protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int  page;
            bool result = int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["page"], out page);

            if (result)
                pageNumber = page;

            int             startIndex = pageNumber * postsPerPage + 1;
            List <NewsPost> newsPosts  = DatabaseHandler.GetNewsPosts(startIndex, startIndex + postsPerPage);

            if (newsPosts.Count > 0)
                User sessionUser = Help.GetUserSession(Session);

                int pageCount = postsPerPage;
                if (pageCount > newsPosts.Count)
                    pageCount = newsPosts.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++)
                    LiteralControl control = new LiteralControl();
                    control.Text = newsPosts[i].Data;
                    Panel resultPanel = CreateNewsPanel("");
                    //resultPanel.Style["Position"] = "Absolute";
                    resultPanel.Controls.AddAt(0, control);
                    resultPanel.Attributes.Add("style", "border:solid 1px black;");
                    resultPanel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray;
                    resultPanel.Controls.AddAt(1, new LiteralControl("<br /> <br />"));

                    //Creating the panel that contains the date.
                    Panel infoPanel        = new Panel();
                    Label creatorDateLabel = new Label();
                    creatorDateLabel.Text = "Created by: " + newsPosts[i].Creator.Username.ToLower() + " on " + newsPosts[i].Date;
                    if (newsPosts[i].HasBeenUpdated)
                        creatorDateLabel.Text += " last updated on: " + newsPosts[i].LastUpdateDate;
                    infoPanel.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;

                    if (sessionUser != null && sessionUser.ID == newsPosts[i].Creator.ID) //If the creator and this user have the same ID then...
                        Button editButton = new Button();
                        editButton.Text            = "Edit";
                        editButton.Command        += EditButton_Command;
                        editButton.CommandArgument = newsPosts[i].ID.ToString();

                    Panel_News.Controls.AddAt(0, resultPanel);
                    Panel_News.Controls.AddAt(1, new LiteralControl("<br /> <br />"));

                Panel nextPanel = new Panel();
                nextPanel.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;

                if (pageNumber > 0)
                    Button backButton = new Button();
                    backButton.Command += BackButton_Command;
                    backButton.Text     = "Back";

                if (newsPosts.Count > postsPerPage)
                    Button nextButton = new Button();
                    nextButton.Command += NextButton_Command;
                    nextButton.Text     = "Next";
