public static string FormatEmail(string text, Course course, Unit unit, Task task, User fromUser, User toUser, UserTaskData userTaskData = null, InteractionPost interactionPost = null, ForumPost forumPost = null, UserPost userPost = null, UserPostComment userPostComment = null, DiscussionGroup discussionGroup = null) { if (course != null) { text = text.Replace("{course-code}", course.CourseCode + course.Section); text = text.Replace("{course-name}", course.Name); } if (fromUser != null) { text = text.Replace("{fromuser-secureformattedname}", fromUser.SecureFormattedName); text = text.Replace("{fromuser-secureshortname}", fromUser.SecureShortName); } if (toUser != null) { text = text.Replace("{touser-secureformattedname}", toUser.SecureFormattedName); text = text.Replace("{touser-secureshortname}", toUser.SecureShortName); } if (task != null) { text = text.Replace("{task-name}", task.Name); } if (userTaskData != null) { text = text.Replace("{usertaskdata-numericgrade}", userTaskData.NumericGrade.HasValue ? userTaskData.NumericGrade.Value.ToString() : "(none)"); text = text.Replace("{usertaskdata-studentcomments}", userTaskData.StudentComments); text = text.Replace("{usertaskdata-gradercomments}", userTaskData.GraderComments); text = text.Replace("{usertaskdata-gradedfile-url}", userTaskData.GradedFile != null ? "" + userTaskData.GradedFile.FileUrl : ""); text = text.Replace("{usertaskdata-studentfile-url}", userTaskData.StudentFile != null ? "" + userTaskData.StudentFile.FileUrl : ""); } if (interactionPost != null) { text = text.Replace("{interactionpost-postcontent}", interactionPost.PostContent); text = text.Replace("{interactionpost-posturl}", "" + interactionPost.PostUrl); } // NOTE: using unformated text for now?! if (userPost != null) { text = text.Replace("{userpost-text}", userPost.Text); text = text.Replace("{userpost-posturl}", "" + userPost.PostUrl); } if (discussionGroup != null) { text = text.Replace("{discussiongroup-name}", discussionGroup.Name); text = text.Replace("{discussiongroup-groupurl}", "" + discussionGroup.GroupUrl); } if (userPostComment != null) { text = text.Replace("{postcomment-text}", userPostComment.Text); } return text; }
public ActionResult CreateUserPostComment(string text, int postID) { User user = Users.GetLoggedInUser(); UserPostComment newUserPostComment = null; try { newUserPostComment = new UserPostComment() { UserID = user.UserID, PostID = postID, CommentDate = DateTime.Now, IsDeleted = false, Text = text, TextFormatted = Markdown.Transform(text) //TextFormatted = text.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "<br />") }; db.UserPostComments.Add(newUserPostComment); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { return Json(new { success = false, message = e.ToString() }); } // get the data back out newUserPostComment = db.UserPostComments .Include("User") .Single(uc => uc.PostCommentID == newUserPostComment.PostCommentID); // Send emails var post = db.UserPosts .Include("User") .Include("PostComments.User") .SingleOrDefault(p => p.PostID == newUserPostComment.PostID); if (post != null) { // find peeps who want to be notified List<User> usersToBeNotified = post.PostComments .Select(pc => pc.User) .Where(u => u.NotifyUserPostCommentReplies) .ToList(); // check if starter wants a notification if (post.User.NotifyUserPostReplies) { usersToBeNotified.Add(post.User); } // remove dups usersToBeNotified = usersToBeNotified.Distinct().ToList(); // remove commenter usersToBeNotified.RemoveAll(u => u.UserID == user.UserID); foreach (User userToBeNotified in usersToBeNotified) { Emails.EnqueueEmail( "*****@*****.**", userToBeNotified.Email, "New Comment", Emails.FormatEmail(Didache.Resources.emails.userpost_comment, null, null, null, user, userToBeNotified, null, null, null, post, newUserPostComment), false); } } // user action db.UserActions.Add(new UserAction() { SourceUserID = user.UserID, ActionDate = DateTime.Now, UserActionType = UserActionType.MakeNewComment, PostID = newUserPostComment.PostID, Text = newUserPostComment.TextFormatted, GroupID = 0, MessageID = 0, PostCommentID = newUserPostComment.PostCommentID, TargetUserID = post.UserID }); db.SaveChanges(); return Json(new { PostCommentID = newUserPostComment.PostCommentID, CommentDate = newUserPostComment.CommentDate, CommentDateFormatted = newUserPostComment.CommentDate.ToString("MMM d, hh:mm tt"), //Text = Regex.Replace(c.TextFormatted, "</?(div|font|span|style|script|img).*?>", ""), Text = newUserPostComment.TextFormatted, User = new { SecureFormattedName = newUserPostComment.User.SecureFormattedName, ProfileDisplayUrl = newUserPostComment.User.ProfileDisplayUrl, ProfileImageUrl = newUserPostComment.User.ProfileImageUrl } }); }