public void VerifierTest()
     bool isServer = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( isServer ); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     BigInteger expected = null; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     BigInteger actual;
     target.Verifier = expected;
     actual = target.Verifier;
     Assert.AreEqual( expected, actual );
     Assert.Inconclusive( "验证此测试方法的正确性。" );
 public void UsernameTest()
     bool isServer = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( isServer ); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     string expected = string.Empty; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     string actual;
     target.Username = expected;
     actual = target.Username;
     Assert.AreEqual( expected, actual );
     Assert.Inconclusive( "验证此测试方法的正确性。" );
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public static void Test()
            SecureRemotePassword server = new SecureRemotePassword(true, "USER", "PASSWORD", SRPParameters.Defaults);
            SecureRemotePassword client = new SecureRemotePassword(false, "USER", "PASSWORD", SRPParameters.Defaults);

            /* Typical communication works something like this:
             * client: I want to log in. Here is my username and here is my PublicEphemeralValueA.
             * server: Here is the Salt and here is my PublicEphemeralValueB.
             * Server looks up the username in the database and finds the associated password.
             * client: Here's proof I have the correct session key (hence correct password)
             *         (sends client.ClientSessionKeyProof)
             * server: Thats valid. Here's proof that *I* have the correct session key:
             *         (sends server.ServerSessionKeyProof)
             * client: Cheerio. *encrypts stuff using SessionKey*
            Console.WriteLine("Client sending A = {0}", client.PublicEphemeralValueA.ToHexString());
            server.PublicEphemeralValueA = client.PublicEphemeralValueA;

            Console.WriteLine("Server sending salt = {0}", server.Salt.ToHexString());
            Console.WriteLine("Server sending B = {0}", server.PublicEphemeralValueB.ToHexString());
            client.Salt = server.Salt;
            client.PublicEphemeralValueB = server.PublicEphemeralValueB;

             *  Console.WriteLine("X = {0}", server.CredentialsHash.ToHexString());
             *  Console.WriteLine("a = {0}", client.secretEphemeralValueA.ToHexString());
             *  Console.WriteLine("b = {0}", server.secretEphemeralValueB.ToHexString());
             *  Console.WriteLine("v = {0}", server.Verifier.ToHexString());
             *  Console.WriteLine("U = {0}", server.ScramblingParameter.ToHexString());

            // Note that session keys are never sent.
            Console.WriteLine("Server's session key = {0}", server.SessionKey.ToHexString());
            Console.WriteLine("Client's session key = {0}", client.SessionKey.ToHexString());

            // Are the session keys actually the same?
            Console.WriteLine("\nServer key == client key {0}", server.SessionKey == client.SessionKey);

            // This is how we can test it without sending actual session keys over the wire
            Console.WriteLine("Client proof valid: {0}", server.IsClientProofValid(client.ClientSessionKeyProof));
            Console.WriteLine("Server proof valid: {0}", client.IsServerProofValid(server.ServerSessionKeyProof));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public Realm_RequestSessionResult( uint iSerial, WowAccount account, SecureRemotePassword srp )
            : base( (long)RealmOpCode.CMSG_REQUEST_SESSION_RESULT, 0 /* ProcessNet.REALM_HEAD_SIZE + ? */ )
            WriterStream.Write( (byte)RealmOpCode.CMSG_REQUEST_SESSION_RESULT );    // ×ֶαàºÅ
            WriterStream.Write( (ushort)0 );                                        // ×Ö¶ÎÊ£Óà´óС

            WriterStream.Write( (uint)iSerial );
            WriterStream.Write( true );     // ³É¹¦

            WriterStream.Write( (uint)account.AccountGuid );
            WriterStream.Write( (int)account.AccessLevel );
            WriterStream.Write( (bool)account.IsTBC );

            byte[] byteSessionKey = srp.SessionKey.GetBytes( 40 );
            WriterStream.Write( byteSessionKey, 0, 40 );

            WriterStream.Seek( 1, SeekOrigin.Begin );
            WriterStream.Write( (ushort)( WriterStream.Length - ProcessNet.REALM_HEAD_SIZE ) );
Esempio n. 5
        //internal class AuthLogonProof_Result
        //    public byte m_iCommand = 0;			       // 0x01 CMD_AUTH_LOGON_PROOF
        //    public byte m_iError = 0;
        //    public byte[] M2 = new byte[20];
        //    public uint m_iUnk = 0;
        //    public ushort m_iUnk2 = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// 等于 AuthLogonProof_Result 结构
        /// </summary>
        public Auth_AuthProofResult( SecureRemotePassword srp )
            : base( (long)AuthOpCode.CMSG_AUTH_PROOF_RESULT, 0 )
            WriterStream.Write( (byte)AuthOpCode.CMSG_AUTH_PROOF_RESULT );
            WriterStream.Write( (byte)LogineErrorInfo.LOGIN_SUCCESS );

            WriterStream.Write( srp.ServerSessionKeyProof.GetBytes( 20 ), 0, 20 );

            WriterStream.Fill( 0x0, 6 );
Esempio n. 6
        //internal class AuthLogonChallenge_Result
        //    public byte m_iCommand = (byte)RealmListOpCode.CMSG_AUTH_CHALLENGE_RESULT; // 0x00 CMD_AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE
        //    public byte m_iError = 0;		           // 0 - ok
        //    public byte m_iUnk = 0;		           // 0x00
        //    public byte[] m_iB = new byte[32];
        //    public byte m_iGLen = 1;		           // 0x01
        //    public byte[] m_iG = new byte[1];
        //    public byte m_iNLen = 32;		           // 0x20
        //    public byte[] m_iN = new byte[32];
        //    public byte[] m_iS = new byte[32];
        //    public byte[] m_iUnk2 = new byte[16];
        //    public byte m_iUnk3 = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// 等于 AuthLogonChallenge_Result 结构
        /// </summary>
        public Auth_AuthChallengeResult( SecureRemotePassword srp )
            : base( (long)AuthOpCode.CMSG_AUTH_CHALLENGE_RESULT, 0 )
            WriterStream.Write( (byte)AuthOpCode.CMSG_AUTH_CHALLENGE_RESULT );
            WriterStream.Write( (byte)LogineErrorInfo.LOGIN_SUCCESS );

            WriterStream.Write( (byte)0 );

            WriterStream.Write( srp.PublicEphemeralValueB.GetBytes( 32 ), 0, 32 );

            WriterStream.Write( (byte)1 );
            WriterStream.Write( srp.Generator.GetBytes( 1 ), 0, 1 );

            WriterStream.Write( (byte)32 );
            WriterStream.Write( srp.Modulus.GetBytes( 32 ), 0, 32 );

            WriterStream.Write( srp.Salt.GetBytes( 32 ), 0, 32 );

            BigInteger unknown = new BigInteger();
            unknown.GenRandomBits( 128 /* 16 * 8 */ , new Random( 10 ) );/* 随机数 16字节 */
            WriterStream.Write( unknown.GetBytes( 16 ), 0, 16 );

            WriterStream.Write( (byte)0 );
 public void SessionKeyRawTest()
     bool isServer = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( isServer ); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     BigInteger actual;
     actual = target.SessionKeyRaw;
     Assert.Inconclusive( "验证此测试方法的正确性。" );
 public void SecureRemotePasswordConstructorTest()
     bool isServer = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     string username = string.Empty; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     string password = string.Empty; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword.SRPParameters parameters = null; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( isServer, username, password, parameters );
     Assert.Inconclusive( "TODO: 实现用来验证目标的代码" );
 public void SecureRemotePasswordConstructorTest3()
     bool isServer = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( isServer );
     Assert.Inconclusive( "TODO: 实现用来验证目标的代码" );
 public void HashTest()
     bool isServer = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( isServer ); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     HashUtilities.HashDataBroker[] brokers = null; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     BigInteger expected = null; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     BigInteger actual;
     actual = target.Hash( brokers );
     Assert.AreEqual( expected, actual );
     Assert.Inconclusive( "验证此测试方法的正确性。" );
 public void IsClientProofValidTest()
     bool isServer = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( isServer ); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     BigInteger client_proof = null; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     bool expected = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     bool actual;
     actual = target.IsClientProofValid( client_proof );
     Assert.AreEqual( expected, actual );
     Assert.Inconclusive( "验证此测试方法的正确性。" );
 public void CredentialsTest()
     bool isServer = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( isServer ); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     string actual;
     actual = target.Credentials;
     Assert.Inconclusive( "验证此测试方法的正确性。" );
 public void IsServerTest()
     bool isServer = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( isServer ); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     bool actual;
     actual = target.IsServer;
     Assert.Inconclusive( "验证此测试方法的正确性。" );
 public void ParametersTest()
     bool isServer = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( isServer ); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword.SRPParameters expected = null; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword.SRPParameters actual;
     target.Parameters = expected;
     actual = target.Parameters;
     Assert.AreEqual( expected, actual );
     Assert.Inconclusive( "验证此测试方法的正确性。" );
 public void ScramblingParameterTest()
     bool isServer = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( isServer ); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     BigInteger actual;
     actual = target.ScramblingParameter;
     Assert.Inconclusive( "验证此测试方法的正确性。" );
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serial"></param>
 /// <param name="realm"></param>
 public static void AddSRP( string strAccountName, SecureRemotePassword srp )
     s_SRPs.Add( strAccountName, srp );
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public static void Test()
            SecureRemotePassword server = new SecureRemotePassword( true, "USER", "PASSWORD", SRPParameters.Defaults );
            SecureRemotePassword client = new SecureRemotePassword( false, "USER", "PASSWORD", SRPParameters.Defaults );

            /* Typical communication works something like this:
             * client: I want to log in. Here is my username and here is my PublicEphemeralValueA.
             * server: Here is the Salt and here is my PublicEphemeralValueB.
             * Server looks up the username in the database and finds the associated password.
             * client: Here's proof I have the correct session key (hence correct password)
             *         (sends client.ClientSessionKeyProof)
             * server: Thats valid. Here's proof that *I* have the correct session key:
             *         (sends server.ServerSessionKeyProof)
             * client: Cheerio. *encrypts stuff using SessionKey*
            Console.WriteLine( "Client sending A = {0}", client.PublicEphemeralValueA.ToHexString() );
            server.PublicEphemeralValueA = client.PublicEphemeralValueA;

            Console.WriteLine( "Server sending salt = {0}", server.Salt.ToHexString() );
            Console.WriteLine( "Server sending B = {0}", server.PublicEphemeralValueB.ToHexString() );
            client.Salt = server.Salt;
            client.PublicEphemeralValueB = server.PublicEphemeralValueB;

                Console.WriteLine("X = {0}", server.CredentialsHash.ToHexString());
                Console.WriteLine("a = {0}", client.secretEphemeralValueA.ToHexString());
                Console.WriteLine("b = {0}", server.secretEphemeralValueB.ToHexString());
                Console.WriteLine("v = {0}", server.Verifier.ToHexString());
                Console.WriteLine("U = {0}", server.ScramblingParameter.ToHexString());

            // Note that session keys are never sent.
            Console.WriteLine( "Server's session key = {0}", server.SessionKey.ToHexString() );
            Console.WriteLine( "Client's session key = {0}", client.SessionKey.ToHexString() );

            // Are the session keys actually the same?
            Console.WriteLine( "\nServer key == client key {0}", server.SessionKey == client.SessionKey );

            // This is how we can test it without sending actual session keys over the wire
            Console.WriteLine( "Client proof valid: {0}", server.IsClientProofValid( client.ClientSessionKeyProof ) );
            Console.WriteLine( "Server proof valid: {0}", client.IsServerProofValid( server.ServerSessionKeyProof ) );
 public void SecureRemotePasswordConstructorTest1()
     string username = string.Empty; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     BigInteger verifier = null; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     BigInteger salt = null; // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     SecureRemotePassword target = new SecureRemotePassword( username, verifier, salt );
     Assert.Inconclusive( "TODO: 实现用来验证目标的代码" );