Esempio n. 1
        private void WriteQuestionIntoExcel(DIExcel excelFile, Question xmlQuestion,ref int RowIndex)
            int DataValueRowIndex = RowIndex + 1;
            int BoldStartIndex = -1;
            int BoldEndIndex = -1;
            int ItalicStartIndex = -1;
            int ItalicEndIndex = -1;
            string BoldStartTag="<b>";
            string ItalicStartTag="<i>";
            string BoldEndTag = "</b>";
            string ItalicEndTag = "</i>";
            string QuestionText=xmlQuestion.Text;

            //set question no and question text
            excelFile.SetCellValue(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionNoColumnIndex, xmlQuestion.No);
            excelFile.SetColumnWidth(Constants.SheetIndex, 6, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionNoColumnIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionNoColumnIndex);
            //replace <br> with new line character and remove enter key

            QuestionText= QuestionText.Replace(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(13), string.Empty);

            QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace("\n", string.Empty);
            QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace(Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars.CrLf, string.Empty);
            QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace(Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars.Lf.ToString(), string.Empty);
            QuestionText=QuestionText.Replace("<br>", Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars.NewLine);

            //apply bold tag
            BoldStartIndex = QuestionText.IndexOf(BoldStartTag);
            if (BoldStartIndex >= 0)
                QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace(BoldStartTag, string.Empty);
                BoldEndIndex = QuestionText.IndexOf(BoldEndTag);
                QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace(BoldEndTag, string.Empty);

            //apply italic tag
            ItalicStartIndex = QuestionText.IndexOf(ItalicStartTag);
            if (ItalicStartIndex >= 0)
                QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace(ItalicStartTag, string.Empty);
                ItalicEndIndex = QuestionText.IndexOf(ItalicEndTag);
                QuestionText = QuestionText.Replace(ItalicEndTag, string.Empty);

            //set question text
            QuestionText.Replace(ItalicStartTag, string.Empty);
            excelFile.SetCellValue(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, QuestionText);

            //set bold
            if (BoldStartIndex >= 0 & BoldEndIndex >= 0)
                excelFile.GetCellCharacters(Constants.SheetIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, RowIndex, BoldStartIndex, BoldEndIndex-BoldStartIndex).Font.Bold = true;

            //set italic
            if (ItalicStartIndex >= 0 & ItalicEndIndex >= 0)
                excelFile.GetCellCharacters(Constants.SheetIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, RowIndex, ItalicStartIndex, ItalicEndIndex-ItalicStartIndex).Font.Italic= true;

            //set layout of question text cell and question no cell
            //excelFile.MergeCells(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex + 6);
            //excelFile.SetHorizontalAlignment(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, SpreadsheetGear.HAlign.Justify);
            //excelFile.SetVerticalAlignment(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex, SpreadsheetGear.VAlign.Justify);
            //excelFile.GetCellFont(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionTextColumnIndex).Bold = true;

            excelFile.GetCellFont(Constants.SheetIndex, RowIndex, Constants.QuestionNoColumnIndex).Bold = true;
            excelFile.AutoFitColumn(Constants.SheetIndex, Constants.QuestionNoColumnIndex);

            this.WriteDataValue(excelFile, xmlQuestion,ref DataValueRowIndex);

            RowIndex =DataValueRowIndex+ 2;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the .XLS presentation file in specified folder on the basis of current Map object settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="presentationOutputFolderPath">Folder Path where .xls presentation is created.</param>
        /// <param name="maxHeightInPixelToFitAll">(optional) maximun width (in pixel) for presentation composite content to fit in a single page. (-1 default)</param>
        /// <param name="maxWidthInPixelToFitAll">(optional) maximun height (in pixel) for presentation composite content to fit in a single page. (-1 default)</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the full file path of .xls presentation generated.</returns>	
        public string GeneratePresentation(string presentationOutputFolderPath, int maxWidthInPixelToFitAll, int maxHeightInPixelToFitAll)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(presentationOutputFolderPath)))
                float MapOriginalWidth = this.m_Width;
                float MapOriginalHeight = this.m_Height;

                // Getting the xls sheet names in desired language.
                string MapSheetName = DILanguage.GetLanguageString("MAP");
                string MapDataSheetName = DILanguage.GetLanguageString("DATA");
                string SourceSheetName = DILanguage.GetLanguageString("SOURCECOMMON");

                // Set path for presentation and png images
                string FileSuffix = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();

                // Set Image file extension(.png or .emf) on he basis of UserPreference property.
                string ImageExtention = string.Empty;
                if (this.UserPreference.General.ShowExcel)
                    //If ShowExcel is True, then User can see presentation in MS Excel object
                    ImageExtention = "emf";
                    // Png format is supported in SpreadsheetGear (.Emf NOT supported)
                    //If ShowExcel is False, then presentation will be opened in Spreadsheet Gear, so Use Png format.
                    ImageExtention = "png";

                string PresentationPath = presentationOutputFolderPath + @"\Map" + FileSuffix + ".xls";
                string TitleImgPath = Path.Combine(presentationOutputFolderPath, "Title" + FileSuffix + "." + ImageExtention);  //"Title"
                string MapImgPath = Path.Combine(presentationOutputFolderPath, "Map" + FileSuffix + "." + ImageExtention);
                string DisclaimerImgPath = Path.Combine(presentationOutputFolderPath, "Disclaimer" + FileSuffix + "." + ImageExtention);
                string InsetFilePrefix = string.Empty;
                DIExcel ExcelApp = new DIExcel();
                Image img;

                //- Calculate pixelToPoint factor as SpreadsheetGear uses point unit instead of Pixel unit for measuring Length and width
                Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1));
                double PixcelToPointFactor = 72 / graphics.DpiX;  //1 inch  = 72 points

                Size TitleSize = new Size();
                Size LegendSize = new Size();

                int MaxLegendHeight = 20;
                int MaxLegendWidth = 30;

                int RowIndex = 0;
                int SheetIndex;
                double CellHeight = ExcelApp.GetCellHeight(0, 0, 0);     // default cell height from default sheet.
                double CellWidth = ExcelApp.GetColumnWidth(0, 0, 0, 0, 1);  // Default cell width from default sheet.
                int SingleCellWidthInPixel = (int)(ExcelApp.GetWorksheet(0).Cells[0, 0].Width / PixcelToPointFactor);

                if (maxWidthInPixelToFitAll > 0 && maxHeightInPixelToFitAll > 0)
                    //- Offset page Margins (default left margin -> 0.7" & right margin -> 1.4") and (default Top & bottom margin -> 0.75")
                    maxWidthInPixelToFitAll = maxWidthInPixelToFitAll - (int)(2.1 * graphics.DpiX);
                    maxHeightInPixelToFitAll = maxHeightInPixelToFitAll - (int)(1.5 * graphics.DpiY);

                    //- Calculating maximum Height & width of presentation's composite contents in Points
                    //maxWidthInPixelToFitAll = (int)(maxWidthInPixelToFitAll * PixcelToPointFactor);
                    //maxHeightInPixelToFitAll = (int)(maxHeightInPixelToFitAll * PixcelToPointFactor);

                    // Offset margin of first column width.

                    maxWidthInPixelToFitAll -= SingleCellWidthInPixel;

                    //- Set final Map width so that Map can be accomodated within maximum width specified.
                    this.m_Width = (float)maxWidthInPixelToFitAll - 2;

                    //- offset width of Inset images (if present)/
                    //- generally inset image is 15% of total Map and starts after a gap of 1/2 column width.
                    if (this.Insets.Count > 0)
                        float InsetImageWidth = MapOriginalWidth; //- Default
                        if (this.Insets[0].InsetImage != null)
                            InsetImageWidth = (float)(this.Insets[0].InsetImage.Width);

                        this.m_Width -= (InsetImageWidth * 0.1F) + (float)(SingleCellWidthInPixel);

                    //- Adjusting Map height in proportion with CurrentExtent's Width to height ratio.
                    this.m_Height = this.m_Width * Math.Min(4 / 3, (this.m_CurrentExtent.Height / this.m_CurrentExtent.Width)) + 3;

                    if (File.Exists(PresentationPath))
                    ExcelApp.RenameWorkSheet(0, MapSheetName);   //language handling Rename first(default) sheet

                    //*********************************  WorkSheet 1 - Map Images**************************************************
                    this.ClearSelection();          //-- Clear any Layer selection (if any)

                    //Generate the first sheet which is the Map Image for MRD data.

                    //*** generate title image in temp folder

                    TitleSize = this.GetTitleImage(Path.GetDirectoryName(TitleImgPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(TitleImgPath), ImageExtention);

                    //*** Generate Themes Legend Image in temp folder
                    foreach (Theme _ThemeTemp in this.Themes)
                        if (_ThemeTemp.Visible == true)
                            //Generate the Legend image, and calculating image maximum height & width.
                            LegendSize = _ThemeTemp.GetLegendImage(presentationOutputFolderPath, _ThemeTemp.ID + FileSuffix, ImageExtention, this.PointShapeIncluded, this.TemplateStyle.Legends.ShowCaption, this.TemplateStyle.Legends.ShowRange, this.TemplateStyle.Legends.ShowCount, this.TemplateStyle.Legends.ShowMissingLegend);
                            MaxLegendWidth = Math.Max(MaxLegendWidth, (int)(LegendSize.Width * PixcelToPointFactor));
                            MaxLegendHeight = Math.Max(MaxLegendHeight, (int)(LegendSize.Height * PixcelToPointFactor));

                    //*** generate discalimer (common) image in temp folder
                    this.GetDisclaimerImage(Path.GetDirectoryName(DisclaimerImgPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(DisclaimerImgPath), ImageExtention, maxWidthInPixelToFitAll);

                    int ImageRowPosition = 0;   //Holds the row position for Image to be pasted.

                    //---Insert Sheet for Map of most recent data.
                    SheetIndex = ExcelApp.GetSheetIndex(MapSheetName);
                    ExcelApp.ShowWorkSheetGridLine(SheetIndex, false);

                    if (this._showTimePeriods || this._showAreaLevels)
                        //*** Set map rendering info for most recent time period for all level
                        for (int iThemeIndex = 0; iThemeIndex <= this.m_Themes.Count - 1; iThemeIndex++)
                            this.UpdateRenderingInfo(-1, -1, iThemeIndex);
                        this.GetMapImage(Path.GetDirectoryName(MapImgPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(MapImgPath), ImageExtention, true);
                        this.GetMapImage(Path.GetDirectoryName(MapImgPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(MapImgPath), ImageExtention, true);

                    // Set Title Image
                    ImageRowPosition = 0;
                    if (this.Title != "")
                        img = Image.FromFile(TitleImgPath);
                        // Converting Image size from Pixel to Points while pasting.
                        ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, TitleImgPath, 1, ImageRowPosition, (double)img.Width * PixcelToPointFactor, (double)img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor);
                        ImageRowPosition += (int)(img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor) / (int)CellHeight + 1;     //Increment row position by rows covered by Image height.

                    // Set Map Image
                    ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, MapImgPath, 1, ImageRowPosition, this.m_Width * PixcelToPointFactor, this.m_Height * PixcelToPointFactor);

                    // Set Insets Image
                    int InsetCtr;
                    CellWidth = 70;     //TODO: Remove hardcoding calculate column width right.
                    int RowOffset = ImageRowPosition;
                    int ColOffset = (int)(this.Width / CellWidth) + 2;

                    InsetFilePrefix = "Inset" + FileSuffix;

                    for (InsetCtr = 0; InsetCtr <= this.Insets.Count - 1; InsetCtr++)
                        Inset TempInset = this.Insets[InsetCtr];
                        string InsetImgFilePath = Path.Combine(presentationOutputFolderPath, InsetFilePrefix + InsetCtr + "." + ImageExtention);

                        if (TempInset.InsetImage != null)
                            //Extract new "png" image of inset in temp folder.
                            this.GetInsetImage(presentationOutputFolderPath, ImageExtention, (int)this.Width, (int)this.Height, InsetCtr, InsetFilePrefix);

                        if (TempInset.Visible)
                            //*** Extract InsetName png.
                            TempInset.GetInsetName(presentationOutputFolderPath, "InsetName" + TempInset.Name + FileSuffix, ImageExtention);
                            img = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(presentationOutputFolderPath, "InsetName" + TempInset.Name + FileSuffix + "." + ImageExtention));
                            ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, Path.Combine(presentationOutputFolderPath, "InsetName" + TempInset.Name + FileSuffix + "." + ImageExtention), ColOffset, RowOffset, img.Width, img.Height);

                            //*** use previously generated inset images in temp folder
                            RowOffset += img.Height / (int)CellHeight;
                            img = Image.FromFile(InsetImgFilePath);
                            ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, InsetImgFilePath, ColOffset, RowOffset, (img.Width * 0.09), (img.Height * 0.09));

                            RowOffset += (int)(img.Width * 0.09) / (int)CellHeight + 2;


                    //Set Theme Legend Images
                    ImageRowPosition += (int)((this.m_Height * PixcelToPointFactor) / (int)CellHeight) + 2;      //Increment row position by rows covered by Image height.
                    int p = 1;    //p is the column position of the Legend Images (x - axis).
                    foreach (Theme _ThemeTemp in this.Themes)
                        if (_ThemeTemp.Visible == true)
                            img = Image.FromFile(presentationOutputFolderPath + @"\" + _ThemeTemp.ID + FileSuffix + "." + ImageExtention);
                            ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, presentationOutputFolderPath + @"\" + _ThemeTemp.ID + FileSuffix + "." + ImageExtention, p, ImageRowPosition, (double)img.Width * PixcelToPointFactor, (double)img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor); //(double)LegendSize.Width, (double)LegendSize.Height);
                            p += (int)(img.Width / CellWidth) + 2;                               // Increment column pos. by Legend's width + 2

                    // Set Sources
                    ImageRowPosition += MaxLegendHeight / (int)CellHeight + 1;
                    RowIndex = ImageRowPosition + 1;
                    ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, 1, "Sources");
                    DataView _DVSources = this.GetUniqueSourceList();   //getting unique sources in DataView
                    for (int ctr = 0; ctr < _DVSources.Count; ctr++)
                        ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex + ctr + 1, 1, _DVSources[ctr]["IC_Name"]);

                        //- Wrap Cell for source
                        int EndingColumnToMerge = maxWidthInPixelToFitAll / SingleCellWidthInPixel;
                        ExcelApp.MergeCells(SheetIndex, RowIndex + ctr + 1, 1, RowIndex + ctr + 1, EndingColumnToMerge);
                        ExcelApp.WrapText(SheetIndex, RowIndex + ctr + 1, 1, RowIndex + ctr + 1, EndingColumnToMerge, true);

                    // Set Disclaimer Image
                    ImageRowPosition += _DVSources.Count + 3;
                    img = Image.FromFile(DisclaimerImgPath);
                    ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, DisclaimerImgPath, 1, ImageRowPosition, (double)img.Width * PixcelToPointFactor, (double)(img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor));


                    //--Now, generate sheets for each timePeriod selected.
                    if (this._showTimePeriods)

                        DataView DVTimePeriods = this.GetTimePeriodsForThemes();
                        for (byte i = 0; i <= DVTimePeriods.Count - 1; i++)
                            //Restrict Excel Worksheet name to 31 characters
                            string sheetName = DVTimePeriods[i][Timeperiods.TimePeriod].ToString();
                            if (sheetName.Length > 31)
                                sheetName.Substring(0, 31);

                            //---Insert Sheet for Map of specified TimePeriod.
                            SheetIndex = ExcelApp.GetSheetIndex(sheetName);
                            ExcelApp.ShowWorkSheetGridLine(SheetIndex, false);

                            // Draw  Map for specifoed TimePeriod.
                            MapImgPath = Path.Combine(presentationOutputFolderPath, "Map" + FileSuffix + i.ToString() + "." + ImageExtention);

                            for (int iThemeIndex = 0; iThemeIndex <= this.m_Themes.Count - 1; iThemeIndex++)
                                this.UpdateRenderingInfo((int)(DVTimePeriods[i][Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId]), -1, iThemeIndex);
                            this.GetMapImage(Path.GetDirectoryName(MapImgPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(MapImgPath), ImageExtention, true);

                            // Insert Title Image
                            ImageRowPosition = 0;
                            if (this.Title != "")
                                img = Image.FromFile(TitleImgPath);
                                ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, TitleImgPath, 1, ImageRowPosition, (double)img.Width * PixcelToPointFactor, (double)img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor);
                                ImageRowPosition += (int)(img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor) / (int)CellHeight + 1;     //Increment row position by rows covered by Image height.

                            // Insert Map Image
                            ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, MapImgPath, 1, ImageRowPosition, this.m_Width * PixcelToPointFactor, this.m_Height * PixcelToPointFactor);

                            //Set Theme Legend Images
                            ImageRowPosition += (int)(this.m_Height * PixcelToPointFactor) / (int)CellHeight + 2;      //Increment row position by rows covered by Image height.
                            p = 1;    //p is the column position of the Legend Image (x - axis).
                            foreach (Theme _ThemeTemp in this.Themes)
                                if (_ThemeTemp.Visible == true)
                                    img = Image.FromFile(presentationOutputFolderPath + @"\" + _ThemeTemp.ID.ToString() + FileSuffix + "." + ImageExtention);
                                    ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, presentationOutputFolderPath + @"\" + _ThemeTemp.ID.ToString() + FileSuffix + "." + ImageExtention, p, ImageRowPosition, (double)img.Width * PixcelToPointFactor, (double)img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor);
                                    p += (int)(img.Width / CellWidth) + 2;                               // Increment column pos. by Legend's width + 2

                            // Set Sources.
                            ImageRowPosition += MaxLegendHeight / (int)CellHeight + 1;
                            RowIndex = ImageRowPosition + 1;
                            ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, 1, "Sources");
                            for (int ctr = 0; ctr < _DVSources.Count; ctr++)
                                //*** Add Sources
                                ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex + ctr + 1, 1, _DVSources[ctr]["IC_Name"]);

                            // Insert Disclaimer Image.
                            ImageRowPosition += _DVSources.Count + 3;
                            img = Image.FromFile(DisclaimerImgPath);
                            ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, DisclaimerImgPath, 1, ImageRowPosition, (double)img.Width * PixcelToPointFactor, (double)(img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor));
                    else if (this.ShowAreaLevels)   //If only AreaLevel is selected.
                        DataView DVAreaLevels = this.GetAreaLevels();
                        for (byte i = 0; i <= DVAreaLevels.Count - 1; i++)
                            //---Insert Sheet for Map of specified TimePeriod.
                            SheetIndex = ExcelApp.GetSheetIndex(DVAreaLevels[i][Area_Level.AreaLevelName].ToString());
                            ExcelApp.ShowWorkSheetGridLine(SheetIndex, false);

                            // Draw  Map for specifoed TimePeriod.
                            MapImgPath = Path.Combine(presentationOutputFolderPath, "Map" + FileSuffix + i.ToString() + "." + ImageExtention);

                            for (int iThemeIndex = 0; iThemeIndex <= this.m_Themes.Count - 1; iThemeIndex++)
                                this.UpdateRenderingInfo(-1, (int)(DVAreaLevels[i][Area_Level.AreaLevel]), iThemeIndex);

                            this.GetMapImage(Path.GetDirectoryName(MapImgPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(MapImgPath), ImageExtention, true);

                            // Insert Title Image
                            ImageRowPosition = 0;
                            if (this.Title != "")
                                img = Image.FromFile(TitleImgPath);
                                ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, TitleImgPath, 1, ImageRowPosition, (double)img.Width * PixcelToPointFactor, (double)img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor);
                                ImageRowPosition += (int)(img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor) / (int)CellHeight + 1;     //Increment row position by rows covered by Image height.

                            // Insert Map Image
                            ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, MapImgPath, 1, ImageRowPosition, this.m_Width * PixcelToPointFactor, this.m_Height * PixcelToPointFactor);

                            //Set Theme Legend Images
                            ImageRowPosition += (int)(this.m_Height * PixcelToPointFactor) / (int)CellHeight + 2;      //Increment row position by rows covered by Image height.
                            p = 1;    //p is the column position of the Legend Image (x - axis).
                            foreach (Theme _ThemeTemp in this.Themes)
                                if (_ThemeTemp.Visible == true)
                                    img = Image.FromFile(presentationOutputFolderPath + @"\" + _ThemeTemp.ID.ToString() + FileSuffix + "." + ImageExtention);
                                    ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, presentationOutputFolderPath + @"\" + _ThemeTemp.ID.ToString() + FileSuffix + "." + ImageExtention, p, ImageRowPosition, (double)img.Width * PixcelToPointFactor, (double)img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor);
                                    p += (int)(img.Width / CellWidth) + 2;                               // Increment column pos. by Legend's width + 2

                            // Set Sources.
                            ImageRowPosition += MaxLegendHeight / (int)CellHeight + 1;
                            RowIndex = ImageRowPosition + 1;
                            ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, 1, SourceSheetName);
                            for (int ctr = 0; ctr < _DVSources.Count; ctr++)
                                //Adding sources from Dv into cell.
                                ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex + ctr + 1, 1, _DVSources[ctr]["IC_Name"]);

                            // Insert Disclaimer Image.
                            ImageRowPosition += _DVSources.Count + 3;
                            img = Image.FromFile(DisclaimerImgPath);
                            ExcelApp.PasteImage(SheetIndex, DisclaimerImgPath, 1, ImageRowPosition, (double)img.Width * PixcelToPointFactor, (double)(img.Height * PixcelToPointFactor));


                    //*********************************  WorkSheet - Map Data*********************************************
                    //TODO Use TablePresentation object logic
                    ExcelApp.InsertWorkSheet(MapDataSheetName);                 //insert DataSheet.
                    SheetIndex = ExcelApp.GetSheetIndex(MapDataSheetName);
                    DataTable _DTDataSheet = GetDataSheetView(this.PresentationData);    //Getting Map Data or DataSheet.
                    string[,] arrDataView = new string[_DTDataSheet.Rows.Count, _DTDataSheet.Columns.Count - 1];    //Array Columns will be 1 less than dv, to ignore extra footNote column

                    //  --Adding Column names in desired language , only one time, at row 1.
                    ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 1, 0, DILanguage.GetLanguageString("TIMEPERIOD"));            //Timeperiods.TimePeriod
                    ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 1, 1, DILanguage.GetLanguageString("AREAID"));                //Area.AreaID
                    ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 1, 2, DILanguage.GetLanguageString("AREANAME"));              //Area.AreaName
                    ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 1, 3, DILanguage.GetLanguageString("INDICATOR"));             //Indicator.IndicatorName
                    ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 1, 4, DILanguage.GetLanguageString("DATA"));                  //Data.DataValue
                    ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 1, 5, DILanguage.GetLanguageString("UNIT"));                  //Unit.UnitName
                    ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 1, 6, DILanguage.GetLanguageString("SUBGROUP"));              //SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal
                    ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 1, 7, DILanguage.GetLanguageString("SOURCECOMMON"));           //IndicatorClassifications.ICName
                    int col = 8;  //Columnn number 8th
                    foreach (string MDColumn in this._MDIndicatorFields.Split(','))
                        if (MDColumn.Length > 0)
                            //Adding column name at "col" position.
                            ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 1, col, this._DIDataView.MetadataIndicator.Columns[MDColumn].Caption);
                    foreach (string MDColumn in this._MDAreaFields.Split(','))
                        if (MDColumn.Length > 0)
                            //Adding column name at "col" position.
                            ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 1, col, this._DIDataView.MetadataArea.Columns[MDColumn].Caption);
                    foreach (string MDColumn in this._MDSourceFields.Split(','))
                        if (MDColumn.Length > 0)
                            //Adding column name at "col" position.
                            ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 1, col, this._DIDataView.MetadataSource.Columns[MDColumn].Caption);

                    // ---Columns added...

                    RowIndex = 2;          //Start displaying Map Data from Row - 2nd
                    foreach (DataRow DRowDTDataSheet in _DTDataSheet.Rows)
                        for (int Columns = 0; Columns < _DTDataSheet.Columns.Count; Columns++)
                            //Assign cellvalue with data in DataTable.
                            ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, RowIndex, Columns, DRowDTDataSheet[Columns].ToString());
                            if (_DTDataSheet.Columns[Columns].ColumnName == Data.DataValue)
                                //If Column id = "DataValue" then add footNotes As-Comment if present.
                                if (DRowDTDataSheet[FootNotes.FootNote].ToString() != "")
                                    ExcelApp.AddComment(SheetIndex, RowIndex, Columns, DRowDTDataSheet[FootNotes.FootNote].ToString(), true);
                    ExcelApp.AutoFitColumns(SheetIndex, 1, 0, _DTDataSheet.Rows.Count - 1, _DTDataSheet.Columns.Count - 1);   //Auto fitting columns width.


                    //*********************************  WorkSheet - Sources**************************************************

                    SheetIndex = ExcelApp.GetSheetIndex(SourceSheetName);
                    ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 0, 0, SourceSheetName);      //Cell value = "Source" in desired language.
                    ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, 0, 2, DIConnection.ConnectionStringParameters.DbName);
                    for (byte i = 0; i <= _DVSources.Count - 1; i++)
                        //Adding sources from Dv into cell.
                        ExcelApp.SetCellValue(SheetIndex, i + 3, 0, _DVSources[i]["IC_Name"]);
                        ExcelApp.AutoFitColumn(SheetIndex, i);

                    //*********************************  WorkSheet - Keyword**************************************************

                    ExcelApp.ActivateSheet(ExcelApp.GetSheetIndex(MapSheetName));   //Set first sheet as ACTIVE sheet..

                    RetVal = PresentationPath;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (graphics != null)

                    this.m_Width = MapOriginalWidth;
                    this.m_Height = MapOriginalHeight;
            return RetVal;