Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a node from the queue.  Note that the node does not need to be the head of the queue.  O(log n)
        /// </summary>
        public void Remove(RoutePoint node)
            if (!Contains(node))

            if (Count <= 1)
                nodes[1] = null;
                Count    = 0;

            //Make sure the node is the last node in the queue
            var wasSwapped     = false;
            var formerLastNode = nodes[Count];

            if (node.QueueIndex != Count)
                //Swap the node with the last node
                Swap(node, formerLastNode);
                wasSwapped = true;

            nodes[node.QueueIndex] = null;

            if (wasSwapped)
                //Now bubble formerLastNode (which is no longer the last node) up or down as appropriate
        /// <summary>
        /// Route a single connection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool RouteConnection(Connector conn)
            Debug.WriteLine("Connecting {0}:{1} to {2}:{3}", conn.TaskFrom.TaskId, conn.Flow.Name, conn.Flow.Target, conn.Flow.TargetPin);

            var start = SnapToMap(conn.TaskFrom.Symbol.Shape.Bounds.X + conn.PinFrom.Centre.X, conn.TaskFrom.Symbol.Shape.Bounds.Y + conn.PinFrom.Centre.Y);

            target = SnapToMap(conn.TaskTo.Symbol.Shape.Bounds.X + conn.PinTo.Centre.X, conn.TaskTo.Symbol.Shape.Bounds.Y + conn.PinTo.Centre.Y);
            Debug.WriteLine("Coordinates ({0}, {1}) to ({2}, {3})", start.X, start.Y, target.X, target.Y);
            queue       = new PriorityQueue(200);
            routePoints = new Dictionary <MapRef, RoutePoint>();
            var initial = new RoutePoint(start.X, start.Y)
                Direction = conn.PinFrom.Direction,
                Heuristic = Manhatten(start, target)


            RoutePoint route = null;

            while (route == null)
                if (queue.Count == 0)
                    Debug.WriteLine("FAILED TO CONNECT {0}:{1} to {2}:{3}", conn.TaskFrom.TaskId, conn.Flow.Name, conn.Flow.Target, conn.Flow.TargetPin);
                route = Astar();

            var connectorPoints = new List <Point>();

            var trace = route;

            connectorPoints.Add(MapToDiagram(trace.X, trace.Y));
            while (trace != null)
                AddRoutedPoint(trace.Location, target, trace.Direction);

                if (trace.Previous == null)
                    connectorPoints.Add(MapToDiagram(trace.X, trace.Y));
                else if (trace.Previous.Direction != trace.Direction)
                    connectorPoints.Add(MapToDiagram(trace.Previous.X, trace.Previous.Y));

                trace = trace.Previous;
            conn.Points = connectorPoints;
Esempio n. 3
 public void Enqueue(RoutePoint node)
     if (++Count > Capacity)
         Capacity = Capacity * 2;
     nodes[Count]        = node;
     node.QueueIndex     = Count;
     node.InsertionIndex = nodeCounter++;
Esempio n. 4
        private void Swap(RoutePoint node1, RoutePoint node2)
            //Swap the nodes
            nodes[node1.QueueIndex] = node2;
            nodes[node2.QueueIndex] = node1;

            //Swap their indicies
            var temp = node1.QueueIndex;

            node1.QueueIndex = node2.QueueIndex;
            node2.QueueIndex = temp;
Esempio n. 5
        private void CascadeDown(RoutePoint node)
            var finalQueueIndex = node.QueueIndex;

            while (true)
                var newParent      = node;
                var childLeftIndex = 2 * finalQueueIndex;

                //Check if the left-child is x-priority than the current node
                if (childLeftIndex > Count)
                    //This could be placed outside the loop, but then we'd have to check newParent != node twice
                    node.QueueIndex        = finalQueueIndex;
                    nodes[finalQueueIndex] = node;

                var childLeft = nodes[childLeftIndex];
                if (HasPriority(childLeft, newParent))
                    newParent = childLeft;

                //Check if the right-child is x-priority than either the current node or the left child
                var childRightIndex = childLeftIndex + 1;
                if (childRightIndex <= Count)
                    var childRight = nodes[childRightIndex];
                    if (HasPriority(childRight, newParent))
                        newParent = childRight;

                //If either of the children has x (smaller) priority, swap and continue cascading
                if (newParent != node)
                    nodes[finalQueueIndex] = newParent;

                    var temp = newParent.QueueIndex;
                    newParent.QueueIndex = finalQueueIndex;
                    finalQueueIndex      = temp;
                    node.QueueIndex        = finalQueueIndex;
                    nodes[finalQueueIndex] = node;
Esempio n. 6
        public void UpdatePriority(RoutePoint node)
            //Bubble the updated node up or down as appropriate
            var parentIndex = node.QueueIndex / 2;
            var parentNode  = nodes[parentIndex];

            if (parentIndex > 0 && HasPriority(node, parentNode))
                //Note that CascadeDown will be called if parentNode == node (that is, node is the root)
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimate the minimum number of bends in the remaining route
        /// This is the actual number of bends assuming no obstacles
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="dir"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int MinBendEstimate(RoutePoint start, Direction dir)
            var inline =
                dir.Vertical && start.Y == target.Y ||
                dir.Horizontal && start.X == target.X;

            var dx = target.X - start.X;
            var dy = target.Y - start.Y;

            var ahead =
                dx > 0 && dir == Direction.East ||
                dy > 0 && dir == Direction.South ||
                dx < 0 && dir == Direction.West ||
                dy < 0 && dir == Direction.North;

            return(inline ? (ahead ? 0 : 3) : (ahead ? 1 : 2));
Esempio n. 8
        private void CascadeUp(RoutePoint node)
            //aka Heapify-up
            var parent = node.QueueIndex / 2;

            while (parent >= 1)
                var parentNode = nodes[parent];
                if (HasPriority(parentNode, node))

                //Node has y priority value, so move it up the heap
                Swap(node, parentNode); //For some reason, this is faster with Swap() rather than (less..?) individual operations, like in CascadeDown()

                parent = node.QueueIndex / 2;
Esempio n. 9
 public bool Contains(RoutePoint node)
     return(nodes[node.QueueIndex] == node);
Esempio n. 10
 private static bool HasPriority(RoutePoint x, RoutePoint y)
     return(x.Priority < y.Priority || (x.Priority == y.Priority && x.InsertionIndex < y.InsertionIndex));
        /// <summary>
        /// A* algorithm to route connections
        /// Returns the target RoutePoint upon success or null upon failure.
        /// The route can be determined by following the Previous pointers from
        /// RoutePoint to RoutePoint.  Changes in direction provide a simple way
        /// to detect the bends in the route so as to reduce it to straight line segments
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The target route point</returns>
        private RoutePoint Astar()
            var current = queue.Dequeue();


            // Debug.WriteLine("Dequeued {0}, {1}", current.X, current.Y);
            if (current.Location == target)

            foreach (var dir in Direction.All())
                var mr       = current.Location.Step(dir);
                var mapState = map[mr];

                if (mapState != RouteState.Empty)

                RoutedPoint routedPoint;

                if (routedPoints.TryGetValue(mr, out routedPoint))
                    if (routedPoint.Target == MapRef.Empty) // This indicates an existing crossing point

                var crossing = routedPoint != null && routedPoint.Target != target;

                RoutedPoint currentRoutedPoint;
                if (routedPoints.TryGetValue(current.Location, out currentRoutedPoint))
                    // No changes of direction when crossing an existing route
                    if (currentRoutedPoint.Target != target && dir != current.Direction)

                    // Don't try a direction that doesn't match the one for the existing trace
                    if (currentRoutedPoint.Target == target && dir != currentRoutedPoint.Direction && currentRoutedPoint.Direction != Direction.Empty)

                    // Don't follow existing routed point for the wrong target
                    if (currentRoutedPoint.Target != target && routedPoint?.Target == currentRoutedPoint.Target)

                // Don't join at an existing join point if TwoWayJoins is set
                if (TwoWayJoins && routedPoint != null && routedPoint.Direction == Direction.Empty && currentRoutedPoint?.Target != target)

                var        existing = true;
                RoutePoint n;
                if (!routePoints.TryGetValue(mr, out n))
                    n        = new RoutePoint(mr.X, mr.Y);
                    existing = false;
                var bends = current.Bends;
                if (current.Previous != null && current.Previous.X != mr.X && current.Previous.Y != mr.Y)
                var crossings    = current.Crossings + (crossing ? 1 : 0);
                var length       = current.Length + 1;
                var cost         = length + crossings * CrossingPenalty;
                var bendEstimate = MinBendEstimate(n, dir);
                if (!existing || cost + bendEstimate * BendPenalty < n.Cost + n.BendEstimate * BendPenalty)
                    n.Cost         = cost;
                    n.Length       = length;
                    n.Bends        = bends;
                    n.Crossings    = crossings;
                    n.Previous     = current;
                    n.BendEstimate = bendEstimate;
                    n.Heuristic    = Manhatten(n.Location, target) + bendEstimate * BendPenalty;
                    n.Direction    = dir;
                    n.Priority     = n.Cost + n.Heuristic;
                if (existing)
                    routePoints.Add(n.Location, n);

                // Debug.WriteLine("Enqueued {0}, {1} total cost = {2}", n.X, n.Y, n.Cost + n.Heuristic);

            map[current.Location] = RouteState.Visited;