public void SendEmails( int nTutorCount, bool bStandardMessage, bool bCC) { // must have chosen options for a standard message.. if (bStandardMessage && currentEvent.IsValid() == false) { MessageBox.Show("Please select all options"); return; } ConvertChars c = new ConvertChars(); string strSubject = ""; // organise by tutor.. for (int i = 0; i < nTutorCount; i++) { Tutor t = arrTutors[i]; string strPupilNames = t.GetPupilNames(); // start message.. string strMessage = "Dear " + t.GetTutor() + ","; if (bStandardMessage == true) { // create message.. strMessage += c.DoubleNL() + "Just to let you know that the following pupil" + t.GetS() + " "; strMessage += (t.IsPural() ? currentEvent.GetEventDetail() : currentEvent.GetEventDetail()); // check strMessage += " " + currentEvent.GetEventTime() + " today: "; strMessage += strPupilNames + c.NL(); strMessage += "I will add this to the behaviour log." + c.DoubleNL(); strSubject = currentEvent.GetEventCategory(); } else { strMessage += c.DoubleNL(); strMessage += txtMessage.Text + c.DoubleNL(); strSubject = strPupilNames; // set category to pupil name.. } strMessage += "Kind Regards, " + c.NL() + strStaffFirstName; bCC = true; // send each message.. if( eMail == null) { eMail = new Emailer(strStaffEmail,strStaffPassword); } eMail.SendMessage(t.GetTutorEmail(), t.GetYearEmail(), strSubject, strMessage, bCC); // update the behaviour log file.. // currentEvent.UpdateBehaviourLog(strStaffEmail, p); // only for preset. } }
public void SendMessage(string strTo, string strCC, string strSubject, string strMessage, bool bCopyYH) { // This is: "Mail To".. MailAddress to = new MailAddress(strTo); // This is: "Mail From".. MailAddress from = new MailAddress(strFromEmail); MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(from, to); mail.Subject = strSubject; mail.Body = strMessage; // copy year head.. // Add a carbon copy recipient.. if (bCopyYH) { MailAddress copy = new MailAddress(strCC); mail.CC.Add(copy); } // set up client and send email.. SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.Host = ""; smtp.Port = 587; smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(strFromEmail, strPassword); smtp.EnableSsl = true; if (bCopyYH == false) { strCC = ""; } ConvertChars c = new ConvertChars(); DialogResult r = MessageBox.Show("Proceed with: " + c.NL() + "To: " + strTo + c.NL() + "cc: " + strCC + c.DoubleNL() + "Re: " + strSubject + c.DoubleNL() + strMessage, "Send Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (r == DialogResult.Yes) { smtp.Send(mail); MessageBox.Show("Message Sent"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Message was not sent"); } }
private void MessageTeacher_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblTitle.Text = ""; ConvertChars c = new ConvertChars(); // get the staff emails from the array.. for (int i = 0; i < staffGrp.GetStaffCount(); i++) { // add the staff name.. lstTeachers.Items.Add(staffGrp.FindStaffFirstName(i)); // add the staff title.. lblTitle.Text += staffGrp.FindStaffTitle(i) + c.NL(); } }
public string UpdatePhrase( string strName, bool bIsMale) { ConvertChars c = new ConvertChars(); switch (nPhraseIndex++) { case 0: strCurrentPhrase = c.ConvertNameAndGender(strName, bIsMale, strPhrase1); break; case 1: strCurrentPhrase = c.ConvertNameAndGender(strName, bIsMale, strPhrase2); break; case 2: strCurrentPhrase = c.ConvertNameAndGender(strName, bIsMale, strPhrase3); break; case 3: return strCurrentPhrase; default: return ""; } return strCurrentPhrase; }