Esempio n. 1
        public static void ebnfCalc(Expansion exp, Expansion nested)
            // exp is one of OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore, ZeroOrOne
            MatchInfo         m, m1 = null;
            IList <MatchInfo> v, first, follow;
            int la;

            for (la = 1; la <= Options.getOtherAmbiguityCheck(); la++)
                MatchInfo.laLimit = la;
                LookaheadWalk.sizeLimitedMatches = new List <MatchInfo>();
                m = new MatchInfo();
                m.firstFreeLoc = 0;
                v = new List <MatchInfo>();
                LookaheadWalk.considerSemanticLA = !Options.getForceLaCheck();
                LookaheadWalk.genFirstSet(v, nested);
                first = LookaheadWalk.sizeLimitedMatches;
                LookaheadWalk.sizeLimitedMatches = new List <MatchInfo>();
                LookaheadWalk.considerSemanticLA = false;
                LookaheadWalk.genFollowSet(v, exp, Expansion.NextGenerationIndex++);
                follow = LookaheadWalk.sizeLimitedMatches;
                if (la == 1)
                    if (CodeCheck(first))
                                               "CSHARPCODE non-terminal within " + image(exp) +
                                               " construct will force this construct to be entered in favor of " +
                                               "expansions occurring after construct.");
                if ((m = overlap(first, follow)) == null)
                m1 = m;
            if (la > Options.getOtherAmbiguityCheck())
                CSharpCCErrors.Warning("Choice conflict in " + image(exp) + " construct " +
                                       "at line " + exp.Line + ", column " + exp.Column + ".");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("         Expansion nested within construct and expansion following construct");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("         have common prefixes, one of which is: " + image(m1));
                Console.Error.WriteLine("         Consider using a lookahead of " + la + " or more for nested expansion.");
            else if (la > 1)
                CSharpCCErrors.Warning("Choice conflict in " + image(exp) + " construct " +
                                       "at line " + exp.Line + ", column " + exp.Column + ".");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("         Expansion nested within construct and expansion following construct");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("         have common prefixes, one of which is: " + image(m1));
                Console.Error.WriteLine("         Consider using a lookahead of " + la + " for nested expansion.");
Esempio n. 2
        public static void choiceCalc(Choice choice)
            int first = firstChoice(choice);

            // dbl[i] and dbr[i] are lists of size limited matches for choice i
            // of choice.  dbl ignores matches with semantic lookaheads (when force_la_check
            // is false), while dbr ignores semantic lookahead.
            IList <MatchInfo>[] dbl       = new IList <MatchInfo> [choice.Choices.Count];
            IList <MatchInfo>[] dbr       = new IList <MatchInfo> [choice.Choices.Count];
            int[]             minLA       = new int[choice.Choices.Count - 1];
            MatchInfo[]       overlapInfo = new MatchInfo[choice.Choices.Count - 1];
            int[]             other       = new int[choice.Choices.Count - 1];
            MatchInfo         m;
            IList <MatchInfo> v;
            bool overlapDetected;

            for (int la = 1; la <= Options.getChoiceAmbiguityCheck(); la++)
                MatchInfo.laLimit = la;
                LookaheadWalk.considerSemanticLA = !Options.getForceLaCheck();
                for (int i = first; i < choice.Choices.Count - 1; i++)
                    LookaheadWalk.sizeLimitedMatches = new List <MatchInfo>();
                    m = new MatchInfo();
                    m.firstFreeLoc = 0;
                    v = new List <MatchInfo>();
                    LookaheadWalk.genFirstSet(v, (Expansion)choice.Choices[i]);
                    dbl[i] = LookaheadWalk.sizeLimitedMatches;
                LookaheadWalk.considerSemanticLA = false;
                for (int i = first + 1; i < choice.Choices.Count; i++)
                    LookaheadWalk.sizeLimitedMatches = new List <MatchInfo>();
                    m = new MatchInfo();
                    m.firstFreeLoc = 0;
                    v = new List <MatchInfo>();
                    LookaheadWalk.genFirstSet(v, (Expansion)choice.Choices[i]);
                    dbr[i] = LookaheadWalk.sizeLimitedMatches;
                if (la == 1)
                    for (int i = first; i < choice.Choices.Count - 1; i++)
                        Expansion exp = (Expansion)choice.Choices[i];
                        if (Semanticize.EmptyExpansionExists(exp))
                                                   "This choice can expand to the empty token sequence " +
                                                   "and will therefore always be taken in favor of the choices appearing later.");
                        else if (CodeCheck(dbl[i]))
                                                   "CSHARPCODE non-terminal will force this choice to be taken " +
                                                   "in favor of the choices appearing later.");
                overlapDetected = false;
                for (int i = first; i < choice.Choices.Count - 1; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < choice.Choices.Count; j++)
                        if ((m = overlap(dbl[i], dbr[j])) != null)
                            minLA[i]        = la + 1;
                            overlapInfo[i]  = m;
                            other[i]        = j;
                            overlapDetected = true;
                if (!overlapDetected)
            for (int i = first; i < choice.Choices.Count - 1; i++)
                if (explicitLA((Expansion)choice.Choices[i]) && !Options.getForceLaCheck())
                if (minLA[i] > Options.getChoiceAmbiguityCheck())
                    CSharpCCErrors.Warning("Choice conflict involving two expansions at");
                    Console.Error.Write("         line " + ((Expansion)choice.Choices[i]).Line);
                    Console.Error.Write(", column " + ((Expansion)choice.Choices[i]).Column);
                    Console.Error.Write(" and line " + ((Expansion)choice.Choices[other[i]]).Line);
                    Console.Error.Write(", column " + ((Expansion)choice.Choices[other[i]]).Column);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(" respectively.");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("         A common prefix is: " + image(overlapInfo[i]));
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("         Consider using a lookahead of " + minLA[i] + " or more for earlier expansion.");
                else if (minLA[i] > 1)
                    CSharpCCErrors.Warning("Choice conflict involving two expansions at");
                    Console.Error.Write("         line " + ((Expansion)choice.Choices[i]).Line);
                    Console.Error.Write(", column " + ((Expansion)choice.Choices[i]).Column);
                    Console.Error.Write(" and line " + ((Expansion)choice.Choices[other[i]]).Line);
                    Console.Error.Write(", column " + ((Expansion)choice.Choices[other[i]]).Column);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(" respectively.");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("         A common prefix is: " + image(overlapInfo[i]));
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("         Consider using a lookahead of " + minLA[i] + " for earlier expansion.");