/// <summary>
        /// Write a DynamicMethod call by creating and injecting a custom delegate in the proxyType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="il">LazyILGenerator instance</param>
        /// <param name="dynamicMethod">Dynamic method to get called</param>
        /// <param name="proxyType">ProxyType builder</param>
        internal static void WriteDynamicMethodCall(this LazyILGenerator il, DynamicMethod dynamicMethod, TypeBuilder proxyType)
            // We create a custom delegate inside the module builder
            CreateDelegateTypeFor(proxyType, dynamicMethod, out Type delegateType, out MethodInfo invokeMethod);
            int index;

            lock (_dynamicMethods)
                index = _dynamicMethods.Count - 1;

            // We fill the DelegateCache<> for that custom type with the delegate instance
            MethodInfo fillDelegateMethodInfo = typeof(DuckType.DelegateCache <>).MakeGenericType(delegateType).GetMethod("FillDelegate", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

            fillDelegateMethodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { index });

            // We get the delegate instance and load it in to the stack before the parameters (at the begining of the IL body)
            il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, typeof(DuckType.DelegateCache <>).MakeGenericType(delegateType).GetMethod("GetDelegate"), null);

            // We emit the call to the delegate invoke method.
            il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, invokeMethod, null);
Esempio n. 2
        private static MethodBuilder GetPropertySetMethod(TypeBuilder proxyTypeBuilder, Type targetType, MemberInfo proxyMember, PropertyInfo targetProperty, FieldInfo instanceField)
            string proxyMemberName = null;

            Type[] proxyParameterTypes   = Type.EmptyTypes;
            Type[] targetParametersTypes = GetPropertySetParametersTypes(proxyTypeBuilder, targetProperty, true).ToArray();

            if (proxyMember is PropertyInfo proxyProperty)
                proxyMemberName     = proxyProperty.Name;
                proxyParameterTypes = GetPropertySetParametersTypes(proxyTypeBuilder, proxyProperty, true).ToArray();
                if (proxyParameterTypes.Length != targetParametersTypes.Length)
            else if (proxyMember is FieldInfo proxyField)
                proxyMemberName     = proxyField.Name;
                proxyParameterTypes = new Type[] { proxyField.FieldType };
                if (proxyParameterTypes.Length != targetParametersTypes.Length)

            MethodBuilder proxyMethod = proxyTypeBuilder.DefineMethod(
                "set_" + proxyMemberName,
                MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.Final | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.Virtual,

            LazyILGenerator il           = new LazyILGenerator(proxyMethod.GetILGenerator());
            MethodInfo      targetMethod = targetProperty.SetMethod;

            // Load the instance if needed
            if (!targetMethod.IsStatic)
                il.Emit(instanceField.FieldType.IsValueType ? OpCodes.Ldflda : OpCodes.Ldfld, instanceField);

            // Load the indexer keys and set value to the stack
            for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < proxyParameterTypes.Length; pIndex++)
                Type proxyParamType  = proxyParameterTypes[pIndex];
                Type targetParamType = targetParametersTypes[pIndex];

                // Check if the type can be converted of if we need to enable duck chaining
                if (NeedsDuckChaining(targetParamType, proxyParamType))
                    // Load the argument and cast it as Duck type
                    il.WriteLoadArgument(pIndex, false);
                    il.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, typeof(IDuckType));

                    // Call IDuckType.Instance property to get the actual value
                    il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, DuckTypeInstancePropertyInfo.GetMethod, null);

                    targetParamType = typeof(object);
                    il.WriteLoadArgument(pIndex, false);

                // If the target parameter type is public or if it's by ref we have to actually use the original target type.
                targetParamType = UseDirectAccessTo(proxyTypeBuilder, targetParamType) || targetParamType.IsByRef ? targetParamType : typeof(object);
                il.WriteTypeConversion(proxyParamType, targetParamType);

                targetParametersTypes[pIndex] = targetParamType;

            // Call the setter method
            if (UseDirectAccessTo(proxyTypeBuilder, targetType))
                // If the instance is public we can emit directly without any dynamic method

                if (targetMethod.IsPublic)
                    // We can emit a normal call if we have a public instance with a public property method.
                    il.EmitCall(targetMethod.IsStatic ? OpCodes.Call : OpCodes.Callvirt, targetMethod, null);
                    // In case we have a public instance and a non public property method we can use [Calli] with the function pointer
                // If the instance is not public we need to create a Dynamic method to overpass the visibility checks
                // we can't access non public types so we have to cast to object type (in the instance object and the return type).

                string dynMethodName = $"_setNonPublicProperty+{targetProperty.DeclaringType.Name}.{targetProperty.Name}";

                // We create the dynamic method
                Type[]        targetParameters = GetPropertySetParametersTypes(proxyTypeBuilder, targetProperty, false, !targetMethod.IsStatic).ToArray();
                Type[]        dynParameters    = targetMethod.IsStatic ? targetParametersTypes : (new[] { typeof(object) }).Concat(targetParametersTypes).ToArray();
                DynamicMethod dynMethod        = new DynamicMethod(dynMethodName, typeof(void), dynParameters, proxyTypeBuilder.Module, true);

                // Emit the dynamic method body
                LazyILGenerator dynIL = new LazyILGenerator(dynMethod.GetILGenerator());

                if (!targetMethod.IsStatic)
                    dynIL.LoadInstanceArgument(typeof(object), targetProperty.DeclaringType);

                for (int idx = targetMethod.IsStatic ? 0 : 1; idx < dynParameters.Length; idx++)
                    dynIL.WriteLoadArgument(idx, true);
                    dynIL.WriteTypeConversion(dynParameters[idx], targetParameters[idx]);

                dynIL.EmitCall(targetMethod.IsStatic ? OpCodes.Call : OpCodes.Callvirt, targetMethod, null);

                // Create and load delegate for the DynamicMethod
                il.WriteDynamicMethodCall(dynMethod, proxyTypeBuilder);

            _methodBuilderGetToken.Invoke(proxyMethod, null);
Esempio n. 3
        private static MethodBuilder GetFieldSetMethod(TypeBuilder proxyTypeBuilder, Type targetType, MemberInfo proxyMember, FieldInfo targetField, FieldInfo instanceField)
            string proxyMemberName       = proxyMember.Name;
            Type   proxyMemberReturnType = proxyMember is PropertyInfo pinfo ? pinfo.PropertyType : proxyMember is FieldInfo finfo ? finfo.FieldType : typeof(object);

            MethodBuilder method = proxyTypeBuilder.DefineMethod(
                "set_" + proxyMemberName,
                MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.Final | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.Virtual,
                new[] { proxyMemberReturnType });

            LazyILGenerator il = new LazyILGenerator(method.GetILGenerator());
            Type            currentValueType = proxyMemberReturnType;

            // Load instance
            if (!targetField.IsStatic)
                il.Emit(instanceField.FieldType.IsValueType ? OpCodes.Ldflda : OpCodes.Ldfld, instanceField);

            // Check if the type can be converted of if we need to enable duck chaining
            if (NeedsDuckChaining(targetField.FieldType, proxyMemberReturnType))
                // Load the argument and convert it to Duck type
                il.WriteTypeConversion(proxyMemberReturnType, typeof(IDuckType));

                // Call IDuckType.Instance property to get the actual value
                il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, DuckTypeInstancePropertyInfo.GetMethod, null);

                currentValueType = typeof(object);
                // Load the value into the stack

            // We set the field value
            if (UseDirectAccessTo(proxyTypeBuilder, targetType) && targetField.IsPublic)
                // If the instance and the field are public then is easy to set.
                il.WriteTypeConversion(currentValueType, targetField.FieldType);

                il.Emit(targetField.IsStatic ? OpCodes.Stsfld : OpCodes.Stfld, targetField);
                // If the instance or the field are non public we need to create a Dynamic method to overpass the visibility checks

                string dynMethodName = $"_setField_{targetField.DeclaringType.Name}_{targetField.Name}";

                // Convert the field type for the dynamic method
                Type dynValueType = UseDirectAccessTo(proxyTypeBuilder, targetField.FieldType) ? targetField.FieldType : typeof(object);
                il.WriteTypeConversion(currentValueType, dynValueType);

                // Create dynamic method
                Type[]        dynParameters = targetField.IsStatic ? new[] { dynValueType } : new[] { typeof(object), dynValueType };
                DynamicMethod dynMethod     = new DynamicMethod(dynMethodName, typeof(void), dynParameters, proxyTypeBuilder.Module, true);

                // Write the dynamic method body
                LazyILGenerator dynIL = new LazyILGenerator(dynMethod.GetILGenerator());

                if (targetField.IsStatic)
                    dynIL.WriteTypeConversion(dynValueType, targetField.FieldType);
                    dynIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, targetField);
                    if (targetField.DeclaringType != typeof(object))
                        dynIL.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, targetField.DeclaringType);

                    dynIL.WriteTypeConversion(dynValueType, targetField.FieldType);
                    dynIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, targetField);


                // Emit the call to the dynamic method
                il.WriteDynamicMethodCall(dynMethod, proxyTypeBuilder);

            _methodBuilderGetToken.Invoke(method, null);