private void CalculateValid() { var lines = File.ReadAllLines("input.txt"); List <Passport> ValidPassports = new List <Passport>(); List <Passport> NotValidPassports = new List <Passport>(); int id = 0; string ecl = String.Empty; string pid = String.Empty; int? eyr = null; string hcl = String.Empty; int? byr = null; int? iyr = null; int? cid = null; string hgt = String.Empty; foreach (string item in lines) { string[] KeyValue = item.Split(':', ' '); for (int i = 0; i < KeyValue.Length; i++) { int temp; switch (KeyValue[i]) { case "ecl": ecl = KeyValue[i + 1]; break; case "pid": //int.TryParse(KeyValue[i + 1], out temp); //pid = temp; pid = KeyValue[i + 1]; break; case "eyr": int.TryParse(KeyValue[i + 1], out temp); eyr = temp; break; case "hcl": hcl = KeyValue[i + 1]; break; case "byr": int.TryParse(KeyValue[i + 1], out temp); byr = temp; break; case "iyr": int.TryParse(KeyValue[i + 1], out temp); iyr = temp; break; case "cid": int.TryParse(KeyValue[i + 1], out temp); cid = temp; break; case "hgt": hgt = KeyValue[i + 1]; break; default: break; } } if (item == "") { id++; Passport newPass = new Passport(id, ecl, pid, eyr, hcl, byr, iyr, cid, hgt); List <ValidationResult> validationResults = IsValidPass(newPass); if (validationResults.Count != 0) { NotValidPassports.Add(newPass); } else { ValidPassports.Add(newPass); } ecl = String.Empty; pid = String.Empty; eyr = null; hcl = String.Empty; byr = null; iyr = null; cid = null; hgt = String.Empty; } //Console.WriteLine(item); } id++; Passport finalPass = new Passport(id, ecl, pid, eyr, hcl, byr, iyr, cid, hgt); List <ValidationResult> validationResults2 = IsValidPass(finalPass); if (validationResults2.Count != 0) { NotValidPassports.Add(finalPass); } else { ValidPassports.Add(finalPass); } ecl = String.Empty; pid = String.Empty; eyr = null; hcl = String.Empty; byr = null; iyr = null; cid = null; hgt = String.Empty; Console.WriteLine("Not valid passwords: " + NotValidPassports.Count); foreach (var item in NotValidPassports) { Console.WriteLine("\n ID: " + item.ID + "\n ECL: " + item.ECL + "\n PID: " + item.PID + "\n EYR: " + item.EYR + "\n HCL: " + item.HCL + "\n BYR: " + item.BYR + "\n IYR: " + item.IYR + "\n CID: " + item.CID + "\n HGT: " + item.HGT + "\n"); } Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Valid passwords: " + ValidPassports.Count); foreach (var item in ValidPassports) { Console.WriteLine("\n ID: " + item.ID + "\n ECL: " + item.ECL + "\n PID: " + item.PID + "\n EYR: " + item.EYR + "\n HCL: " + item.HCL + "\n BYR: " + item.BYR + "\n IYR: " + item.IYR + "\n CID: " + item.CID + "\n HGT: " + item.HGT + "\n"); } Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var fileLines = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Dev\AoC2020\Day4.txt").ToList(); Passport temp = new Passport(); List <Passport> list = new List <Passport>(); Type myType = typeof(Passport); int result = 0; foreach (var line in fileLines) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { var split = line.Split(' '); foreach (var part in split) { var info = part.Split(':'); PropertyInfo propInfo = myType.GetProperty(info[0]); propInfo.SetValue(temp, info[1]); } } else { list.Add(temp); temp = new Passport(); } } foreach (var item in list) { bool valid = true; bool additionalValidation = true; valid = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.byr) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ecl) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.eyr) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.hcl) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.hgt) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.iyr) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(; if (valid) { additionalValidation = Convert.ToInt32(item.byr) >= 1920 && Convert.ToInt32(item.byr) <= 2002; if (additionalValidation) { additionalValidation = Convert.ToInt32(item.iyr) >= 2010 && Convert.ToInt32(item.iyr) <= 2020; } if (additionalValidation) { additionalValidation = Convert.ToInt32(item.eyr) >= 2020 && Convert.ToInt32(item.eyr) <= 2030; } if (additionalValidation) { if (item.hgt.Contains("in")) { additionalValidation = Convert.ToInt32(item.hgt.Split('i')[0]) >= 59 && Convert.ToInt32(item.hgt.Split('i')[0]) <= 76; } else if (item.hgt.Contains("cm")) { additionalValidation = Convert.ToInt32(item.hgt.Split('c')[0]) >= 150 && Convert.ToInt32(item.hgt.Split('c')[0]) <= 193; } else { additionalValidation = false; } } if (additionalValidation) { additionalValidation = item.hcl.Contains("#") && item.hcl.Length == 7; } if (additionalValidation) { char[] validchars = new char[] { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { if (additionalValidation) { additionalValidation = validchars.Contains(item.hcl[i]); } } } if (additionalValidation) { string[] validcolours = new string[] { "amb", "blu", "brn", "gry", "grn", "hzl", "oth" }; additionalValidation = validcolours.Contains(item.ecl); } if (additionalValidation) { additionalValidation = == 9; int ignoreMe; if (additionalValidation) { additionalValidation = Int32.TryParse(, out ignoreMe); } } } if (valid && additionalValidation) { result++; } } Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static Passport GetPassportFromString(string passportString) { MatchCollection matches; Passport passport = new Passport(); Regex byrPattern = new Regex(@"(byr:)(?<byr>([0-9]{4}))", RegexOptions.Compiled); matches = Regex.Matches(passportString, byrPattern.ToString()); if (matches.Count > 0) { passport.byr = Int32.Parse(matches[0].Groups["byr"].Value); } Regex hclPattern = new Regex(@"(?<name>(hcl:#))(?<hcl>([a-fA-F0-9]{6}))", RegexOptions.Compiled); matches = Regex.Matches(passportString, hclPattern.ToString()); if (matches.Count > 0) { passport.hcl = matches[0].Groups["hcl"].Value; } Regex iyrPattern = new Regex(@"(iyr:)(?<iyr>([0-9]{4}))", RegexOptions.Compiled); matches = Regex.Matches(passportString, iyrPattern.ToString()); if (matches.Count > 0) { passport.iyr = Int32.Parse(matches[0].Groups["iyr"].Value); } Regex eyrPattern = new Regex(@"(eyr:)(?<eyr>([0-9]{4}))", RegexOptions.Compiled); matches = Regex.Matches(passportString, eyrPattern.ToString()); if (matches.Count > 0) { passport.eyr = Int32.Parse(matches[0].Groups["eyr"].Value); } Regex hgtcmPattern = new Regex(@"(hgt:)(?<hgtcm>([0-9]{3}))(cm)", RegexOptions.Compiled); matches = Regex.Matches(passportString, hgtcmPattern.ToString()); if (matches.Count > 0) { passport.hgtcm = Int32.Parse(matches[0].Groups["hgtcm"].Value); } Regex hgtinchPattern = new Regex(@"(hgt:)(?<hgtin>([0-9]{2}))(in)", RegexOptions.Compiled); matches = Regex.Matches(passportString, hgtinchPattern.ToString()); if (matches.Count > 0) { passport.hgtin = Int32.Parse(matches[0].Groups["hgtin"].Value); } Regex eclPattern = new Regex(@"(ecl:)(?<ecl>([a-z]{3}))", RegexOptions.Compiled); matches = Regex.Matches(passportString, eclPattern.ToString()); if (matches.Count > 0) { passport.ecl = matches[0].Groups["ecl"].Value; } Regex pidPattern = new Regex(@"(pid:)(?<pid>([0-9]*))", RegexOptions.Compiled); matches = Regex.Matches(passportString, pidPattern.ToString()); if (matches.Count > 0) { = matches[0].Groups["pid"].Value; } return(passport); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // I've added another line to the input.txt file because File.ReadAllLines ignores the last line if its whitespace or empty string[] input = File.ReadAllLines(Constants.filePath); int validPassports = 0; int invalidPassports = 0; var passport = new Passport(); //solution to be added foreach (var line in input) { if (line.Length > 0) { string[] splits = line.Split(' '); foreach (var split in splits) { string key = split.Split(':')[0]; string value = split.Split(':')[1]; switch (key) { case "byr": if (value.Length == 4) { if (Int32.Parse(value) >= 1920 && Int32.Parse(value) <= 2002) { passport.BirthYear = value; } } break; case "iyr": if (value.Length == 4) { if (Int32.Parse(value) >= 2010 && Int32.Parse(value) <= 2020) { passport.IssueYear = value; } } break; case "eyr": if (value.Length == 4) { if (Int32.Parse(value) >= 2020 && Int32.Parse(value) <= 2030) { passport.ExpirationYear = value; } } break; case "hgt": Regex rxHeight = new Regex(@"(cm)|(in){1}"); if (rxHeight.Matches(value).Any()) { string heightMeasure = value.Substring(value.Length - 2); int heightValue = Int32.Parse(value.Substring(0, value.Length - 2)); if ((heightMeasure == "cm" && heightValue >= 150 && heightValue <= 193) || (heightMeasure == "in" && heightValue >= 59 && heightValue <= 76)) { passport.Height = value; } } break; case "hcl": if (value.Substring(0, 1) == "#") { Regex rxHair = new Regex(@"([a-f0-9]){6}"); var hairColorValue = value.Substring(1); if (hairColorValue.Length == 6 && rxHair.Matches(hairColorValue).Any()) { passport.HairColor = value; } } break; case "ecl": Regex rxEye = new Regex(@"(amb|blu|brn|gry|grn|hzl|oth){1}"); if (rxEye.Matches(value).Any()) { passport.EyeColor = value; } break; case "pid": Regex rxPassportId = new Regex(@"^([0-9]){9}$"); if (rxPassportId.Matches(value).Any()) { passport.PassportId = value; } break; case "cid": passport.CountryId = value; break; } } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(passport.BirthYear) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(passport.IssueYear) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(passport.ExpirationYear) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(passport.Height) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(passport.HairColor) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(passport.EyeColor) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(passport.PassportId)) { validPassports++; } else { invalidPassports++; } passport = new Passport(); } } Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The number of valid passports is {0}", validPassports)); // Prevents console app from closing Console.WriteLine("Press any key to close program"); Console.ReadKey(); }
private static void Part2(string[] passports) { var count = 0; foreach (var passport in passports) { var items = Regex.Split(passport, @"[\s \r\n]+"); var currentPassport = new Passport(); foreach (var item in items) { if (item.Contains("byr:")) { var year = int.Parse(item.Split(":")[1]); if (year >= 1920 && year <= 2002) { currentPassport.birthYear = year; } } if (item.Contains("iyr:")) { var year = int.Parse(item.Split(":")[1]); if (year >= 2010 && year <= 2020) { currentPassport.issueYear = year; } } if (item.Contains("eyr:")) { var year = int.Parse(item.Split(":")[1]); if (year >= 2020 && year <= 2030) { currentPassport.expirationYear = year; } } if (item.Contains("hgt:")) { var values = item.Split(":")[1]; if (values.Contains("cm")) { var cmValue = int.Parse(values.Split("cm")[0]); if (cmValue >= 150 && cmValue <= 193) { currentPassport.height = values; } } else if (values.Contains("in")) { var cmValue = int.Parse(values.Split("in")[0]); if (cmValue >= 59 && cmValue <= 76) { currentPassport.height = values; } } } if (item.Contains("hcl:")) { var reg = new Regex("^#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})$"); var match = reg.Match(item.Split(":")[1]); if (match.Success) { currentPassport.hairColor = item.Split(":")[1]; } } if (item.Contains("ecl:")) { var colors = new List <string> { "amb", "blu", "brn", "gry", "grn", "hzl", "oth" }; if (colors.Contains(item.Split(":")[1])) { currentPassport.eyeColor = item.Split(":")[1]; } } if (item.Contains("pid:")) { var value = item.Split(":")[1]; int intValue; var output = int.TryParse(value, out intValue); if (value.Length == 9 && output) { currentPassport.passportId = value; } } if (item.Contains("cid:")) { currentPassport.countryId = int.Parse(item.Split(":")[1]); } } if (currentPassport.IsValid()) { count += 1; } } Console.WriteLine("part 2 " + count); }
static void Part1(string[] passports) { Console.WriteLine(passports.Count(x => Passport.TryParse(x))); }
public static List <Passport> Parse(List <string> inp) { var passports = new List <Passport>(); var tempPassword = new Passport(); foreach (var item in inp) { var temp = item.Split(' '); foreach (var item2 in temp) { var valuePairs = item2.Split(':'); switch (valuePairs[0]) { case "byr": tempPassword.Byr = int.Parse(valuePairs[1]); break; case "iyr": tempPassword.Iyr = int.Parse(valuePairs[1]); break; case "eyr": tempPassword.Eyr = int.Parse(valuePairs[1]); break; case "hgt": tempPassword.Hgt = valuePairs[1]; break; case "hcl": tempPassword.Hcl = valuePairs[1]; break; case "ecl": tempPassword.Ecl = valuePairs[1]; break; case "pid": tempPassword.Pid = valuePairs[1]; break; case "cid": tempPassword.Cid = valuePairs[1]; break; default: break; } } if (item.Length == 0) { passports.Add(tempPassword); tempPassword = new Passport(); } } passports.Add(tempPassword); return(passports); }