private void OnButtonClicked(RadialController sender, RadialControllerButtonClickedEventArgs args) { var evt = new DialEventArgs(); IEnumerable <IDialController> controllers = GetApplicableControllers().Where(c => c.CanHandleClick); foreach (IDialController controller in controllers) { controller.OnClick(evt); try { if (evt.Handled) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.Action)) { VsHelpers.WriteStatus(evt.Action); } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex); } } }
private void OnRotationChanged(RadialController sender, RadialControllerRotationChangedEventArgs args) { var evt = new DialEventArgs(); RotationDirection direction = args.RotationDeltaInDegrees > 0 ? RotationDirection.Right : RotationDirection.Left; IEnumerable <IDialController> controllers = GetApplicableControllers().Where(c => c.CanHandleRotate); foreach (IDialController controller in controllers) { try { controller.OnRotate(direction, evt); if (evt.Handled) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.Action)) { VsHelpers.WriteStatus(evt.Action); } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex); } } }
public IDialController TryCreateController(IDialControllerHost host) { string iconFilePath = VsHelpers.GetFileInVsix("Providers\\Editor\\icon.png"); host.AddMenuItem(Moniker, iconFilePath); return(new EditorController(CompletionBroker)); }
private void OnControlLost(RadialController sender, object args) { if (_status != null) { _status.Deactivate(); VsHelpers.WriteStatus("Dial deactivated"); } }
private void OnControlAcquired(RadialController sender, RadialControllerControlAcquiredEventArgs args) { if (_status != null) { _status.Activate(); VsHelpers.WriteStatus("Dial activated"); } }
public void OnRotate(RotationDirection direction, DialEventArgs e) { if (direction == RotationDirection.Right) { e.Handled = VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("View.ZoomIn"); } else { e.Handled = VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("View.ZoomOut"); } }
public override bool OnRotate(RotationDirection direction) { if (direction == RotationDirection.Right) { return(VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("View.ZoomIn")); } else { return(VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("View.ZoomOut")); } }
public override bool OnRotate(RotationDirection direction) { if (direction == RotationDirection.Right) { VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("Edit.NextBookmark"); } else { VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("Edit.PreviousBookmark"); } return true; }
public bool OnRotate(RotationDirection direction) { if (direction == RotationDirection.Right) { VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("View.NextError"); } else { VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("View.PreviousError"); } return(true); }
public override bool OnClick() { dbgDebugMode?debugMode = VsHelpers.DTE.Application?.Debugger.CurrentMode; if (debugMode == dbgDebugMode.dbgBreakMode) { VsHelpers.DTE.Application.Debugger.StepInto(); } else if (debugMode == dbgDebugMode.dbgDesignMode) { VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("Debug.ToggleBreakpoint"); } return(true); }
public void OnClick(DialEventArgs e) { if (!VsHelpers.DTE.ActiveWindow.IsDocument()) { return; } IWpfTextView view = VsHelpers.GetCurentTextView(); if (view != null && view.HasAggregateFocus) { view.ZoomLevel = 100; e.Handled = true; } }
public override bool OnClick() { IWpfTextView view = VsHelpers.GetCurentTextView(); if (view == null || view.ZoomLevel == 100) { return(false); } view.ZoomLevel = 100; VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("View.ZoomOut"); VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("View.ZoomIn"); return(true); }
public void OnRotate(RotationDirection direction, DialEventArgs e) { if (direction == RotationDirection.Right) { VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("View.NextError"); e.Action = "Go to next error"; } else { VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("View.PreviousError"); e.Action = "Go to previous error"; } e.Handled = true; }
public void OnClick(DialEventArgs e) { dbgDebugMode?debugMode = VsHelpers.DTE.Application?.Debugger.CurrentMode; if (debugMode == dbgDebugMode.dbgBreakMode) { VsHelpers.DTE.Application.Debugger.StepInto(); e.Action = "Step into"; } else if (debugMode == dbgDebugMode.dbgDesignMode) { VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("Debug.ToggleBreakpoint"); e.Action = "Toggle breakpoint"; } e.Handled = true; }
public override bool OnClick() { _view = VsHelpers.GetCurentTextView(); if (_view == null || !_view.HasAggregateFocus) { return(false); } if (_broker.IsCompletionActive(_view)) { _broker.GetSessions(_view)[0].Commit(); } else { VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("Edit.ListMembers"); } return(true); }
public void OnRotate(RotationDirection direction, DialEventArgs e) { if (VsHelpers.DTE.ActiveWindow.IsDocument()) { IWpfTextView view = VsHelpers.GetCurentTextView(); if (view != null && view.HasAggregateFocus) { string cmd = direction == RotationDirection.Left ? "Edit.ScrollLineUp" : "Edit.ScrollLineDown"; e.Handled = VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand(cmd); } } if (!e.Handled) { string key = direction == RotationDirection.Left ? "{UP}" : "{DOWN}"; SendKeys.Send(key); } e.Handled = true; }
public override bool OnClick() { if (VsHelpers.DTE.ActiveWindow.IsDocument()) { IWpfTextView view = VsHelpers.GetCurentTextView(); if (view != null && view.HasAggregateFocus && !_broker.IsCompletionActive(view)) { SendKeys.Send("+{F10}"); } else { SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } } else if (VsHelpers.DTE.ActiveWindow.IsSolutionExplorer()) { var selectedItems = VsHelpers.DTE.ToolWindows.SolutionExplorer.SelectedItems as UIHierarchyItem[]; if (selectedItems == null || selectedItems.Length != 1) { return(false); } if (selectedItems[0].UIHierarchyItems.Expanded) { SendKeys.Send("{LEFT}"); } else { SendKeys.Send("{RIGHT}"); } } else { SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } return(true); }
public void OnClick(DialEventArgs e) { if (VsHelpers.DTE.ActiveWindow.IsDocument()) { IWpfTextView view = VsHelpers.GetCurentTextView(); if (view != null && view.HasAggregateFocus) { SendKeys.Send("+{F10}"); } else { SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } } else if (VsHelpers.DTE.ActiveWindow.IsSolutionExplorer()) { var selectedItems = VsHelpers.DTE.ToolWindows.SolutionExplorer.SelectedItems as UIHierarchyItem[]; if (selectedItems == null || selectedItems.Length != 1) { return; } if (selectedItems[0].UIHierarchyItems.Expanded) { SendKeys.Send("{LEFT}"); } else { SendKeys.Send("{RIGHT}"); } } else { SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } e.Handled = true; }
public override bool OnRotate(RotationDirection direction) { bool handled = false; if (VsHelpers.DTE.ActiveWindow.IsDocument()) { IWpfTextView view = VsHelpers.GetCurentTextView(); if (view != null && view.HasAggregateFocus) { string cmd = direction == RotationDirection.Left ? "Edit.ScrollLineUp" : "Edit.ScrollLineDown"; handled = VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand(cmd); } } if (!handled) { string key = direction == RotationDirection.Left ? "{UP}" : "{DOWN}"; SendKeys.Send(key); } return(true); }
public override void OnActivate() { VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("View.BookmarkWindow"); }
public override bool OnClick() { VsHelpers.ExecuteCommand("Edit.ToggleBookmark"); return true; }