Esempio n. 1
        public static void ConsiderAddingAlienAndThen(double gameTimeSeconds, AlienListModel alienList, Random randomGenerator, Action <AlienModel> andThen)
            var elapsedTime = gameTimeSeconds - alienList.LastTimeWeConsideredAddingAnAlien;       // Quiz:  Why work things out in seconds (as given by gameTimeSeconds), compared to the Alien.Speed and Star.Speed technique?   What's the difference, and is one technique best?

            if (elapsedTime > AlienListModel.TimeBetweenAddingAliens)
                if (alienList.Aliens.Count < AlienListModel.MaxAliensOnScreenAtOnce)              // Quiz:  Why limit this?
                    var alienY   = randomGenerator.Next(AlienModel.HighestY, AlienModel.LowestY); // NB: Y axis runs the other way up from normal mathematics!
                    var speed    = randomGenerator.Next(1, 5);
                    var newAlien = new AlienModel(new Point(AlienModel.IntroductionX, alienY), speed);
                alienList.LastTimeWeConsideredAddingAnAlien = gameTimeSeconds;  // Quiz:  Why are we doing this here?
Esempio n. 2
 public static void CauseAlienToFire(AlienModel alien, AlienBulletListModel alienBulletList, GameSounds gameSounds)      // Quiz:   What future purpose have I catered for by separating this out?  If you can guess, how could that purpose be fulfilled?
     alienBulletList.AlienBullets.Add(new AlienBulletModel(alien.CentrePoint.ShuntedBy(-AlienModel.AlienWidth, 0)));