Esempio n. 1
        private NodeId[] InternalPersist(TreeWrite sequence, int tryCount)
            // NOTE: nodes are written in order of branches and then leaf nodes. All
            //   branch nodes and leafs are grouped together.

            // The list of nodes to be allocated,
            IList<ITreeNode> allBranches = sequence.BranchNodes;
            IList<ITreeNode> allLeafs = sequence.LeafNodes;
            List<ITreeNode> nodes = new List<ITreeNode>(allBranches.Count + allLeafs.Count);
            int sz = nodes.Count;
            // The list of allocated referenced for the nodes,
            DataAddress[] refs = new DataAddress[sz];
            NodeId[] outNodeIds = new NodeId[sz];

            MessageStream allocateMessageStream = new MessageStream();

            // Allocate the space first,
            for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
                ITreeNode node = nodes[i];
                // Is it a branch node?
                if (node is TreeBranch) {
                    // Branch nodes are 1K in size,
                    allocateMessageStream.AddMessage(new Message("allocateNode", 1024));
                    // Otherwise, it must be a leaf node,
                else {
                    // Leaf nodes are 4k in size,
                    allocateMessageStream.AddMessage(new Message("allocateNode", 4096));

            // Process a command on the manager,
            IEnumerable<Message> resultStream = ProcessManager(allocateMessageStream);

            // The unique list of blocks,
            List<BlockId> uniqueBlocks = new List<BlockId>();

            // Parse the result stream one message at a time, the order will be the
            // order of the allocation messages,
            int n = 0;
            foreach (Message m in resultStream) {
                if (m.HasError)
                    throw new ApplicationException(m.ErrorMessage);

                DataAddress addr = (DataAddress) m.Arguments[0].Value;
                refs[n] = addr;
                // Make a list of unique block identifiers,
                if (!uniqueBlocks.Contains(addr.BlockId)) {

            // Get the block to server map for each of the blocks,

            IDictionary<BlockId, IList<BlockServerElement>> blockToServerMap =

            // Make message streams for each unique block
            int ubidCount = uniqueBlocks.Count;
            MessageStream[] ubidStream = new MessageStream[ubidCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < ubidStream.Length; ++i) {
                ubidStream[i] = new MessageStream();

            // Scan all the blocks and create the message streams,
            for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {

                byte[] nodeBuf;

                ITreeNode node = nodes[i];
                // Is it a branch node?
                if (node is TreeBranch) {
                    TreeBranch branch = (TreeBranch) node;
                    // Make a copy of the branch (NOTE; we clone() the array here).
                    long[] curNodeData = (long[]) branch.NodeData.Clone();
                    int curNdsz = branch.NodeDataSize;
                    branch = new TreeBranch(refs[i].Value, curNodeData, curNdsz);

                    // The number of children
                    int chsz = branch.ChildCount;
                    // For each child, if it's a heap node, look up the child id and
                    // reference map in the sequence and set the reference accordingly,
                    for (int o = 0; o < chsz; ++o) {
                        NodeId childId = branch.GetChild(o);
                        if (childId.IsInMemory) {
                            // The ref is currently on the heap, so adjust accordingly
                            int refId = sequence.LookupRef(i, o);
                            branch.SetChildOverride(refs[refId].Value, o);

                    // Turn the branch into a 'node_buf' byte[] array object for
                    // serialization.
                    long[] nodeData = branch.NodeData;
                    int ndsz = branch.NodeDataSize;
                    MemoryStream bout = new MemoryStream(1024);
                    BinaryWriter dout = new BinaryWriter(bout);
                    dout.Write((short) 0); // Reserved for future
                    dout.Write(0); // The crc32 checksum will be written here,
                    for (int o = 0; o < ndsz; ++o) {

                    // Turn it into a byte array,
                    nodeBuf = bout.ToArray();

                    // Write the crc32 of the data,
                    Crc32 checksum = new Crc32();
                    checksum.ComputeHash(nodeBuf, 8, nodeBuf.Length - 8);
                    ByteBuffer.WriteInt4((int) checksum.CrcValue, nodeBuf, 4);

                    // Put this branch into the local cache,
                    networkCache.SetNode(refs[i], branch);

                    // If it's a leaf node,
                else {
                    TreeLeaf leaf = (TreeLeaf) node;
                    int lfsz = leaf.Length;

                    nodeBuf = new byte[lfsz + 12];

                    // Format the data,
                    ByteBuffer.WriteInt2(StoreLeafType, nodeBuf, 0);
                    ByteBuffer.WriteInt2(0, nodeBuf, 2); // Reserved for future
                    ByteBuffer.WriteInt4(lfsz, nodeBuf, 8);
                    leaf.Read(0, nodeBuf, 12, lfsz);

                    // Calculate and set the checksum,
                    Crc32 checksum = new Crc32();
                    checksum.ComputeHash(nodeBuf, 8, nodeBuf.Length - 8);
                    ByteBuffer.WriteInt4((int) checksum.CrcValue, nodeBuf, 4);

                    // Put this leaf into the local cache,
                    leaf = new MemoryTreeLeaf(refs[i].Value, nodeBuf);
                    networkCache.SetNode(refs[i], leaf);


                // The DataAddress this node is being written to,
                DataAddress address = refs[i];
                // Get the block id,
                BlockId blockId = address.BlockId;
                int bid = uniqueBlocks.IndexOf(blockId);
                ubidStream[bid].AddMessage(new Message("writeToBlock", address, nodeBuf, 0, nodeBuf.Length));

                // Update 'out_refs' array,
                outNodeIds[i] = refs[i].Value;

            // A log of successfully processed operations,
            List<object> successProcess = new List<object>(64);

            // Now process the streams on the servers,
            for (int i = 0; i < ubidStream.Length; ++i) {
                // The output message,
                MessageStream outputStream = ubidStream[i];
                // Get the servers this message needs to be sent to,
                BlockId blockId = uniqueBlocks[i];
                IList<BlockServerElement> blockServers = blockToServerMap[blockId];
                // Format a message for writing this node out,
                int bssz = blockServers.Count;
                IMessageProcessor[] blockServerProcs = new IMessageProcessor[bssz];
                // Make the block server connections,
                for (int o = 0; o < bssz; ++o) {
                    IServiceAddress address = blockServers[o].Address;
                    blockServerProcs[o] = connector.Connect(address, ServiceType.Block);
                    IEnumerable<Message> inputStream = blockServerProcs[o].Process(outputStream);

                    foreach (Message m in inputStream) {
                        if (m.HasError) {
                            // If this is an error, we need to report the failure to the
                            // manager server,
                            // Remove the block id from the server list cache,

                            // Rollback any server writes already successfully made,
                            for (int p = 0; p < successProcess.Count; p += 2) {
                                IServiceAddress blocksAddr = (IServiceAddress) successProcess[p];
                                MessageStream toRollback = (MessageStream) successProcess[p + 1];

                                List<DataAddress> rollbackNodes = new List<DataAddress>(128);
                                foreach (Message rm in toRollback) {
                                    DataAddress raddr = (DataAddress) rm.Arguments[0].Value;
                                // Create the rollback message,
                                MessageStream rollbackMsg = new MessageStream();
                                rollbackMsg.AddMessage(new Message("rollbackNodes", new object[] {rollbackNodes.ToArray()}));

                                // Send it to the block server,
                                IEnumerable<Message> responseStream = connector.Connect(blocksAddr, ServiceType.Block).Process(rollbackMsg);
                                foreach (Message rbm in responseStream) {
                                    // If rollback generated an error we throw the error now
                                    // because this likely is a serious network error.
                                    if (rbm.HasError) {
                                        throw new NetworkWriteException("Write failed (rollback failed): " + rbm.ErrorMessage);


                            // Retry,
                            if (tryCount > 0)
                                return InternalPersist(sequence, tryCount - 1);

                            // Otherwise we fail the write
                            throw new NetworkWriteException(m.ErrorMessage);

                    // If we succeeded without an error, add to the log


            // Return the references,
            return outNodeIds;