static void create_node(linkedList pList)
        bool returnVal = true;
        int list_returnval = 0;
        string command;
        int key = 0;

        //ask user for input
        Console.Write("Enter Key Value:");
        command = Console.ReadLine();
        returnVal = Int32.TryParse(command, out key);
        //check to see if number is valid
        if (returnVal == false)
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Invalid input, enter number only!");
        //otherwise, create new node
        list_returnval = (int)pList.create_node(key);
        //see if the node was created
        if (list_returnval == (int)linkedList_return.CREATE_FAILED_DUPLICATE_KEY)
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Could not create node, duplicate key found");
            Console.WriteLine("Node created successfully!");