Esempio n. 1
        public async Task InlineSchema_ShouldSerializeToCSharp()
            var org = "yabbin";
            var app = "datamodelling";
            var jsonSchemaString = @"{""properties"":{""melding"":{""properties"":{""test"":{""type"":""object"",""properties"":{""navn"":{""type"":""string""}}}},""type"":""object""}},""definitions"":{}, ""required"": [""melding""]}";

            JsonSchema jsonSchema = await ParseJsonSchema(jsonSchemaString);

            ModelMetadata modelMetadata = GenerateModelMetadata(org, app, jsonSchema);
            string        classes       = GenerateCSharpClasses(modelMetadata);

            Assembly assembly = Compiler.CompileToAssembly(classes);

            Type type = assembly.GetType("Altinn.App.Models.melding");

            // Make sure the JSON can be serialized into the generated C# class
            // var json = @"{""melding"":{""test"":{""navn"":""Ronny""}}}";
            var    json    = @"{""test"":{""navn"":""Ronny""}}";
            object jsonObj = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(json, type);

            // Make sure the serialized JSON equals what we expect
            var jsonSerialized = new Manatee.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializer().Serialize(jsonObj);

            Assert.Equal(json, jsonSerialized.ToString());

            // Make sure the serialized JSON validates
            var jsonValidationResult = jsonSchema.Validate(new JsonValue(jsonSerialized.ToString()));


            // Validate JSON against JSON Schema (Manatee seems to think this is fine, but it's not ref.
            jsonValidationResult = jsonSchema.Validate(new JsonValue(json), new JsonSchemaOptions()

            // Make sure the xml can be deserialized
            var    xml    = "<melding><test><navn>Ronny</navn></test></melding>";
            object xmlObj = SerializationHelper.Deserialize(xml, type);

            // Validate XML against generated XSD
            // OBS! On inline schemas the generated XSD only adds the root node, and does not traverse the properties.
            // This should be handled in the new XSD generator.
            JsonSchemaToXsd jsonSchemaToXsd    = new JsonSchemaToXsd();
            XmlSchema       xmlSchema          = jsonSchemaToXsd.CreateXsd(jsonSchema);
            var             xmlSchemaValidator = new XmlSchemaValidator(xmlSchema);


            // Do a deep compare, property by property, value by value
Esempio n. 2
        public void SeresSchema_ShouldSerializeToCSharp(string resourceName, string modelName, string json, string xml)
            var org = "yabbin";
            var app = "hvem-er-hvem";

            JsonSchema    jsonSchema    = TestDataHelper.LoadDataFromEmbeddedResourceAsJsonSchema(resourceName);
            ModelMetadata modelMetadata = GenerateModelMetadata(org, app, jsonSchema);
            string        classes       = GenerateCSharpClasses(modelMetadata);

            Assembly assembly = Compiler.CompileToAssembly(classes);

            Type type = assembly.GetType(modelName);

            // Make sure the JSON can be serialized into the generated C# class
            object jsonObj = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(json, type);

            // Make sure the serialized JSON equals what we expect
            var jsonSerialized = new Manatee.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializer().Serialize(jsonObj);

            Assert.Equal(json, jsonSerialized.ToString());

            // Make sure the serialized JSON validates
            // Manatee fails on this, but not
            // var jsonValidationResult = jsonSchema.Validate(new JsonValue(jsonSerialized.ToString()));
            // Assert.True(jsonValidationResult.IsValid);

            // Validate JSON against JSON Schema (Manatee seems to think this is fine, but it's not ref.
            // jsonValidationResult = jsonSchema.Validate(new JsonValue(json), new JsonSchemaOptions() { });
            // Assert.True(jsonValidationResult.IsValid);

            // Make sure the xml can be deserialized
            object xmlObj = SerializationHelper.Deserialize(xml, type);

            // Validate XML against generated XSD
            // OBS! On inline schemas the generated XSD only adds the root node, and does not traverse the properties.
            // This should be handled in the new XSD generator.
            JsonSchemaToXsd jsonSchemaToXsd    = new JsonSchemaToXsd();
            XmlSchema       xmlSchema          = jsonSchemaToXsd.CreateXsd(jsonSchema);
            var             xmlSchemaValidator = new XmlSchemaValidator(xmlSchema);


            // Do a deep compare, property by property, value by value