public override void Load(Keys Keys = null)

            DataTable Dt;
            if (Keys == null)
                List<QueryParameter> Sp = new List<QueryParameter>();
                Sp.Add(new QueryParameter("@ID", 0));
                Dt = Do_Methods_Query.ExecuteQuery("usp_Rights_Details_Load", Sp).Tables[0];
                Int64 ID = 0;
                { ID = Keys["RightsID"]; }
                catch { }
                List<QueryParameter> Sp = new List<QueryParameter>();
                Sp.Add(new QueryParameter("@ID", ID));
                Dt = Do_Methods_Query.ExecuteQuery("usp_Rights_Details_Load", Sp).Tables[0];

            this.pTableDetail_Set("Rights_Details", Dt);
        public override void Load(Keys Keys = null)

            List<string> KeyNames = new List<string>();
            Keys = this.GetKeys(this.pDr, KeyNames);
        public override void Load(Keys Keys = null)

            List<string> KeyNames = new List<string>();
            Keys = this.GetKeys(this.pDr, KeyNames);
        public override void Load(Keys Keys = null)
            //Interface_DataAccess Da = this.CreateDataAccess();
            //try { base.Load(Da, Keys); }
            //catch (Exception Ex) { throw Ex; }
            //finally { Da.Close(); }

        public override void Load(Keys Keys, Base Obj_Parent = null)
            base.Load(Keys, Obj_Parent);

            DataRow[] ArrDr = this.pDt_List.Select("", "OrderIndex");
            int Ct = 0;
            foreach (DataRow Dr in ArrDr)
                Dr["OrderIndex"] = Ct;

            this.pDt_List.DefaultView.Sort = "OrderIndex";
Esempio n. 6
        public override void Load(Keys Keys, DataObjects_Framework.BaseObjects.Base Obj_Parent = null)
            Interface_DataAccess Da = Do_Methods.CreateDataAccess();

                if (this.mIsCache)
                { Da.Connect(Do_Methods.Convert_String(Do_Globals.gSettings.pCollection[Layer01_Constants.CnsConnectionString_Cache])); }
                { Da.Connect(); }

                base.Load(Da, Keys, Obj_Parent);
            catch (Exception Ex) { throw Ex; }
            finally { Da.Close(); }
        public override void Load(Keys Keys = null)

            Int64 ID = 0;
            if (Keys != null)
                try { ID = Keys["RecruitmentTestRightsID"]; }
                catch { }

            List<QueryParameter> Params = new List<QueryParameter>();
            Params.Add(new QueryParameter("ID", ID));
            DataTable Dt;
            Dt = Do_Methods_Query.ExecuteQuery("usp_RecruitmentTestRights_Details_Load", Params).Tables[0];

            this.pTableDetail_Set("RecruitmentTestRights_Details", Dt);
        void Save()
            ClsUser Obj_User = new ClsUser();
            Keys Key = new Keys();
            Key.Add(Obj_User.pHeader_TableKey, this.Master.pCurrentUser.pUserID);

            Obj_User.pDr["Password"] = this.Txt_Password.Text;



            Hashtable Ht = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
            Ht.Add("IsSave", true);

            this.Session[Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsSession_TmpObj] = Ht;

            string Url = this.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
        public override void Load(Keys Keys = null)


            //foreach (DataRow Dr in this.pDt_ContactPerson.Rows)
            //    ClsPerson Inner_Obj = new ClsPerson(this.mCurrentUser);
            //    Keys Inner_Keys = null;
            //    Int64 Inner_PersonID = Convert.ToInt64(Do_Methods.IsNull(Dr["PersonID"], 0));

            //    if (Inner_PersonID != 0)
            //    {
            //        Inner_Keys = new Keys();
            //        Inner_Keys.Add("PersonID", Inner_PersonID);
            //    }

            //    Inner_Obj.Load(Inner_Keys);
            //    this.mBO_Details_Person.Add(Convert.ToInt64(Do_Methods.IsNull(Dr["TmpKey"], 0)).ToString(), Inner_Obj);
        public static bool CheckSeriesDuplicate(
            string TableName
            , string SeriesField
            , Keys Keys
            , string SeriesNo)
            bool Rv = false;
            DataTable Dt;

            StringBuilder Sb_Query_Key = new StringBuilder();
            string Query_Key = "";
            string Query_And = "";

            if (Keys != null)
                foreach (string Inner_Key in Keys.pName)
                    Sb_Query_Key.Append(Query_And + " " + Inner_Key + " = " + Keys[Inner_Key]);
                    Query_And = " And ";

            Query_Key = " 1 = 1 ";
            if (Sb_Query_Key.ToString() != "")
            { Query_Key = "(Not (" + Sb_Query_Key.ToString() + "))"; }

            Dt = Do_Methods_Query.GetQuery(
                "[" + TableName + "]"
                , "Count(1) As [Ct]"
                , Query_Key + " And " + SeriesField + " = '" + SeriesNo + "'");
            if (Dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (Do_Methods.Convert_Int64(Dt.Rows[0][0]) > 0)
                { Rv = true; }

            //True means duplicates have been found
            return Rv;
        protected override void DeleteRecord(long KeyID)
            Customer DeleteRecord Rights
            A Question Record can be deleted by:
                The user who created the record and has the Delete Rights and the record is not approved.
                A user who has the Delete and View Rights and the record is not approved.

            Keys ClsKey = new Keys();
            ClsKey.Add("RecruitmentTestQuestionsID", Convert.ToInt64(KeyID));

            ClsQuestion Obj_Question = new ClsQuestion(this.pCurrentUser);

            if (this.pCurrentUser.CheckAccess(Layer02_Constants.eSystem_Modules.Question, Layer02_Constants.eAccessLib.eAccessLib_Delete))
                Int64 CurrentUserID = Do_Methods.Convert_Int64(this.pCurrentUser.pDrUser["RecruitmentTestUserID"], 0);
                Int64 OwnerUserID = Do_Methods.Convert_Int64(Obj_Question.pDr["RecruitmentTestUserID_CreatedBy"], 0);
                bool IsApproved = Do_Methods.Convert_Boolean(Obj_Question.pDr["IsApproved"]);

                if (!
                                (CurrentUserID == OwnerUserID)
                                || (this.pCurrentUser.CheckAccess(Layer02_Constants.eSystem_Modules.Question, Layer02_Constants.eAccessLib.eAccessLib_View))
                            && (!IsApproved)
                { this.Show_EventMsg("You can't delete this question.", ClsBaseMain_Master.eStatus.Event_Error); }
                { Obj_Question.Delete(); }
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the List with the supplied Key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Keys">
 /// Key object to use, if null, it implies to create a new data object.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="Obj_Parent">
 /// The Parent Data Object.
 /// </param>
 public override void Load(Keys Keys, Base Obj_Parent = null)
         this.Load(this.mDa, Keys, Obj_Parent);
     catch (Exception Ex) { throw Ex; }
     finally { this.mDa.Close(); }
Esempio n. 13
        public override void Load(Keys Keys)
            String Condition = "";
            if (this.mLookupID != 0)
            { Condition = "LookupID = " + this.mLookupID.ToString(); }

            this.mDt_List.Columns.Add("IsDuplicate", typeof(Boolean));
Esempio n. 14
        protected override void Save_Add()
            if (this.mLookupID == 0)
                foreach (DataRow Dr in base.mDt_List.Rows)
                    ClsRowProperty Rp = new ClsRowProperty(this.mCurrentUser);
                    Keys Keys = new Keys();

                    Int64 RowPropertyID = Do_Methods.Convert_Int64(Dr["RowPropertyID"]);
                    if (RowPropertyID == 0)
                    { Keys = null; }
                    { Keys.Add("RowPropertyID", RowPropertyID); }


                    Rp.pDr["Code"] = Do_Methods.Convert_String(Dr["Code"]);
                    Rp.pDr["Remarks"] = Do_Methods.Convert_String(Dr["Desc"]);

                    Dr["RowPropertyID"] = Rp.pDr["RowPropertyID"];
                foreach (DataRow Dr in base.mDt_List.Rows)
                { Dr["LookupID"] = this.mLookupID; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the List with the supplied Key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Da">
        /// An open DataAccess Object to be used.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Keys">
        /// Key object to use, if null, it implies to create a new data object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Obj_Parent">
        /// The Parent Data Object.
        /// </param>
        public override void Load(DataAccess.Interface_DataAccess Da, Keys Keys, Base Obj_Parent = null)
            if (Keys == null)
            { this.New(); }
                QueryCondition Qc = this.mDa.CreateQueryCondition();
                foreach (string KeyName in Keys.pName)
                { Qc.Add(KeyName, Keys[KeyName].ToString(), typeof(Int64).ToString(), "0"); }

                if (this.mQc_LoadCondition != null)
                    foreach (QueryCondition.Str_QueryCondition Str_Qc in this.mQc_LoadCondition.pList)
                    { Qc.pList.Add(Str_Qc); }

                this.Load(Da, Qc);

            if (this.mBase_ListObject != null)
                foreach (BaseListObject Lo in this.mBase_ListObject)
                { Lo.Load(Da, Keys); }

            this.mObj_Parent = Obj_Parent;
Esempio n. 16
        public void Login_Mayari(Int64 MayariID)
            Keys Key = new Keys();
            Key.Add("MayariID", MayariID);

            ClsMayari Obj_Mayari = new ClsMayari(null);

            this.mDr_Mayari = Obj_Mayari.pDr;
            this.pIsLoggedIn = true;
        protected virtual void Delete()
            Int64 KeyID = this.pObj_Base.pID;
            Keys ClsKey = new Keys();
            ClsKey.Add(this.pObj_Base.pHeader_TableKey, KeyID);

            Base Obj_Base = (Base)Activator.CreateInstance(this.pObj_Base.GetType(), new object[] { this.pCurrentUser });
        public override void Load(Keys Keys = null)


            Int64 ContactPersonID = Convert.ToInt64(Do_Methods.IsNull(this.pDr["ContactPersonID"], 0));

            if (ContactPersonID != 0)
                Keys = new Keys();
                Keys.Add("ContactPersonID", ContactPersonID);
            { Keys = null; }


            //this.mObj_ShippingAddress.Load(Keys, this);


            //foreach (DataRow Dr in this.pDt_ShippingAddress.Rows)
            //    ClsAddress Inner_Obj = new ClsAddress(this.mCurrentUser);
            //    Keys Inner_Keys = null;
            //    Int64 Inner_ID = Convert.ToInt64(Do_Methods.IsNull(Dr["AddressID"], 0));
            //    if (Inner_ID != 0)
            //    {
            //        Inner_Keys = new Keys();
            //        Inner_Keys.Add("AddressID", Inner_ID);
            //    }
            //    Inner_Obj.Load(Inner_Keys);
            //    this.mBO_ShippingAddress_Address.Add(Convert.ToInt64(Do_Methods.IsNull(Dr["TmpKey"], 0)).ToString(), Inner_Obj);
        public void DeleteRecord(Int64 KeyID)
            if (this.mProperties.DataSourceType != eDataSourceType.FromBase)
            { return; }

            if (!this.pCurrentUser.CheckAccess(this.pSystem_ModulesID, Layer02_Constants.eAccessLib.eAccessLib_Delete))
            { throw new CustomException("You have no rights to delete this record."); }

            Keys ClsKey = new Keys();
            ClsKey.Add(this.pProperties.BindDefinition.KeyName, Convert.ToInt64(KeyID));

            Base Obj_Base = (Base)Activator.CreateInstance(this.mObj_Base.GetType(), new object[] { this.pCurrentUser });

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the defined Data Object Table Detail
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ObjectName">
        /// The source data object of the Table Detail
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Keys">
        /// The ClsKey object to use
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Condition">
        /// Additional conditions to be used in fetching the data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ForeignKeys">
        /// Custom defined Keys of the Table Detail
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable Load_TableDetails(string ObjectName, Keys Keys, string Condition, List<Do_Constants.Str_ForeignKeyRelation> ForeignKeys)
            StringBuilder Sb_Condition = new StringBuilder();
            DataTable Dt;

            if (Keys == null)
            { Dt = this.GetQuery(this.Connection, ObjectName, "*", "1 = 0"); }
                string Inner_Condition_And = "";
                bool IsStart = false;
                foreach (string Inner_Key in Keys.pName)
                    Sb_Condition.Append(Inner_Condition_And + " " + Inner_Key + " = " + Keys[Inner_Key]);
                    if (!IsStart) Inner_Condition_And = " And ";
                    IsStart = true;

                string OtherCondition = "";
                if (Condition != "") OtherCondition = " And " + Condition;

                Dt = this.GetQuery(this.Connection, ObjectName, "*", Sb_Condition.ToString() + OtherCondition);

                if (ForeignKeys == null)
                    string Inner_Condition_And = "";
                    bool IsStart = false;
                    foreach (string Inner_Key in Keys.pName)
                        Sb_Condition.Append(Inner_Condition_And + " " + Inner_Key + " = " + Keys[Inner_Key]);
                        if (!IsStart) { Inner_Condition_And = " And "; }
                        IsStart = true;
                    string Inner_Condition_And = "";
                    bool IsStart = false;
                    foreach (string Inner_Key in Keys.pName)
                        Do_Constants.Str_ForeignKeyRelation Fk = ForeignKeys.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Parent_Key == Inner_Key);

                        if (Fk.Parent_Key == string.Empty) { throw new Exception("All foreign keys must match the parent keys."); }

                        Sb_Condition.Append(Inner_Condition_And + " " + Fk.Child_Key + " = " + Keys[Inner_Key]);
                        if (!IsStart) { Inner_Condition_And = " And "; }
                        IsStart = true;

                string OtherCondition = "";
                if (Condition != "") { OtherCondition = " And " + Condition; }

                Dt = this.GetQuery(this.Connection, ObjectName, "*", Sb_Condition.ToString() + OtherCondition);

            return Dt;
        public DataTable Load_TableDetails(string ObjectName, Keys Keys, string Condition, List<Do_Constants.Str_ForeignKeyRelation> ForeignKeys)
            Connection_Wcf Cn = null;
            if (this.mConnection == null)
                Cn = new Connection_Wcf();
            { Cn = this.mConnection; }

            Do_Constants.Str_Request_Load Rl = new Do_Constants.Str_Request_Load();
            Rl.ObjectName = ObjectName;
            Rl.ForeignKeys = ForeignKeys;
            Rl.Condition = Condition;
            Rl.Key = Keys;
            Rl.ConnectionString = Cn.pConnectionString;

            Do_Constants.Str_Request_Session Rs = new Do_Constants.Str_Request_Session();
            Rs.SessionID = ClsDataAccess_Wcf_Session.Instance.pSessionID;

            Client_WcfService Client = Client_WcfService.CreateObject();
            String ResponseData = Client.Load_TableDetails(Rs, Rl);

            SimpleDataTable Sdt = SimpleDataTable.Deserialize(ResponseData);
            return Sdt.ToDataTable();
        void SetupPage()


            Int64 ID = Do_Methods.Convert_Int64(this.Request.QueryString["ID"]);
            this.pIsNew = ID == 0;



            this.Session[CnsBase + this.pObjID] = this.mObj_Base;

            ClsSysCurrentUser CurrentUser = this.Master.pCurrentUser;

            Keys Key = null;

            if (ID != 0)
                Key = new Keys();
                Key.Add(this.mObj_Base.pHeader_TableKey, ID);

Esempio n. 23
        public void LoadExam(Int64 ExamID, Int64 ItemsLimit)
            DataTable Dt_Exam = Do_Methods_Query.GetQuery("RecruitmentTestExams", "", "RecruitmentTestExamsID = " + ExamID);
            Int64 ApplicantID = 0;
            if (Dt_Exam.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.mDr_Exam = Dt_Exam.Rows[0];
                ApplicantID = Convert.ToInt64(Do_Methods.IsNull(this.mDr_Exam["RecruitmentTestApplicantID"], 0));
            { throw new Exception("Exam Data not found."); }

            Keys Key = new Keys();
            Key.Add("RecruitmentTestApplicantID", ApplicantID);

            this.mObj_Applicant = new ClsApplicant();

            DataSet Ds = this.mEm.LoadExam(ExamID);
            this.mDs = Ds;
            this.mDt_Question = Ds.Tables[0];
            this.mDt_Question_Answer = Ds.Tables[1];

            this.mDt_Question.Columns.Add("Ct", typeof(Int64));
            Int64 Ct = 0;
            foreach (DataRow Dr in this.mDt_Question.Rows)
                Dr["Ct"] = Ct;

            this.mDt_Question_Answer.Columns.Add("Ct", typeof(Int64));
            Ct = 0;
            foreach (DataRow Dr in this.mDt_Question_Answer.Rows)
                Dr["Ct"] = Ct;

            this.mItemsLimit = ItemsLimit;
            this.mItems = this.mDt_Question.Rows.Count;

            this.mPages = this.mItems / this.mItemsLimit;
            if (this.mItems % this.mItemsLimit > 0)
            { this.mPages++; }
        public override void Load(Keys Keys = null)


            Int64 QuestionID = Convert.ToInt64(Do_Methods.IsNull(this.pDr["RecruitmentTestQuestionsID"], 0));
            if (QuestionID != 0)
                Keys = new Keys();
                Keys.Add("Lkp_RecruitmentTestQuestionsID", QuestionID);
            { Keys = null; }

            this.mBL_QuestionAnswer.Load(Keys, this);

            //foreach (DataRow Dr in this.mBL_QuestionAnswer.pDt_List.Rows)
            //    ClsAnswer Inner_Obj = new ClsAnswer();
            //    ClsKeys Inner_Keys = null;
            //    Int64 Inner_ID = Convert.ToInt64(Do_Methods.IsNull(Dr["Lkp_RecruitmentTestAnswersID"], 0));

            //    if (Inner_ID != 0)
            //    {
            //        Inner_Keys = new ClsKeys();
            //        Inner_Keys.Add("RecruitmentTestAnswersID", Inner_ID);
            //    }

            //    Inner_Obj.Load(Inner_Keys);
            //    this.mBO_Answer.Add(Convert.ToInt64(Do_Methods.IsNull(Dr["TmpKey"], 0)).ToString(), Inner_Obj);

            //DataRow[] ArrDr = this.mBL_QuestionAnswer.pDt_List.Select("", "OrderIndex");
            //int Ct = 0;
            //foreach (DataRow Dr in ArrDr)
            //    Ct++;
            //    Dr["OrderIndex"] = Ct;

            //this.mBL_QuestionAnswer.pDt_List.DefaultView.Sort = "OrderIndex";
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the Data Object with the supplied Key,
        /// when loading table details, the framework assumes the foreign key field of the table detail is the same the parent table
        /// if not supplied by an explicit foreign key definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ObjectName">
        /// The source data object to be fetched
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="List_Key">
        /// The defined Key names of the data objects
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Keys">
        /// The ClsKey object to use
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataRow Load(string ObjectName, List<string> List_Key, Keys Keys)
            DataTable Dt;
            DataRow Dr;

            if (Keys == null)
                //Dr = this.GetQuery(this.Connection, ObjectName, "*", "1 = 0").NewRow();
                Dt = this.GetQuery(this.Connection, ObjectName, "*", "1 = 0");
                Dr = Dt.NewRow();
                StringBuilder Sb_Condition = new StringBuilder();

                if (Keys.Count() != List_Key.Count)
                { throw new Exception("Keys not equal to required keys."); }

                Sb_Condition.Append(" 1 = 1 ");
                foreach (string Inner_Key in List_Key)
                { Sb_Condition.Append(" And " + Inner_Key + " = " + Keys[Inner_Key]); }

                Dt = this.GetQuery(this.Connection, ObjectName, "*", Sb_Condition.ToString());
                if (Dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                { Dr = Dt.Rows[0]; }
                { throw new CustomException("Record not found."); }
            return Dr;
        public DataRow Load(string ObjectName, List<string> List_Key, Keys Keys)
            Connection_Wcf Cn = this.GetConnection();

            Do_Constants.Str_Request_Load Rl = new Do_Constants.Str_Request_Load();
            Rl.ObjectName = ObjectName;
            Rl.ObjectKeys = List_Key;
            Rl.Key = Keys;
            Rl.ConnectionString = Cn.pConnectionString;

            Do_Constants.Str_Request_Session Rs = new Do_Constants.Str_Request_Session();
            Rs.SessionID = ClsDataAccess_Wcf_Session.Instance.pSessionID;

            Client_WcfService Client = Client_WcfService.CreateObject();
            String ResponseData = Client.Load(Rs, Rl);

            SimpleDataRow Sdr = SimpleDataRow.Deserialize(ResponseData);
            return Sdr.ToDataRow();
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the table detail data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Da">
 /// An open DataAccess object from calling method
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="Keys">
 /// Key Object to use
 /// </param>
 public void Load(Interface_DataAccess Da, Keys Keys)
     this.mDt = Da.Load_TableDetails(this.mViewName, Keys, this.mOtherLoadCondition, this.mList_ForeignKey);