Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the shortest route between two towns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Performs this calculation by finding the route between two nodes with the smallest
        /// sum of edge weights.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="outputNum">The output case number the program is currently on.</param>
        /// <param name="startTown">The starting town where route calculations begin.</param>
        /// <param name="endTown">The final town in a valid route.</param>
        /// <param name="map">The DirectedGraph object representing the map of train routes.</param>
        private static void ShortestRoute(int outputNum, char startTown, char endTown, DirectedGraph map)
            Node startNode   = map.GetNode(startTown);
            int  minDistance = Int32.MaxValue;              // init the minDistance to the highest possible value

            // Iterative DFS with stack
            // The third item in each tuple counts the distance already
            // traveled in the current route.
            // Useful when the same node is accessed multiple times
            // by multiple routes.
            // The second item in each tuple counts how many stops the route
            // has already made from that Node.
            // Used to prevent infinite loops while minDistance is still MaxValue.
            Stack <Tuple <Node, int, int> > stack = new Stack <Tuple <Node, int, int> >();

            stack.Push(new Tuple <Node, int, int>(startNode, 0, 0));

            // Is the program in its first iteration of the loop?
            // Used to prevent cases where startTown = endTown and a route with
            // distance = 0 is recognized.
            bool firstIteration = true;

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                Node currentNode   = stack.Peek().Item1;
                int  stopsCounter  = stack.Peek().Item2;
                int  distanceCount = stack.Peek().Item3;

                // If the current node is the end town (and this isn't the loop's first iteration),
                // then a valid route was found.
                // Compare the distanceCount of the current route to minDistance.
                if (currentNode.Name == endTown && !firstIteration && distanceCount < minDistance)
                    minDistance = distanceCount;

                // If a valid route hasn't been found yet with the current node AND the number of stops
                // in the current route is <= the number of stops in the map...
                // ("stopsCounter <= map.Nodes.Count" is used to prevent the loop from infinitely
                // adding a cycle of nodes to the stack while minDistance = maxValue)
                if (stopsCounter <= map.Nodes.Count && (firstIteration || currentNode.Name != endTown))
                    // Add all adjacent nodes/towns to the stack with the updated stopsCounter and distanceCount
                    foreach (Edge edge in currentNode.Edges)
                        stack.Push(new Tuple <Node, int, int>(edge.Node, stopsCounter, distanceCount + edge.Weight));
                    firstIteration = false;

            if (minDistance == Int32.MaxValue)
                Print(outputNum, NO_ROUTE);                     // If a route was found, then minDistance < Int32.MaxValue
                Print(outputNum, minDistance.ToString());
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates how many routes exist from one town to another with either at most or
        /// exactly n number of stops.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputNum">The output case number the program is currently on.</param>
        /// <param name="startTown">The starting town where route calculations begin.</param>
        /// <param name="endTown">The final town in a valid route.</param>
        /// <param name="numStops">Either the exact number or maximum number of stops a route
        /// can have, depending on the value of compareMode.</param>
        /// <param name="compareMode">The string specifying what calculation this method will
        /// be performing. If set to "max", the method will calculate the number of routes that
        /// have at most numStops number of stops. If set to "exactly", will calculate the number
        /// of routes that have exactly numStops number of stops.</param>
        /// <param name="map">The DirectedGraph object representing the map of train routes.</param>
        private static void NumTripsByStops(int outputNum, char startTown,
                                            char endTown, int numStops, string compareMode, DirectedGraph map)
            Node startNode = map.GetNode(startTown);

            if (numStops < 0)
                Print(outputNum, "ERROR: Cannot calculate routes using a negative number of stops.");

            // Iterative DFS with stack
            // The second item in each tuple counts how many stops the route
            // has already made from that Node.
            // Very important, since the same Node can be accessed
            // multiple times by multiple routes.
            Stack <Tuple <Node, int> > stack = new Stack <Tuple <Node, int> >();

            stack.Push(new Tuple <Node, int>(startNode, 0));

            // Is the program in its first iteration of the loop?
            // Used to prevent cases where startTown = endTown and a route with
            // 0 stops is recognized.
            bool firstIteration = true;
            int  routeCount     = 0;

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                Node currentNode  = stack.Peek().Item1;
                int  stopsCounter = stack.Peek().Item2;
                // If the current node is the end town, then a route has reached from the start town
                // to the end town within numStops stops.
                // Check the compareMode value. For compareMode = "exactly", only increment if
                // the route got to the end town in exactly numStops stops.
                if (currentNode.Name == endTown && !firstIteration &&
                    (compareMode == "max" || (compareMode == "exactly" && stopsCounter == numStops)))
                firstIteration = false;

                // If the current route's number of stops <= the number of stops
                // specified for the problem, add all adjacent Nodes to the stack with
                // the number of stops incremented for those possible routes.
                if (stopsCounter <= numStops)
                    foreach (Edge edge in currentNode.Edges)
                        stack.Push(new Tuple <Node, int>(edge.Node, stopsCounter));

            Print(outputNum, routeCount.ToString());