.0;

            diff_match_patch difflib = new diff_match_patch();
            List<Diff> list = difflib.diff_main(page1, page2);

            double levenshtein = difflib.diff_levenshtein(list);
            double length = (page1.Length > page2.Length) ? page1.Length : page2.Length;

            double percentDifferent = levenshtein / length * 100;

            return percentDifferent;
        public static string GetDiffHtml(string text1, string text2)
            diff_match_patch dmp = new diff_match_patch();
            dmp.Diff_Timeout = 0;

            var diffs = dmp.diff_main(text1, text2);
            var html = dmp.diff_prettyHtml(diffs);

            return html;
Esempio n. 14
        private static BlameResult GetBlameOutput(string repositoryPath, string fileName, string blameCommitId, string[] currentLines)
            BlameResult blameResult;
            using (var repo = new Repository(repositoryPath))
                // try to determine if the remote URL is plausibly a or GitHub Enterprise URL
                Uri webRootUrl = repo.Network.Remotes
                    .OrderBy(x => x.Name == "origin" ? 0 : 1)
                    .ThenBy(x => x.Name)
                    .Select(x =>
                        Match m = Regex.Match(x.Url, @"^(git@(?'host'[^:]+):(?'user'[^/]+)/(?'repo'[^/]+)\.git|(git|https?)://(?'host'[^/]+)/(?'user'[^/]+)/(?'repo'[^/]+)\.git)$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
                        if (m.Success)
                            string host = m.Groups["host"].Value;
                            return new Uri(string.Format("http{0}://{1}/{2}/{3}/", host == "" ? "s" : "", host, m.Groups["user"].Value, m.Groups["repo"].Value));
                            return null;
                    }).FirstOrDefault(x => x != null);

                var loadingPerson = new Person("Loading…", "loading");
                var commit = new Commit(UncommittedChangesCommitId, loadingPerson, DateTimeOffset.Now, loadingPerson, DateTimeOffset.Now, "", null, null);

                // create a fake blame result that assigns all the code to the HEAD revision
                blameResult = new BlameResult(webRootUrl, new[] { new Block(1, currentLines.Length, commit, fileName, 1) }.AsReadOnly(),
                    currentLines.Select((l, n) => new Line(n + 1, l, true)).ToList(),
                    new Dictionary<string, Commit> { { commit.Id, commit } });

            Task.Run(() =>
                // run "git blame"
                ExternalProcess git = new ExternalProcess(GetGitPath(), Path.GetDirectoryName(repositoryPath));
                List<string> arguments = new List<string> { "blame", "--incremental", "--encoding=utf-8" };
                if (blameCommitId != null)
                arguments.AddRange(new[] { "--", fileName });
                var results = git.Run(new ProcessRunSettings(arguments.ToArray()));
                if (results.ExitCode != 0)

                // parse output
                List<Block> blocks = new List<Block>();
                Dictionary<string, Commit> commits = new Dictionary<string, Commit>();
                ParseBlameOutput(results.Output, blocks, commits);

                // allocate a (1-based) array for all lines in the file
                int lineCount = blocks.Sum(b => b.LineCount);
                Invariant.Assert(lineCount == currentLines.Length, "Unexpected number of lines in file.");

                // initialize all lines from current version
                Line[] lines = currentLines
                    .Select((l, n) => new Line(n + 1, l, false))

                blameResult.SetData(blocks, lines, commits);
                Dictionary<string, Task<string>> getFileContentTasks = CreateGetFileContentTasks(repositoryPath, blocks, commits, currentLines);

                // process the blocks for each unique commit
                foreach (var groupLoopVariable in blocks.OrderBy(b => b.StartLine).GroupBy(b => b.Commit))
                    // check if this commit modifies a previous one
                    var group = groupLoopVariable;
                    Commit commit = group.Key;
                    string commitId = commit.Id;
                    string previousCommitId = commit.PreviousCommitId;

                    if (previousCommitId != null)
                        // diff the old and new file contents when they become available
                        Task<string> getOldFileContentTask = getFileContentTasks[previousCommitId];
                        Task<string> getNewFileContentTask = getFileContentTasks[commitId];
                        Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(new[] { getOldFileContentTask, getNewFileContentTask }, tasks =>
                            // diff the two versions
                            var oldFileContents = tasks[0].Result;
                            var newFileContents = tasks[1].Result;

                            // diff_match_patch can generate incorrect output if there are more than 65536 lines being diffed
                            var checkLines = GetLineCount(oldFileContents) < 65000 && GetLineCount(newFileContents) < 65000;

                            var diff = new diff_match_patch { Diff_Timeout = 10 };
                            var diffs = diff.diff_main(oldFileContents, newFileContents, checkLines);

                            // process all the lines in the diff output, matching them to blocks
                            using (IEnumerator<Line> lineEnumerator = ParseDiffOutput(diffs).GetEnumerator())
                                // move to first line (which is expected to always be present)
                                Invariant.Assert(lineEnumerator.MoveNext(), "Expected at least one line from diff output.");
                                Line line = lineEnumerator.Current;

                                // process all the blocks, finding the corresponding lines from the diff for each one
                                foreach (Block block in group)
                                    // skip all lines that occurred before the start of this block
                                    while (line.LineNumber < block.OriginalStartLine)
                                        Invariant.Assert(lineEnumerator.MoveNext(), "diff does not contain the expected number of lines.");
                                        line = lineEnumerator.Current;

                                    // process all lines in the current block
                                    while (line.LineNumber >= block.OriginalStartLine && line.LineNumber < block.OriginalStartLine + block.LineCount)
                                        // assign this line to the correct index in the blamed version of the file
                                        blameResult.SetLine(line.LineNumber - block.OriginalStartLine + block.StartLine, line);

                                        // move to the next line (if available)
                                        if (lineEnumerator.MoveNext())
                                            line = lineEnumerator.Current;
                        // this is the initial commit (but has not been modified since); grab its lines from the current version of the file
                        foreach (Block block in group)
                            for (int lineNumber = block.StartLine; lineNumber < block.StartLine + block.LineCount; lineNumber++)
                                blameResult.SetLine(lineNumber, new Line(lineNumber, currentLines[lineNumber - 1], true));

            return blameResult;
Esempio n. 15
        //File Comparison
        static void FileCompare(FileInfo a, FileInfo b, string diffFileURI)
            StreamReader sra = null;
            StreamReader srb = null;
                //Open Text files for Reading
                sra = a.OpenText();
                string sa = sra.ReadToEnd();
                srb = b.OpenText();
                string sb = srb.ReadToEnd();

                //Pass the strings to be matched for Diff
                DiffMatchPatch.diff_match_patch xdiff = new diff_match_patch();
                List<DiffMatchPatch.Diff> diffs = xdiff.diff_main(sa, sb, true);

                //Print the Diff with content
                StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
                html.Append("<strong>" + a.DirectoryName + "\\" + a.Name + " compared to " + b.DirectoryName + "\\" + b.Name + "</strong>\n");
                StreamWriter diffFile = null;
                    diffFile = File.AppendText(diffFileURI);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Write("Exception occurred: " + e.InnerException);
            catch (FileNotFoundException fnf)
                Console.WriteLine("File Not found at given location:" + fnf.Message);
            catch (DirectoryNotFoundException dnf)
                Console.WriteLine("Directory Not found at given location:" + dnf.Message);
        private void cmdCompare_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            var txt = "";
            diff_match_patch comparer=new diff_match_patch();
            var result = comparer.diff_main(textEditorA.Text, textEditorB.Text);

            txtResult.Document.Text = "";
            foreach (var diff in result)
                if (diff.operation == Operation.INSERT)
                    var st = txt.Length;
                    txt += diff.text;
                    var stp = txt.Length;

                    txtResult.TextArea.TextView.LineTransformers.Add(new TextColorizer(st, stp, Brushes.Green));
                else if (diff.operation == Operation.DELETE)
                    var st = txt.Length;
                    txt += diff.text;
                    var stp = txt.Length;

                    txtResult.TextArea.TextView.LineTransformers.Add(new TextColorizer(st, stp, Brushes.Red));
                    txt += diff.text;

            txtResult.Document.Text = txt;

Esempio n. 17
        private static void MakeContentDiffs(Dictionary<int, DiffLine[]> addDeletePairs)
                .Where(x => x.All(y => y != null))
                .ForEach(p =>
                    var deleteLine = p[0];
                    var addLine = p[1];
                    var deleteContent = deleteLine.Content;
                    var addContent = addLine.Content;

                    var dmp = new diff_match_patch();
                    var diffs = dmp.diff_main(deleteContent, addContent);

                    var deleteIndex = 0;
                    var addIndex = 0;
                    var deleteContentDiffs = new List<DiffLine.ContentDiff>();
                    var addContentDiffs = new List<DiffLine.ContentDiff>();

                    diffs.ForEach(d =>
                        var diffTextLength = d.text.Length;

                        switch (d.operation)
                            case Operation.DELETE:
                                deleteContentDiffs.Add(new DiffLine.ContentDiff
                                    StartIndex = deleteIndex,
                                    EndIndex = deleteIndex + diffTextLength
                                deleteIndex += diffTextLength;

                            case Operation.INSERT:
                                addContentDiffs.Add(new DiffLine.ContentDiff
                                    StartIndex = addIndex,
                                    EndIndex = addIndex + diffTextLength
                                addIndex += diffTextLength;

                            case Operation.EQUAL:
                                deleteIndex += diffTextLength;
                                addIndex += diffTextLength;

                    if (deleteContentDiffs.Any())
                        deleteLine.ContentDiffs = deleteContentDiffs.ToArray();

                    if (addContentDiffs.Any())
                        addLine.ContentDiffs = addContentDiffs.ToArray();