public Vector3 CheckCollisionNormal(ScreenModel CheckArg)
            Vector3 Test = Vector3.Zero;
            if (CheckArg.CollisionType == ObjectTypes.Box)
                if (this.CollisionType == ObjectTypes.Box)
                    Test = this.CheckBBArray(CheckArg.MovingBoxes, CheckArg.Velocity);

            return (Test);
        public void ApplyBounce(ScreenModel CheckArg)
            //stores the velocity
            Vector3 StoreVelocity = this.Velocity;

            //Moves the object backwards
            this.MoveModelBox(this.Velocity * -1);

            /*this will figure out which axises the object has to change direction in*/
            //checks the X-axis
            this.MoveModelBox(new Vector3(Velocity.X, 0, 0));
            bool intersected = (CheckArg == null) ? false : CheckCollision(CheckArg);
            if (intersected)
                this.MoveModelBox(new Vector3(Velocity.X * -1, 0, 0));
                Velocity.X *= -1;

            //checks the Y-axis
            this.MoveModelBox(new Vector3(0, Velocity.Y, 0));
            intersected = (CheckArg == null) ? ((Position.Y - ((this.CollisionType == ObjectTypes.Sphere) ? this.GetBoundingSpheres().Radius : DataValues.VectorDistance(this.GetBoundingBoxes().Max - this.Position)) <= 0) ? true : false) : CheckCollision(CheckArg);
            if (intersected)
                this.MoveModelBox(new Vector3(0, Velocity.Y * -1, 0));
                Velocity.Y *= -1;
                FallCntr = 1;

            //checks the Z-axis
            this.MoveModelBox(new Vector3(0, 0, Velocity.Z));
            intersected = (CheckArg == null) ? false : CheckCollision(CheckArg);
            if (intersected)
                this.MoveModelBox(new Vector3(0, 0, Velocity.Z * -1));
                Velocity.Z *= -1;

            //will apply friction only to axises that changed direction
            if (Velocity.X == StoreVelocity.X * -1)
                this.Velocity.X *= this.Bounce;
            if (Velocity.Y == StoreVelocity.Y * -1)
                this.Velocity.Y *= this.Bounce;
            if (Velocity.Z == StoreVelocity.Z * -1)
                this.Velocity.Z *= this.Bounce;

            //will stop objects if they are moving too slowly
            if (Math.Abs(this.Velocity.X) < .0001f)
                this.Velocity.X = 0;
            if (Math.Abs(this.Velocity.Z) < .0001f)
                this.Velocity.Z = 0;
            //if (this.FallCntr < 5)
                //this.Velocity.Y = 0;
 //uses a series of checks to determine the best method to call for checking collisions, based on the collision type selected
 public bool CheckCollision(ScreenModel CheckArg)
     bool Test = false;
     if (CheckArg.CollisionType == ObjectTypes.Box)
         if (this.CollisionType == ObjectTypes.Box)
             Test = this.CheckBBArray(CheckArg.MovingBoxes);
         if (this.CollisionType == ObjectTypes.Sphere)
             Test = this.CheckBoundingSpheres(CheckArg.MovingBoxes);
     else if (CheckArg.CollisionType == ObjectTypes.Sphere)
         if (this.CollisionType == ObjectTypes.Box)
             Test = this.CheckBBArray(CheckArg.GetBoundingSpheres());
         if (this.CollisionType == ObjectTypes.Sphere)
             Test = this.CheckBoundingSpheres(CheckArg.GetBoundingSpheres());
     return (Test);
        //method that provides logic in picking up/dropping of an object, called in main program
        public void DeterminePickUp()
            //uses a local variable so that this.HoldingObject is not changing unless someone presses F
            ScreenModel ThisModel=null;
            //one cannot hold multiple/different objects
            if (!HoldingObjectTrue)
                ThisModel = ObjectIsInfront();
            else if (DataValues.IsPressed(Keys.F))

            if (ThisModel != null)
                //as this method will also return objects that are not pickup-able (like special "Action" objects) this check is needed
                if ((ThisModel.PickUpable == true)||(IsForgeModeRunning))
                    if (((!GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndexValue).IsConnected) && (((DataValues.IsPressed(Keys.F)) && (!LastState.IsKeyDown(Keys.F)))) ||
                        ((GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndexValue).IsConnected) && (((GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndexValue).IsButtonDown(Buttons.X)) && (!GamePadLastState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.X)))))))
                        this.HoldingObject = ThisModel;
                        //1st hit, pick it up
                        if (!HoldingObjectTrue)
                        //2nd hit, drop the object
 public static void UpdateActions(ScreenModel ThisModel)
     if (ThisModel.GetType() == typeof(Wall))
     if (ThisModel.GetType() == typeof(Door))
     if (ThisModel.GetType() == typeof(Light))
 //---------------------------------------protype copy
 public bool CheckEitherSurroundings(ScreenModel CheckArg, ScreenModel PCheckArg)
     //loop that checks the list for chrashing collisions
     for (int cntr = 0; cntr < NearObjects.Count; cntr++)
         //Check this logic out...try using the series of bounding boxes
         if ((NearObjects[cntr].CheckCollision(CheckArg)) && (NearObjects[cntr] != CheckArg) && (NearObjects[cntr] != PCheckArg))
             //allows us to move moving objects
             return (false);
     return (true);
        //-----------------------------------end prototype
        //awesomeness; if an object is moveable and is moving and pushes the person with force, then move the person!
        public void CheckMovingOjects(ScreenModel CheckArg)
            if ((CheckArg.Moveable)&&(CheckArg.Velocity!=Vector3.Zero))
                //moves camera and entities with it
                PersonalShield.Center = Position + CheckArg.Velocity;
                CameraPosition += CheckArg.Velocity;
                Position = CameraPosition + DataValues.CameraModelOffSet;
                //moves the object based on any forced applied by the user, running in the opposite direction
                //for (int counter = 0; counter < DataValues.MovePrecision; counter++)
            //move objects that can be moved when I apply force to them
            if ((CheckArg.Moveable) && (CheckArg.Velocity == Vector3.Zero))
                //for (int counter = 0; counter < DataValues.MovePrecision; counter++)

                CheckEitherSurroundings(CheckArg, PCheckArg);
                PCheckArg = CheckArg;
 //overloads the compare to method
 public int CompareTo(object Object)
     //if these are the same object (same memory reference) then return 0
     if (Object == this)
         return (0);
     //if not, return -1 as I don't care if it's located or not
     return (-1);
 //to generically find a door
 public static bool FindTypeOfDoor(ScreenModel Test)
     if (Test.GetType() == typeof(Door))
         return (true);
         return (false);
 public static Vector3 FindCenterRoom(ScreenModel screenModel)
     //throw new NotImplementedException();
     if (screenModel != null)
         return (screenModel.Position);
         return (Vector3.Zero);
 //method that checks if the object is visibly in front of the user
 private bool ObjectIsInfront(ScreenModel ToTestPickUp)
     //use reticule
     if (Math.Abs(ToTestPickUp.Position.X) >= Math.Abs(this.Position.X))
         if (Math.Abs(ToTestPickUp.Position.Y) >= Math.Abs(this.Position.Y))
             if (Math.Abs(ToTestPickUp.Position.Z) >= Math.Abs(this.Position.Z))
                 return (true);
     return (true);
        //method that provides logic in picking up/dropping of an object
        private void DeterminePickUp(ScreenModel ToTestPickUp)
            //Console.WriteLine("Key Hit: "+GameRef.MyScreen.KeyHasBeenPressed(Keys.E));
            //first tests if the object can be picked up and if the object is infront of the user
            if ((ToTestPickUp.PickUpable)&&(ObjectIsInfront(ToTestPickUp)))
                //for picking up/putting down objects ||
                //for picking up/putting down objects, with the E button
                (((!GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndexValue).IsConnected) && (GameRef.MyScreen.KeyHasBeenPressed(Keys.E)))
                    ||((GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndexValue).IsConnected) && (GameRef.MyScreen.ButtonHasBeenPressed(Buttons.X))))
                if ((!GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndexValue).IsConnected) && (Mouse.GetState().LeftButton==ButtonState.Pressed))
                    //||((GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndexValue).IsConnected) && (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndexValue).Triggers.Right==))
                    Console.WriteLine("Getting Past IF");
                    //1st hit, pick it up
                    if (!HoldingObjectTrue)
                        //changes the sign of the bool
                        HoldingObjectTrue = true;
                        //object is now held under a new name
                        this.HoldingObject = ToTestPickUp;
                        //the object's position is infront of you by a set distance infront of you
                        HoldingObject.Position = this.Position + HoldingObjectOffSet;

                        //MOVE BOUNDING BOX WITH OBJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    //2nd hit, drop the object
                        HoldingObjectTrue = false;

        //awesomeness; if an object is moveable and is moving and pushes the person with force, then move the person!
        private void CheckMovingOjects(ScreenModel CheckArg)
            if ((CheckArg.Moveable)&&(CheckArg.Velocity!=Vector3.Zero))

                //moves camera and entities with it
                PersonalShield.Center = Position + CheckArg.Velocity;
                CameraPosition += CheckArg.Velocity;
                Position = CameraPosition + CameraModelOffSet;
                //moves the object based on any forced applied by the user, running in the opposite direction
                //updating the drawing is not actually needed, as it is handled by the game's drawing code
            //move objects that can be moved when I apply force to them
            if ((CheckArg.Moveable) && (CheckArg.Velocity == Vector3.Zero))