private void Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { correct = true; Email_Notice_Template newTemplate = new Email_Notice_Template(); if (txtDescription.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Template Description"); correct = false; } if (txtText.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter Template Text"); correct = false; } if (correct == true) { newTemplate.Template_Description = txtDescription.Text; newTemplate.Template_Text = txtText.Text; db.Email_Notice_Template.Add(newTemplate); db.SaveChanges(); int Template_ID = newTemplate.Template_Id; string Template_Value = Convert.ToString(newTemplate); Audit_Log Current_Audit = new Audit_Log(); Current_Audit.Table_Name = "Notification Template"; Current_Audit.Users_Id = Globals.Users_Id; Current_Audit.Date_Time = DateTime.Now; db.Audit_Log.Add(Current_Audit); db.SaveChanges(); int Log_ID = Current_Audit.Audit_Log_Id; Audit_Create_Delete Current_Create = new Audit_Create_Delete(); Current_Create.Audit_Log_Id = Log_ID; Current_Create.Created = true; Current_Create.PK_Row_Effected = Template_ID; Current_Create.Value = Template_Value; db.Audit_Create_Delete.Add(Current_Create); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Notification template created successfully"); this.Close(); } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Would you like to delete this Template?", "Delete Template", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { try { Email_Notice_Template template = new Email_Notice_Template(); template = db.Email_Notice_Template.Find(tempID); db.Email_Notice_Template.Remove(template); db.SaveChanges(); int Marketing_Template_ID = template.Template_Id; string Marketing_Template_Value = Convert.ToString(template); Audit_Log Current_Audit = new Audit_Log(); Current_Audit.Table_Name = "Marketing_Template"; Current_Audit.Users_Id = Globals.Users_Id; Current_Audit.Date_Time = DateTime.Now; db.Audit_Log.Add(Current_Audit); db.SaveChanges(); int Log_ID = Current_Audit.Audit_Log_Id; Audit_Create_Delete Current_Create = new Audit_Create_Delete(); Current_Create.Audit_Log_Id = Log_ID; Current_Create.Created = false; Current_Create.PK_Row_Effected = Marketing_Template_ID; Current_Create.Value = Marketing_Template_Value; db.Audit_Create_Delete.Add(Current_Create); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Notification Template Successfully Deleted"); this.Close(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error has occured, and template was not deleted successfully"); } } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Client NewCllient = new Client(); Credit_Approval NewCA = new Credit_Approval(); City newCity = new City(); Credit_Status crStatus = new Credit_Status(); Client_Account_Status cAS = new Client_Account_Status(); Province NewProv = new Province(); try { NewCllient.Client_Name = "Thabang"; NewCllient.Client_VAT_Reg_Number = "123"; NewCllient.Client_Telephone = "123"; NewCllient.Client_Fax_Number = "123"; NewCllient.Client_Email_Address = "Thabang@gmail"; NewCllient.Physical_Address = "Feast str"; int Province = 0; var Prov = db.Provinces.Where(emp => emp.Province_Name == txtProvince.Text).Select(u => u.Province_Id).FirstOrDefault(); Province = Prov; NewProv.Province_Id = Province; int City = 0; var Cty = db.Cities.Where(emp => emp.City_Name == txtCity.Text).Select(u => u.City_Id).FirstOrDefault(); City = Cty; newCity.City_Id = City; NewCA.Credit_Approval_Amount = 1000; int Credit = 0; var cstatus = db.Credit_Status.Where(emp => emp.Credit_Status_Description == txtCreditSta.Text).Select(u => u.Credit_Status_ID).FirstOrDefault(); Credit = cstatus; crStatus.Credit_Status_ID = Credit; NewCA.Authourised_By = "Thabang"; NewCA.Date_Of_Commencement = txtDateTimeDateOfCommencement.Value.Date; int AccntStat = 0; var atat = db.Client_Account_Status.Where(emp => emp.Account_Status_Description == comboBox5.Text).Select(u => u.Account_Status_ID).FirstOrDefault(); AccntStat = atat; cAS.Account_Status_ID = AccntStat; NewCA.Credit_Approval_Form = FileData; //FK relationships NewCllient.Province_Id = NewProv.Province_Id; NewCllient.City_Id = newCity.City_Id; NewCllient.Credit_Approval_ID = NewCA.Credit_Approval_ID; NewCllient.Account_Status_ID = cAS.Account_Status_ID; //Credit status table--not in client NewCA.Credit_Status_ID = crStatus.Credit_Status_ID; //Saving to indv tables db.Clients.Add(NewCllient); int myClient = NewCllient.Client_ID; db.Credit_Approval.Add(NewCA); int myCrApproval = NewCA.Credit_Approval_ID; // db.Cities.Add(newCity); //==int myCty = newCity.City_Id; // db.Client_Account_Status.Add(cAS); //== int myAccstats = cAS.Account_Status_ID; db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Client Has been Added succesfully"); int Client_Id = NewCllient.Client_ID; string Marketing_Value = Convert.ToString(NewCllient); Audit_Log Current_Audit3 = new Audit_Log(); Current_Audit3.Table_Name = "Client"; Current_Audit3.Users_Id = Globals.Users_Id; Current_Audit3.Date_Time = DateTime.Now; db.Audit_Log.Add(Current_Audit3); db.SaveChanges(); int Log_ID3 = Current_Audit3.Audit_Log_Id; Audit_Create_Delete Current_Create3 = new Audit_Create_Delete(); Current_Create3.Audit_Log_Id = Log_ID3; Current_Create3.Created = true; Current_Create3.PK_Row_Effected = Client_Id; Current_Create3.Value = Marketing_Value; db.Audit_Create_Delete.Add(Current_Create3); db.SaveChanges(); //MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to add this client ?", "confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); //MessageBox.Show("Client details have been added successfully"); //MessageBox.Show("Client already exists on the system"); //MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all required fields"); //MessageBox.Show("Please select a client"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Whoops, Something went wrong. Please try again" + ex); } }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { correct = true; if (txtDescription.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Template Description"); correct = false; } else if (txtText.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Template Text"); correct = false; } DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Would you like to update this Template?", "Update Template", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { if (correct == true) { try { if (correct == true) { var query = db.Email_Notice_Template.Where(co => co.Template_Id == tempID).FirstOrDefault(); query.Template_Description = txtDescription.Text; query.Template_Text = txtText.Text; db.SaveChanges(); Audit_Log Current_Audit = new Audit_Log(); Current_Audit.Table_Name = "Notification Template"; Current_Audit.Users_Id = Globals.Users_Id; Current_Audit.Date_Time = DateTime.Now; db.Audit_Log.Add(Current_Audit); db.SaveChanges(); int Log_ID = Current_Audit.Audit_Log_Id; if (txtText.Text != iText) { Audit_Update Update_Name1 = new Audit_Update(); Update_Name1.PK_Row_Effected = Convert.ToInt32(query.Template_Id); Update_Name1.Field_Effected = "Text"; Update_Name1.Before_Value = iText.ToString(); Update_Name1.After_Value = txtText.Text.ToString(); Update_Name1.Audit_Log_Id = Log_ID; db.Audit_Update.Add(Update_Name1); db.SaveChanges(); } if (txtDescription.Text != Desc) { Audit_Update Update_Name2 = new Audit_Update(); Update_Name2.PK_Row_Effected = Convert.ToInt32(query.Template_Id); Update_Name2.Field_Effected = "Description"; Update_Name2.Before_Value = Desc.ToString(); Update_Name2.After_Value = txtDescription.Text.ToString(); Update_Name2.Audit_Log_Id = Log_ID; db.Audit_Update.Add(Update_Name2); db.SaveChanges(); } MessageBox.Show("Marketing Template Successfully Updated"); this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error has occured, and template was not updated successfully" + ex); } } } }