private void buttonEncrypte_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region --[this should be replaced after testing all key 1111111 output 1]--
            //    EncryptionRSA rsa = new EncryptionRSA();

            //    string CompositeKey = rsa.KeyGenrator();
            //    string[] stArray = CompositeKey.Split('.');
            //    textBoxPublicKey.Text = stArray[0];
            //    textBoxPrivateKeyE.Text = stArray[1];
            //    MessageBox.Show("Exeption Occured");

                EncryptionRSA  rsa      = new EncryptionRSA();
                TypeConversion tp       = new TypeConversion();
                RSAKeys        rks      = new RSAKeys();
                int            keyPropf = rks.ValidatePublicKeys(textBoxPublicKey.Text);
                if (keyPropf == 0)
                    int b, a = 1;
                    b = a / keyPropf;
                richTextBoxEncrypte.Text             = rsa.Encryptor(tp.CharToInt(richTextBoxEncrypte.Text), textBoxPublicKey.Text);
                buttonEncrypte.Enabled               = false;
                buttonProceedeForCompression.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                buttonProceedeForCompression.Enabled = false;
                buttonEncrypte.Enabled = true;
                MessageBox.Show("System Can Not Encryte Your Message \n\nExplanation:\nPlease there must be text in the main text and\nGenrate/Enter correct Public Key in the respected text box\n\nExeption  :  " + ex.Message + "\n\nPress OK to proceede");
            #region --[this aslo belong to region 1111 output and work with it]--
            //buttonSaveEncryptedCompressedText.Visible = true;
            //buttonEncrypte.Visible = false;