private void RunBlockThread(List <Block> BlockSet, ref List <ViterbiResult> ResultsOnBlocks, ref object mutex, ref int job_count, ref ManualResetEvent manual)
            ViterbiResult viterbiResultFields = null;

            if (_runType != RunType.Meta)
                AnchorViterbi anchor_viterbi = new AnchorViterbi(RunType.GeneralParse, _filePath, new List <UserState>(_userStates));
                viterbiResultFields = anchor_viterbi.RunThreaded(BlockSet, ref _machines, ref _states, ref _startState, ref _userStates);
                Viterbi viterbi = new Viterbi(_runType, false, ref _machines, ref _states, ref _startState, ref _userStates);
                viterbiResultFields = viterbi.Run(BlockSet, _filePath);
                Viterbi viterbi = new Viterbi(RunType.Meta, false, ref _machines, ref _states, ref _startState, ref _userStates);
                viterbiResultFields = viterbi.Run(BlockSet, _filePath);
            lock (mutex)
                if (job_count == 0)
                    manual.Set(); // signal that all threads are done
Esempio n. 2
        public List <Block> GetAnchorPointBlocks(List <Block> unfilteredBlocks)
            var anchor = new Viterbi(RunType.AnchorPoints, true, _userStates);

            var blocks = new List <Block>();

            //The list of Fields in the result are the anchor points
            _anchorResults = anchor.Run(unfilteredBlocks, _filePath);

            if (_anchorResults.Fields.Count == 0)
                //throw new ApplicationException("No anchor points found!");
                return(new List <Block>());

            //The next index after the end of the anchor point
            long nextIndex = _anchorResults.Fields[0].OffsetFile + _anchorResults.Fields[0].Length;

            //Initialize the start of the first block to the first anchor point - X bytes. If this goes past the start of the file,
            // we will just use the start of the file.
            long blockStart = Math.Max(0, _anchorResults.Fields[0].OffsetFile - BLOCK_PADDING_BYTES);

            //Initialize the end of the first block to be X bytes past the first anchor points. If this
            // goes past the end of the file, we will just use the end of the file.
            long blockEnd = Math.Min(_fileLength, _anchorResults.Fields[0].OffsetFile + _anchorResults.Fields[0].Length + BLOCK_PADDING_BYTES);

            FileStream stream = new FileStream(_filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); // BL 8/4

            //Get blocks on data based on the anchor points.
            for (int i = 1; i < _anchorResults.Fields.Count; i++)
                //The size of the gap in bytes between the two anchor points
                long gap = _anchorResults.Fields[i].OffsetFile - nextIndex;

                //If the gap is too long, we need to create a new block
                if (gap > LONG_GAP_BYTES || i == _anchorResults.Fields.Count - 1)
                    //Create block using current block start and end
                    // blocks.Add(GetBlock(blockStart, blockEnd)); // BL 8/4
                    blocks.Add(GetBlock(stream, blockStart, blockEnd));  // BL 8/4

                    blockStart = Math.Max(0, _anchorResults.Fields[i].OffsetFile - BLOCK_PADDING_BYTES);

                blockEnd = Math.Min(_fileLength, _anchorResults.Fields[i].OffsetFile + _anchorResults.Fields[i].Length + BLOCK_PADDING_BYTES);

                nextIndex = _anchorResults.Fields[i].OffsetFile + _anchorResults.Fields[i].Length;
            stream.Close(); // BL 8/4

Esempio n. 3
        private void TestAll(Viterbi viterbi, List <Test> tests)
            for (int i = 0; i < tests.Count; i++)
                viterbi.Run(tests[i].RawBytes, 0);
                PrintResult(viterbi, tests[i]);

        public ViterbiResult RunViterbi(List <Block> unfilteredBlocks, RunType type)
            if (type == RunType.AnchorPoints)
                var viterbiAnchor = new AnchorViterbi(RunType.GeneralParse, _inputFile);

                var viterbi = new Viterbi.Viterbi(type, false);
                return(viterbi.Run(unfilteredBlocks, _inputFile));
Esempio n. 5
        // Using this method instead of the Run() method above.
        public ViterbiResult RunThreaded(List <Block> unfilteredBlocks, ref List <StateMachine> machines,
                                         ref List <State> states, ref State startState, ref List <UserState> userStates)
            var anchorBlocks = GetAnchorPointBlocks(unfilteredBlocks);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} Anchor block bytes.", Block.GetByteTotal(anchorBlocks));

            var viterbi = new Viterbi(_runType, false, ref machines, ref states, ref startState, ref userStates);

            var result = viterbi.Run(anchorBlocks, _filePath);

            result.Duration = result.Duration.Add(_anchorResults.Duration);

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the Run() method of Viterbi to start field level inference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unfilteredBlocks">List of blocks over which inference is to be performed.</param>
        /// <returns>The most likely Viterbi path of fields explaining the set of outputs.</returns>
        public ViterbiResult Run(List <Block> unfilteredBlocks)
            var anchorBlocks = GetAnchorPointBlocks(unfilteredBlocks);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} Anchor block bytes.", Block.GetByteTotal(anchorBlocks));

            var viterbi = new Viterbi(_runType, false, _userStates);

            _fieldResults          = viterbi.Run(anchorBlocks, _filePath);
            _fieldResults.Duration = _fieldResults.Duration.Add(_anchorResults.Duration);

            _fieldResults.MemoryId = MemoryId;

Esempio n. 7
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            List <StateMachine> machines = new List <StateMachine>();
            List <State>        states   = new List <State>();
            State         startState     = null;
            List <string> textList       = new List <string>();

            string filePath       = "Y:/110410/Nokia3200b_C.bin"; //"Y://111210/random.bin"; //"Y:/110410/Nokia3200b.bin";//"Y:/092010/output_binary.bin";
            string outputFilePath = string.Format("Y:/{0}/output_{0}_{1}.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyy"), DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmm"));

            var testMachines = new List <StateMachine>

            StateMachine.TestStateMachines(testMachines, ref machines, ref states, ref startState);
            //StateMachine.GeneralParse(ref machines, ref states, ref startState);

            Viterbi viterbi = new Viterbi(machines, states, startState);

            //viterbi.Run(Test_MotoTimeStamp, 0);
            //viterbi.Run(Test_MotoCallLog, 0);
            //viterbi.Run(Test_UnicodeThree, 0);

            var start = DateTime.Now;

            var text = viterbi.Run(filePath);

            Console.WriteLine("Runtime: {0}", start - DateTime.Now);

            textList = text.Distinct().ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(outputFilePath, textList);

Esempio n. 8
        public void TestString(string input)
            Console.WriteLine("Testing input: {0}", input);

            byte[] raw = Utilities.GetBytes(input);

            _generalViterbi.Run(raw, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < _generalViterbi.FieldStrings.Count(); i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", _generalViterbi.Fields[i].FieldString,

Esempio n. 9
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            List<StateMachine> machines = new List<StateMachine>();
            List<State> states = new List<State>();
            State startState = null;
            List<string> textList = new List<string>();

            string filePath = "Y:/110410/Nokia3200b_C.bin"; //"Y://111210/random.bin"; //"Y:/110410/Nokia3200b.bin";//"Y:/092010/output_binary.bin";
            string outputFilePath = string.Format("Y:/{0}/output_{0}_{1}.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyy"), DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmm"));

            var testMachines = new List<StateMachine>

            StateMachine.TestStateMachines(testMachines, ref machines, ref states, ref startState);
            //StateMachine.GeneralParse(ref machines, ref states, ref startState);

            Viterbi viterbi = new Viterbi(machines, states, startState);

            //viterbi.Run(Test_MotoTimeStamp, 0);
            //viterbi.Run(Test_MotoCallLog, 0);
            //viterbi.Run(Test_UnicodeThree, 0);

            var start = DateTime.Now;

            var text = viterbi.Run(filePath);

            Console.WriteLine("Runtime: {0}", start - DateTime.Now);

            textList = text.Distinct().ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(outputFilePath, textList);

Esempio n. 10
        private ViterbiResult RunViterbi(FilterResult filterResult, string fileSha1)
            // Load any user-defined state machines.
            List<UserState> userStates;
                userStates = Loader.LoadUserStates(MainForm.Program.UserStatesEnabled,
            catch (Exception ex)
                DisplayExceptionMessages(ex, "User-Defined States");
                return null;
            ViterbiResult viterbiResultFields = null;

                write("Running Viterbi on fields");
                DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            #if _GENERALPARSE
                Viterbi viterbi = new Viterbi(RunType.GeneralParse, false);
                viterbiResultFields = viterbi.Run(filterResult.UnfilteredBlocks, this.filePath);
            #if SKIPREALWORK
                    viterbiResultFields = new ViterbiResult();
                    viterbiResultFields.Fields = new List<ViterbiField>();
                if (filterResult.UnfilteredBlocks.Count > 0)
                    ThreadedViterbi tv = new ThreadedViterbi(filterResult.UnfilteredBlocks, RunType.GeneralParse, userStates, this.filePath, this.fileSha1);
                    viterbiResultFields = tv.RunThreadedViterbi();
                    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt);
                    write("Time elapsed for Viterbi fields: {0}", ts.ToString("c"));
                    write("Field count: {0}", viterbiResultFields.Fields.Count);
                filterResult.UnfilteredBlocks.Clear(); // Allow gc to clean things up
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                return null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                DisplayExceptionMessages(ex, "Viterbi Fields");
                return null;
            return viterbiResultFields;
Esempio n. 11
        private void RunBlockThread(List<Block> BlockSet, ref List<ViterbiResult> ResultsOnBlocks, ref object mutex, ref int job_count, ref ManualResetEvent manual)
            ViterbiResult viterbiResultFields = null;
            if (_runType != RunType.Meta)
                AnchorViterbi anchor_viterbi = new AnchorViterbi(RunType.GeneralParse, _filePath, new List<UserState>(_userStates));
                viterbiResultFields = anchor_viterbi.RunThreaded(BlockSet, ref _machines, ref _states, ref _startState, ref _userStates);
            Viterbi viterbi = new Viterbi(_runType, false, ref _machines, ref _states, ref _startState, ref _userStates);
            viterbiResultFields = viterbi.Run(BlockSet, _filePath);
                Viterbi viterbi = new Viterbi(RunType.Meta, false, ref _machines, ref _states, ref _startState, ref _userStates);
                viterbiResultFields = viterbi.Run(BlockSet, _filePath);
            lock (mutex)
                if (job_count == 0)
                    manual.Set(); // signal that all threads are done
Esempio n. 12
        public List<Block> GetAnchorPointBlocks(List<Block> unfilteredBlocks)
            var anchor = new Viterbi(RunType.AnchorPoints, true, _userStates);

            var blocks = new List<Block>();
            //The list of Fields in the result are the anchor points
            _anchorResults = anchor.Run(unfilteredBlocks, _filePath);

            if (_anchorResults.Fields.Count == 0)
                //throw new ApplicationException("No anchor points found!");
                return new List<Block>();

            //The next index after the end of the anchor point
            long nextIndex = _anchorResults.Fields[0].OffsetFile + _anchorResults.Fields[0].Length;

            //Initialize the start of the first block to the first anchor point - X bytes. If this goes past the start of the file,
            // we will just use the start of the file.
            long blockStart = Math.Max(0, _anchorResults.Fields[0].OffsetFile - BLOCK_PADDING_BYTES);

            //Initialize the end of the first block to be X bytes past the first anchor points. If this
            // goes past the end of the file, we will just use the end of the file.
            long blockEnd = Math.Min(_fileLength, _anchorResults.Fields[0].OffsetFile + _anchorResults.Fields[0].Length + BLOCK_PADDING_BYTES);

            FileStream stream = new FileStream(_filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); // BL 8/4
            //Get blocks on data based on the anchor points.
            for (int i = 1; i < _anchorResults.Fields.Count; i++)
                //The size of the gap in bytes between the two anchor points
                long gap = _anchorResults.Fields[i].OffsetFile - nextIndex;

                //If the gap is too long, we need to create a new block
                if (gap > LONG_GAP_BYTES || i == _anchorResults.Fields.Count - 1)
                    //Create block using current block start and end
                    // blocks.Add(GetBlock(blockStart, blockEnd)); // BL 8/4
                    blocks.Add(GetBlock(stream, blockStart, blockEnd));  // BL 8/4

                    blockStart = Math.Max(0, _anchorResults.Fields[i].OffsetFile - BLOCK_PADDING_BYTES);

                blockEnd = Math.Min(_fileLength, _anchorResults.Fields[i].OffsetFile + _anchorResults.Fields[i].Length + BLOCK_PADDING_BYTES);

                nextIndex = _anchorResults.Fields[i].OffsetFile + _anchorResults.Fields[i].Length;
            stream.Close(); // BL 8/4

            return blocks;
Esempio n. 13
        // Using this method instead of the Run() method above.
        public ViterbiResult RunThreaded(List<Block> unfilteredBlocks, ref List<StateMachine> machines,
                                  ref List<State> states, ref State startState, ref List<UserState> userStates)
            var anchorBlocks = GetAnchorPointBlocks(unfilteredBlocks);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} Anchor block bytes.", Block.GetByteTotal(anchorBlocks));

            var viterbi = new Viterbi(_runType, false, ref machines, ref states, ref startState, ref userStates);

            var result = viterbi.Run(anchorBlocks, _filePath);
            result.Duration = result.Duration.Add(_anchorResults.Duration);

            return result;
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the Run() method of Viterbi to start field level inference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unfilteredBlocks">List of blocks over which inference is to be performed.</param>
        /// <returns>The most likely Viterbi path of fields explaining the set of outputs.</returns>
        public ViterbiResult Run(List<Block> unfilteredBlocks)
            var anchorBlocks = GetAnchorPointBlocks(unfilteredBlocks);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} Anchor block bytes.", Block.GetByteTotal(anchorBlocks));

            var viterbi = new Viterbi(_runType, false, _userStates);

            _fieldResults = viterbi.Run(anchorBlocks, _filePath);
            _fieldResults.Duration = _fieldResults.Duration.Add(_anchorResults.Duration);

            _fieldResults.MemoryId = MemoryId;

            return _fieldResults;
Esempio n. 15
        private void TestAll(Viterbi viterbi, List<Test> tests)
            for (int i = 0; i < tests.Count; i++)
                viterbi.Run(tests[i].RawBytes, 0);
                PrintResult(viterbi, tests[i]);

Esempio n. 16
        public ViterbiResult RunViterbi(List<Block> unfilteredBlocks, RunType type)
            if (type == RunType.AnchorPoints)
                var viterbiAnchor = new AnchorViterbi(RunType.GeneralParse, _inputFile);

                return viterbiAnchor.Run(unfilteredBlocks);
                var viterbi = new Viterbi.Viterbi(type, false);
                return viterbi.Run(unfilteredBlocks, _inputFile);